Under the big starry sky, the energy radiated by the sun of the Milky Way is 3.8×10^26J per second. Human beings are weak ants, and they evolved the entire life system after only receiving one part in 2.2 billion.

A two-star civilization-level weapon, the World-Destroying Sword has a lethality of nearly 900 trillion tons, which is equivalent to the power of ten dinosaur meteorites.

So, what is the situation with this sword?

The entire starry sky lit up, and this area was filled with extremely terrifying energy, accompanied by terrifying thunder that was deafening.

Oh, the hunting has begun.

The leader of the Dark Angels had a smile on his face and his voice was cold.

Yes, patriarch.

Beside her, the man with the same cold smile on his face looked at the location where the World-Destroying Sword hit.

All space monsters will be turned into powder under this blow.

We'll make arrangements later to collect particles. I want to see if the monster's DNA comes from deep space.

The girl spoke calmly and gave the order.

Okay, willing...

The man smiled, with the utmost awe on his face.

However, before he finished speaking, there was a dazzling light in the distance.

what is that?

All members of the Dark Angel flew up at this moment, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The figures in the picture are getting clearer and clearer.

After the light finally dissipated, a person with hair floating in the wind and then flying violently like a god appeared.

This man's eyes were cold and his aura was intimidating. The God of Destruction of the Universe was flashing around him. It was so astonishing. He was located in the void, which was constantly twisting and collapsing, like a black hole.

No, it is a black hole, and it is exactly the life that comes out of the black hole.

The power of two-star civilization-level weapons is indeed extraordinary.

This person was Ye Jue, and the death state that he had just transformed into particles was shattered by a knife.

In an instant, bright rays of light shot out in all directions across the universe, splitting the starry sky, and abysses appeared, and terrifying and harsh sounds were emitted from them.

It stands to reason that a two-star weapon is more powerful than a single strike of the Oniwu Shengtu, but it doesn't have any mysterious power.

With a wave of the controller's hand, the Wheel of the Gods emits the divine power of order, and the runes are intertwined one after another, gorgeous and frightening.

You can go and kill with confidence, without fear of the power of order.

He put his hands together and used all his strength to activate the wheels of the gods.

Buzz buzz!!

The entire kingdom of gods flashed with bright light.

At this moment, Ye Jue moved.

Various attacks and methods are all intertwined together, like a dense starry sky, like an entire galaxy falling down.

This majestic atmosphere, that terrifying pressure, makes people suffocate, it's really like the sky is overturning!

Who is it that actually has such power? It's impossible. Is there anything beyond the saint level in the big starry sky?

The man standing next to the dark angel girl said in disbelief.


The void trembled and was about to be torn apart.

She couldn't allow her to think too much, because Ye Jue went all out, intertwined with lightning, and used full firepower to test his own strength with the giant weapons.


Ye Jue is like a sun, releasing destructive lightning all over his body, erupting from his pores, erupting from his seven orifices, and even shaking out from his limbs!

In particular, eighty ancient secret magic talismans were smashed out from the center of his eyebrows, causing the void to resonate and tremble again, which was extremely terrifying.

how come!!

In an instant, the giant divine soldier flew out, opened his terrifying eyes, and his pupils were like two scorching suns, flying out a frightening beam of light and shooting at the latter.


Ye Jue drew a circle with one hand, and Oniwu Shengtu appeared, easily repelling this attack.

Even at this moment, he did not continue to pursue, but just stood here and stared at the opponent.

His body is so small, compared to the Titan Soldier, he is no bigger than a speck of dust.

But the power it inspired was like a meteorite falling from the sky, the sound was so terrifying and shocking.


The Dark Angels among the Titan Soldiers all felt an unparalleled pressure.

Unexpectedly... they were actually suppressed by a single target with three moves and two moves.

Is this the human being who has been inherited by the gods and has reached this point? !

The leader of the Dark Angel Clan was extremely shocked for a moment.

She recognized it and found it difficult to accept.

The fact that such a strong ethnic group can evolve into a two-star civilization in a difficult situation is enough to prove the willpower and hard work of this ethnic group, but what about now?

He was actually defeated and was blown away by a human being, the prototype of a great Ultimate.

11% damage!

The clan members' reports made her extremely upset. The giant divine soldier had just hit her and caused irreversible injuries.

It can't be repaired... What's going on? With the power of the Titan Soldier, you can easily heal yourself. Why?

Some men and women with wings began to doubt life, and the system's prompts kept bringing them back to the present world.

That is the power of destruction, the most terrifying force in the universe. Have you ever heard of the heavenly tribulation in mythology? In the past, mythical bodies evolved and needed to survive the heavenly tribulation. Once you encounter this kind of divine thunder, you will be dead. Live without any hope, reincarnate as soon as possible, die early and be reborn as early as possible.”

