Blue blood fell like raindrops, and Chu Wudi's armor was torn apart. He struggled, screamed, and started to escape.

Now the war broke out, and the Ten Formation Masters were entangled by the dragon, creating a peerless picture.

Various series of explosions illuminate the field.


No, don't kill me, it's my fault, it's all my fault!!

Chu Wudi roared heartbreakingly.

He didn't expect that the goddess actually had a complete time crystal.

Not even I, nor the Master of the Ten Formations, have this kind of treasure.

However, this woman has mastered such a large piece. No wonder she was unscathed by the blow just now.

Come, save me, where is my disciple?

He flew away while screaming wildly.

None of the millions of elite disciples, geniuses, etc. he brought are of use now, and no one dares to save him.

Lord Shenzi...please deal with it on your own, we are no match for her!

One man asked in a trembling voice, now that he has woken up from his dream, who dares to deal with the goddess and have delusions about her?

That is a monster that even the Ten Formation Masters cannot kill!

Now chasing the Son of God is like playing with a toy, who is not afraid?

Isn't it asking for death to let them go up to help with the rescue?


At this moment, suddenly, the void ahead distorted.

Then there was a boom explosion, and a dazzling light curtain erupted covering the place, with a figure emerging from it.


At that time, Chu Wudi felt that various gases in his body began to squeeze towards him, instantly pinning him in place.

What kind of barrier is this? Who are you, the disciple next to the goddess?!

How could Chu Wudi have expected that such a situation would happen, and he immediately turned to stone.

The person blocking his way and attacking him turned out to be a minion.

This guy had provoked him, but he never took it seriously.

Now, he actually showed up and was not dead, which almost made his eyes pop out.


At this moment, countless sword lights came from behind and bombarded him.

Bang bang bang! !


Chu Wudi howled miserably and fell, making a hole in the ground.

Escape with your magical power, let me escape!

He immediately broke through the soil and burrowed deep into the ground.

However, a big hand directly fished him up, and even the star stone and underground steel rock were turned over.


Another light film enveloped them, cutting off everything. There were only three people here.

How is it possible? How do you have such strength? Who are you?

In the big hand transformed by this energy, Chu Wudi was like a chicken, spurting blood everywhere.

A semi-mechanical body like his has a lot of oil in it and half of it is blood, so blood will splatter after being injured.

Son of God, fight and rob.

Ling Xiao, who was transformed into Ye Jue, glanced at him and said with a smile.

What, you, it was you, you blew up my spaceship!

Chu Wudi was shocked, how could he not remember this voice.

It wasn't a hallucination before, he knew that this person really existed.

Could it, the person Ji Zizai wants to dig out?!

His voice was filled with disbelief.

Far away in the horizon, right in front of his eyes, the person Ji Zizai has been looking for turns out to be the minion beside the goddess.

Thinking back to what happened before, he just felt that this person was unfathomable and very good at pretending.

He is simply a movie king!

It seems that my identity as the Creator God makes many existences want to obliterate me.

Ye Jue touched his chin.

He had never seen this Ji Zizai before.

They had been planning everything secretly to deal with him.

Rather than dealing with him, it is better to deal with the identity of the Creator God.

Because the greatest treasure in the Kingdom of the Gods is the final chapter of the creation of the gods, an epic written by one hundred and three gods.

The gods never used it, so it was left to the next generation and passed on to him.

When he gets the Wheel of the Gods from the guardian, it will be even more powerful, and the power of creation will become extremely powerful.

You can create things out of thin air, without using any substances, and you can directly create the magic weapons, magical powers, secret techniques you want...'s actually you...

Chu Wudi struggled continuously, and he even tried to escape, but was restrained by the secret technique, which was in vain.

Anyway, I'll beat you into a pig's head first.

Ye Jue's giant hand transformed from energy suddenly threw.


Chu Wudi flew out like a sandbag, hit the light screen, and then bounced back, hitting the ground and splashing dust three hundred meters high.


Chu Wudi is going crazy. This is simply a shame. Being thrown away like this makes his heart extremely broken.


Ye Jue jumped up again, several miles away, and kicked Shenzi in the face.


In the end, Chu Wudi failed to completely avoid it, and his whole body flew sideways again, all kinds of sparks flying, and the parts collapsed.

That's it? Go in!

Ye Jue found it boring and threw him directly into the Gate of the Gods.

With a bang, it was carried into the pure land of the gods.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, he was cut into pieces, and all kinds of magical powers, clan secrets, analyzed magic weapons, armor, etc., all flew to where they should go.


Chu Wudi's voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end, his mental power was wiped away and only the size of his fist remained.


The African young man grabbed him and swallowed him viciously.

