Is this road really leading to the world of hell?

Some people felt hairy in their hearts. In addition to poisonous clouds, gases in various states rushed into the green tunnel several times, shaking their souls to the point where they almost disintegrated and were unable to walk at all.

At the same time, the armor's durability was also rapidly depleting.

What the hell is here...

Just when someone asks...


Not far away, the cold void suddenly cracked open, and a kilometer long paper man flew out, majestic, cold, and breathtaking.

Huh? Why are there paper figures? Isn't this the road to the hell world? Shouldn't it be a demon?

Ye Jue was shocked, maybe this was not the road to hell at all.

Something's wrong, Lord Goddess, something's wrong here!

The red-haired boy felt his scalp numb.

Because the moment this paper man appeared, the cold void suddenly became even weirder.

This is a mission personally assigned to me by the divine envoy of the Kingdom of God. The difficulty is only level B...

Su Yan's face suddenly turned dark, and she was not calm when she saw the paper man appearing.

After all, these mysterious paper figures have appeared frequently recently. They belong to the third force and their position cannot be determined.


The Chongxie Sword emerged from the armor and gradually grew in size. For a moment, the sword body glowed, and energy runes surged across the road ahead.


Immediately, streaks of bloody lightning shot out from the front, and something strange happened.

That thousand-meter-long paper man actually had a soul bell vibrating in his body, and a large rain of light emitted, filled with strange particles.

In an instant, he actually blocked the attack of Chongxie Sword.

Then, everyone saw the face of the paper man turn around and block the road ahead, revealing a charming smile.

Seeing this scene, some people's bodies froze, looking at this scene in shock, it was so weird and terrifying.

Even the Worshiping Evil Sword has no effect?

What did they see?

The paper man actually had a soul bell, like a black sun, suppressing the road ahead.


The soul clock shook, and the entire road seemed to explode. A group of Shura and barbarians couldn't bear it no matter how high their rank was. They were scattered in all directions by the shock, and each of them vomited blood.

Su Yan's face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

She had been tricked. She was already a comforting person, but now she was being killed with a borrowed knife, setting a trap for the divine envoys of the Kingdom of God.

I made a mistake in judging the difficulty of the mission. Return to the star gate quickly!

Her pair of evil wings fluttered and buzzed, like a black lightning streaking across the road, flying back in an instant. No one could keep up with her speed.

Envoy, don't leave me!

Ahhhh! Envoy!


When these disciples saw this scene, they immediately screamed.

The goddess abandoned them and ran away alone!

They could only watch helplessly, even the red-haired boy looked in disbelief.


Unexpectedly, a big explosion suddenly occurred in the rear, and the energy boiled.


Wolf smoke billowed, and under the light of the road, a white figure flew backwards, with the armor on his body shattered.

Ah... is that the envoy of the goddess?

The red-haired boy was in a daze at first, and then his face was filled with shock.


Su Yan rushed over again, her brows glowing, using the top ten magical powers of the Bixue Clan and the Shura Realm, and rushed back again.


However, another gorgeous explosion undoubtedly forced her back again.

It turned out to be another paper man with a soul clock, tearing the void from the back and staring at them with a ferocious smile.

Trap, this is a trap!

Someone shouted and couldn't help but rush into the void.

But there was undoubtedly a dead end, a desperate situation where they could not walk at all. A few swish, swish, swish sounds immediately tore them into pieces.

At this time, Su Yan's face was bright and white, her face was delicate, her eyes were shining with silver, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

What should I do, Lady Goddess, what should I do now!

Some people cried and howled, this was too tragic, the entire Jade Blood Palace had been devastated, and this would be their grave.

Follow me and fight back!


Su Yan took the initiative and attacked directly. It was too fast. With thunder in its wings and terrifying purple energy, it killed the paper man behind.

Now only by breaking through this paper man can we return to the Star Gate.


Who knows, the soul bells in the two paper figures suddenly vibrated. Needless to say, the scene was enough to tear the entire road apart, and all kinds of destructive power spewed up from the tear in the void.


For a time, there were many big explosions, white waves surging, and various energy factors roaring. The scene was terrifying, and the red ground along the entire road continued to glow!

Because this road does not lead to the hell world at all. It is most likely another road in the black realm, or it may be something else.

In short, any place where a paper man appears is definitely related to the Black Territory, which is extremely terrifying.


Sparks were flying all over everyone's body, and their armor was peeling off rapidly.


Get out!


Crazy, all crazy!

Almost everyone's eyes were extremely red, and they roared and rushed towards them.

At this moment, there is no other option but to fight hard! ,

Because at this moment, you can realize what despair means. Your heart is broken and frightened, but you are unable to change anything.


The Soul Bell erupted again, and in an instant, the disciples' armor of the Jade Blood Palace exploded completely, exploding into blood mist, and fell one after another. Blood clots fell from the sky and were swallowed by the cracks in the void.

