For the time being, only the outer layer of the majestic divine kingdom in the Shura world can be seen through. Inside, the imperial technological symbols are surrounded, human figures emerge, and various cables bloom onto everyone's optical brain. It looks extremely terrifying.

Just like that, a group of people entered the sealed door and disappeared here.


A phantom that was truly displayed in a three-dimensional form appeared. Watching those people disappear one after another, a brief silence slowly subsided.


On the front line of the empire, the Son of God Chu Wudi and the Goddess Su Yan each led their teams and passed through the winding ancient path that looked like the earth was falling apart without any danger.

Here is the deep starry sky, the cold outer territory, and countless living planets infinitely far apart from each other, distributed throughout the universe.

It is not yet the big universe, because the empire is not strong enough to enter the big universe. This is a war with a powerful enemy in the empire's territory, so there is smoke everywhere.

However, where they teleported to, the void suddenly collapsed and roared continuously!

Lord Son of God, Lord Goddess, something bad has happened. Our teleportation positioning is wrong!

Immediately, Shura looked horrified and roared in terror. The panic instantly caused a commotion of hundreds of thousands of voices.

Everyone, please be quiet. These are the coordinates I specially asked Lord God to set. This is the alien power plant of the enemy. The people on this planet are all technicians and have little fighting ability. Let me kill them all!

The Son of God, Chu Wudi, roared loudly, shocking the entire audience.

What, so that's what it is?

It's my first time coming to the empire, so I'm a little nervous.

Then what are you waiting for? Kill!

Boom boom boom——!

The enemy's week, that is, the power plant, was guarded by more than a dozen ethnic groups. It was suddenly attacked fiercely. This was a large-scale invasion by foreign enemies. Of course, the protagonists were Ye Jue and the others.

The killing was so brutal that several major ethnic groups screamed one after another.

As Chu Wudi said, these reserve members are not proficient in combat and can only use local armed equipment to fight back.

In an instant, blood splattered and a terrible tragedy occurred!

Ah ah, why did the Imperial Army appear?

It's impossible. Our field has been blocked. From which space node did it come from?

Are these the Shura clan? Has the Shura world become the lackeys of the empire?

The scalps of the enemy's reserve tribe are about to be split open.

These Shura, the terrifying barbarians, attacked their equipment.

Wow, what kind of power is this? How can it be so strong? What kind of particles are they?

At this moment, their whole bodies felt like electricity, and their spines were running cold.

After all, they were not professional combatants, so they felt a huge earthquake in the air.

Not only were the ears roaring and the eyes darkening, but the facilities were also the first to be affected.

Oops, our support equipment has been attacked and is about to explode!

Some people screamed in fear and flew up, as if something was about to happen.


They screamed, there was blood everywhere, and they tried to escape while dragging their stumps.

If the energy center of the power plant explodes, a terrible field explosion will occur, killing them all.


Su Yan didn't care about this. She reached out and blew up the facility in front of her with a bang. Qianying flew in another direction.

In an instant, the entire area behind him was filled with auspicious energy, like a mountain torrent erupting, like a sea of ​​​​stars bursting out of its banks, pouring in all directions, rumbling and boiling with energy.

The energy center finally exploded, the world was turned upside down, and 'void magma' spewed out.

Ah, is that woman a general of the empire? She is so powerful?!

These powerful enemies screamed in shock and their eyes almost popped out.

At this time, this area roared again, and an electromagnetic storm swept across!


Almost everyone let out a chi-la sound, and the dust turned into wisps of yellow smoke and ceased to exist.

They died right where they were.

Even those who were not dead were still stiff and scorched by the electromagnetic explosion, their heads were drooped, and they died here.

Although their cell viability is very powerful, the results are obvious.

Damn the Imperial Army!

They howled in agony, they really hated the Imperial Army. These barbarians would kill without saying a word, without any morals, and were even more ferocious than the ancient ferocious beasts.

No, this is the ancient ferocious beast, in their eyes.

Quickly summon the powerful combat units of the tribe and come to support... We are under attack!

Those who were lucky enough not to be killed by the electromagnetic force dragged their remains and roared crazily.


The void roared, and a weapon attacked directly. With a dang sound and sparks flying, the man was instantly shattered.

The Imperial Army is so abominable that they want to crush this place, and everything they pass by will be a mess.

Bang bang bang bang!!

Various mechanical facilities are exploding, energy waves collide together, forming a molten ocean, and the temperature is extremely high.

Spread out and look for the divine seal quickly. Whoever finds the divine seal first will be directly rewarded with ten million catties of Shura Pills. If he can directly destroy it, he will be rewarded with fifty million kilograms of Shura Pills!

Chu Wudi roared in the sky, then turned into a stream of light and went to look for the divine seal.