Because Chu Wudi is also a genius, there are a small amount of God particles in the crystal cells, and they cannot be wasted.

It's finally solved. Now the Shura Realm is in my possession. The empire will reward me with territory. I will preside over the Kingdom of God. The entire Shura Realm is my territory.

Su Yan knew very well that in Ye Jue's hands, Chu Wudi would definitely not be able to see the sun of tomorrow in the Shura world, and she was extremely happy.

Yes, but there is a master in the Shura world and a female Jialuo. I'm afraid you won't be able to win it easily.

Ye Jue said.

It doesn't matter. They don't dare to disobey the empire. When I take over the Kingdom of God, they will all be my subordinates.

Su Yan had a charming smile on her face.

The small world of Shura World is rich in materials and resources, and there is also the Bagua Furnace, which can continuously refine Shura Pills. It is a very good little home.

Okay, you go to destroy the divine seal first. There are not many enemies in that area.

After Ye Jue said that, a small black tablet in his palm quickly spun, driving his body and disappearing into the void.


The light curtain shattered, leaving only Su Yan.

Where is the Son of God?

For a moment, everyone felt dizzy.

Because they didn't know exactly what happened just now, they only felt that in an instant, the goddess killed Chu Wudi and set up a barrier.

Immediately afterwards, the barrier collapsed, leaving only the goddess unharmed, her eyes scanning the entire scene.

The Son of God, Chu Wudi, had a bug in the energy furnace, causing the self-destruction device to activate. It exploded just now. There is no Son of God in the Shura world anymore.

Su Yan looked at them with sharp eyes.


Who can believe this rhetoric?

Is the Son of God a sinner? What the hell is a self-destruct device?

Goddess, did you kill the Son of God?

Some Shura disciples who are not afraid of death dare to speak out like this.

Huh? What are you talking about? Are you questioning my words? Very good. You are very courageous. Questioning me is slandering me, spreading rumors and slandering me, and ruining the reputation of my goddess. You deserve death.

Su Yan's hair suddenly turned purple, dancing in the air, and her eyes were like lightning.


A long sword appeared out of thin air, as fierce as a sun, making people unable to open their eyes.


The Shura who had just spoken was split into two halves directly from the Tianling Cap, with the flames of life erupting from the middle, and he died on the spot.


The world in his hand suddenly opened up.

Wow! !

A group of disciples from the Jade Blood Palace turned into light and shadow one after another and appeared here.

How dare you seal us, haha. Isn't the Goddess the Envoy powerful now?

They all knew that the goddess had won this civil war, and they couldn't help but cheer.


The disciples in Wushen City all looked extremely embarrassed.

Now, do you still dare to slander me and question me?

The aura Su Yantou gave out was so terrifying, it made people feel a pressure that was about to be torn apart, and the expressions of those disciples changed.

I don't dare, I don't dare anymore...

Finally, the situation was taken care of by her.

The disciples of Wushen City finally couldn't withstand this pressure, and all compromised, and their hearts turned to the goddess lineup.

very good!

Su Yan nodded.

When she returns to the Shura Realm, Martial God City will no longer exist.

Now let's destroy the divine seal, follow me!

She spread her wings and flew away first, her shadow flying in mid-air.

She knew that these disciples would inevitably follow her.

Because she is the only one qualified to destroy the divine seal to complete the task, let the power of guidance come, and the sealed door will open.

Otherwise, staying here is waiting for death.

Those Ten Formation Venerables, the Heavenly Dragons of Yunshan Mountain, destroyed them with ease.


Huh? I feel it. What my disciple said is indeed correct. This person is hiding on this planet.

On the other side, Wen Bodhi was suddenly startled and looked into the distance.

Just now, he noticed the presence of that person.

Me too, I felt a gorgeous and somewhat terrifying soul that I couldn't look directly at. It must be the Creator.

The military god hummed.

The knife in his hand suddenly seemed like a sun falling from the sky, burning there with flames surging.

However, the Tianlong on the opposite side deflected his sword attack with a twist of his body and stared at them coldly.

You hold Tianlong while I catch the clues. Maybe I can catch up.

As soon as Wen Bodhi put his hands together, he immediately fell out of the ten formations and quickly descended into the sky. In an instant, he turned into a trembling Buddha's light and rushed in a certain direction.


It is indeed this goddess. She is not dead. What method was used? It is the divine seal. She wants to destroy the divine seal. No, once the task is completed, the power of guidance will appear and automatically open the sealed door and return.

Wen Bodhi's eyes were focused, far apart, he made a seal with one hand, and then clapped his palm.

Seven Emotions and Six Desires Palm!


In an instant, a terrifying force struck from behind.

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