No, that goddess is the mother of creation? What the hell, I've never heard of it.

Chu Wudi's face was gloomy.

However, I was very happy to see that Su Yan died without leaving even a piece of DNA.

He just doesn't feel relieved. If there are still corpses, he wouldn't mind doing it again...

Lord Son of God, what should we do now?

His disciple asked quickly.

Now the Ten Formation Venerables appear and hover in the sky. What exactly happened?

Is it related to the goddess?

However, the goddess was dead, they all saw it with their own eyes.

What to do? Nonsense, destroy the divine seal, complete the mission, leave, and let them search here.

Chu Wudi snorted coldly.

Here, he has nothing to do.


He spread his wings and flew towards the divine seal.

Divine seals are not only found in the realm of suffering, but also in the realm of destruction. Legend has it that they also exist in the Tao realm.

People who practiced the path of mythology in the past liked to call the world the three realms.

The high-entropy body of current extracorporeal technology calls the universe a world tree, an extraterrestrial empire territory, and deep space.

The Divine Seal is the teleporter between star realms. It is more convenient than wormholes and folding flights.

However, the divine seal can be destroyed, but it can also be reborn.

If you destroy the divine seal here and plant the flag of God, the divine seal will be reborn again. After that, it can only be used by the imperial army, which means that the planet is occupied by the empire.

This is the mission assigned by the divine envoy, to seize the enemy's planet. This is the goal.

However, some hiccups occurred.


As soon as Chu Wudi stepped into the range of the divine seal, he felt violent tremors in front of him, and the ground shook.


Countless figures appeared here in an instant. They were transmitted in batches, and there were more and more people, and it was a dark place.

Support from Yun Shanshan!

He screamed.

Time was indeed delayed. If the divine seal had been destroyed long ago, the enemy would not be able to teleport over.

Lord Shenzi, these people are so well-equipped and they come here in a large formation. They are the elites of Yunshan Mountain!

No, no, no, no, the people from Yun Shanshan are coming to kill us!

Why are you panicking? We have the Ten Formation Venerables here. The people in Yunshan Mountain are seeking death!

The disciples behind Chu Wudi shouted in horror.

However, there are more and more figures ahead, filling the void. The ground ranges from millions to tens of millions, and there is no end in sight.

Lord Son of God, this is Yun Shanshan's army. We cannot be enemies. Run away!

Shura was so frightened when he saw these relics that he wished he could grow another leg and escape.

Let's go, let's go!

Chu Wudi's heart had already reached his throat.

He, the son of God, had never been to the front line. When he saw the enemy army, his scalp felt numb.

Get 'em!

At this time, a loud female voice spoke from the other side of Yunshan Mountain.

Suddenly, an overwhelming number of figures jumped up and flew towards this side.

I heard that Yunshan Mountain is full of monsters. It's true!

Chu Wudi took a sudden look and his legs became weak.

The army of monsters rushing over was billowing and fierce, and each one's fierce eyes were frightening.

If caught by them, the end would be extremely miserable.

Run away!!

Yiman, the Shuras were so frightened that they ran away crazily.

Some of those flying slowly and desperately were submerged in the ocean of monsters.

Gaba Gaba!

One of the big monsters spit out a ball of scrap metal with strong gastric acid remaining on it and smoking.

Chu Wudi didn't dare to turn his head. Knowing how tragic the situation behind him was, he could only fly with all his strength. turned out to be Yun Shanshan's army. They mobilized so many troops just for a small industrial planet?!

The Ten Formation Venerables all flew over with serious faces.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions of imperial soldiers descended from the formations of all parties.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, a battle broke out with the monsters in Yunshan Mountain. The fight was earth-shattering, and blood spurted out when the collision occurred.

Is this the battle between the Empire and Yun Shanshan?

Ye Jue, who was hiding in the boundary monument and watching the live broadcast, was inexplicably shocked.

This was a group fight. Both sides were extremely fierce, their eyes were red, and their emotions fluctuated violently.

Just now, he secretly used the boundary monument and hid in the space inside.

The treasure of the boundary monument cannot be perceived unless observed with the naked eye.

It is so magical that it is so powerful that it can swallow up the kingdom of gods and many existences that are similar to the kingdom of gods.

As the owner of the boundary monument, the only thing he can control is to make it appear or disappear.

In front of the Ten Formation Lords of the empire, if one opens the door of the gods and enters it, one will definitely be noticed.

Therefore, he chose to use the boundary monument and successfully escaped under the cover of the military god's sword light.

He was not worried about Su Yan, because he also knew that this woman used the time crystal to hide outside of time, and maybe she was also observing the battlefield at this time.


At this moment, the Master of the Ten Formations took action.

Without saying a word, he killed millions of monsters in Yunshan Mountain. Their corpses were shattered all over the ground, and the whole place was bleeding.

The Tenth Formation Venerable of the Imperial Royal Legion is indeed no small matter.

A woman walked out of Yun Shanshan's lineup.


