Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 789 Completion of Secondary Saint Particles

Destroy me? How many leaders of civilizations and spokespersons of myths have said this to me, and in the end they all died!

When the blonde girl opened her mouth, her hair was dancing wildly, her eyes were cold and terrifying, and her murderous aura was surging up to the sky.

Behind him, twenty-two wings appeared, all of them pure black and extremely fierce.

This is her true body manifesting, gathering terrifying strength, and trying to fight Ye Jue.

Then it's your turn this time.

Ye Jue also broke out at this moment, the divine thunder of destruction and eighty ancient secret spells wrapped around his fist.

Reincarnation Fist!

He showed his murderous intent and prepared to reincarnate the blonde girl.

Everything in the future will have nothing to do with her anymore, and she will sink forever.


There was a big explosion in this place!

These powers, as well as the power of the blonde girl's body, were superimposed together and exploded here.


Some people screamed miserably, some people's bodies were torn apart, and some people just collapsed.

This is not because this ethnic group is too weak. You must know that they are the strongest ethnic group. They fought their way out of the siege in the last era and have been living until now. Which one of them is not a treacherous person?

However, Ye Jue, who was protected by the power of the Earth God, used the most terrifying destructive power in the universe, which was indispensable to make their bodies collapse.

Otherwise, who can kill them completely?

The Titan Soldier is their planet, their home planet, and the source of their power.

Ahhhh, Star God, give me power!

The blonde girl's body was covered in cracks, and her delicate porcelain body was cracked in all directions.

However, this is her home planet, and the power of the Star God will increase her infinitely.

Sure enough, buzz buzz, in an instant, he really resisted Ye Jue's punch.

But just one attack put her in a desperate situation and she had to call the Star God.

Star God? It seems that your planet has evolved and is no longer a star embryo.

Ye Jue waved his Samsara Fist and hit her one after another.

Bang bang bang!

With such an invincible posture, whatever he wanted, the entire Titan Soldier began to explode again, spraying out flames everywhere.

The power of destruction is really good, it can prevent self-healing, similar to the serious injury buff.

However, it is more powerful than the serious injury buff.

If the mythical body in the past saw this scene, they would definitely be frightened.

Because, someone is actually using Heavenly Tribulation...

In their era, it was a word of destruction. No matter who heard it, they would be shocked.

However, the biggest reason why Ye Jue can use these destructive thunders is his unique particles and the influence of the immortal buff.

Boom boom boom!!

He continued to swing, and the Immortal Thunder was a powerful weapon in his hands.


Suddenly Hong Jun was summoned for a breakthrough.

This has never happened before. Ever since he synthesized this luck method, he has been using it to activate energy in his body.

Now as the energy becomes stronger and stronger, Yiqi Zhuan Hongjun finally releases his potential and begins to change.


The pores on the blonde girl's body were stimulating Shenxia, ​​and she was beaten like a lonely boat in the big waves.

It wasn't that her clan members didn't go to the rescue, or that they couldn't intervene at all.

This is a top-notch decisive battle. The existence of the guardian of the origin of the universe is something they cannot deal with.


One of the blond girl's wings cracked, then the second, then the third...

She resisted crazily, her bright white face was very distorted, and she was very unwilling.


In all the cells of Ye Jue, there are tiny lines shining.

Then, the corrosive power of the great formation of creation was sprayed from the palm of his hand.

The determination to kill has been made!

What...this is...ah...this is the anti-life equation, how could you have it!

The blond girl didn't expect that the human in front of her would actually use such a terrifying thing.

Suddenly, she was overwhelmed by the corrosive power blooming in front of her, as if she was drowned in a strange light.

Clan leader!

If something bad happens, what kind of power is that?

“What is the Anti-Life Equation?”

Her clan members were still very confused, but even a fool could see that the clan leader was in danger!

Swish, swish, swish!

At this moment, they could no longer wait and see.

Among the giant soldiers, there were 500 million dark angel elites and 2 billion warriors who were not elites, and they all began to pray.

The power of their prayers turned into bits of starlight, all flying towards the Star God deep within the Titan Soldier.

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, the body of the blond girl who was tumbling in the corrosion began to glow, the light was like a raging flame, and she managed to resist the erosion with great reluctance.

However, it can be seen from her body that it is full of cracks and will almost break into pieces.

Her eyes were red, and she was temporarily saved by the power of prayer.

But as long as Ye never stops, the corrosive power of the formation will eventually engulf her.

Because the formation of creation is now beginning to corrode the prayer power around her, it will be devoured in less than a minute.

Stop, people who are protected by the origin of the universe, don't kill our clan leader, she is our hope!

The person who is protected by the origin of the universe, spare her life!

