How dare you, you are just a new goddess, how dare you talk to me like this?

Chu Wudi was originally indifferent, but suddenly he burst out with a terrifying aura. His body was like a small sun, and thunder roared out.


Su Yan also directly counterattacked. The evil energy particles were several times more dense than before, and the evil-advocating sword was sprayed directly from the palm of her hand.


The two people's power collided directly in the field, with a buzzing sound and a dazzling light.

The goddess and the son of the god started a war as soon as they met?

This scene was so exciting and not sloppy at all. A group of Shura were in a daze at first, then horrified, and immediately left the place.

Because, a terrifying whirlpool quickly spun in the field, trying to swallow them up.

It's so strong, so strong. When can I have this kind of particle?

These Shura were all dumbfounded and quite shocked.

This is the analytical power of your Chu family. It moves the body into the sky. Do you want to use this power to kill me directly?

Su Yan's face darkened.

She had already guessed that this Chu Wudi must be another person arranged by Ji Zizai.

As for why we want to deal with her, we have to start from a previous encounter.

Huh, I'm just teaching you a lesson.

Chu Wudi's eyes shone with a special light, and the powerful aura was overwhelming, as if gathering from the universe.

Moving his body into the sky, he integrated a variety of ancient secret techniques. Various symbols in the energy furnace were intertwined. In an instant, they burst out from his body and flooded the field.

Liudu Sword Formation!

Su Yan's long silver hair started to dance crazily again, and the Chongxie Sword turned into the Liudu Sword, filled with overwhelming evil energy.

Boom boom boom!

This monstrous evil energy once again formed a dazzling and extremely powerful sword array, with countless small purple swords blasting away like ripples.

For a time, the entire sky turned into a confrontation between two forces. On the one hand, it activated the secret power in the stars of the universe and moved its body into the sky.

On the other side, the sword array was extremely majestic, Boom! The entire palace area was like a big explosion, and cracks continued to appear on the ground, buildings, etc. at this time, as if they were about to be destroyed by this terrifying impact.

Not bad, my wife is really amazing.

Ye Jue was standing far away watching the battle.

Sure enough, after becoming the Mother of Creation and gaining the power of reflection, Su Yan's ability to control her own particles improved tenfold in an instant.

The evil energy particles were thunderous and lightning, and the evil flames involved in the sword array were hundreds of thousands of feet high, like a torrential downpour, with a faint tendency to completely suppress the movement of the Son of God.



Suddenly, a red fist struck, as if punching through the void of the universe.

The head of the palace has appeared!

Someone screamed.

This was when Shendou lured the head of the palace, forcing him to show up and stop him.

Because if the fight continues, the entire Wolf Palace will be destroyed, and even the law enforcement elders dare not dissuade him. It’s not because he has no ability, but because the status of the Son of God and the Goddess is too noble.

Only the power of the head of the palace can easily stop this war without hurting either party.

If these two noble sons of gods and goddesses continue to fight like this, my little Sirius star will be destroyed.

This head of the palace neutralized all positions with one punch. With a buzz, the scene was cleared, as if there was no smoke at all.

You have to be careful about this head of the palace, I can feel that he is very strong.

In the kingdom of gods, the dragon girl suddenly gave a warning.


Ye Jue also felt this way.

The achievements of this head of the palace are indeed astonishing.

He could feel that this person had completely merged with the star embryo of the Wolf Star and was inseparable.

Just like his own situation on Earth, he is a planet god, controlling everything and dominating a living planet.

Destroy it, destroy it, rebuild it.

Chu Wudi said this, but his body didn't move at all.

Because he had just been suppressed by this goddess, a layman might not be able to tell, but he himself felt it the most.

Within a few moments, he would be defeated.

If the head of the palace hadn't taken action in time, he would have collapsed in front of everyone.

This simply made him doubt his life.

Why are there so many inexplicable crises happening just after arriving in this small rural place?

First, someone robbed him, and then there was this goddess of the Bixue clan in front of him. She was so powerful?

He moved his body into the sky and analyzed the power of divine corpses, immortal blood, and immortality through the ages. Why couldn't he win?

Haha, Lord Shenzi, the Star Wolf Star is the alchemy room of the empire. It is one of the most important war preparations of the empire. If there is no Bagua Furnace refining Shura Pills all the time, the Emperor of the Starry Sky will be blamed by then. I'm afraid it will be the Son of God. You can’t do business either.”

The head of the palace said with a smile, and in a few words, he pointed out the weight, and also took advantage of the situation to step down.

Indeed, the Bagua Furnace cannot be destroyed. Goddess Su Yan, you are lucky this time. If you dare to be disrespectful next time, don't blame me for being harsh.

As soon as Chu Wudi finished speaking, wings sprouted from his back and flew away in an instant.

Goddess Su Yan, it's time for you to go back. The Son of God has left.

The head of the palace turned his eyes back.

