A grand and ancient planet is slowly rotating in this small starry sky.

The coercion of three secondary saints and one saint permeates the entire planet, and the weak who are suppressed cannot fly to the sky and escape.

The war between Tianluotian and Tianluotian has been going on for five years, and there is no winner yet. It seems that the ethnic group from the big starry sky is nothing more than this.

A powerful man with thunderous light steaming and lightning flowing all over his body, almost suffocating people, said with a cold snort.

This person is the master of Xiaolei's world.

Yeah, that Ye Jue is nothing more than that.

Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng said disdainfully.

Now, Tianluotian is fighting fiercely. Many big dragons are raising their heads and roaring, exuding terrifying pressure. This is the clash of magical powers and secrets, and occasionally the light of technology continues to shine.

Haha, one side of our small world is in trouble and has support from all sides. He can force him to do whatever he wants. As long as we unite, no one can be our opponent!

Another secondary saint became more and more ferocious, with a bad look on his face. He really wanted to catch Ye Jue, and then dissect his body to see what kind of monster it was that could rise so quickly.

They were puzzled and couldn't figure out why.

You know, the masters of their small world are all people who have experienced two eras, experienced great storms and waves, and still survived.

In terms of achievements alone, it can be said to be extraordinary, right?

Therefore, I would never have thought that there would be people of later generations who could surpass them, or even surpass them in terms of strength, with incomparable ferocity.

But no matter what, Tian Luotian really resisted this time.

Ye Jue led their camp and took the initiative to attack, but was suppressed.

This situation has made them very satisfied.

It can be said that he has overwhelmed this person in terms of momentum.

At this time, more and more evolutionists from Little Starry Sky got the news and immediately broke through the crystal wall and rushed over.

After all, the opportunity is too rare, and they all want to see what the owner of the big starry sky looks like.

Ye Jue, you are so audacious and have repeatedly provoked our small world and offended our pure land. Your army will be buried here today.

The second saint's voice caused an uproar under the starry sky.

In the current starry sky of the universe, the sub-saints and saints are the highest ceiling. It is simply impossible to see such characters appear.

Only a great war can see these ceilings.

What's more, Ye Jue's behavior was too cruel and he threatened to integrate all small worlds.

How could they be willing to do this?

We are not allowed to join forces directly to resist this evildoer.

Why hasn't this monster shown up yet? I have a hunch that this bastard might be planning something.

That's right, since the Tianluotian War broke out, this boy has disappeared. Why on earth?

Hmph, maybe he was afraid of us and hid.

The three secondary saints discussed.

This series of major events has attracted worldwide attention. Now that they are making harsh remarks, it will naturally spread very quickly.

One day later, news came that the tribe under the big starry sky was coming to Tianluotian again, and they stopped a wave of attacks again.

If we can block this wave of attacks, it will be enough to explain everything. More small world masters will join our alliance.

But who will be the leader of this alliance?

Nonsense, of course it's the Saint level, proud of China.

Ao Shenzhou? This invincible being was once as famous as many powerful monsters and strong men from the human race. Later, they all died, and only this one remained.

They nodded, the holy level was undoubtedly a back stone.

Ao Shenzhou is here!

The Lord of Xiaolei's World suddenly looked into the distance.

Ao Shenzhou's head was covered with a divine ring, his whole body was glowing, and his six-foot-long golden body was slowly flying towards him.

I saw and heard it. It was the sound of flapping wings, a metallic vibrating sound, vibrating violently.

Ao Shenzhou said coldly.

He could feel it, the void was trembling slightly, and a terrifying creature was coming from an unknown distance.

The wings of those creatures vibrate so fast that they resonate with terrifying energy.

Form a large formation immediately. We don't understand each other's methods, so we must proceed with caution.

Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng gave the order.

His body moved sideways, shrinking into an inch every time. From this planet, he quickly arrived at the front line.

The frontline attacks are very frequent, and extremely terrifying energy is exploding everywhere.

Okay, I've finished adjusting and replenished my energy. It's time to start killing. That woman named Minglou Xin, I will definitely capture her today!

He sneered and said, after careful observation, he could always kill with this secret technique.


After he pushed it forward with all his strength, it was a killing blow.


However, his fist struck the sacred tree armor.

The various runes on this armor were entangled, and thunderous divine sounds erupted, sending him flying instantly.

Damn the power of the sacred tree, if it weren't for this power, you would have been killed by me ten thousand times.

The little gun king Bai Yangsheng was extremely upset.

