This is because the origin of the destruction realm, which is the way of heaven, does not allow the destruction of planets, especially a living planet. Anyone who breaks the rules will be severely punished, ranging from expulsion to direct killing.

Su Yan explained that this is the territory of the empire, a world that leads to the great universe, and is called the Realm of Destruction.

There are two pillars in the realm of destruction, the Empire and Yunshan Mountain.

Originally, the two sides coexisted peacefully, but because Yun Shanshan did something unforgivable, the empire declared full-scale war.

As a result, there were scenes of recruiting soldiers everywhere in various small worlds.

The World Tree was sealed by the Star Emperor's Imperial Talisman, and no one could escape.

Therefore, Ye Juecai helped Qin Xiu collect ten kinds of strange fires and forcibly opened a way to the big universe, bypassing the empire and Yunshan Mountain that blocked the way.

As for people like Ye Jue and Su Yan, they went to the Realm of Destruction in a short time through the sealed door temporarily opened by the divine envoy of the Kingdom of God that had long been hidden in various small worlds in the World Tree.

Otherwise, no one can leave the miserable situation and can only rely on the power of the divine messenger.

So that's it. The Realm of Destruction also has the way of heaven, the ultimate god who controls the universe and the stars. The miserable realm they talked about before was referring to the World Tree?

Ye Jue nodded and asked.

Yes, suffering is the world we live in. It is the suffering of birth, aging, illness, death, love and separation, resentment and hatred...

Su Yan said, as the name suggests, every life is born and suffers pain at birth.

For example, if a baby cries loudly after birth, it is actually caused by physical pain.

This is especially true for advanced intelligent life forms, such as humans. After struggling for hundreds of years, their physiological functions will decline, and they will suffer from various diseases, which are all unbearable pain, and they will eventually die.

As for aging, it is even more cruel to women, because in addition to physical pain, women also suffer from the psychological pain of losing youth.

From bright eyebrows and bright teeth, to a charming city and a country, to a gray-haired and decrepit appearance, it is certainly saddening, but who can escape from this common law?

Even if you are an evolver, also known as a cultivator of myths, a cultivator of immortals, etc., after death, you will transform into an immortal soul. You may appear to be immortal, but in fact you cannot feel everything. Your sense of touch, taste, etc. are all deprived of you. Isn’t it a kind of living? pain.

Once upon a time, the lifespan of a machine made of steel only ranged from a few years to decades.

A human being of flesh and blood evolves to a very high level in a miserable state, but is still annihilated.

Once upon a time, Emperor Qin and Emperor Wu of Han sought the elixir of immortality. They may have evolved to a terrifying level, but they still died, leaving only a laughing stock.

All phenomena in the universe come into being, exist and disappear, and they begin again and again.

This is the miserable state, all because the level of World Tree is too low.

The way of heaven is too weak, and the origin of the universe and starry sky can still be sealed by the strong, which is enough to show how weak it is.

The realm of annihilation is different. It is a level higher than our world. The life here will suffer less, suffer less, and have fewer diseases.

Su Yan continued.

She learned a lot during her time in the clan.

The World Tree is a realm of misery, the empire territory is a realm of destruction, and the universe is the legendary realm of Tao, which is the deep space that all living beings often talk about.

Existences like the Black Domain are not within the three realms, but are in a special space.

The boundary monument is like this, forming an internal universe of its own. The body can also appear in the three realms, or it can disappear and completely separate from the three realms.

What about the hell world? Why is the World Tree surrounded by the hell world?

Ye Jue frowned.

Beyond the World Tree he knew, there was a time and space filled with demons. There was a road leading to the Realm of Destruction, which he had found before.

This hell world is constantly eroding the World Tree and bringing about the mass extinction of life. What is it? Is it also a special space?

Looking at it from this perspective, it's correct.

Su Yan waved one hand, and the evil energy particles turned into a tree, surrounded by the hell world.

A shaky road leading to the realm of annihilation, connecting to the realm of suffering and annihilation.

As for the hell world, I haven't gotten any useful information from the clan before. The imperial army doesn't seem to want to provoke it, and the same goes for Yun Shanshan, who is standing by Xiu Shou.

Su Yanshuo said: The World Tree was sealed by the Star Emperor. In fact, the emperor took a very big risk, because the hell world is an unknown, just like a virus. Now it only wraps the World Tree, and maybe it will expand in the future. , backfires and destroys the realm, so some people speculate that the emperor’s move will cause disaster.”

The world of hell is closely related to the man in black robe. I have speculated before that it might be a life-destroying device of the man in black robe.

Ye Jue pondered.

There were still eight demons left to deal with on the thirteen Hell Thrones. At that time, the Thirteenth Hell Throne was still empty.

