
The Holy Infant Niu screamed in agony. It was really miserable. He kept howling and the revolving lanterns were flashing wildly.

Without the time crystal and the sands of time, he could no longer escape his fate.

Withered pine stream, Niu Shengying.

When he was just born, he was timid, and the world and people he came into contact with gave him a new understanding of the strong.

After that, he was able to get started and evolved into a little powerhouse.

But for other things, there is no systematic knowledge system established, so they are still confused and confused.

At the Tyrannosaurus level, his strength has also reached a big level, he has achieved some success, and he can give pointers and comment on other people's cultivation.

When Tianlong...

He had a new understanding of cultivation, a new view of the cultivation system, and knew that there were many strong men in the world, but his own strength was just a tiny grain of dust in the ocean.

So at this time, he slowly became quiet and silently improved his strength...

At the Tianju level, he has shed the impetuousness of his youth, has awe of the power of nature, and understands the laws of nature.

Then to Wang Digui, the next saint, the saint level...

Images from the past flashed quickly in his mind.

Ah, these are my memories, some memories that have been erased! !

Niu Shengying experienced great strangeness in the universe and lost most of his memory.

When he woke up, he was already in a deep cave.

What exactly is the so-called big weirdness in the universe?

His eyes were wide open, and the light around him was bright, like a burning divine fire, or like the sun about to explode, glaring all over his body.

That's it, it's so weird, hahaha, no one can escape it, in the world of mortals, hahaha!

Niu Shengying's pupils contracted and he laughed crazily.


He exploded and burned all over. At this moment, the light illuminated the entire universe!

Saint-level death, the white and dazzling light is too terrifying.

The holy particles seemed to be pouring down from the starry sky.

This is the Holy Particle!

Ye Jue saw the holy particles pouring down and tearing through the sky. In the holy particles, they were all monsters, with pairs of terrifying eyes, like wild beasts, intimidating.

That is Niu Shengying's resentment, unwillingness, anger, despair, and curse. These holy particles cannot be used directly, otherwise your soul will be contaminated.

The controller said quickly.


At this time, a green breath swept up, and it was vast, like the turbulence of the ocean.

When those holy particles came into contact with the green light, they began to sublimate instantly and turned into the purest particle state, without any curse anymore.

The pink-haired girl took action and purified the demon saint's particles.


Ye Jue was not polite. He sucked hard, and all the pure holy particles surged in like a sea of ​​stars.

Swallow it.

He growled.

The terrifying hybrid particles release a suffocating atmosphere, mercilessly devouring the holy particles.

In just a short while, I had already eaten seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight.

“Buzz buzz—!”

Suddenly, Ye Jue's hair was dancing wildly, his eyes were horrifying, and thick bloody evil energy appeared around him, billowing and surging.

The energy surged, and the aura of violence filled the air. This change was very frightening, and it felt as if the soul had been polluted by Niu Shengying.

But the next moment, this energy change disappeared, and Ye Jue returned to calm.

The total energy value is 90 million, as well as 50,000 times the power, and there are still two eras of life. The cave is about to evolve into a dharma. Finally...

Ye Jue felt a powerful force, surging, and with a thought, his whole body shone like a round of holy light!

At this moment, even his hair turned into holy light, and even his pupils became the color of light.

The holy particles are weaker than the divine particles, so they can be swallowed. After swallowing the holy particles, I feel that if I swallow the secondary holy particles, the Wangdigui particles, and the Tianhuang particles, I can swallow the divine particles.

Ye Jue was extremely confident, as if he were a king on a new path. At this moment, he felt as if a punch could penetrate the World Tree and send a general into hell.

However, he is very conscious. This is a mental change brought about by the rapid expansion of power. He does not yet have this power.

However, when he clenched his fist, he was still extremely confident. Who below the saint level can fight? !

Even if you are a saint, with all your powers fully activated, a saint can kill!

Therefore, he really wanted to find a strong person whose realm was not much different to test his own evolutionary results.

However, his evolutionary path is unprecedented and unprecedented.

He focuses on creating new systems, deducing new paths to the extreme, and has no idea how many transformations, how many evolutions, and how many forms it will take.

It seems that you have found some way forward, so don't rush to complete the way of heaven now.

The pink-haired girl shook her head.

The way of heaven is her true nature, and the path to mythology has been dark since Tianlong.

Of course, Ye Jue can complete it now, but he must reverse it and overturn everything starting from his unparalleled physique.

Since you want to reverse it, it is better to wait until you are perfect before determining the system.


Ye Jue nodded.

The sub-holy level is already his goal.

Unless the empire has a large army to attack and crush them with super imperial battleships, people at the level of Tai Mogu and Niu Shengying are no longer his opponents.