I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

The Shura disciples who were lucky enough to survive had blood spurting from the pores on their bodies, shouting with difficulty, and their eye masks were hazy and bloody. Looking around, there were only a few hundred people left.

Despair is spreading... fear is growing...

These geniuses of the Jade Blood Palace, with their eyes cracking and their eyes red, never thought that they would be buried here.


Another desperate bell struck, shaking the whole road.


The remaining strong men could no longer hold on, spitting out a mouthful of blood and falling from the sky.

The Star Gate is right behind the paper man, so close...


The last bell rang and the world became quiet.

Large swaths of scarlet light rain fell down...

There are only three people left in this place and on this road, which is extremely tragic.

One was a red-haired boy whose armor was torn all over and bleeding from all five holes, and Ling Xiao, who was standing there as if nothing had happened, with his body upright and his black hair flying in the air.

Liudu Sword Formation!

Su Yan's face was dark. She also knew that the situation was very dangerous at this moment. Only two of the disciples she had worked so hard to recruit were left.

The two paper figures, one behind the other, sounded the soul bells in each other's bodies, instantly forming a terrifying rebound force along the way.

However, after three consecutive bell strikes, she finally approached the paper man behind.

His long silver hair started to dance crazily, the green blood in his body flowed, and the sword in his hand felt like a volcano erupting, so oppressive that it made people suffocate.

Boom boom boom!

Her whole body was glowing, wrapped in a special particle.

These particles, with their strong evil power, exploded into an unimaginable combination, forming a brilliant and extreme sword formation.

This sword array is composed of countless small purple swords. The fluctuations are like ripples and divergent. This scene is so terrifying. It is like killing gods and Buddhas as if they were killing Buddhas!


The next moment, she moved, controlling the sword formation, and a ripple rushed away, exploding directly at the paper figure behind her.


The paper man let out a strange scream and violently shook the Soul Bell, but was severely injured by the purple lightning formed by the sword formation, and a big hole was blasted out of his body.

If it is a perfect Liudu Sword Formation, it can sweep all things and leave nothing behind...

Su Yan turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Liudu Sword Formation is too complex to condense, and it must reach a perfect internal balance in order to exert its huge power.

Now, when she forced it to move, it was directly counterattacked, shaking out terrifying spiritual energy and damaging her spiritual body.


However, this also gave her the opportunity to turn into an electric light and rush towards the star gate behind.

The trap here finally has a glimmer of hope.

The red-haired boy also used his last strength and rushed after the goddess.

Ye Jue also flew by naturally. The main reason was that his spiritual body was too powerful, and the cave sky was pure to the extreme, and he would soon evolve to the Dharma phase level.

His seven ancient secret techniques, True Dragon Lock, Dragon Throat Sound Mask, Dragon Throat Mysterious Sound, Dragon Throat Roaring Roar, Dragon Tendon Sealing, Dragon Tendon Wrapping Form, and Five Dragon Battlefield, any combination can kill these two bodies. paper man.

If Su Yan is unable to escape, he will help her.

This is the right road to explain everything clearly.

Master control intelligence, open the star gate!

Su Yan quickly came to the star ring, shouted at the star gate in front of her, and instantly the identification symbol flew out of her body, shining brightly.


This identification symbol disappeared into the star ring at the end of this road, but there was no reaction, as if it was dead.

I am a member of the Jixue clan, I am the goddess of the empire, and I am the master of intelligence. Why don't you recognize me?

Su Yan looked shocked. She had never encountered such a situation before.

Obviously, you were tricked and killed. Someone deliberately dealt with you and tricked you here just to make you fall.

Ye Jue also flew over, shaking his head.

Ling Xiao, what are you talking about? This is impossible. How could the Imperial Goddess be trapped and killed? Who has the courage to do this? My Goddess, think about it carefully. Is there something wrong with the identification symbol?

The red-haired boy gritted his teeth and his smile almost faltered.

In an instant, Su Yan's face turned dark again: ...

What... is it true? Does anyone really dare to deal with the Imperial Goddess?

The red-haired boy's heart twitched.

Boom boom boom!

Far away on the road, two soul clock paper figures, one with a sad smile and the other with a sinister smile, were gradually approaching.

My Lady Goddess, please think of a way quickly, and then use your Liudu Sword Formation to kill them all!

The red-haired boy's heart was broken.

With just one blow, all the evil energy particles have been used up.

Su Yan shook her head and saw the paper man approaching, clutching a special jade talisman in her palm.

She also has a secret technique. After activation, although she can break through and escape, the way forward is unknown and no one knows what is waiting for her.

However, at this moment, a hand came out like lightning and clasped her fingers with great precision. The person who stopped her was the Shura clan next to her.

Ling Xiao, what are you doing?

Su Yan was shocked. She didn't expect that Ling Xiao was so courageous that he dared to grab her hand.

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