Ling Xiao was not only very courageous, but also held on tightly, as if he was extracting oil intentionally or unintentionally.

This really shocked Su Yan. She was the goddess of the empire and ruled a very wide area. These Shura were just her subordinates. How dare they blaspheme her?

What are you doing? Let go of your paws!

The red-haired boy's eyes were red, but he had never dared to touch the skin of the goddess.

Because the Imperial Goddess cannot be blasphemed, she is a true goddess, and you can only look up to her and feel lustful in your heart.

There is a famous saying in the Shura world: after a pig gains power, it remains a pig. . . . . . . . .

No matter how strong Shura is, he cannot cross the line and dare to attack the goddess.

Unexpectedly, this Ling Xiao stood directly on the third floor, no, it was the 100th floor!

It doesn't matter, I'm here.

Ling Xiao ignored him at all and smiled at Commander Su Yan.


The atmosphere immediately solidified.

you you……

When the red-haired boy heard these words, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

He couldn't understand it at all. His brain was spinning. He didn't even dare to look at the goddess's expression. He was really afraid of being embarrassed to death.

This is a pig, and it actually wants to eat cabbage!

Ling Xiao, let go of your hand. Are you out of your mind?

Su Yan took a deep breath, her face turned cold, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and she almost kicked him with her long, straight white legs.

He had just been promoted to the position of Protector, yet he dared to blaspheme himself like this.

Is this life-threatening?

Moreover, at such a critical moment, what on earth was he thinking?

What does it mean to have me here?

What ability does he have to deal with two paper soul clock figures in front and behind at the same time?

Just rely on the power of fighting dragons?

Although the power of fighting dragons is magical, he has just practiced it. How could she not know?

Yeah, there's water in my brain, but it's just cerebrospinal fluid.

Ling Xiao was still joking.

Let me go!

Su Yan scolded, now she really felt that there was something wrong with Ling Xiao's brain. She didn't mind and cut off his hands.


The Chongxie Sword appeared, accompanied by the howling of ghosts and wolves, and was about to cut Ling Xiao directly.

Sword of Worshiping Evil, please step aside.

Ye Jue pressed it with one hand, and along with the divine particles, an introverted divine aura escaped, and the invisible foundation spread out.


Su Yan had a look of shock on her face. Her evil-advocating sword was actually suppressed and she retreated into her armor.

What kind of situation is this? She has never encountered it before. The Chongxie Sword is the top magic weapon of the Jixue Clan, how could it be suppressed.

However, how could she know that divine particles are specifically designed to restrain evil spirits.

Follow me and kill him.

Ling Xiao's eyes seemed to see through the universe, and he pulled Su Yan to fly up. The latter couldn't resist at all, and felt driven by a mysterious force, which made her even more shocked.

Who are you?

Su Yan trembled. What was the purpose of such a strong man hiding beside her?


Ling Xiao did not speak, with a smile on his face. His body suddenly glowed with golden light, and the mixed particles evaporated.


A magical scene happened. The strange particles on this road suddenly exploded, were ignited, and turned into eternal flames, illuminating this cold dead road.


At the same time, the two soul clock paper figures also let out strange screams that penetrated people.

You, you, you...can actually induce these weird particles, how on earth did you do it?

The red-haired boy's expression changed drastically.

He saw Ling Xiao's terrifying figure descending on this road. The oppressive star road and the huge cave sky suddenly opened up, as if standing on the long river of the universe.

I have never seen such a powerful single cave.


He also saw that when Ling Xiao's eyes opened and closed, those strange particles were rolling in like a long river, rushing towards his body crazily, and they were unusually eye-catching on the dead road that illuminated the darkness.

Impossible. Even the empire cannot analyze and use these weird particles. Who are you? Do you really come from the Black Realm?

Su Yan was shocked and screamed, she was so frightened.

She saw Ling Xiao swallowing strange particles in his 'big mouth', and she almost mistaken it for some kind of monster and ran out of the black realm.


Ling Xiao didn't answer, and a combination of ancient secret techniques shot out from the cave sky, like fireworks blooming and meteor showers across the sky, reflected in the dead-end sky.

Boom! Boom!

Two soul bells rang, and sound waves swept in all directions, but it had no effect at all at this time.

There are seven kinds of ancient secret techniques flying out from the Lingxiao Cave, including True Dragon Lock, Dragon Throat Sound Barrier, Dragon Throat Mysterious Sound, Dragon Throat Roaring Roar, Dragon Tendon Sealing, Dragon Tendon Wrapping Form, and Five Dragon Battlefield. Unrestrained and wild, it crushed him directly.

These are the seven ancient secret techniques of fighting dragons. How did you succeed in practicing them so quickly? This is unreasonable. How long have you lived?

Su Yan felt even more terrible about this person named Ling Xiao.

Maybe, this is an old monster that has lived for three epochs.


Ling Xiao didn't answer, but the smile on his face grew stronger. Seven ancient secret techniques were shot out from the cave to kill the soul clock paper man at the click of a finger.