Seeing this woman, the dragon girl in the kingdom of gods was very excited.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just one look makes your heart beat faster!

She discovered that this woman was a celestial dragon and a member of her own bloodline.


In an instant, the woman of the same blood looked up to the sky and screamed, and for a moment, everyone fell silent.

Because, she turned into a streak of white light, which could be said to be devastating, and rushed towards the imperial army. In an instant, the ground and void there collapsed, and large black cracks spread.

You can imagine what an amazing physical strength it was, and everything it passed through was completely destroyed.


The Ten Formation Venerables all exclaimed in surprise.

They had known for a long time that there was still a living dragon in the world, because she had appeared before, wandered into the World Tree, and destroyed a star field and several civilizations.

The video left behind was captured by all the eyes of the sky, so it was widely circulated in Yggdrasil.

The divine envoys under the empire, the Kingdom of God created in the big and small worlds inside the World Tree, also obtained this video.

Therefore, they have long known about the existence of Tianlong.

But I didn't expect that it was Yun Shanshan's general.

Ho ho ho!!

This female celestial dragon was so ferocious that it knocked off its forelimbs and killed millions of imperial troops. Wherever it passed, there were thick cracks in the void criss-crossing each other, and various abyss and huge pits appeared one after another.

As long as we catch her, we can analyze the bloodline of Tianlong, and the real Tianlong body is close at hand!

The eyes of the Lord of the Ten Formations, the God of War, were shining brightly.

He has analyzed the power of several mythical bloodlines and integrated them all into himself, such as the Heavenly Tyrant Blood, the Supreme True Body, the Sun Body, the Taiyin Body, and the Yuanling Holy Body.

According to the old rules, a mythologist can only have one bloodline. If he has a second bloodline, he will be rejected and his body will explode to death.

But high-entropy bodies will not. As long as the analysis is successful, the energy in the blood is broken down into the most primitive particles and stored in the energy furnace, it can be easily used.

However, bloodlines like his are all T2 level.

Among the Ten Formation Venerables, the ten thousand-star high-entropy bodies have more or less analyzed the bloodline, fighting holy body, innate body, god king body, Pluto body, celestial demon body and other various king bodies.

However, all of them are T2, T3, and even T4.

The bloodline located in T1 has never been mastered. Now it is known that there are immortal body, black lotus body of chaos, divine body of destruction, and imperial body that breaks the world. These are the four most powerful ones known.

The fifth type is the Tianlong body, T1 bloodline, there is a legend left over from the ancient times, and it is 100% smooth to become a god and become a dragon god without being killed in advance.

Is this the Tianlong in that video?

Ye Jue was stunned for a moment and asked the Kingdom of Gods: Dragon Girl, is this your true body?

She is not me. I can feel that my body is not in Yunshan Mountain, nor in the empire, nor in the realm of suffering, nor in the realm of destruction. I think it is most likely in deep space, or not in the black realm.

The dragon girl shook her head. She just saw her own race and her blood was excited.

Then how strong is this Tianlong?

Ye Jue asked again.

Strength? A life form like Tianlong is born at the Tianlong level. How strong do you think she is? She must be at the Saint level, and it is the peak of the Saint level. The Saint level can fight against the Thousand Star High Entropy Body with all its strength. Only the Saint level peak, Only then can we fight against the Master of the Ten Formations.

Dragon Girl said.

At the peak of the holy level, aren't you about to become a dragon god?

The African youth exclaimed.

It's a pity that she doesn't dare. No one at the peak of the Saint level dares to become a god, because once he becomes a god, he will disappear, and disappear inexplicably. Our old master of Fangcun Mountain was taken away after becoming a god.

Yang Laner only remembered this one thing.


Ye Jue's mind was spinning, and he knew that he had been mistaken for the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven because he had mastered a kind of particle.

But that particle was accidentally obtained by him from the Challenge Tower. It has evolved since then and was fused by him, and now it has become part of the hybrid particle.

Based on this speculation, could it be that those who became gods were all taken away by the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven?

Have you all gone to that mysterious world of mortals?

Anyway, this messenger couldn't be him. He always felt that there was someone else.

Moreover, this person was constantly approaching him. No matter where he went, he felt like he was being watched.

The goddess takes action!

At this time, Chi Yangfeng suddenly screamed.

Ye Jue's eyes quickly looked down from the boundary monument.

Sure enough, beside Chu Wudi, there was a distortion of the power of time, and a purple sword appeared, about to make a sneak attack.


Chu Wudi was not a light-hearted man either. For a moment, he felt the rhythm of time around him change, and saw a sword wiping towards his neck.


He went crazy and dodged at the last moment, Puch - but still got a long wound, the electrode on his neck broke, a sizzle sound came out, and blue blood flowed out.

Su Yan's sneak attack failed. The time crystal in her hand glowed brightly and she appeared directly with cold eyes. The sword light in her hand poured out like a silver waterfall and she slashed forward crazily, one sword after another.

She was determined to deal with the Son of God here and never let him escape into the Shura Realm.

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