Yes, yes, the supporters of the tree spirit are our enemies. If the tree spirit continues to be stubborn, we will have no choice but to attack them.

That's right, after defeating the new tree spirit, the big starry sky is still ours.

What, do you want your life? The big starry sky will be attacked by the empire.

These people who came to Big Starry Sky immediately began to condemn after being shocked.

Okay, okay, my blood is aroused. This is a good opportunity to counterattack. We must work hard to take down the World Tree.

The little spear king Bai Yang growled and roared.


Those sub-saints all showed off their power, leading their tribes to kill the approaching alliance army.

What a bunch of stupid idiots, how dare they break into the big starry sky?

Minglou Xin sneered.

She is no longer the person she was then, and Wu Po Vukong is already a very low-level strength to her.

After fusing unknown particles, her strength has simply skyrocketed.

There are no breakthrough limits, no bottlenecks.

The physique evolved smoothly and smoothly, and in just a few years, the physique became tens of thousands times stronger.

Others are like her, but not so obviously evolved.

Now Minglou Xin's strength has surpassed the Tianju level, so he can fight against the Second Saint.


The more she grows and perverts, the more attention she attracts from all directions.

The eyes of those in the small world almost bulged out.

In a few years, he could catch up with their level.

It's basically the tree spirit that is instilling divine power into her, which makes her progress so quickly.

Ao Shenzhou also noticed the opponent's general.

This general was still a newbie on the battlefield, and his methods were very immature.

But now, he has become the general of the Great Star Alliance, leading all combat forces, nearly tens of billions of people.

She is making such rapid progress, can her brain keep up with it?

The Lord of Xiaolei's World gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

Because he felt insulted.

Not just him, but other minor saints as well.

The existence of this woman is an insult to them, an insult to their difficult evolution and endless years.

Hmph, you are already outdated. Now that the starry sky is constantly evolving, the era no longer belongs to you. Your particles are all obsolete.

After Minglou Xin heard this, he became angry and his eyebrows suddenly stood up.

She has noticed the difference in herself.

That is particles, a brand new particle that has not yet appeared in the starry sky.

Just a few years ago, Minglou Xin didn't even know what particles were.

Next, as if receiving an inheritance, all kinds of knowledge exploded in my mind.

Her evolution is so rapid that it can only be described as rapid.

Ye Jue, from what we can draw from her, it seems that your system can be successful.

At this moment, the voice of the controller sounded.

I already knew I could succeed, but I still need to completely control the power of order.

Ye Jue nodded.

It seems it's time. The remaining seven volumes of guidance from the gods are the last wishes of the gods. I leave them to you.

Hua Hua Hua——!

The seven guides from the gods landed on the throne of the gods.


These scrolls were instantly captured by Ye Jue's spirit body.

The Circle of the Gods, I leave it to you now.

The voice of the controller fell, and the holy light of the kingdom of gods instantly distorted the sky.


A wheel of light emerged, spun, and flew out from the depths of the kingdom of gods with a clanging sound.

This is the principle of the circle, the power of order established by the gods.

Anyone who disobeys the gods will be suppressed by the divine chain of order of the ring principle. The saints will run away when they see it, let alone the sub-saints. There is no way to escape.

Thank you very much for this time.

Ye Jue said in a deep voice.

You are the successor of the gods, and you have inherited the creation and order that the gods most want to see. I also see new light from you, and hand over the principle of the circle to you. This is my mission, and I am very happy. …”

The controller's holy light body gradually disappeared.

I can recreate you.

Ye Jue's spirit body already held the Sutra of Immortality in his hand, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a world like a galaxy.

His spirit body has been cultivated in the kingdom of gods, and now it has finally been upgraded to the legal level.

Of course, there are also reasons for gaining the power of the wheels of the gods.

In short, he can practice Dharma and become more powerful.

No, I don't want you to do this, because this is my mission. Being able to complete the mission makes me feel very satisfied. I hope to just disappear... don't... repeat...

The controller finally turned into a speck of starlight and disappeared into the kingdom of the gods.

At this point, only Ye Jue is left in the Kingdom of Gods.

Now this epochal weapon belongs completely to him.

However, I am also very lonely, and I can no longer talk to him here.



Everyone wants to win and no one will give up!

On the battlefield under the starry sky, the Holy Level personally took the field, and the battle was quite bloody and tragic.

The goal of Ao Shenzhou and the others is to enter the troubled land of the World Tree and defeat the tree spirit.

The place where the tree spirit is located is the core location of the World Tree, called the Sea of ​​Trees.

This is a special place, where all heavenly paths are like water, with no sense of time or space.

A pink-haired girl sat here cross-legged, looking at the starry sky battlefield.

