this the kingdom of the gods, and you are the God of the Earth? However, your appearance has changed too much. Also, didn't you go looking for the Fire of Void Fire?

Little Master Xingxing was dumbfounded.

Their star clan flew in the World Tree for 230 years before they found the solar system. They were very lucky.

Because the long lifespan of these powerful men in the universe is too short.

Afterwards, their supercarrier docked at Earth and discovered life forms, namely humans.

After understanding the situation of humans, they still formed an alliance with humans despite many unfavorable factors.

There are many reasons for choosing to form an alliance, the biggest of which is the Earth God.

The Lord of the Four Seasons and Rebirth actually holds the Divine Weapon of the Era, a world of gods that is said to have been jointly created by more than a hundred gods.

The Star Clan took a fancy to this and felt that humans had great potential. If they could successfully overcome the difficulties, they would have a bright future.

A series of things that happened after that really made them feel that they had not made the wrong choice.

However, they never expected that the empire would attack.

Afterwards, they were even more shocked to discover that a corner of the great formation of creation was in the solar system, and it was the earth.

The empire is invincible, and the clan has not only two-star civilizations, but also higher-level beings.

Even their Star Clan cannot shake this behemoth.

The Fire of Void Fire has been obtained, but why do your Star Clan appear in the Shura Realm?

Ye Jue asked curiously.

StarClan should be dreaming with humans right now, looking for the Great Dream Fire.

This is a long story. Our Star Clan, one billion star citizens, have begun to attack the Shura Realm. Led by our Star God, millions of Star Lords lead troops to fight, just for the Shura Orb.

Xingxing Xiaoren directly stated the purpose: Now that the World Tree is sealed, only by letting the tree spirit swallow the Shura Orb can the seal be broken. Otherwise, when the empire attacks, it will be too late no matter what you do.

The worst is the worst, I have to snatch the Qiankun Ding. It is a treasure that surpasses the East China Sea Divine Furnace. It can make the entire World Tree continuously absorb treasure pills and strengthen all the people of the tree.

He didn't hide anything and said it directly.

The extraterrestrial star race is indeed a good ally of mankind.

Ye Jue nodded.

From this point of view, the Star Clan was indeed worried about the World Tree and spent a lot of money. He did not expect that a billion star people would attack the Shura Realm.

That is necessary. The World Tree is where hope lies. When we operate the creation formation, the whole tree can fly to the big universe. There is no need to be afraid of the empire. The empire is nothing. In the big universe, it is just a piece of shit. Roadblocks, smelly stones in the toilet, won’t even be our stepping stones in the future!”

Little Master Xingxing said very proudly.

The Formation of Creation is so powerful, why doesn't the empire just take it away?

The African young man asked in confusion.

If he were the emperor of the empire, he would come and rob it directly. What are you waiting for?

Because the empire is at war with a powerful man, and it really can't allocate troops to attack our universe. The Tai clan that we arranged before was destroyed by us. The empire is not a fool, and it also knows that our universe has some strength.

Little Master Xingxing sighed with emotion.

Mighty? What kind of power can resist an entire empire?

The dragon girl flew out, seemingly a little surprised.

I don't know about this. Our world is sealed, and the information cannot be colluded. We can only make guesses based on the intelligence analysis we obtained before.

Little Master Xingxing shook his head.

Anyway, no matter what kind of power it is, he bought us precious time.

Ye Jue's mind disappeared into the kingdom of gods, because at this time, his body had followed Su Yan and his group back to the Wolf Star.

The entire planet looked like it was at war. Shura of all levels were flying around, and some powerful ones disappeared in an instant, leaving a long rainbow in the sky.

Back at the Jade Blood Palace, Commander Su Yan frowned and couldn't figure out what had just happened.

Guardians of the left and right!

She ordered.


Ye Jue and the young man Chifa immediately stepped forward.

I'm going to the empire to explain the results of the mission, and you guys will take control of the Blue Blood Palace.

Su Yan accelerated suddenly and flew directly into the sky, flying continuously towards the sky of the Wolf Star. Soon he broke through the cloud layer and flew towards the void...

Everyone watched as the meteor disappeared into the deepest part of the sky.

Huh, Ling Xiao, it's hard for you to take on such a big responsibility to control the Jade Blood Palace. I can do it by myself.

The red-haired boy snorted coldly.

Haha, I couldn't ask for it, goodbye.

Ye Jue turned around and left without saying a word.


The red-haired boy's expression condensed, and then he gritted his teeth.

This Ling Xiao actually dared to ignore him.

It seems that I need to find an opportunity to teach him a lesson.

That was the goddess of the empire just now, the woman with evil power, the God of Earth. This woman is difficult to deal with. Her energy is too weird. I almost died at her hands.

The power used by Xingxing Xiaozhenren is called Star Power, which is exclusively used by Xing Clan, but it is no match for this goddess. She was restrained to death and unable to raise her head.

This made him feel aggrieved and he couldn't help but remind him.

Hard to deal with? I don't think so. I don't even have to lift a finger to make her surrender without a fight.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile, very confident.

Through these days of observation, he discovered that Su Yan was still the same 'goodie' as before.

Even though he became the goddess of the empire, his soul would not change, his intuition told him.

