Of course, these Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees are still in their infancy.

Think about it, the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree is an innate spiritual treasure and has disappeared long ago.

But it is not easy for him to copy and create it.

The suppression of Tianluotian has been going on for more than a year, and it's time to end it.

However, before that, Ye Jue's body shrank infinitely and suddenly came to the world of boundary monuments.


Ye Jue sat on the God King Sword transformed from the Kingdom of Gods, carefully looking around the darkness.

This is the virtual world, and the beings encountered in it are all gods who are more powerful than the gods of earth.

It's not a problem to suppress him or control him.

Fortunately, he was able to escape successfully many times.

But maybe it will overturn next time?

Therefore, Ye Jue is invincible in the big starry sky and the small world.

But here, it's like turning into a chicken.

There is nothing worth paying attention to, forest, darkness, corpses... Are the coordinates wrong?

Ye Jue waited for a long time.

The energy field here has begun to turn dark, as if there is a terrifying god in the distance about to kill.

The darkness swallowed everything, like hell opening a crack, and then gradually enveloped this place.

Huh? What is that?

Finally, he saw a figure flying towards him.

This figure was wearing cold red gold armor, with disheveled hair, but his eyes were tired, but his aura was so intimidating that many saints could not help but tremble when they looked at him.


Ye Jue was shocked.

At this moment, he could feel that this person was made of particles from the gods, and was made of flesh and blood. The power of the gods surged from the Tianling Cap, causing the surroundings to roar and tremble.

This god can wander in the virtual world and not be killed by those gods, so he must have power beyond imagination.

Moreover, this god is obviously not a kind person.

The vision of the armor is that of a cold and overwhelming air. You can almost see a land stained red with blood, with corpses everywhere.

These visions, these terrifying scenes that emerged, make people's scalp numb, as if the war between gods in the last era was reincarnated, coming from those prehistoric years!

This person is approaching step by step. Every time he takes a step forward, the killing energy surges out.

This kind of power, this domineering aura, is extremely shocking.

Even if Ye Jue had seen the divine corpse, he would not be so coercive.

Therefore, this man is still very divine. If the God King Sword is hit, it may explode directly.

He knew that the defense of the kingdom of gods was very fragile.

The reincarnation fist of the once great magical talisman could blow a hole in the crystal wall of the kingdom of gods.

Don't be nervous, I'm the one who talked to you before.

The man said weakly, but his body was too strong, and his blood and his own terrible energy combined together, like the sky was falling apart, and the void under his feet continued to sink and explode, with large black cracks spreading to the surrounding areas!

Although Ye Jue also had this kind of vision, it must be a different level from the gods.

Are you the elder from before?

Ye Jue was shocked, but his appearance was really different.

That's just a ray of my spirit. I didn't expect that you really came here. You were lucky and didn't get arrested.

The man stopped, his pupils were as deep as two black holes.

It was so nerve-wracking to be watched by a living god.

Tell me, what exactly are the ancients of Taiyuan?

Ye Juekong asked.

He came here just to understand the virtual world, this god obviously knew something.

You haven't been able to come into contact with the ancient people of Taiyuan yet, but you have already come into contact with one of their men.

The armor worn by the gods clanged in the darkness, sparks flying everywhere.

Because the darkness around him was eroding him, with dazzling brilliance and energy explosions constantly erupting.

If it were a Saint level, I'm afraid it would have been shattered by now.

This armor spurts out divine light, and by sanctifying the spirit, virtuality and reality, life and death, can change each other.

Old monster from Montenegro?

Ye Jue asked in a deep voice.

There was a black mountain before that trapped the kingdom of the gods, and he tried his best to escape.

The Demon Saint said that the old demon from Montenegro was trash and he despised him.

But that black mountain doesn't look like garbage.

Old Black Mountain Demon? No, there's something even more terrifying living there. It's the owner of the City of Wasted Death.

The god shook his head.

The owner of this city of vain death is the younger brother of the ancient people of Taiyuan?

Ye Jue was stunned for a moment.

Well... you can understand it this way. In this virtual world, there are the masters of Fusui City, the Bloody Hand Demon Chief, the Canghai Sage, and the Seven Fox Immortals. They are all your enemies.

The god said.

Enemy, how do I know if you are my enemy?

Ye Jue spoke in the Divine King Sword.

If the god does something, he will immediately ask the controller to turn the wheels of the gods and escape from this place at maximum speed.

I really can't make you believe me, but you can choose to believe it temporarily.

The god sighed in vain.

How can I trust someone whose name I don't even know?

Ye Jue sneered.

Name? Ah, I have forgotten it. I remember someone called me, Jin Taiji.

Jin Taiji seemed to be deep in memories.

