Chu Wudi stood tall and tall in the field, with fiery red hair shining brightly.

His body was perfectly built, carefully carved with precision machinery, down to every cell. He was a typical handsome man from the empire, with a high nose and fair complexion.

Bang bang bang!

In front of Chu Wudi, there was a battlefield, where countless shadows were fighting, blood, roaring, and resounding.

His disciples in Martial God City died one by one.

Even so, with the divine light in his eyes, he didn't intend to take action now.

Because he was waiting for that woman to appear.

Lord Son of God, someone has seen the goddess and is coming here.

Immediately, a disciple reminded him from behind.

Okay, very good. It's true that the divine seal has been found. She was thinking it was time to return, but she didn't know that this was her death field.

Chu Wudi nodded sinisterly, his expression immediately returned to calm, and he looked sideways in that direction.

At this moment, he also felt the aura of the goddess Su Yan flying towards this side.

Have the goddess's people been sealed and the formations arranged?

He turned around and asked.

Lord Son of God, everything is sealed, in the world in the palm of your hand.

Behind him, a stout Shura spread his palms. There was a treasure in his palms, and the breath of life came from it.

Lord Son of God, the formation is also ready. This is the most powerful killing formation in the Ashura ruins. It can kill even the living Tianlong.

The figure behind him gave a sneer.

Today, they will follow the Son of God and kill the Goddess. This is just like a dream.

Because that goddess has always been cold and sharp, and she has long been unhappy with her.

Now that there is this opportunity, these Shura and Yiman are extremely excited.

Lord Son of God, before you kill me, can you let us...

Some of the remaining barbarians laughed.

They are the outcasts of the ethnic group. They have either committed heinous crimes and were expelled from the ethnic group, or they have committed some debauched things and have been hiding to this day.


Chu Wudi's red hair suddenly became extremely sparkling, as if he was angry, his body was shaking and glowing, and the energy furnace was emitting shocking energy fluctuations.

Lord Son of God...

These barbarians were startled and looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Of course I want to be the first.

Chu Wudi opened and closed his eyes, and lightning-like fire beams flew out, with a playful smile on his lips.

Ha, now our Son of God should have such invincible confidence and domineering power to crush that so-called goddess and let her understand how big the gap is!

The remaining barbarians and Shura disciples all laughed wildly and kept licking their lips.

I have to say that the goddess is truly a beauty, with both beauty and wisdom, temperament and elegance.

They have long been salivating and greedy to the extreme.


Suddenly, a voice shouted urgently.

Sure enough, a point of light flew quickly from the distance. It was the goddess Su Yan, with only one disciple following behind her.

The disciple's name is Ling Xiao. He is now the Protector Zuo. He is the right-hand man of the goddess. He has good strength. He was born with two holes. He has practiced the Forbidden Sky Evil Palm and Zen Thunder to Protect Life. We need to hold him back later. We can't main idea.

Immediately, someone started discussing in a low voice.

They thought Ye Jue couldn't hear it, but in fact, every word fell into his ears.

However, he remained calm and followed Goddess Su Yan, swaggering into the venue, looking arrogant and conceited.

Goddess, you came too late. I have already found the teleportation seal.

Chu Wudi spoke calmly, extremely domineeringly, looking at Su Yan with a scrutinizing gaze, unscrupulously, with a look of contempt on his face.

He never thought that this goddess was qualified to compare with him.

Oh, then quickly destroy the divine seal and teleport back.

Su Yan responded calmly.

What, how dare you speak to the Son of God like this?

Many people in the Son of God’s camp showed expressions.

He doesn't even look at what the situation is now, and he still dares to be domineering.

She didn't even look at how many people there were, and how many people were behind her, yet she was still so calm and natural?

Especially the remaining barbarians, as if they were examining prey, their eyes full of confusion.

You are so brave. You dare to speak to the goddess like this. Don't you want to live? My goddess, killing you is like killing a dog!

Ling Xiao suddenly walked to the front, almost looking down, with his chin raised to the sky.

It seems that he is acting in his true colors, showing a kind of arrogance and arrogance of genius. He does not regard the Son of God in his eyes at all, and even regards him as an equal.

What are you talking about, Ling Xiao, do you really want to be skinned and cramped?

This tone is too domineering. No matter who it is, they will feel uncomfortable after hearing it, and there will be angry flames beating in their hearts.


Chu Wudi was no exception. He wondered if there was something wrong with this person named Ling Xiao. He was so arrogant. Did he really think that the goddess was invincible? Can you protect him forever?

Come on, hit me, I'll jump over and pull you over, hit me?

Ling Xiao jumped over like a divine rainbow, and jumped back like a red cloud. He was so fast that no one could catch him.

Is this the secret technique of Zen Lei to protect students?

Shura couldn't catch these remaining barbarians, and he was a little anxious to scratch the sand, but he couldn't catch him. This was so annoying.

Little tricks!

When Chu Wudi saw Ling Xiao jumping like this, he struck out with thunderous means. After taking one step, he disappeared from the place.