The leader of the Dark Angels was slightly dazed and gradually came to his senses.

She recognized what energy it was.

This is impossible. How could the power of destruction be used by him?

When a group of people heard this, their eyes almost popped out, their mouths were in the shape of '0', and they all stared at the figure in the field.

It's no longer important to discuss the power of destruction. What's important is how to fight it.

The leader of the Dark Angel bit his finger.


Yes, her fingers were trembling slightly.

'I actually...'

She looked at her fingers in disbelief.

Oops, patriarch, he's coming to kill him. What is that? A sword. Oh my God, use the World-Destroying Sword quickly!

No, the particles of the World-Destroying Blade haven't been completely contained yet, they're only 20% complete!

Chain of Order, Patriarch, use the power of order!

In an instant, some elder members of the Dark Angel began to roar crazily at the young patriarch.

Because the aura of the sword on the opposite side became more and more powerful, which simply frightened them old immortals.

All the divine chains of order, launch them for me!

When the girl saw the sword cutting through the starry sky and slashing towards them, she screamed in fright and gave an order.


The huge giant divine weapon continuously overflowed with divine chains of order, a total of ten of them, like snakes, curling forward.


But the result was shocking. The power of order, the rules that even the Second Saint could capture, turned out to be in vain.

Moreover, it is not that it is in vain, but that it is directly and strangely distorted, and it is completely impossible to get close.


A scream of fear suddenly came from the military divine soldiers, but then, a divine sword with golden light got into it.


In an instant, a series of explosions occurred, and screams and wails continued to be heard from the giant soldiers.

No, no, strong man, stop!

Stop it now, you are going to destroy the Titan Soldier!

Stop it!

Roaring, pleading, roaring, one after another.

They simply couldn't resist the Divine King Sword driven by the Oniwu Holy Picture and the Destructive Divine Thunder.

What's more, Ye Jue also swallowed the holy particles and the earth god armor formed by the most perfect power of the sacred tree.

So what about the weapons of a two-star civilization, they can't stand up to their own strength.


The Divine King Sword finally stopped in front of this group of people.


The girl with a black aura, her hair waving wildly, and her eyes as sharp as cold lightning, could no longer fight. She was no match for even the strongest trump card, the power of order.

Therefore, they will definitely lose in the end.

You must have opened the gap in space on purpose. You came to ambush us.

She felt too angry.

As dark hunters, they destroyed many evolutionary civilizations before evolving into a two-star civilization, but in the end they were hunted.

That's right.

The figure in the God King's Sword shook, and Ye Jue walked out of it.

The divine armor he wore was so bright that it almost blinded the eyes of the titanium alloy dogs of this tribe.

This... this is the power of the Earth God, is it really so...

The dark elders surrounding the blond girl all lost their composure and were greatly shocked.

No wonder, they are no match.

The origin of the universe has begun to protect this person's true body.

Your tribe thinks too highly of itself and is so unruly and plotting behind the scenes. Have you ever thought about the day when the ship capsizes?

Ye Jue's eyes were calm.

This time, he brought down the most powerful civilization in the world tree.

In the past, his clones and their own evil relied on this group.

Now it has been three thousand years to the east of the river, three thousand years to the west of the river, and the wind and water are changing.

Stop talking nonsense, what are you going to do to us?

The blond girl is hanging in mid-air, with crystal-clear hair, a beautiful face, big evil eyes, and facial features that lean toward Western aesthetics.

Treatment? No, treatment. You are all my prisoners now, don't you understand?

Ye Jue waved his hand, and the Divine King Sword disappeared behind him.

But don't think that this will give you a chance for a sneak attack.

It is not difficult at all to turn the entire kingdom of gods into the God King Sword in an instant.


The blonde girl immediately gritted her teeth, with a hint of anger on her face.

This is simply too much!


The wings behind her vibrated with a force that was extremely dazzling.

It seems you don't know what the situation is now.

Ye Jue's left hand flew out of the Ghost Martial Saint Picture, and the Gate of the Gods appeared on it. The phantoms of the Chaos Thunder Pond were brewing inside, all of which were divine thunders of destruction.


At the critical moment, those old guys recognized the situation, and there were more than a dozen of them, and they all quickly flew to suppress the blond girl.

But the blond girl was so powerful that she immediately shook everyone away, causing their ears to buzz and their bodies to tremble slightly. A stream of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth and they fell to the ground, their bodies shaking violently.

I don't mind destroying you.

Ye Jue scolded.

In fact, it was true, he didn't need her for what he wanted to get.

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