It seems that the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree planted by Ye Jue has begun to provide me with power again. No wonder he doesn't let me take action. These chaotic powers are really rare.

She drew the void with one hand.

A brilliant scene emerged, with bright light.

These are all souls that want to flow into hell outside the World Tree.

Now she has been hijacked.

No, to be precise, the people of these trees were supposed to reincarnate in the World Tree.

Before, her soul flowed to hell and was absorbed by the devil, all because she did not wake up.

The situation is different now. The sea of ​​trees is colorful and filled with particles that died in battle.

The immortal soul is reshaped and the body is regenerated!

In the crystal clear lake, each soul turned into a seed, and then bloomed like a fairy lotus, with rays of light rising into the sky, and Dao patterns intertwined.

The Divine Particles are really useful and can shape life. I wonder if they can reshape me too. Rather than standing in a realm where I know everything and control everything, I would rather be a living being of flesh and blood, living in the light of the world.

The pink-haired girl thought so.

This is why she transformed herself into human form.

The tree spirits of the past generations are all kinds of beings, and they have never transformed into human forms.

But, she is different.

From the moment of birth, I feel that I have realized the fun and meaning.

Rather than knowing all the future trajectories, she wants to know nothing and become a curious baby.

However, if I want to become a real life, I need to evolve to the level of a god. But what can I really hope for that the tree spirits of all generations have not been able to do?

The pink-haired girl dragged her cheeks.

At this time, a passage rotated through the sea of ​​trees.

Ye Jue smiled, showing his brilliant teeth.

Although this world is worth living through, it will eventually pass away. It's still not worth it.

He persuaded like this.

At the very least, you can experience a colorful life, Ye Jue, you must help me with this matter.

The pink-haired girl still wants to become a real life, and her brain is different from that of a normal person.

Even if I promise you, can you really evolve into a god?

Ye Jue said.

So, I need your help. Even if you look at me like this, I can break through to the gods with the foundation accumulated over the past generations, but...

The pink-haired girl paused and said, But I have to swallow the realm of destruction.


Ye Jue's face turned dark at that time.

Isn’t this requirement for evolving into a god too harsh?

There's nothing I can do about it. Who made me the God of Earth? If I want to break the rules, I must transcend and swallow the source of destruction that is stronger than me.

The pink-haired girl sighed: If I swallowed the realm of destruction and broke through to the gods, hell would not be a thing to be afraid of.

It's okay, I'm leaving first.

Ye Jue turned around and left directly.

He came to the battlefield alone and saw that the power of chaos was constantly being absorbed by various divine wells in the universe, and the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees became stronger and stronger.

It's almost ready. This scale can already cover the entire universe.

Now, the entire starry sky is very lively.

But it's time to end.



Ao Shenzhou and several minor saints were covered in runes, wrapping them up and bringing about infinite power.

They hold various top-level magic weapons, innate spiritual treasures, and even Ao Shenzhou has mastered a top-quality artifact, making the battlefield extremely tragic and blood staining the starry sky everywhere.

With one strike of divine destruction, the sacred tree falls, hell resonates, sacrifice the majestic power, charge forward!

The small world army has already approached the sea of ​​trees.

Led by a saint, their power is endless, and it is easy to smash the planet to pieces.

The bloody sacrificial sea submerged the end of the starry sky.


The particles all over Minglou Xin's body exploded, but they were restrained and tightened by the bright lines.

This is because the particles are not perfect yet and have defects.

Therefore, she has never been able to evolve and is stuck at the level of a sub-saint.

The Great Star Alliance also has secondary saints, and there are multiple of them, but they lack the saint level and are always outnumbered by the opponent.

What on earth is that boy Ye Jue doing, watching World Tree being counterattacked?

A bloody figure appeared from behind.

This person is an incarnation of Jialuo, transformed by secret techniques. His real body is still hidden in the deepest part of the small world, and he does not dare to show himself.

He is the person who knows Ye Jue's power best, so he was really shocked to see the Little Star Alliance counterattacking World Tree.

No, there must be a conspiracy. Those giant trees that have been shining must have something to do with this war.

The third eye on Jialuo's forehead has been exploring the future.

However, the secret has been deceived.

He knew that this was the work of the tree spirit, manipulating the power of heaven in the sea of ​​trees to hide Ye Jue's information.

In this way, no one can figure out this person, and his eyes are completely dark.

That's Shuhai, kill it!

Ao Shenzhou saw the sky gushing in the distance, the forest was lingering, and the mist in the field became colorful, mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants.

The tree spirit is hiding there, hanging outside the world, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, but not completely isolated from the world.

A gap in the sea of ​​trees has appeared!

The battle at this time has shattered the starry sky and penetrated here.

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