In an instant, Ling Xiao appeared in front of him, and the air exploded. His punch was terrifying and shocking. Anyone below Tianlong could not resist it. He would be exploded by the punch and turn into blood mist.

I don't exist, do I?

Goddess Su Yan flew across the sky, sprayed out a sword from her right palm, and slashed forward. It was like thunder falling in an instant, deafening.

She didn't want to expose Ye Jue's strength so quickly.


Thunder exploded between heaven and earth, and the entire battlefield was violently turbulent.

Light bloomed between the two of them, and terrifying purple lightning flew in all directions.

Just like two scorching suns, shining brightly, this is the battle between the Son of God and the Goddess. The amazing strength makes the demons dance wildly, releasing the terrifying potential, and the thunder is endless.

Wow, so strong!

The smiles on the faces of those Shura and the remaining disciples were all frozen, and they were directly knocked away by the shock wave. With a rumble, the ground collapsed, and the earth and rocks swept away like a big wave, affecting a very wide range.

Bang bang bang! !

In the brilliant light, the two figures fought fiercely, moving quickly, and soon reached the direction of the divine seal in the field.

Hahaha, you've been fooled, you idiot, suppress it, Yao An Array Tower, come out!


Chu Wudi suddenly stomped on the ground, and a dark ancient tower emerged directly from the ground. Then a dead tune sounded, condensing into a wall of sound, sealing all directions.

Immediately, an extremely ferocious frenzy engulfed the Yaonan Formation Tower, and the suppressive energy bloomed, trying to suppress Su Yan into the depths of the Yaonan Formation Tower.

Want to suppress me??

Su Yan's body suddenly spun rapidly, and countless small purple swords were sprayed out in all directions, all with electric light, containing power that no one below the Tianlong level could resist.

Originally, she was not as good as the Tianlong level, but after contact with Ye Jue, she built the body of the Mother of Creation. The inside was already crystal clear, and the dormant potential in her body was fully released.

Liudu Sword Formation!

She spun to the end, and with the blazing sword formation tens of thousands of feet high, she stabbed all at the so-called Yaonan Formation Tower.


The void was trembling, the earth collapsed, and an abyss-like pit appeared.

The distant dark formation tower, blazing to the extreme, suddenly burned, followed by a terrifying explosion, and countless fragments scattered everywhere.

How can it be?!

The disciples in the Son of God camp were all shocked, because it was the formation tower left by Asura, the God of War, and it was actually pierced by the goddess's sword formation?


Chu Wudi did not expect such an incident, because he was hiding behind the Yaonian Formation Tower. When the Formation Tower was broken, he was instantly involved in the sword formation. His figure flew out, blood spattered, and hit the ground a thousand meters away. Covered in blood.

At this scene, the battlefield was completely silent...

The Son of God, that powerful Son of God, is actually a weakling?

After being struck by the goddess, he actually lay on the ground convulsing. Defeated, defeated like this, severely injured?

No way, this is impossible.

The remnants of the Son of God camp who were still laughing earlier can no longer laugh now.

All the disciples were frozen there, and even now, it was making them feel cold from head to toe.

How far has the goddess's physique reached?

What stage of cultivation has the goddess’s spiritual body reached?

On the path of mythology, there is an existence beyond the Tyrannosaurus level, called the humanoid Tianlong, which can suppress Tianlong. It is the legendary humanoid Tianhu. Tyrannosaurus, Tianlong, and Tianhu all have mythological backgrounds.

For example, this Tianhuan is the son of the Dragon King in mythology. He looks at the sky and roars at the sky. He is regarded as a mythical beast that transmits the will of heaven and shakes the earth.

Being able to easily kill the Son of God in one instant must be the peak of the Tianhuo level.

But how did she practice? Could it be that she was the cause of the starry sky phenomena that appeared in the realm of suffering and destruction some time ago, and the mythical path that continued from Tianlong to the next level, and the mysterious scene that appeared?

Is this roaring to the sky actually the goddess? !


Chu Wudi didn't expect that he would be defeated so quickly. He was defeated before he could use any of his strength, and his blood spattered the battlefield.

This battle should be devastating.

This is how it should be!

He roared crazily, with scary eyes, and tried to get up, but fell to the ground again.

Because the energy furnace in his chest was on fire, and the energy poured out thousands of miles, and was directly penetrated by the evil sword.


He roared repeatedly and was covered in blood.

On the side of the Son of God's camp, the Shura remnants all took a breath of cold air, feeling deeply horrified and not daring to rescue them at all.

Chu Wudi, close your eyes forever!

Su Yan's blood was boiling, and she let out a thunderous sound again, preparing to use the sword formation to deliver the final blow.

Hey, ask Bodhi, this cosmic monster actually used a trick to escape from its shell and tricked us all.

At this time, a vision was born in the sky, and this sound shook the entire field.


A piece of void opened directly, and the scene was astonishing. Thunder kept coming, accompanied by lightning, ten great formations, and divine flames beating, covering the sky.

Sure enough, it's here.

Ye Jue once again saw the ten high-entropy bodies. The ten great arrays roared, and the sky was instantly cut into red. The divine flames turned into magma and spewed out, exuding dangerous violent fluctuations.

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