The woman in front of him was several levels inferior to him in strength.

Moreover, he obviously lacks combat experience and is a complete amateur.

But after many collisions, he discovered that the strength and skills of this woman named Minglou Xin were rapidly increasing.

After being tricked by him several times, I am now not fooled at all.

It seems your injury has healed.

Minglou Xin's speed is getting faster and faster. Her power is mainly based on speed, and the secret techniques she performs are all obtained from the sacred tree.

She believed that the secrets in the world could only be broken quickly.

Boom boom boom!!

In an instant, the two of them fought so hard that golden lightning and thunderous explosions erupted. It was so terrifying.

Of course, this is just one picture.

There are too many such battles, and the entire battlefield is a competition.

Something's wrong, something's wrong...

The Lord of Xiaolei's World murmured to himself.

I also discovered that after so many years of fighting, there were no casualties on the other side?

Ao Shenzhou frowned.

He grabbed hold of the martial artist closest to him, his face turned red, and he struggled continuously.

This is so powerful that it can capture a person easily by grabbing it into the void.


Then, he squeezed hard.

This person instantly turned into powder and became a piece of particles.


Ao Shenzhou said coldly.

This is……

The Lord of Xiaolei's World immediately widened his eyes.

Sure enough, those particles were all flying in the same direction.


He grabbed hard, but couldn't catch the particles at all.

This is what's wrong. With his strength, these low-end particles can be destroyed easily.

However, he couldn't catch it.


He performed secret magic.

However, it is still useless.

If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to spot such outrageous things.

Ao Shenzhou frowned.

Damn, we've been fighting for so many years, is the other side just trying to play house for us?

The other minor saints all had eyes twinkling in disbelief.

This truth is too hard to accept.

They originally saw hope, but it was extinguished in an instant.

It's the sacred tree. The World Tree is causing trouble, because the World Tree is the way of heaven. Now the tree spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and it will protect whoever it wants to protect.

Ao Shenzhou said.

Then what should we do? We are definitely going to lose.

The other minor saints all said bitterly.

Only the Earth God can do this kind of method. They are blessed by the Earth God and can be resurrected where they died. This is the orthodoxy of orthodoxy. Instead, we have become rebels and cannot even use the power of the divine tree.

The Lord of Xiaolei World sighed and said.

The only way now is to counterattack, rush under the starry sky, and defeat the tree spirits. Anyway, the World Tree will give birth to a soul every other era. According to our longevity, it will be easy to survive to the next era.

Ao Shenzhou said to them with a gloomy face.

Would you like to launch a large-scale attack? That's alright. Except for those in the Shura world, all the remaining small stars have joined our alliance.

The Second Saint nodded.

The number of evolvers can reach hundreds of billions. Now we are evenly matched with them. Surpassing them is not a problem.

The Lord of Xiaolei World nodded.

Well, let's start. This time the other party will have a big fight.

You actually want to counterattack the big starry sky, are you out of your mind?

Ye Jue looked at Tian Luotian.

The tree spirit allows him to hear the sounds of all the small worlds. Of course, he can designate people as he likes.

As long as this person is born from the World Tree, he will never escape his eyes and ears.

Slowly withdraw all ethnic groups. I will take advantage of the situation and pack up the rest of the small world.

He was speaking, like an ancient god whispering.

The ethnic leaders who received the order began to withdraw their troops from the front line.

In this scene, it seems that they were repelled and the reorganized attack was defeated by the opponent.

Hahaha, kill, chase!

Come into the big starry sky and see if they still dare to be rampant?

So what about the sacred tree armor? Our small world is invincible if we unite with powerful forces!

Soon, a whirlpool as dark as ink, and the hole that didn't know how it was formed appeared densely in the starry sky.

This is not a strange world, they just left their hometown. Without this accident, they may never see their 'mother' again.

The World Tree gave birth to all life, and everything that once existed here has perished. The most powerful gods have long since turned into dust, and everything has decayed.

This is the big starry sky...

People from these small worlds feel strange when they step into this place.

There is a feeling of returning to the hometown, even exaggerated, and I am still crying, which is very sad.

Countless black whirlpools are deep and slowly turning, one hundred million, one billion, tens of billions...

Their appearance made the leaves of the World Tree buzz, and patterns actually appeared, all of which were complex cloud patterns of life.

Don't be fooled. This is Ye Jue's trap. Our mission is to defeat the tree spirits and punish them by heaven. Don't forget your mission.

Ao Shenzhou and other minor saints all made their voices heard at this time.

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