This palm technique is not to destroy the seven emotions and six desires, but to control the person being hit.

Anyone with advanced intelligence and complex emotions in their brains will be unable to control their own feelings if they fall victim to this trick.

Just like fish, fish have no pain nerves. Even if their brains are cut open, they have no concept of pain. They only know how to eat and run away when frightened.

Because we have feelings and emotions, we have rich and colorful pursuits.

If the seven emotions and six desires are controlled, it is like brainwashing and becoming a loyal puppet.


At this moment, Su Yan waved her arm and sucked in all the surrounding disciples with the magic weapon of Heaven and Earth in the Palm she had just picked up.

Otherwise, they will all become puppets.

At the last moment, she also swayed and hid outside of time.

The time crystal block is simply a bug-level power. Because it is not at the same time, no matter what secret technique is used, it cannot hit it.

What? That's a time crystal, such a big piece?

Asking Bodhi's eyes shot out two beams of light.

If he gets this time crystal and analyzes it successfully, he will definitely get the secret about time.

I believe it won't be long before he can cultivate the Sands of Time.

In addition to their Ten Formations Venerables, there are also powerful beings in the empire, such as the emperor's direct military forces, which all have mastered the power of time, and their whole bodies are covered with the sand of time.

So, could he not be jealous when he saw the treasure in Su Yan's hand?


The power of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Palm is so frightening that it is like a golden sun blooming, so bright and dazzling.

But after Cui Cuan disappeared, there was no one there.

As expected, he hid outside of time.

Wen Bodhi frowned, but he opened his mouth and said:

Goddess, if you hide outside time, you are constantly consuming time crystals. Let's not mention this. If you hide for too long, you will fall into the river of time and lose your way in the endless time. Worse than death.


Outside of time, Su Yan's entire body was blurred, and she could hear and see.

Wen Bodhi was hovering nearby calmly, waiting for her to appear.

Indeed, he was right.

Because behind her, a long river of time was constantly twisting, and the explosions inside were like thunder falling from the sky, deafening.

Moreover, this sound is getting stronger and stronger, representing the arrival of the long river of time.

Even if she has such a large piece of time crystal, it is of little use. If she hides for a moment, she will be swallowed by the long river of time.

Ye Jue, if you don't help, your wife is in a bad situation.

Yang Laner made interesting sounds in the Kingdom of Gods.

She knew that Ye Jue must have heard it.

Ye Jue smiled slightly and believed her.

However, his power to control the boundary monument is stronger now, and he can disappear and appear together with the boundary monument.

Moreover, it jumps out of the three realms of the world, but is within time and not outside of time, so it will not be swept away by the long river of time.

The purpose of giving Su Yan this time crystal was to let her master the complexity and changes of time. If she used it skillfully, she would not have to be afraid of this thousand-planet high-entropy body.


At this moment, the power of time somewhere fluctuated violently, which was different from void, time and space, different from wormholes, and folded space.

In an instant, it rolled onto Wen Bodhi's head. At the same time, a crystal-clear arm stretched out, holding the time crystal in its hand, and patted his Tianling Cap.

She captures the essence of your cat and monkey.

The African young man saw this scene and said in a deep voice.


Because it was the power of time, she would definitely not be able to detect it immediately, and she really succeeded in the sneak attack.

This time crystal was slapped heavily on Wen Bodhi's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

To be precise, it was taken on the ancient relic.

court death!

Wen Bodhi finally discovered the strange change in the sky, mobilized the power of Buddhism, and unleashed a move called Tathagata Fist. The bright golden light instantly flooded the sky.

However, Su Yan was not afraid, her body turned transparent again and disappeared here.


Ye Jue felt very pleased to see that Su Yan was so familiar with using the power of time for the first time.


The African youth screamed.

It turned out that the ancient relic the size of a sphere actually buzzed in the void, as if it had been slapped and was shaken.


The subtle sound resounded throughout the field.

The time crystal actually created a crack on the ancient relic above Wen Bodhi's head!

The power of damn time...

Asking Bodhi is obviously extremely painful.

This ancient relic is the source of his Buddhist power.

Now that it's broken, can you not feel heartache?

If it was destroyed, he would absolutely go crazy.

After analysis, this ancient relic is already very fragile. If it is attacked again, it will definitely disintegrate even faster.


Suddenly, the power of time fluctuated violently and appeared near Bodhi again.

I am the venerable member of the Tenth Formation of the Imperial Royal Legion, a Thousand-Star High-Entropy Body. How could I continue to suffer at the expense of a little goddess like you?

Wen Bodhi let out an angry roar, his fist glowed, and he blasted away with a secret technique.


However, the void seemed different from before. There seemed to be a terrifying cosmic monster inside that swallowed up his power and disappeared without a trace.

This is……

Wen Bodhi's face was suddenly startled.

He didn't know that the man behind him was doing the same thing again and slapped him on the head.


All of a sudden, the ancient relics were scattered with light, and countless debris collapsed.