Therefore, he naturally goes all out to complete the particles and evolve himself again. He must become as strong as possible and stronger again!

Tree Spirit, you control the tree veins and can connect to space faults and various small realms. What are you waiting for? Open the realm of the Dark Angel Clan.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed. Now that his strength has greatly increased and the person in control fully recognizes himself, he no longer needs to be afraid of the power of order.

I sealed the Dark Angels in the space fault to prevent them from coming out to harm the starry sky. After all, the two-star civilization is too strong. Are you sure?

the pink-haired girl asked.

When the empire goes to war with Yunshan Mountain, it's the two-star civilization that is at the bottom and is used as cannon fodder. If we can't even defeat a two-star civilization, how can we compete with the empire?

The controller said.

Okay, as you wish, your strength is nothing more than the best salvation for me. As the God of Earth, what you can do is really limited. I will give you the most powerful divine tree power to represent my will. Go ahead. !”

The pink-haired girl nodded vigorously.

Now that you have chosen your allies, you can't be pretentious.


The colorful tree beards at the bottom of the World Tree quickly surged up, wrapping Ye Jue into a human-shaped seed.


Immediately afterwards, the humanoid seed burst open with a chirping sound, blooming like a flower, as gorgeous as a beautiful firework blooming in the universe.

This is……

Ye Jue looked at his hands. The void around him seemed to be collapsing, with trembling sounds, surging energy, and a terrifying sight.

His whole body was like a small black hole, infinitely twisted and collapsed into it, but strangely it was very stable.

The Earth God Armor can increase your physique and spiritual body.

The pink-haired girl held the mark with one hand, and the bright blue light shone on her hand.

It can be seen that she is very weak and seems to have used very powerful power.

Tree Spirit, please rest quickly.

Ye Jue was very touched. This Earth God Armor must have been created by consuming most of the energy of the Divine Tree. The Earth God Armor forged by absorbing the essence of this unparalleled Divine Tree must be comparable to the exhaust gas of the Heavenly Dao Master. up and down.

However, the exhaust gas of the Heavenly Dao Master was used by him to deal with the Starry Sky Emperor, so it could not be wasted casually.

Open the handle, space fault!

The pink-haired girl clasped her hands together.


The entire starry sky seemed to be cracked, and at the cracked place, intense darkness surged, and countless dark air currents fell down like waterfalls.

Buzz buzz...

Almost instantly, you can see a huge figure walking inside.

That is the Titan Weapon. I have seen it before. It is a very invincible two-star cosmic weapon that can launch the Divine Chain of Order.

The Dark Angel Clan, when I first saw them, I could only run away.

There was a big wave in the depths of Ye Jue's eyes, and there was a smile in his heart.

Three thousand years later, who would have thought that things would suddenly change, completely flipping over in just one breath.

Become stronger, just in an instant, this is the power of chance.

The future that he has been waiting for and grasping with all his strength has evolved into the reality of the present.

I can feel that the secondary saint particles are among them. The secondary saint, the gray-haired giant ape, and a silver-winged strange bird that were captured by the Dark Angels group have been dissected.

Ye Jue turned into a shooting star and flew over.

He is eradicating evil and traitors, okay? I think so.


The starry sky was trembling, and the Titan Soldiers had obviously discovered that the space fault had been opened.

The tree spirit woke up at that time and sealed us. It has been more than three thousand years since we turned around. Now we finally have a chance to come out and enter this big starry sky.

In the command room and driving room between the eyebrows of the Titan Soldier, there was a dark angel girl with blond wavy hair, a cold light flashing in her eyes, and anger burning in her heart.

Damn tree spirit...

She wanted to seize this opportunity and settle the accounts, question the tree spirit, and ask what the origin of the world meant.

Pang Pang Pang!

As a result, the giant soldier stopped and felt like he hit something, like a hard nail.


She frowned, but she didn't expect that the next moment there was a huge earthquake, and the world was spinning. It seemed that there was an unparalleled power that knocked down the giant god soldier.

The clan leader...what is that? A space monster? Is that the God of Death!

The members of the group immediately screamed in fear and fear.

Because they all saw a vision, an ominous bird flew by, hoarse and shrill, hovering above, the golden light was lost, red lightning flashed and thundered, the black mist filled the air, and shadow wings had already arrived.

grim Reaper?

How could there be a god of death in this world?

Gods of earth, gods, gods, dragon gods... I have never heard of the existence of a god of death.

At this moment, with a rumble, the giant soldier pulled out the saber on his waist.

Ding! The two-star civilized weapon, the World-Destroying Sword, was successfully unsheathed. Detailed parameters: 1993.7 kilometers, codenamed. The energy has been collected. The particles have reached a stable state and can be slashed!

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