There are 351 small worlds in the World Tree, and there are 108 left.

Ye Jue is now playing cat and mouse.

Every time the World Tree evolves, the power of the divine tree he can obtain becomes stronger and stronger.

Now, his strength is different from before. If Jialuo's ancestors hadn't opened many clan holes in the World Tree, he would have captured them long ago.

However, Ye Jue is not in a hurry. After capturing about twenty small worlds, the soul of the World Tree will be able to completely control the tree's veins.

At that time, Jialuo really had no way to go to heaven.

The name of this small world now is Tianluotian.

A tragic image appeared in the sky. The most powerful person in it was a minor saint named Little Spear King Bai Yangsheng.

In one shot, he blasted through the body of a minor saint in the Great Starry Sky camp.


From the chest of the Second Saint, it was stabbed directly to the back. The ancient stone spear exuded waves of ferocious aura, and many magical powers condensed on the stone spear to destroy the body.

A smile appeared on the face of the little gun king Bai Yangsheng. He knew deeply that after he became a sub-sage, how powerful this gun would be. In one shot, it was enough to damage people up to the holy level.

This sub-sage was so brave that he dared to confront him head-on.

You must know that his stone spear is not a magic weapon, but a gift from the empire. Its quality is majestic and the full lethality is equal to a real blow of a top quality.

Even this sub-holy sacred tree armor will be shattered in just one blow.

They are also Second Saints, and the gap is also huge.

How could this happen? No, the Lord of the Raging Sea was actually pierced. This time, he was seriously injured even if he died.

This guy from Xiaoxingkong is so powerful. If this guy's shot penetrates my body, it will cause immediate destruction.

Many people in the Big Starry Sky camp were shocked.

They didn't dare to go to help, even though they were the masters and invincible beings in their own starry sky.

But with so many small stars merging together, they found more and more that each mountain was higher than the other.

There are too many sub-saints, and even the small stars with basic strength and foundation have sub-saints in charge.

For example, players like Juan Wutian who have returned to the imperial level can no longer be watched.

But fortunately, he has the blessing of the divine tree power, and the infinite sword formation formed by combining all the horses can also be used against the lesser saints.


In fact, he has already done so, and the battle is still going on. The resistance of this small world is very strong. Now it is in chaos, and there are destructive destructive forces everywhere. The existence of Tianlong will be torn apart almost instantly.

At this time, a most beautiful woman was like a flaming sphere, killing here and there.

This woman is Minglou Xin. She raised her hand and struck lightning. With one strike, the thunder shook and the sky collapsed.

Her opponent is an Emperor Gui-level powerhouse called the Lord of Xiaolei Starry Sky.

The strength of this Little Thunder World Lord is extraordinary, and he came from other small stars to support him.

Because Ye Jue's big move alarmed all the little stars.

Everyone who has the strength has received the information.

They panic, fear, and fear.

Therefore, choose to join forces.

This Tianluotian merged with Xiaolei's world, and troops were constantly coming through the wormhole from Xiaolei's starry sky.

The Lord of the Little Thunder Starry Sky is also the overlord of one party and can use the nine most powerful thunder symbols in the world to attack.

The positive thunder talisman, the less thunder talisman, the macro thunder talisman, the empty thunder talisman, the yuan thunder talisman, the Xi thunder talisman, the Tao thunder talisman, the longevity thunder talisman, and the Lu thunder talisman.

The nine thunder talismans can be attacked or withstood, which is no less than a peer-level magic weapon, and even above the high-level magic weapons.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that it can summon the innate Chaos Divine Thunder from the chaos.

When Ye Jue saw this scene, he immediately made a plan.

Isn't this what's wrong with his Chaos Thunder Pond?

It has plenty of power and great potential.

However, he was in no hurry to take action.

Because Minglou Xin was fighting with the opponent at this time, charging back and forth.


Unexpectedly, there was another change, and it was actually the Titans from the giant world who were roaring.

Once upon a time, there was a battle with the Demon Titan on Earth, which was the body of the first Demon God.

And each of these Titans is not demonized, but a normal life. Just like this, the shadows of the Titans came to the small world of Tianluotian in groups.

Each Titan is very powerful, with great strength in their blood, and their breath can be like mountains and seas.

If such giant particles were obtained and implanted into humans, humans would be extremely powerful in an instant and could even move mountains and cut off water.

However, mutations will occur, and the body may become larger and grow into a giant.

Therefore, Ye is absolutely not interested in other particles, especially these low-end particles.

Moreover, humans don't need it now, because now all humans on earth are orthodox mythical beings.

When they return and find that the way of heaven has been repaired, they can evolve directly.

Of course, for the current Great Star Alliance, ferocious creatures like giants are the best opponents.