No matter who you are, your energy and strength are earth-shattering. The strong can easily plot against the weak, and the weak will be tricked to death without knowing it.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless.

You said that about the Lord of the Void Realm, I am the master of the boundary monument. If I become the Lord of the Void Realm, you can be liberated, right?

He still sounded disrespectful.

Yes, that's right. This is a fact. It seems that making you believe in me requires some action on my part.

Jin Taiji nodded.

Let's make a deal. You become the Lord of the Virtual Realm and you want to let me leave the boundary monument. What I can give you now is what you want most.

he said.

What I want most...

Ye Jue trembled: Tianjue particles, have you ever stored such particles?

That's right, it's the Tianju particle. You can't find any trace of this particle even if you search inside and outside the World Tree, because it's completely extinct.

Jin Taiji said: The mythical body after the Tianlong body is completely broken. The lowest-end Vajra Secret Scroll can still be traced. You have obviously obtained it, because the Great Desolation Sutra appeared and you also encountered it, so you can copy it for breakthroughs. . But Tianjue Jade Disc, this thing no longer exists, you can’t fabricate something that no longer exists out of thin air.”

How do you know this?

Ye Jue frowned, feeling that he was being watched, and he always had a suspicion about Jin Taiji.

This is the right thing to do, and you would be a fool not to doubt it.

You have a secret secret of the heart that can see a corner of the future. God, but there is a more powerful secret, but that is not important.

Jin Taiji shook his head.

The Tianju Jade Disk was once the system of the Immortal Tower Star Territory. It was built on the Tianjue Jade Disk because there was a group of people living there called the Tianjuan Clan.

He continued: The strength of mythical bodies is determined based on the names of powerful clans, such as Tyrannosaurus, Tianlong, Tianju after King Kong...

They are all living beings, a powerful ethnic group. They are born to be physically stronger than other ethnic groups. Tianhuan is born to surpass Tianlong, but this ethnic group has perished.


‘What he said is true. In the era before the gods, there were not many Tianjuan seen. ’

The controller nodded.

He had no respect for this god.

Because he is loyal to only the one hundred and three most noble gods.

The Tianjuan Jade Disk is a core computing mechanism of the Tianjuan Clan. Although the Tianjuan Clan are cosmic monsters, they are very intelligent. They can also use the power of high-entropy bodies to study technology with great concentration, and finally create the Tianjuan Jade Here comes the dish.

This Heavenly Jade Disk is your last hope. If you want to complete the mythical path and overthrow the mythical body, you must fuse this particle to understand the new laws.

Jin Taiji said calmly, the weakness in his tone becoming more and more obvious.


Ye Jue's head was pounding when he heard this.

The law is definitely something difficult to understand. If you want to understand it, an era is not enough time.

I can tell Tianju the location of the jade dish, which is in the World Tree, but without my guidance, you will never find it because it was hidden by the last Tianju.

Jin Taiji said: Are you satisfied with this deal? You just need to give me your promise.


Ye Jue's voice fell silent.

But behind the scenes, he was discussing this matter with the controller.

I made a promise to the gods. If I don't fulfill it, I will definitely be retaliated against in the future. But at that time, I didn't even know how strong I was.

He finally nodded.

This is a soul contract, sign it...

From Jin Taiji's hand, a scroll appeared, shining with golden light, floating towards Ye Jue.

This is a soul contract that is often used between gods and gods. There is no problem.

The controller said immediately.


Ye Jue signed immediately without any hesitation.

In an instant, a trace of his soul appeared on the soul contract, which didn't affect anything.

Then I will accept it. The Tianjuan Jade Disc is here.

Jin Taiji made a circle with one hand, and the body of the World Tree appeared.

A crystal-clear ancient tree was simulated, and at the top, a little bit of sunlight shone and was marked.

Mythical beings... all like to practice hard in a miserable state. The Tianjuan clan used to prefer to set up their nest at the top of the World Tree to see what was built there. Go ahead...

Jin Taiji's voice gradually disappeared.

He closed his eyes, and there was deathly silence. The pressure, coercion, and divinity all disappeared.

Like a dead thing, it floats randomly in the dark field.

This is just like those huge corpses...

Ye Jue's scalp was numb, and he had to wonder if all these corpses in the virtual world were still sleeping like this.

In short, in this virtual world, we must avoid the masters of the City of Wasted Death, the Bloody Hand Demon Chief, the Canghai Sage, and the Seven Fox Immortals.

Ye Jue finally learned about some of the enemies in the boundary monument.

At least you know who is dealing with you.


The God King Sword's light was dim, flying towards a silent place in the distance, plunged into a deserted dark forest, and was completely hidden.

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