Of course, if he hadn't started the fight, I wouldn't have fought with him. The empire needs a lot of soldiers on the frontline now, as long as they can successfully complete the final mission.

Su Yan nodded as if nothing had happened, and with a wave of her hand, she led Ling Xiao, Chi Yangfeng, Xingxing Xiaozhenren, Luo Wu, and Luo Yingshan directly back to the Blue Blood Palace.

It's really amazing. The power of creation can be hidden even from the planet god, and it can operate under the eyes of the god.

In the Kingdom of the Gods, the African youth was impatient and wanted Ye Jue to shape his identity and come out for some air.

No, your weapon spirit body is too sensitive, and it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes.

Ye Jue refused directly.

Just before, he discovered something important.

This head of the palace is actually very close to the origin of the Shura world, the female Jialuo. If he hadn't gone to rob the Son of God, it would have been difficult to discover him.

It seems that the water in the Shura world is too deep. If he wants to help Su Yan gain power, he must kill this son of god in a dark way.

Back at the Jade Blood Palace, news soon came.

The son of God, Chu Wudi, established a place called Wushen City on a planet around the Wolf Star.

That place was once the residence site of Ashura, the God of War of the previous generation. It is a famous place with a long history, where sacrificial activities are often held, and it is a holy place.

Unexpectedly, the Son of God Chu Wudi was so domineering that he directly transformed the ruins.

The huge city suddenly flashed with neon lights, various civilization symbols shined, skyscrapers were built, and palaces were suspended in the air. Technology and mythical civilization coexisted.

This Son of God has begun to recruit disciples. I heard that the number of disciples in the outer sect alone has exceeded one million, and there are countless elite disciples and geniuses.

In the past few days, various reports and discussions have been flowing into the eyes and ears of Jixue Palace.

Our Jade Blood Palace only has more than a thousand elites and more than a hundred geniuses...

In the palace, some Shura disciples sighed.

It's too late to change camps now. He will definitely be hunted down by the goddess and slapped to death.

Have you seen it? It's getting more and more rampant.

Some of the elite geniuses from Martial God City even directly drove spaceships around the Blue Blood Palace, bringing tens of thousands of outer disciples with them to show off their power and intimidate and threaten them as if a large army was pressing down on the territory.

Of course, they would not dare to enter the Jade Blood Palace directly unless they were crazy.

However, their provocative behavior is enough to illustrate the general trend.

I'm so angry!! I'm so angry!!

Chi Yangfeng's eyes were red with anger. Those elite geniuses were all young talents from various ethnic groups. How could he not recognize them?

Now he actually stepped on his head and started moving on his territory.

Hey, have you heard that the Kingdom of God has set a new task, and the Son of God and the Goddess are required to work together to complete it.

I've heard it too, is it true or not? Aren't the Son of God and the Goddess at odds with each other? Are they really not going to fight?

Such remarks are circulating in various places.

Not long after, the goddess and the son met again, on a certain planet, followed by their disciples.

This mission is to lead the recruits through the teleportation array of the Kingdom of God, open a sealed door in the Holy Edict, go to the front line, destroy a divine seal, and then come back.

Chu Wudi turned towards Goddess Su Yan with an indifferent expression.

Go to the front line, um, I understand.

Goddess Su Yan just nodded indifferently, as if a superior was listening to a subordinate's report on work.

This attitude immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the disciples of Wushen City.

It's good to know. I hope you can complete such a simple task smoothly, goddess.

Chu Wudi's eyes were full of coldness, and then he led millions of disciples onto the spaceship one after another.

It seems that this boy... wants to cheat on your wife outside the territory. Little does he know that the real cheating wife is you.

As soon as the African young man saw this posture, he knew what the son of God was thinking. Even a fool could see it.

The Son of God died heroically and was buried outside the territory. How about this script?

Ye Jue's incarnation, Ling Xiao, followed Su Yan, and a group of disciples sneered.

Boom boom boom——!

Soon, the spaceships of the two disciples entered the teleportation array one after another, passed through the most hidden wormhole in the Shura world, and moved to the vicinity of the Kingdom of God.

Then, a violent energy fluctuation came, and the pale golden palm covered the sky and the sun, covering a small half of the sky.

This is the divine envoy of the Kingdom of God, opening the seal of the Holy Edict of the World Tree.

The sealed door has been opened and can only last for twelve hours. You must complete the task quickly and return.

The voice of the divine messenger resounded throughout the field.

Let's go!

Chu Wudi immediately put on a silver imperial armor and led all his disciples into the sealed door.

Inside the sealed door, chaotic matter surged, and divine thunder exploded, as if the sky was falling apart. Among them, there was an ancient winding path that was shaking slightly and could collapse at any time.

Is that the Kingdom of God?

Ye Jue was the last one to leave and saw behind him a huge ring covering the starry sky. The metallic luster was densely covered with imperial symbols, which turned out to be the power of order.

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