The woman with the shrill voice, she was the strong one in this imperial team, had just escaped danger, and she immediately started to accuse.

This goddess, which clan do you belong to? Hmph, you are so brave. You dare to abandon us and run for your life. Fortunately, we are lucky and have noble people to help us. I will report this matter truthfully, and you will be punished. Bar!

These imperial soldiers are extremely powerful and powerful.

If he hadn't encountered those weird paper Yamas, he would have easily completed the mission long ago.

Well now, there were a hundred people when we came, but now there are only five people left.

Hmph, you performed the rescue mission slower than a turtle. It was just a C-level mission, but it made you panic. You even did that kind of behavior on the battlefield. Did you do it on purpose? I will definitely report you!

Another man wearing a battle armor uniform said with a cold expression.

Yes, there are ten thousand and three true disciples of the Wolf Star. Each of them is more capable than you. If I had known earlier, I would have asked them to come to the rescue.

These people are very dissatisfied with the goddess Su Yan.

Oh? You said there is a noble person to help you?

Su Yan asked with an expressionless face.

I don't know who that is, but he is obviously more useful than you. He risked his life to save us. He is probably dead now.

The imperial soldier sneered, turned and left.

He needed immediate surgery. He had just fought with the paper Yama, and there were some problems with the electrode unit in his body.

Check it for me.

Su Yan did not pay attention to his words, but her face was cold. The air around her suddenly became cold, and a thick ice shell condensed on the ground.

Especially the inner disciples around her, their teeth were chattering, clucking, clucking...

When she left, she could even see crystal ice flowers growing under her footsteps. However, these ice flowers quickly withered and burned with black flames, and no one dared to touch them.

Could this magical power be one of the top ten magical powers in the Shura world? The evil stained power in the Evil Sword Division. People who are stained by the evil will have a sword mark in their hearts and can be driven at will.

Some people were horrified.

Could it be that... this goddess just hid her own strength?

Otherwise, using Xie Ran's magical power, he would definitely be able to save these five imperial soldiers easily.

Moreover, hearing the words of these imperial soldiers, it seemed that they had already asked for help.

The goddess deliberately delayed until now to rescue...

Does she want them dead?

Many people looked at one place, which was a bit scary.

Who is it that disrupted my plan? Did I collect him?

Su Yan frowned, and a sword of worshiping evil appeared in her hand.

This sword is transformed by supernatural power and is releasing evil energy.

Haoshui, Minglei, Lihuo, Dirty Earth, Black Snow, Xietian, my Liudu Sword Formation is about to take shape. When the time comes, even the head of the palace will be unable to stop my plan.

she thought.

Report! We found out. He is from our Jade Blood Palace. His name is Ling Xiao. He was seen blocking the swords of three imperial soldiers and staying behind to cut off the rear.

Immediately, a Shura disciple came over to report.

Huh? Ling Xiao, who is he?

Su Yan sighed.

This name seemed a bit familiar, and I immediately remembered that it was a disciple I had accepted not long ago.

Oh, it turned out to be him. I didn't expect him to be so courageous.

Su Yan shook her head.

However, they were just foolhardy. Those paper figures came from a mysterious space and had strange strength. They were definitely not something he could deal with.

Now, I'm afraid he is dead.

Since he is already dead, there will be no further investigation.

Therefore, she put the matter behind her and completely forgot about this person's existence.

What on earth is there?

Ye Jue, on his side, was rubbing his hands together to open the golden treasure box.


A ray of golden light spurted out. After the golden light dissipated, the God-Beheading Sword, the African youth, and Yang Laner all saw that there was a little golden pig inside.

The little golden pig was exposed and split open, revealing an ancient record.


Ye Jue reached out and picked it up.

The power of fighting dragons.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the kingdom of gods.

Damn it, you've made a fortune. This is a top-notch supernatural power training program. The once amazing Nine Dragons Soul Power has just happened to be a Heavenly Dragon, so you can cultivate it directly!

The African youth screamed in surprise.

The power of fighting dragons can evolve into two stages: ancient secret techniques and ancient secret techniques. You got something good.

The dragon girl also nodded.