Envoy Su Yan has her own plans.

That's why he didn't expose herself and wanted to see what she was going to do.

Earth God, I don't believe this anymore. Are you so charming that you can charm the Imperial Goddess?

Star Little Real Person has a strange expression.

He had just seen the true form of the Earth God. He was covered in blood streaks and had the body shape of a young man, almost like a monster.

Would you like a bet? I'll just be casual. One million kilograms of divine particles.

Ye Jue joked casually.

One million kilograms of divine particles? Betting against the Earth God? You really flatter me. I don't have anything good. However, I got this divine grass in a dilapidated temple somewhere in the universe. What do you think? ?”

Little Master Xingxing thought for a while, took out the sacred grass, and gave it to Ye Jue for appraisal.

It's a bet.

Some particles in Ye Jue's body vibrated violently.

Soon, Admiral Su Yan returned from the Kingdom of God in the corresponding space mezzanine in a certain starry sky within the territory of Shura Realm.

The Kingdom of God is a small group of troops that the empire once left in the World Tree. It can contact the outside empire through some powerful communication methods, even if it is sealed.

The Realm of Disaster, the Realm of Dark Tribulation, the Realm of Fallen Heaven, the Realm of Violent Fire, the Realm of Jingxuan, etc... In these realms, there are the empire's divine kingdoms, including the sons of gods and goddesses.

Waiting for the empire to attack in the future, cooperate internally and externally, and take down the World Tree in one fell swoop.

Everything you do now is to compete for credit, and you will be rewarded based on your merit in the future.

Su Yan's expression was a little stiff. It was obvious that the mission had failed and her performance had been reduced a lot.

Why did that Star Lord suddenly disappear?

She is still struggling.

Because of the failure of this mission, she was unable to obtain precious materials.

Therefore, the Liudu Sword Formation has never taken shape, and it has been delayed until now.

One of the top ten magical powers in the Shura world, the Evil Sword Division, the power of evil, and the power of her Bixue clan complement each other. With just one step, the Chongxie Sword can transform into the Liudu Sword.

The mission is here. This time is very important. Failure is not allowed. It is a good opportunity to make a difference. We are going to a dead end road leading to the hell world to find a character whose name is not yet known, but whose identity is called the Mother of Light of the Earth. He was a representative of the light side.

Su Yan landed and quickly passed through the Shura Realm and the atmosphere of the Wolf Star, looking down at the Jade Blood Palace that looked blurry under the clouds and mist.

Her voice was passed on.

Hearing these words, someone's heart trembled and his eyes brightened.

Swish, swish, swish!

Many disciples immediately flew out, led by the red-haired boy.

Ye Jue was naturally very excited and flew up. He was really excited and discovered the information about Jun Shenzhao for the first time.

However, there was little grass behind him and no one was following him, which made him look a little sad.

Your Majesty, who is the Mother of Light of the Earth? What is this mission? Do you want us to find this person? Is it that simple?

The red-haired boy turned his head proudly and asked quickly.

It's not about looking for someone, it's about killing someone. If you find her, kill her immediately.

Su Yan shook her head, moved her hands down, and opened a certain facility in the Jade Blood Palace.


Immediately, a blood-colored triangular spaceship took off and sounded a whistle, signaling everyone to enter.

Immediately afterwards, the spacecraft turned on its stealth system, and with a swish, it disappeared near the Sirius Star.

Even the law enforcement elders of the Wolf Star have no right to ask what the goddess wants to do.

Soon, the blood-colored triangular spaceship sailed to the farthest reaches of the Shura Realm, where there are extremely high biological intelligence devices placed by the empire. There are many attached intelligent life forms working day and night.

My Lady Goddess, this road has been opened. Please complete the task immediately. You must return within sixty days.

The main control intelligence saw the spacecraft approaching and immediately made a sound.


The hatch of the triangular spaceship opened, and a group of people came out. Ye Jue followed at the back, looking around.

This place is still the Shura Realm, the outermost area of ​​the Shura Orb.

Indeed, there is a star gate ahead, already shining with light, waiting for their entry.

Come with me.

Su Yan's face was heavy, and she was obviously deeply touched by entering the hell world.

Others didn't know why, but Ye Jue definitely knew.

He followed everyone into the star gate.

Hoo ho!!

A wave of poisonous gas spread instantly, and the front was vague and blurry, with countless poisonous gases surrounding it like clouds.

Get on the armor!

The red-haired boy shouted loudly.

Patterns suddenly appeared in the surrounding field, and they quickly shone brightly, creating an astonishing field. This was when everyone put on the defensive armor of the Wolf Star, covering them all from the sky to the bottom, and the combined monstrous energy made them... These poisonous gases are isolated twenty kilometers away, and the visibility is extremely high.

Ye Jue naturally did not have such a set of armor, but he did not panic and secretly used the creation of the gods to create such a set of armor and put it on immediately.

Of course, he was just pretending. With his Tianlong-level physique, these hell gases could not damage his internal organs at all.


Admiral Su Yan's armor was spewing starlight outwards, and the light was dazzling, like a god standing in the sea of ​​stars!

This made the people who followed her vibrate and clang all over.

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