The last two chapters are in reverse order.


Ling Xiao, how do you practice? Answer me?

Su Yan said coldly.

Dear Goddess, this is what happened.

Ye Jue had already prepared a set of words.

At that time, I took the initiative to cut off the queen, already determined to die, but I didn't expect that suddenly several terrifying strange snakes rushed in. These strange snakes seemed to have terrifying bloodlines, and they immediately killed all those vicious paper figures. If he was killed, I would be lucky. I was hiding in XZ and accidentally broke into a time and space cave. There was actually a set of top-level magical cultivation methods called the power of fighting dragons, so I...

He told half truths and half lies, showing the two caves to her with a serious attitude.

Oh? You mean a strange snake? Does it have a special metallic luster and is covered in scales?

Su Yan frowned and looked at Ling Xiao's cave.

Yes, that's it. How did you know?

Ye Jue was extremely 'shocked' and checked his voice.

Don't worry about this. It seems that you have indeed got an opportunity. I have known some news about this before. The top cultivation method of fighting dragon power is in the void. I didn't expect you to find it. So, you follow me. Go catch the little real person in the stars and get some experience.

Su Yan nodded, and the two thick evil snakes turned into evil swords in a flash.

By the way, how is your cultivation going with the Forbidden Sky Evil Palm and Zen Thunder Protector that I gave you?

she asked suddenly.

I definitely don't dare to neglect. I have been practicing. Of my two caves, one is the power of fighting dragons, and the second is the Forbidden Heaven Evil Palm, Zen Thunder to protect life.

Ye Jue answered very seriously.

Well, you don't need to practice after the second cave. Let it go for now and practice the dragon fighting power you gained. Ling Xiao, you will be my right and left protector from now on.

Su Yan said this.

Defender left and right, so fast?

Is this a change of attitude?

It's definitely not a salty fish. Under those circumstances, he still chose to stay and break up the queen. He deserves to be able to rise to the sky in one step.

The surrounding Shura tribe, as well as some foreign tribes, all started whispering.

Guardian of the left and right? Is he worthy? Humph!

One of the boys had red hair and wild, unruly eyes.

Whether you are worthy or not is not your decision. This is the arrangement of the goddess.

Ye Jue said very 'arrogantly' that now that his identity has changed and he has become the guardian of the left and right, he no longer has to 'lower down'.

Come with me.

Su Yan didn't care about this and waved her jade hand.


Not long after, an astonishing thunderous sound erupted from a waterfall that reached the sky.

This is where the little real person Xingxing was still found in the underground world.


Su Yan rushed in immediately.

The Shura and the foreign tribes around him all filed in.

Ye Jue was no exception, and followed him into the waterfall under the underground world.

He is more at ease now.

The top-level magical power cultivation method has also been obtained. Six top-level magical powers and seven ancient secret techniques are all bizarre and colorful in the cave.

This is his true cave scene.

He has only one cave, which is very pure and extremely pure.

The cave sky that Su Yan saw was completely an illusion. It was created and evolved by the gods. It could be hidden from the sky and no one could detect it.

This is the underground space of the Shura world. There are many monsters with strong physiques, but there is no way out. This Star Lord has no way to escape.

Su Yan warned, leading a group of people to continue sinking.

Goddess, what is the strength of Star Lord?

A young man next to him asked quickly.

Star Lord? This is one of the titles of those powerful people. If you want to become a Star Lord, you must reach 500 stars, and you must pass a difficult test. Moreover, above the Star Lord, there are thousands of stars with high entropy bodies.

Su Yan answered with a faint smile.

Thousand-planet high-entropy body?

Everyone swallowed their saliva.

What kind of existence is that?

It must be extremely powerful.

Hearing this, Ye Jue couldn't help but chuckle to himself. In his kingdom of gods, a spiritual body with a thousand-star high-entropy body was actually suppressed.

Huh? Did you just smile? Don't think I didn't see it. I've been observing you.

The red-haired boy suddenly made a harsh voice: Ling Xiao, don't think that you can be arrogant just because you have just become the guardian of the left and right. Although this little real star is just a star, without the protection of the goddess, killing you is like killing a dog!

Thousand-star high-entropy body, one look at you will make you burp!

he said proudly.

Ye Jue: ...

He said he didn't want to talk.


Seeing this scene, the red-haired boy snorted coldly.

As one of the guardians on the left and right, he really looked down on this person named Ling Xiao, so he got a very rare and top-level magical cultivation method at a cheap price.

However, the rarer it is, the harder it is to comprehend.

I am afraid that within hundreds or thousands of years, these guardians will not be able to accomplish anything.

In the Kingdom of the Gods——

This little kid is so stinky, let me chop him, let me chop him!