We apologize for all our previous actions!

At this moment, pieces of light rain fell, and the voices of everyone in this ethnic group came like a tide.

Their hearts were surrendering to Ye Jue, begging him to spare the clan leader.

Moreover, the momentum of this kind of prayer is very huge. After all, 2.5 billion dark angels are praying for forgiveness at this moment.

Those who are protected by the origin of the universe...please give me some face...

Even the Star God of the Titan Soldier made a very heavy voice, begging for forgiveness.

Huh? Face? Face is earned by oneself, not by others. Have you eaten the fruit of face?

Ye Jingjing was unhappy with the Star God.

Have you forgotten something? The title of Dark Hunter is so majestic. How many mythical civilizations have been hunted by you? Do you have the right to ask for forgiveness now? Hey, hey, don't use it like this. The hunter will eventually become the prey. The person who shoots must have the consciousness to be killed.

His voice vibrated throughout the Titan Soldier.

It seems there is no more talk.

Star God's voice sounded.

I hope to clear my name, how is that possible? Now I am cleaning up, working for World Tree, and getting rid of you moths.

Ye Jue snorted coldly, scorning them, his long hair calm and silent.

Ah! I'm not done with you, how dare you... how dare you do this to me, ah, I'm going to destroy you and tear you apart!

The blonde girl roared. Her condition was still extremely bad. The disappearance of this power of expectation meant that she could no longer resist the erosion.

However, Ye Jue would not wait at all.


The bright golden light he sprayed out from his mouth was like a wave of energy, and it rushed towards her.

This was Ye Jue's particle. It turned into a sickle in the light waves. It was extremely holy and he swung it towards her neck.

All the power of prayer was shattered at this moment.


Immediately afterwards, an incredibly beautiful head left the body and flew up.

“Boom boom boom boom—!”

In an instant, the strange air mass formed by corrosion swallowed her up.

After a second, only the particles were left in place.

It's a pity that these particles are of no use. The Dark Angels are also a group that uses special energy. Absorbing them is equivalent to eating impurities.

Clan leader!


Oh my God!

Among the giant soldiers, ghosts cried and wolves howled, as if the master of heaven and earth had died.

It was too shocking and despairing for them that Ye Jue killed their clan leader like this.

Ant, I will crush you!

Ah ah ah, kill!

Go to hell!

Suddenly, countless elites and ethnic warriors rushed towards him, as if they were risking their lives.

But in Ye Jue's eyes, it was like a bunch of flies exploding their nest.

If you want to clear your name easily, there is no way, because I have seen the future a long time ago. It is one of the nine thousand three hundred and twenty-one future scenes. When the imperial army pressed the border, you betrayed, turned against you, and even attacked treasonously. world Tree.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless and he began to search for the whereabouts of the sub-holy particles in the giant soldiers. These flies would be corroded into particles as long as they came close to a hundred meters.

The appearance of the murderous god came into view, which was simply impressive and indelible.

He broke into the institute and destroyed everything, but found nothing.

Afterwards, several altars were destroyed in succession, but no secondary holy particles were found.

In the eyes of this group, the void near the God of Death is twisted and only has flight trajectories. Every time it lands in a certain place, everything will be destroyed.

The space inside the Titan Soldier's body is very large, even larger than the stellar Earth.

He carpet-bombed everything, destroying everything, but he was also searching.

Of course, the Dark Angels would not be willing to give in and used all kinds of forces to attack and defend, but it was all in vain.

The weapons, facilities, and buildings that took a long time to build were all destroyed.


Suddenly, Ye Jue's particles began to boil, and he finally sensed the sub-holy particles.

Just in that field, you can't go wrong.

He stared into the distance.

This power is slightly inferior to that of Saint Particles, which are Saint Particles that have not evolved.

Swallowing the sub-holy particles may increase the physical constitution, but the important thing is to complete it.


Ye Jue flew over and broke into the field directly.

Boom boom boom! !

All the equipment on the ground took off and then exploded, forming a beautiful mushroom cloud.

After a while, the force of the spiral tore open the surface of the earth, and Ye Jue took a bottle of utensils into the sky.


The vessel was crushed by him, and in an instant, the silver particles in the sky formed a strange bird shape.

I see, these are the particles from the strange silver-winged bird. It seems that it has been killed.

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

Whirring whirring! !

All the silver particles swept over and poured into his body from all directions.

Dong Dong Dong Dong——!

Suddenly, circles of ripples vibrated, extremely sacred.

Secondary Saint Particle Completion.

Ye Jue opened his eyes, his whole body was bright and full of explosive power.

The total energy value finally exceeded 100 million, and the power reached a terrifying 60,000 times.

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