Ask Bodhi in disbelief.

He was unexpectedly attacked in the east and west. The vibration of the 'power of time' in front of him was not a real attack, but a simulated one.

Only the people Ji Zizai was looking for had this ability.


His eyes shot out large beams of light, and dense holes appeared all over his body.

These holes were filled with energy rhythms, which immediately shot out in all directions.

Bang bang bang! !

The ground seemed to have been shot through and poured into the star core.

However, both the creator in front of him and the 'brick' behind him have disappeared and will not be attacked by him at all.

Disciple, I have found the creator. It must have been him who simulated the power of time just now and fooled me!

The holes in Wen Bodhi's body were emitting green smoke and did not fire again. They resonated Ka Ka Ka and closed them all.

Ancient relics, come here!

He grabbed it with his big hand and put the ancient relic into the energy furnace in his body.

Now the ancient relic was only as big as a fist, which caused him great pain.

However, he never expected that Su Yan was waiting for this moment.


Above his head, the power of time stirred rapidly, more than ten times faster than before.

In an instant, this hard 'brick' hit Wen Bodhi on the head.

Asked that Bodhi had no hair on his head, he had a bald head, which was suddenly dented and his eyes turned up.

Not only that, the irregular force of time slammed into his body.

Bang bang bang——!

In an instant, this semi-mechanical body exploded one after another. Every time it exploded, cracks appeared, which was extremely miserable.

This time crystal is definitely a killer weapon.

Think about it, the Saint level has only cultivated a small amount of the Sand of Time, and the time crystal is hundreds of thousands times more pure than the Sand of Time. Not only is it magical, but pure physical attacks are also extremely hard.

Damn it!

Wen Bodhi's arm turned into a cannon hole, and the energy was released, blasting out the feeling of an electromagnetic cannon.

However, there was no one there for a long time. From the beginning to the end, there was only a white jade arm stretched out, and not even a human figure was seen.

After suffering such continuous losses, his big black face was almost dripping with water, and he was extremely gloomy.

He hates the power of myth, but he has to use the power of myth to evolve.

The other side.

Although Ye Jue did not communicate with Su Yan, they cooperated with each other quite well.

After all, men and women match each other, so the work is not tiring.

This Ten Formation Venerable has about 300 million energy.

Ye Jue made some calculations about Wen Bodhi's strength through several observations.

However, with the strange cooperation of the boundary monument and the power of time, if Wen Bodhi dares to continue to entangle, it is because the longevity star always dislikes his longevity.

Because whether it is the boundary monument or the power of time, it is something that he cannot touch.

You can only stand still and the twin guns will give you the answer.


Wen Bodhi's face changed quickly, becoming angry, ashamed, feeling humiliated, unable to vent his anger, and unwilling.

However, he was obviously unable to continue fighting, because he was definitely the one who would suffer.

If all the Ten Formation Venerables come, he will definitely be able to capture the Creator.

I know that you are going to destroy the divine seal, but don't expect to succeed.

Wen Bodhi stared with murderous intent, and finally gritted his teeth and turned into a golden cloud and flew away. He had to join up with other venerables to catch them.


A few seconds after he left, a purple sword light rushed towards him, heading straight for the divine seal.

At the same time, Ye Jue was also driving the boundary monument and followed him in nothingness.

Now it's a race against time. As long as the divine seal is destroyed, Su Yan will succeed and she will also defeat Ji Zizai's conspiracy.

That's the divine seal!

Su Yan's eyes narrowed and her breathing became rapid.

The teleportation seal is still the right to use Yunshan Mountain, and there are millions of monsters nearby to protect it.

These monsters have a fierce light in their eyes from time to time.

Destroy me!

The energy all over her body was boiling, her body was glittering and translucent, even her hair was like this, and she directly launched the most powerful sword formation.


There is no doubt that it is very easy and effortless for Liudu Sword Formation to kill these little monsters.

Bang bang bang! !

In just a few rounds, more than a million monsters of all kinds were crushed and exploded into a bloody mist.

At the same time, Su Yan rushed past and headed towards the divine seal. She was speeding along the way, blessed by the power of the Mother of Creation. She was incredibly fast, crossing the vast mountains and forests, and approaching the divine seal.


With one word, the entire area fell silent.

Then there was an explosion, so brilliant that it blocked the way forward.

The Venerables of the Ten Formations arrived too quickly. Wen Bodhi had already gathered together, their eyes revealed a fierce light, and the glow was surging, blazing and frightening, threatening to submerge this place.

At the same time, a heavenly dragon with astonishing devouring power twisted its snow-white crystal body, bursting out with dazzling light and energy, covering the place and crashing into it in an instant.


Su Yan directly used the power of the time crystal to avoid all the terrifying attacks, flashed above the divine seal, and struck down with a sword.

Ye Jue followed closely behind. If she didn't succeed, he would show up immediately!

After all, the current situation is too dangerous to care about exposing your identity.

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