When the undercurrent was surging, Ye Jue was not idle either. He had been infusing the power of the dragon with divine particles.

This set of cave cultivation methods has a total of twenty-two ancient secret techniques, and he had only mastered the seventh one before.

Now after some time, the five-color divine light vibrated in his cave sky again, and he cultivated into the tenth ancient secret technique, Dragon's Throat Howling.

People like Yang Lan'er are already very powerful if they only master one ancient secret technique.

Now, her face suddenly fell, and she was completely surpassed.

Ten ancient secret arts come out at once, who can resist them?

I'm afraid those thousand-planet high-entropy bodies will also suffer!

The Jade Blood Palace has begun to recruit disciples again. I heard that some people saw more than a thousand elites and more than a hundred geniuses flying in the palace.

After something like that happened, would anyone dare to go?

They are all from alien planets. The real bosses of our planet and other planets are all waiting for the arrival of the Son of God.

The Shuras in the Wolf Palace were all whispering.

These disciples are not only from the Wolf Star, but also from other planets.

The number is very large, but only a few disciples join the Jade Blood Palace.

There are more than a thousand disciples, compared to before, it is simply incomparable.

So everyone knows that the Jade Blood Palace has fallen.

Moreover, there are also rumors and rumors that a son of God is coming, and this divine envoy is only qualified to assist.

Because he failed many missions, he was demoted by the messenger of the Kingdom of God.

Our Shura world has a total of hundreds of thousands of planets, and only a few of them have joined the Blue Blood Palace. It's really sad.

After hearing this, Chi Yangfeng looked like he was in a state of rage. He was so angry that he couldn't stand jumping around here.

But there is nothing to be done about it, it is the fact now.

However, he calmed down later. Apart from feeling blocked in his heart, he also wanted Ling Xiao to do something.

He had said before that he would help the goddess envoy take over the Shura world, but now there is no movement. What on earth is he doing?

Calm down.

Little Master Xingxing also appeared in the Jade Blood Palace. His identity was changed by Ye Jue. Now he is a disciple of the Jade Blood Palace and can walk around the streets openly.

Luo Wu and Luo Yingshan were also released and now joined the Jade Blood Palace.

All right.

Chi Yangfeng immediately stared and said helplessly.

Within a few days, the news came that the Son of God was coming.

Have you heard that this Son of God was specially transferred from other divine kingdoms? Not only is he powerful, he is also a handsome guy.

What kind of handsome guy? Are you as handsome as me?

Now the goddess is in an embarrassing situation. Let's just wait and see the good show.

Countless voices are circulating.

Finally, out of the mist, a blue hole about a mile in diameter suddenly appeared, surrounded by a technological atmosphere and slowly rotating.

The leaders of the ethnic groups on the surrounding planets all captured this scene.

They all knew in their hearts that this must be the portal of the Son of God, and they felt a sense of oppression even though they were still some distance away.


The next moment, a foot stepped out. The boots were extremely white and engraved with imperial glyphs.

Then, the Son of God appeared and looked sideways at everything.

Why did Ji Zizai arrange for me to come to the Shura world? A small world like this still needs conscription?

He looked impatient.

I am the son of the empire's god, Chu Wudi. Where is the goddess? Why don't you come over to see me right away?

Chu Wudi immediately shouted to all the planets in the field.

The ancient secret technique he practiced is very similar to the mysterious sound of the dragon's throat and the roar of the dragon's throat, and can spread to nearby planets.

Lord Son of God, the Goddess is in the distant Wolf Palace and I can't hear your voice. Please take our clan's spaceship and rush here?!

Soon, in the vast starry sky of the Shura Realm, a very blurry high-end spaceship gradually became clear, then rippled slightly and hovered here.


The hatch opened, and a group of respectful people flew out.

Hmph, what kind of junk spaceship is this? It's also equipped to carry me?

Chu Wudi grinned, showing his fangs and sneered.

This low-end junk spaceship, even if its speed increases by 10,000 kilometers per second in one second and accelerates to the speed of light, is still scrap metal in his eyes.

The Killing Number!

His voice suddenly boomed.


A special aircraft with an exaggerated shape and a dark black body flew out of the blue hole. The hatch opened with a bang, revealing densely packed precision instruments and screens inside.

Surrounding these precision instruments, there are many uniformed robots responsible for assisting in controlling the spacecraft.

Locate the Wolf Star for me.

Chu Wudi said directly.

No, Lord Shenzi, you don't have a jade medal of identity in the Shura world, so you can't directly pass through the wormhole. The distance from here to the Wolf Star is too far. No matter how good the spacecraft is, it will take at least two years to get there.

These Shura were suddenly panicked and tried to persuade them immediately.

A bunch of country leopards, get out of here.

Chu Wudi shouted coldly and kicked the junk spaceship.


This black spaceship with a flat body was shaken violently by the kick. The huge metal body flew across the starry sky behind, smashing many meteorites with bang bang bang.