Could it be that the last level of hell is empty and the devil is dead?

Is there a body in the black and white coffin? Where will the white road behind the coffin lead?

Now, the Demon God Arena has been opened four times, and humans have won three games and drawn one.

Fifth, the attack of the Sixth Hell has been silent due to the unexpected sealing action of the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

I have never seen the ancient demon god’s fire coffin that filled the sky.

Ye Jue did the math. At this time, it has been six years since the demon crawled out of the ground. From a time perspective, it is only a part of the previous life.

Because he was not even born in the sixth year of his previous life, and the demons from the hell world had not yet arrived.

Humans only fought mutant beasts and demons on the second level underground. They didn't even see the Demon God Rainstorm Qing on the third level.

Not to mention the previous counterattack on hell, which directly ended the rule of demons underground on earth. Starting from the third year, this tug of war has been transferred to the hell world.

Then, knowing the truth about the World Tree and seizing the land of creation, he turned the earth into a star, the solar system into a continent, and forged the human ark...

I once strayed into other mysterious time and space and saw another hell, and it was already empty. That hell was not perfect and was not connected to the hell world. It was obviously a test product and was discarded.

Ye Jue's words were heard by people in the Kingdom of Gods and received a strong shock.

Could it be that it is really a life-destroying device?

Maybe this is the big weirdness of the universe?

The truth about the end of the last era?

Moreover, there is a monster that can control time and space, secretly controlling our destiny. Every step we take now may be arranged by others. Even if it is not, I believe that the final outcome will not be There are too many deviations.”

Ye Jue's thoughts can only revolve in the small world of the Kingdom of Gods.

In the realm of empire's territorial destruction, memories are simply forcibly erased without thinking at all.

He knew deeply that this monster that could control time and space had captured him from the future to the very beginning.

Then a series of shocking changes caused the events in this time and space to accelerate rapidly. Only then did he get to where he is today, where he could leave the realm of suffering and enter a realm of destruction that no human being had ever gone through before.

But this kind of achievement made him very uneasy. Maybe every step he took was planned.

Because this monster is so terrifying, he was given a plug-in that transcends epochal weapons and transcends prehistoric level weapons.

The more you use it, the more you will realize that this system is simply a powerful and boundless analytical power.

Could it be that everything is a conspiracy from a power in deep space that can control time?

Is there really such amazing power in the legendary Tao realm?

At that time, deep in the cave, there was a road that most likely led to the Black Realm. There was a time device in it. It was so huge that it was terrifying. Anyone who saw it would find it ridiculous.

Ye Jue took out the time crystal block he had obtained before, which was the size of a fist.

The sand of time that Dragon Girl gave him before has been used up long ago. Needless to say, the effect is definitely bug-level.

After all, the boundary monument should not be used if it can be used. The more you evolve, the more you will discover the mystery of this little thing.

Huh? The divine seal has been found, and the news has come!

Su Yan suddenly lowered her head and looked at her wrist. There was a blue light blooming there, indicating a position.

It turned out to be the people of the Son of God who discovered it first and are destroying it. What should we do now? Once the task is completed, the divine envoy will sense it and open the sealed door at the original place. If we miss it, there will be no way to go back.

She said quickly.

Those ten high-entropy bodies are definitely ambushing you. If you go like this, you will definitely fall into a trap.

Ye Jue thought for a while and threw the time brick to her.

I am a small person now. No one will notice me. This thing can help you win easily and kill Chu Wudi in the hands of ten high-entropy bodies.

he said.

Because they had met with the Empire's Royal Legion before, they did not feel the power of the power of time from them.

It seems that to cultivate the Sands of Time, one not only needs a high level of life and high purity, but also a considerable amount of opportunity.

This is actually a time crystal?

Su Yan was extremely shocked. The temptation was too great for the evolved person.

What's more, such a big piece can definitely comprehend a little bit of the power of the power of time, and maybe it can be used to cultivate the sand of time in the future.

She was shocked and thought it was too luxurious. She didn't want to use it and wanted to return it to him.

Don't worry, I have a warehouse for this stuff.

Ye Jue smiled.

That place and those time devices are all made of time crystals. He knows where the place is and can use the Key to Heaven to open a way and get it at any time.

Well, I'll give it back to you after I kill Chu Wudi.

Su Yan nodded vigorously, a light flashed in her beautiful eyes, of course she knew the value of this thing.


Ye Jue spread his wings and followed Su Yan to his destination.


The place they passed was already filled with gunpowder smoke. Most of the entire industrial plant had been destroyed. Many corpses were torn apart, creating a scene of doomsday.

Right there!

It's not very far from the divine seal, but it's still invisible to the naked eye. However, you can feel that a fierce battle is taking place in front of you, and various energy ripples and fluctuations are washing over.

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