I can barely hold back the sword of the Zhanshen Sword.

He's a little brat, what does he care about?

The Dragon Girl was holding the God-Slaying Sword and was chopping the paper-faced Yama. She first cut through the purple-red halo that appeared outside the body, and then carefully cut open the inside and dissected it bit by bit.

It's not a living thing or a spirit, it's only driven by a strange particle force.

These are really weird particles. These paper figures and the paper figures on the vermilion ship are definitely from the same place.

Ye Jue thought for a while.

Is there any accident in Heiyu?

The road leading to the black realm, in the deepest part of the space-time cave, allows strange particles to leak out, permeating all space-time caves, and giving birth to so many paper figures, which makes people have to guess.

have eaten.

He stewed the paper figure in one bite, ate it in the Pure Land, and transformed it into strange particles.

After all, there are weird particles in the current mixed particles, allowing Pure Land to swallow the paper figures to enhance its own purity.

At this time, a series of explosions occurred under the Shura Realm.

At this time, Su Yan held the evil sword in her hand, and with a rumble, dense evil light and lightning descended, all of them were struck down, covering the place, trying to dig out this little real star.

Others followed suit and started bombing the molten rocks.

The clan in the empire, the Bixue clan, worships evil and is good at using evil power. I didn't expect to be so unlucky to meet a child of this clan.

In a certain molten rock underground, Little Master Xingxing was breathing heavily. The thunder came and hit him all around. It was so thrilling. He didn't know when he would be exposed.

But sooner or later it was a matter of time. I was in this situation and could no longer ask for support.

If you want to escape, you must defeat the goddess and a bunch of thugs.

However, this goddess was very powerful, and she was shocked and amazed just after they had fought against her.

All his methods were resolved effortlessly.

Is it really impossible to escape this disaster?

Little Master Xingxing looked embarrassed.

This feeling...don't mention it, it's simply too desperate.

However, at this moment, he actually saw a time hole.

Yes, that is definitely the entrance to the space-time hole. Countless condensed lights shrink into a singularity, leading to the unknown world inside.

But how?

He opened his mouth.

This time hole was so close to him that he could plunge into it instantly with just a slight movement of his feet.

Is someone saving me?

Suddenly, Master Xingxing thought about it and his face was startled.

He is not a fool, this was definitely done by someone, and the time hole was sent to him. It seemed that it would not last long, it would disappear in a few seconds, and there was not much time left for him.

No matter, it doesn't matter whether it's a trap or not.

He turned his head, plunged directly into it, and disappeared the next moment.


In an instant, shards of lightning came, almost completely destroying the place where he had just been.


The moment Little Master Xingxing disappeared, Su Yan shouted in astonishment.

Her eyes flickered and she felt that the evil power left on the little master Xingxing had completely disappeared.

This is absolutely impossible!

There is no way to escape here, and even if there is a way, she will find it first.


Her eyes were very confused.

If she messes up this task, a lot of merit will be deducted, which will greatly affect her promotion.

Ye Jue was also among them, looking for people who were impossible to find.

Here, only one person knows the whereabouts of Little Master Xingxing.

Something's wrong, so wrong.

Su Yan murmured to herself.

The sudden change made her doubt her life.

You know, this may be her contribution to Shi Huang, but now she has disappeared for no reason.

Will there be any teleportation array?

Others are also looking at each other. The underground world of the Shura Realm here is very small in square footage and can be fully explored in less than ten minutes.

But now, two hours have passed and there is still no clue or trace.


Su Yan gritted her teeth, flew away with a group of people, and disappeared here.

However, after a long time, she returned and searched carefully again, but still found no results, and finally left completely unwillingly.

Where are you here? Which Shura ethnic group are you from? We are the enemy and we are at war. Why do you want to help me?

On a depleted planet in the Shura world, Little Master Xingxing frowned and looked at the Shura clan in front of him.

Asura clan? I'm not one.

Ye Jue shook his head.

Huh? You said you are not from the Shura clan. Why don't I believe you? Look at your appearance. What are you if you are not from the Shura clan?

Little Master Xingxing smiled suddenly.

I'm human.

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light suddenly flashed across Ye Jue's body, releasing the power of creation from the gods, and a pure young man's body covered in blood streaks appeared, extremely monstrous.

What, human?

Xingxing Xiaozhenren's eyes suddenly lit up: I didn't expect that we would have allies in the Shura world, and that there would be humans here. It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable!

He was excited because he didn't expect to meet his teammates here.

Moreover, it seemed that this human being had just used some unknown means to send the space-time hole in front of him, directly saving his life.

754-755, there was a system error, these three chapters were reversed, sorry for that.

Then, at the end of the month, it was just a single update, because a close relative passed away, sorry. .


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