Little Master Xingxing, Luo Wu, Luo Yingshan... let's disperse for a while. Su Yan, this Chu Wudi will not attack you until he destroys the divine seal. Even if he does, I will be able to support you as soon as possible. .”

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, there was a whoosh and disappeared without a trace.

Because this is the territory of the empire, it is not easy to come here, and he must go on an adventure.

Maybe you can get a lot of useful information.


The dazzling white light rushes straight out of the territory and penetrates the sky. Nothing can stop it!

The person who took action shook his huge body violently, tearing apart a planet directly. The energy that exploded was too vast.

The power of this level, let alone the real body, even a breath of essence from the spirit body can shatter everything on an asteroid and grind life into powder.

However, this is just a small scene on the imperial front line.


Ye Jue's current strength is a bit incredible.

Even if it is very far away, it can explode a large enemy mountain and break it into powder.

You must know that this kind of mountain stone is absolutely unusual. Even if a high-entropy body strong close to the Tianlong level comes, it will not be able to do this at all.

As for what he was doing here, of course he was chasing down an enemy soldier.

Although he was full of ill will towards the empire, he also had no good feelings towards the enemy.

However, the enemy of my enemy may be my friend.

He first tried to make contact with this idea, but unexpectedly, he was attacked instead, and the other party didn't listen at all.

Therefore, Ye Jue had just killed a high-entropy body with a strength of about 400 stars, and also analyzed the ancient secret technique.

However, there are not many secret arts analyzed, only three kinds. The others are ordinary magical powers, obtained by plundering and killing the beings of which mythical path.

Soon, he got useful information.

It turns out that people from the enemy can also earn a currency called contribution points by killing imperial soldiers, which can be exchanged for elixirs, magic weapons, blood essence, and various low, medium and high-end particles to become stronger, analyzed, and used to improve themselves. of stars.

The name of the enemy's force is actually Shanyun Mountain, one of the two pillars of the Destruction Realm, one is the Empire and the other is Shanyun Mountain.

Ah, stop chasing me. I told you everything. It was Shanyun Mountain that caused the trouble. That's why the empire broke the peace treaty and launched an all-out attack.

This high-entropy body in Shanyun Mountain ran away while shouting.


Ye Jue was thousands of miles away and sealed this high-entropy body with one palm, then threw it into the kingdom of gods and inserted it into the pure land.

Boom boom boom - This person quickly burned and turned into an empty shell. All the analyzed power was turned into the most primitive particles, which were integrated into the pure land and stored. The ancient secret technique It was decomposed, and so was the supernatural power, entering the Gods' Sutra Pavilion.

As for some of this person's special treasures, they were all transformed, grabbed and exploded by Ye Jue's big hands condensed in the kingdom, broken down into the most original materials and spiritual energy, and integrated into the kingdom of gods.

The Kingdom of the Gods is called Era-level weapons by the empire. To forge such weapons requires manpower and material resources, which is a vast project. It is more than a thousand times more difficult than forging prehistoric-level weapons.

It requires huge materials, huge divine particles, and of course it also requires the assistance of various gods. There are only a few of them, whether inside or outside the World Tree.

The industrial base in Shanyun Mountain is indeed nothing impressive. To me, the facilities and equipment are simply a collection of treasures of materials. I can take whatever I want.

Ye Jue decomposed this high-entropy body and recorded its ancient secrets in the Gods' Sutra Pavilion.

The corpse is just useless metal, just throw it away.

However, all kinds of material magic weapons were decomposed by the Pure Land and integrated into the battlefield of the gods, so nothing was wasted.


He didn't stop because of this. Killing a high-entropy body with more than 300 stars was simply a drop in the bucket.


He took one step forward and unleashed the power of fighting dragons!

The ten ancient secret arts, with himself as the center, formed a vortex of huge particles. This vortex was three thousand miles wide, radiating everywhere.

Dragon Throat Howls!

Ye Jue shouted loudly, the storm started to violently move, and disaster befell this place.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A full thousand people, within a radius of three thousand miles, were killed so directly and were involved in the storm.

Their bodies were simply discarded as scrap metal.

Only ancient secrets, various magical powers, magic weapons, etc. were plundered one after another and entered the Scripture Pavilion and the battlefield of the gods.

In an instant, mountains were piled up in the kingdom of gods.

The treasures of heaven and earth collected in this industrial base were also plundered by Ye Jue one by one, and were smelted into a ball under the battlefield of the gods for later use.

However, within a radius of three thousand miles, there were only two strong men with strength of around 500 stars. Ye Jue ruthlessly drove them into the pure land to dig out the secret techniques. In their energy furnaces, except for a dozen Ancient secret arts only contain dozens of the most basic magical powers.

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