Ah, Lord Son of God, what are you doing...

Seeing their spacecraft being kicked away, they quickly chased after it and disappeared under the cold starry sky.


Chu Wudi then walked to the console and pressed the start button. Boom——! Ignition successful, coordinates locked, estimated time of arrival... 60 seconds!

The spacecraft, called the Killing, immediately started to launch, and its speed quickly soared, turning into a phantom and flying quickly into the void ahead.

The strange thing is that ripples of time and space are everywhere wherever the spaceship passes. The Killing Ship directly penetrates these ripples of time and space and disappears without a trace.

This is the Shura Realm. It's such a poor place. Before leaving, Ji Zizai gave me a task, asking me to kill this goddess named Su Yan. It's too easy for me. I just go to the Wolf Star and kill her. She is like, who can stop me?”

Chu Wudi looked at the infinite starry sky outside, with a strong aura of technology faintly wafting from his body.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide and saw a dazzling light in the starry sky outside, rushing towards his spaceship.

Didi! Abnormal life form detected, alarm, abnormal life form detected, estimated contact 5, 4, 3...


What the hell is this?

You know, his Killing Horn is passing through the time and space tunnel. How can there be life forms in such a place?

Chu Wudi couldn't believe his eyes. This beam space-time channel was the law of the universe that teleported over a long distance. What kind of guy could break into the law of the universe and not be obliterated by the law?

Didi, beep, beep, warning, close contact with target!


Beat, beat, beat...rob!

A voice came over, and the next second, it was earth-shattering.


Chu Wudi screamed in disbelief, because a golden light burst in front of his eyes, and the entire spaceship exploded instantly!


He screamed heart-breakingly, and in an instant, he fell into the endless ocean of the universe, which was as dark as an abyss. He was so small, just ripples, flying farther and farther under the starry sky of the Shura Realm.

This dazzling light appeared out of thin air...naturally, it attracted the attention of the most powerful person.

Uh...the breath of the holder of the Kingdom of Gods!

In a distant place, the Shura Orb in Nv Jia Luo's hand suddenly turned, and with a bang sound, she appeared directly at the place where the explosion occurred, with spacecraft fragments everywhere.

A man whose body was covered in smoke and whose mouth was breathing fire appeared in front of her.

Son of God?

She frowned. This son of God looked really miserable.

Apparently, the spacecraft they were traveling on had an accident and exploded, which led to this situation.


Those who came through the time and space wormhole, as well as the head of the palace, and the powerful people from other planets came over one after another.

Lord Son of God, what's going on?

It looks like the spaceship exploded.

It seems that the spaceships researched by the Empire are not very good either...

They looked at everything in front of them and talked about it.

However, except for the master of the sect of the Wolf Star, no other powerful people have discovered the existence of the origin of the world, the female Jialuo.

Because she is in a higher dimension, unless she appears in person, they will not be able to detect her at all due to their strength.

This is the scene of social death...

The way the Son of God appears is really unique, I admire him!

It's amazing. I've never seen a spaceship explode and blow up people's heads.

After hearing the opinions of these indigenous people, the blood vessels in Chu Wudi's forehead surged, and his face turned red.

Who is he?

How dare you attack his spaceship?

Is it special to fight and rob?

Even without even seeing the opponent's shadow, his own spaceship exploded instantly.

Ahhhhhh, I'm so angry. It's definitely an ambush. I've been tricked. This person has been hiding in that space-time tunnel for a long time. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to attack me. What kind of robbery is clearly meant to kill me? !”

Chu Wudi gritted his teeth and was somewhat suspicious. Is there such a strong person in the Shura world?

Is the level of evolution so advanced?

Lord Shenzi, um... do you want to take the spaceship I'm waiting for?

The muscles around Chu Wudi's eyes were beating wildly: ...


He's coming, he's coming, he's coming in a spaceship!

I heard that the Son of God was just attacked!

I also saw it. Just on the Shura Network, the Son of God was blown away. It was very tragic.

On the Wolf Star, tens of millions of disciples are whispering. They have learned about what just happened.

Shh, keep your voice down. If you don't want to die, just shut up.


Suddenly, a spaceship descended from the sky. The surroundings were gloomy and the atmosphere was solemn.


The hatch opened and a dark face appeared.


Seeing this scene, these disciples felt guilty.

He won't hear it, right?

Because this Son of God seemed to have piercing eyes and ears, scanning them from the sky with unparalleled pressure. No one dared to look directly at them. They only felt the analyzed ripple wavelengths oscillating around those eyes and ears, which was extremely terrifying.

Where is the goddess? Who is the goddess? Why didn't you come over to pay homage when you saw me coming?

Chu Wudi glanced around indifferently, as if the hero of the spaceship explosion that just happened was not him at all.

Greetings? You and I are on the same level, why come to greet me?

At this time, there was a bright starlight flying from the distance. It was none other than Admiral Su Yan. Before he arrived, a cold and stern voice came over.

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