At this time, the Giant Emperor appeared. This was an ancient giant with rocks all over his body and a beard covering his whole body. He was holding a scepter and when he struck out, there was a crushing force like a mountain.

The beams of light emitted from the scepter are all composed of particles and have the power to decompose.

Ye Jue's eyes lit up when he saw it, it was also a treasure.

It seems that the group leaders of these small worlds each have a lot of good things in their hands.

Originally, the small world was in unimaginable chaos, and internal strife often broke out.

Now that they have Ye Jue as their common enemy, they naturally unite together and become like grasshoppers on a rope.

If I want to take action, I can penetrate the crystal wall system of the small universe.

Ye Jue's divine tree power was already overflowing, and the tree spirit was instilling it into him crazily, as if it didn't care about his life.

Nowadays, rows of pink saplings are growing all over the Pure Land of the Gods.

They have grown since the small world began to be recycled.

At first, Ye Jue didn't notice.

It wasn't until now that I noticed something unusual.

These pink saplings have a special habit of responding to chaotic scenes, and they are actually absorbing the energy generated by this chaos.

The more chaotic it is, the faster they grow.

Ye Jue, please stay still and wait until the saplings in the pure land absorb the chaotic power here. I can feel that these saplings are not trivial. Trees grow in the pure land. This has never happened before. I will protect them now and arrange them. Come with a large absorption formation, cultivate them well, pave the way for you, cultivate them for the human world, and cultivate them into the future of gods...

With a stroke of the controller's hands, the wheels of the gods began to rotate, constantly absorbing chaotic energy from the outside world.

Wave after wave of energy rushed toward Ye Jue.

Of course, no one can discover such a scene.

Because of the chaotic energy, only Ye Jue's current unknown level can feel it.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

The vast chaotic energy like the sea was absorbed by him, and finally a sacred well appeared deep in the pure land.

This is what the controller calls the great formation. All the energy is sucked into it, precipitates, and then begins to transform into purer chaos, replenishing nutrients for these pink saplings all the time.

I have to say that this is very effective. These towering trees are growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Condensate the mud of chaos!

The divine well is like a black hole, which can brew black hole mud, allowing these saplings to receive the strongest nourishment.

The battle in the small world of Tianluotian is getting more and more intense.

The soil inside the sacred well changed more and more, squirmed, expanded, and a second sacred well appeared. Each space was extremely huge and filled with chaotic energy.

Reserve, spare.

Ye Jue nodded, what a good idea.

These little pink trees need chaotic energy all the time, so the more chaotic the world is, the more energy they need.

Of course, he was no war fanatic.

The future is promising.

He nodded.

When these saplings mature, they can be carried under the starry sky.

By then, the war may be gone and the world will be at peace, because as soon as chaotic energy is born, it will be absorbed by these trees of chaos.

one year later.

The fight in Tianluotian Small World has become fierce.

Finally, these small pink trees have grown to a certain level and can be moved.


Ye Jue grabbed it hard.


The gate of the gods opened, and ten thousand trees of chaos flew out.

The big starry sky has ushered in another evolution, a very big change.

The living beings who are still in it all feel that a kind of cosmic energy is beginning to derive infinitely, and even spread rapidly.

It has changed again. What kind of existence is that Ye Jue, who can change the universe at the click of a finger?

At this time, the faces of many lurkers hidden under the starry sky changed drastically.

There are even some tyrannical powers who feel that the crystal wall of the universe is suddenly extremely strong, and even invisible shackles of order block all changes in time and space.

In other words, the World Tree is regaining its power.

These powerful men were originally prepared to surrender directly when the empire attacked.

However, seeing this change, his expression began to change, causing self-doubt.

Is it time to surrender?

Maybe he really has the power to fight back?

But the changes don't stop there.

The small world is returning, space is constricting, and many treasures of heaven and earth are being imported one by one under the starry sky.

These trees of chaos can also stabilize the space, increase the resources of heaven and earth, and bring a peaceful atmosphere.


No, it does not bring chaos at all, but eliminates chaos. It should be called the Seven Wonderful Treasure Tree, which brings seven kinds of changes, seven dharma, seven knowledge, and seven good deeds.


Nerves also appeared, accommodating all impossible chaotic forces, manipulating the power of absorption, and starting to absorb the chaotic energy generated in the small world from far away.

In other words, these divine wells can work effectively without being used in Ye Jue's Era Weapon to continuously nourish the Seven Wonderful Treasure Trees.

The important thing is that Ye Jue can also use the power of these trees to trigger sacrifices in one fell swoop. What kind of majestic power is this?

He felt that he had surpassed the wisp of exhaust gas from the Heavenly Dao Lord.

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