Ye Jue quickly retreated and escaped. He was a small figure now and would not be noticed. Anyway, their target was Su Yan.

Ask Bodhi? Isn't that Ji Zizai's master? Great, this is support coming!

Chu Wudi suddenly beamed with joy. He struggled to get up. He had just been eroded by evil energy particles. His body was cracked and covered in blood. It was really tragic.

It seems that my disciple's calculation was very accurate. He knew that you couldn't deal with her, so he let us ambush here.

The Thousand Stars High Entropy Body with the ancient relic above its head asked Bodhi and looked at the Son of God.


He suddenly took action, containing mysterious Buddhist energy, and landed on Chu Wudi.

This is…

In an instant, Chu Wudi felt an astonishing transformation begin to take place in his body, as if he was about to reach nirvana. The Lord was repairing his injuries.

The Lord's great kindness will never be forgotten by the Son of God!

He roared all of a sudden and came back to life. His eyes were like lightning. He used his strongest strength to use the secret technique of moving his body into the air and attacked forward fiercely.

Bang bang bang...

Terrifying punch holes were punched out in the void, and they were printed in the direction of Su Yan.

I can split open the distant darkness formation tower of Asura, the God of War.

Su Yan also attacked, not afraid of the ten large formations in the sky. She held a long sword and stepped into the void to kill Chu Wudi. The sword light was unrivaled in its direction.


Chu Wudi's body suddenly made a sonorous sound, and he moved his body into the air to dissolve the power.

However, Su Yan is extremely brave. The power of the Mother of Creation has already completely mastered the evil energy particles and can produce millions of tons in an instant.


A large amount of evil energy particles were ejected from her palms, and everything around her was violently shaking in the strong wind, cracked inch by inch, and countless fragments flying in the sky.

The scene was completely one-sided, with purple particles all over the sky, oppressing them.


Chu Wudi had been frightened for a long time, and he actually screamed and started to run away to avoid this palm.

The earth and rocks are rolling in huge waves, and smoke and dust are rising into the sky. Although people from the outside cannot see clearly, they can roughly see the situation.

The goddess is really powerful, beyond imagination!

Huh? I know those evil energy particles are the power of the Jade Blood Clan, but this is the first time I have seen so many evil energy particles.

In the tenth formation, there were surprised sounds, obviously shocked by this blow.

That's right. Is this woman born to be a genius at cultivating evil energy particles?

There were other sounds starting to sound as well, and I was surprised by this.

No wonder Chu Wudi is not his opponent. The essence of Chu's secret technique of moving the body and transcending the air lies in how to dissolve the opponent's power and break it with force. But such a large number of particles completely surpasses his strength. No matter how hard he fights, he is no match. .”

Other voices chattered.

They were not in a hurry to intervene because they wanted to see what was shocking about the person they were about to kill.


Chu Wudi flew out again, covered in blood.

However, he was blessed by the power of the Buddha and jumped up all of a sudden, his face was extremely ferocious.

You have such a powerful power, no wonder Ji Zizai keeps trying to get rid of you, poof...

Chu Wudi said through gritted teeth.

He really lost. One after another, he was defeated by the opponent's power.

The secret technique of moving the body to the sky was also completely defeated and could not completely dissolve the evil energy of the goddess.

But you have stopped here because you have offended the Ji family. Dear lords, please take action!

Chu Wudi ignored it and rushed towards the sky. He finally knew that he was no match and wanted to escape from the battlefield.


How could Su Yan let him leave so easily? She flew away directly close to the ground and swung her sword out, trying to chop off Chu Wudi's head.

Shine, let the light shine everywhere. The Great Sun Tathagata will save the ten directions, and the light will be the first!

In an instant, within ten formations, the Wen Bodhisattva took action, and the power of the Buddha poured down from the sky, completely covering the area.


Ye Jue felt the deadly power that could brainwash him again, and quickly used his spirit body to protect his soul.

Ah, the light comes first, the light shines everywhere...

However, now that he is Ling Xiao, he still has to pretend to be brainwashed, shouting to the sky with dull eyes.

Hahaha, this is the power of transformation, you are about to be brainwashed, uh, how could it be?!

Chu Wudi looked back, howled immediately, and rushed forward like crazy.

Because, the goddess Su Yan was not affected at all, and she came to kill him in the field filled with Buddha's light.

Those eyes were cold and ruthless, which frightened him immensely.


Even Asking Bodhi suddenly made a sound of great astonishment.

Because his transformation power has no effect on this goddess?

How can this be?

It's unbelievable. This is the first time I've seen someone immune to your ancient relics.

In the ten formations, a voice rang.