He took Su Yan's broad palm and gradually shrunk it, turning white. The Shura skin gradually faded away, synchronizing with the slowly disappearing holy light.

Well...this childish face is a bit like an...old friend of mine.

Su Yan was stunned and looked at Ling Xiao carefully in front of her.

She was extremely surprised, because at this time Ling Xiao had shrunk, the holy light had shrunk, and his red stripes were very strange, he was about thirteen years old.

From Ling Xiao's face, you can see the outline of someone similar.

She couldn't believe it. She was stunned and felt that the more she looked at it, the more they looked like each other.

I am gifted and handsome. Are you fascinated by it?

Ling Xiao naturally spoke calmly, with a playful tone.

You and I know someone who... looks similar, but he can't be here.

Su Yan was really stunned by this situation. It looked so similar, and the more she looked at it, the more they looked like each other.

Suddenly, her expression changed, she took a few steps back, and looked at him nervously.

You can't be...Black...Ye...

She was extremely shocked, and her face suddenly turned black.


Ling Xiao was delighted, and in an instant, he took out the God-Slaying Sword. The green blade shivered, revealing its unique characteristics.

What, the God-Slaying Sword? It's really you. How did you find me? You sold me to the empire in exchange for this magical weapon. But you never thought that I could become a member of the Jade Blood Clan and become a member of the Jade Blood Clan. I know the goddess of the empire. I understand, you are lurking around me, just waiting for this opportunity, but now that I am a member of the empire and have a distinguished status, you dare to attack me?

Su Yan wanted to scold her at that time. She was in a terrible mood. She was found by Heiye Jue again. Why was she so unlucky that she could never escape from this person's grasp.


In an instant, Ling Xiao understood that Su Yan's overall view was still based on the battle situation at that time, and she had no idea what was happening in the World Tree.

He felt very funny, what about Black Leaf Jue? When did it happen, people turned into ashes.

Goddess, Ling Xiao...what on earth are you talking about, why can't I understand a word?

The red-haired boy swallowed and muttered softly.

However, Ling Xiao showed great power and killed two soul clock paper figures at once, which shocked him to the core.

He is not a fool. He knows that Ling Xiao must be hiding his strength.

Now that it's been exposed, people might be killed and silenced.

Therefore, with a stiff smile on his face, he just stood there, not daring to disturb him at all.

Black Leaf Jue, do you want to capture me again? Stop dreaming. I am the goddess of the empire. Now even if you are in the lap of the Dark Angel Clan of the two-star civilization, you will still have to be controlled by me and enslaved by the empire. .”

Su Yan said with a dark face.


After hearing this, Ling Xiao cleared his throat and prepared to confess:

Envoy Su Yan, noble goddess, first of all, I want to correct you. The Black Leaf Jue you mentioned... that was all four years ago. He, my clone, is already dead. However, after the military state, a lot of them were copied.

Don't lie to me. I'm not the stupid fool I was before. What do you mean...are you that person?

Su Yan's whole body suddenly trembled, and she sneered a few times.

Now, she really wants to find a kitchen knife and chop this guy. How dare he pretend to be the person in her heart?

You know, Black Leaf Jue is definitely her biggest enemy.

Okay, okay, it's too bloody. You are acting in a TV series, let me tell you, okay?

The sword that killed the god suddenly flashed with light and transformed into an African young man with dark and shiny skin.

He followed Ye Jue all the way and encountered everything, and briefly explained the ins and outs.

At the same time, various events in the past have also evolved, such as repelling the great powers and defeating Taimogu.

You, Ling Xiao... no, are you really Ye Jue? You lied to me so miserably, why didn't you acknowledge me earlier?!

Seeing Tai Mogu's failure, Su Yan was awestruck, although she was still a little unbelievable and a little confused.

She had fantasized about meeting this person countless times, but she never expected that it would be in this way.

Because Ye Jue looks like a teenager now, with delicate facial features and big pure eyes. No matter how you look at it, he is too young.

In the past, he had black hair and shawl, and he exuded domineeringness from top to bottom.

Although it is harmless to humans and animals now and looks much cuter, it is really different from the previous impression.

Anyway, we finally meet. Do you know how long I have been fantasizing about this moment since I came to the outside world alone?

Su Yan's eyes glowed with purple light, and she was surrounded by her long body. At this moment, she was no longer the noble goddess of the empire, nor was she any longer the envoy of the Bixue clan.

My Lady Goddess, you, you, you...

The red-haired boy's eyes almost fell to the ground.

There is nothing we can do about it. The origin of the Shura world, the Shura orb has been staring at the Shura world. Only the power of creation by the gods can avoid it. When Ye Jue saw you, he wanted to recognize you directly. After all, we are all human beings. , to be able to meet in other realms, the odds are worth buying a lottery ticket.

The young African shrugged his shoulders.'s really you, it's really you.

Su Yan's purple eyes flashed with divine light, and she could clearly feel that the vigorous vitality, the familiar blood, and the overflowing breath were all familiar from the past, and it was difficult to fake them.

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