Light shines everywhere!

Wen Bodhi frowned, and the relic hanging above his head shot out a bright beam of light, directly covering Su Yan's position.

This may be impossible to avoid, it is too fast. The original killing of Tai Mogu was the result of gathering the power of the entire solar system.

What's more, the strength of this Wen Bodhi surpassed Tai Mogu.


Seeing Su Yan enveloped in Buddha's light, Chu Wudi finally breathed a sigh of relief.


However, a change came suddenly. Su Yan rushed over directly in the beam, unfolded her evil wings, and swayed with her sword.


Chu Wudi was shocked. He felt a trace of blood coming out near his neck, cutting off some of his electronic components.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, his head would have moved away from his body.

Although he will not die, the body without his head will be out of control, and the energy furnace may be detonated.

How can it be?!

Wen Bodhi was really shocked and looked at this scene in disbelief.

The transforming power of ancient relics is actually ineffective against it?

How on earth did she do it?

Ask Bodhi. It seems that your power of analysis is ineffective against this woman. Let me do it here. Although this son of God is a bait, I have a relationship with the Chu family and cannot stand idly by.

Among the ten formations, one of those thousand-star high-entropy bodies made a sound.

But there was only one, and the others remained silent, because if they were to deal with a goddess together, where would their dignity be?

The power of thousands of stars' extracorporeal technology cannot even be defeated by a clan goddess, and they have to join forces. If word spreads, where will the pressure of the Royal Legion be placed?

Military God...

Wen Bodhi's face darkened.


As soon as the military god's voice fell, he had already taken action.

He made a gesture of drawing his sword and pointing downwards. The sword in his hand flashed and then disappeared into the scabbard.


The entire sky suddenly fell with earth-shaking sword light. The scene was too terrifying. Before the power even touched the ground, black ripples spread out one after another, sweeping in all directions.


Su Yan vigorously shook the time crystal in her hand.


The sword light has fallen, cutting open a terrifying abyss on the planet's ground.

You've used too much force. Be careful of blowing up the planet and causing trouble.

There were strong men in the ten formations making rumbling sounds.

It doesn't matter. The power I control is very precise and will not destroy the star core.

The military god's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he looked down, looking for traces of the goddess.

The breath is gone. He is probably dead. Even the DNA is gone.

Wen Bodhi shook his head.

Dead, finally dead, what the hell, it made me so embarrassed and embarrassed in front of so many disciples.

Chu Wudi couldn't help but touch his neck, still a little scared.

It shouldn't be like this.

The other high-entropy bodies looked at each other.

In fact, they have a real mission.


In the ten formations, a strong man waved his hand, and a picture appeared.

In the picture, there is a figure with hands behind his back and a slender body. Immediately afterwards, this person turns around with narrow eyes.

Disciple, the person you designated has been killed, but no key person has been attracted.

Wen Bodhi said to the screen.

Already killed? Didn't you lead that person out? This is impossible. Master, dear lords, did you miss anything?

The person in the picture is none other than Ji Zizai, talking to these powerful people across the realm.

The God of War just made a move. He drew his sword and slashed. Even the DNA was cut away, and the person was not found. Disciple, did your calculations go wrong? It's not this goddess, but someone else?

Asked Bodhi frowned and said.

He searched around again and found no trace.

The boy who was following the goddess was probably killed by the blow just now.

Master, I can't be wrong. This woman is the mother of creation. I saw it with the emperor's heavenly master. I originally thought that person was the creator who had been hiding in the dark, but this person It’s so weird that it’s impossible to deduce it, and even the Heavenly Master can’t see any clues, but fortunately, I caught his woman, she is Su Yan, who once came from the earth.”

Ji Zizai said decisively.

Even if you say so, she is already dead.

In the ten formations, the venerables all looked at each other.

As the royal legion of the empire, the reason why they were all mobilized was to deal with the creator, the person with the title of creation god.

However, this character never appeared.

Master, you are searching carefully. I have a hunch that the creator is still on this planet. He may have used some kind of power to hide in other worlds. However, this is not a long-term solution. Hiding The longer time passes, the easier it will be to drift into the depths of the universe with the dark void, and never return.

Ji Zizai said this.

Disciple, I know you don't want to let go of this opportunity. Indeed, it is not easy to catch the whereabouts of a creator. You have laid many traps for this. But even we don't have such power, how can they? How can virtue be achieved?”

Asked Bodhi frowned.

Master, believe me...

As he spoke, the conversation scene gradually disappeared like ripples. If you want to use it again, you must wait for the particles to condense.

In this case, let's wait a moment and cover the entire planet with spiritual power. Don't miss any suspicious places.

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