Hmph, the empire is indeed very ambitious. It is constantly tracking the ancient records left behind. It seems that it wants to collect all myths to make the empire infinitely stronger.

Yang Laner snorted.

Can it evolve into two stages?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

Isn't this the top-level magical cultivation he has been looking for?

Moreover, this record is very suitable for him, and it feels like a natural fit.

Didi! Successfully extracted the power of the war dragon, you have obtained the power of the Nine Dragon Soul!

The soul of dragon scales - armor defense, the soul of dragon blood - increase one's own strength!

The soul of the dragon's throat - sonic enhancement, the soul of the dragon's sinew - defense!

The soul of dragon marrow - quickly recovers injuries and physical strength; the soul of dragon bone - increases one's own speed!

The soul of Dragon Ball - mind control, the soul of Dragon Vein - improve palm skills and martial arts!

The Soul of Long Mo - Improve swordsmanship, swordsmanship and martial arts!

The power of the nine dragon souls is indeed very good.

The system directly parsed it and turned it into a template mode.

very good!

Ye Jue was confident and directly integrated the power of the dragon into the cave.

Then he began to smelt on the spot.

Now that he has rare resources in his hands, he naturally hopes to turn them into his own strength as soon as possible, otherwise everything will be in vain.

Regarding the power of fighting dragons, the dragon girl also said that it was a very ancient power. Seeing it again, Ye Jue was filled with joy and expectation.

Now he is deducing it, performing it over and over again, thinking about it in his mind, thinking and studying it seriously.

Practice, my cave!

After a short time, the purple energy vibrating from the cave sky was so rich that it could not be dissipated. It completely submerged him and the surrounding terrain, like a large cloud covering the area.

Soon, a huge sound came out, like thousands of waves hitting the sky, or like mountains exploding one after another. The huge sound was very deafening.

Within the domain, Ye Jue glowed in the purple mist, and his body was as white as jade, but the void around him was distorting and exploding.

For two whole days and two nights, the cave was smelted and the power of fighting dragons was put into it.

Huh? How did you do it? This is impossible. What kind of magic weapon is on your body? Even if it is a top-quality artifact, it is impossible to comprehend the power of the nine dragon souls so quickly, unless, unless You are wearing a legendary prehistoric level weapon, what level is it? Only the mysterious power of prehistoric level weapons is possible.

Yang Laner stared at Ye Jue, as if trying to figure out some clues.

She couldn't help but be shocked!

Ye Jue had just reached the power of fighting dragons. Within two days, he had comprehended the power of the nine dragon souls and smelted them into the cave one by one. This must be a legendary prehistoric level weapon.

What is the concept of prehistoric level weapons?

A clan as big as Taimogu has a long history, ten times or a hundred times that of many dynasties and interfaces in many World Trees, but even now there is none.

Unless Taimogu handed over the Oniwu Sacred Picture, but that thing is still hidden in his spirit body, which is obvious to all.

Oh, you mean I have a secret? Of course I do, but it's not a prehistoric weapon. The less people know about it, the better.

Ye Jue smiled.

He is not afraid of Yang Lan'er leaking the secret. I'm afraid he doesn't even know this woman. She has been chanted by the gods, and her thoughts and hearts have slowly changed, and she has become his accomplice.

Huh, okay, I won't ask anymore. This is considered a huge secret. Let the powerful people in the Shura world know that you will definitely be hunted down without restriction. Fortunately, no one will see us doing this. Please be careful in the future. .”

Yang Lan'er nodded and added: And when you use the power of the dragon, just tell the truth. If you get the opportunity, you can make up anything anyway.

As she spoke, she gradually disappeared.

Is this the power behind the successful smelting of the cave?

At this time, Ye Jue opened the cave.


Behind him, a vision quickly appeared. The power of the war dragon was roaring, and the nine dragon souls were wandering in the cave.

This is the same way, not only passive, but also active?

Ye Jue was even more surprised.

Nine Dragons Roar to Heaven, Nine Dragons Lingguan, Dao Wei Tianxia, ​​Nine Dragons Return to Heaven, Nine Dragons Roar to Heaven, Dragon Soars to the Sky, True Dragon Lock, Dragon Throat Sound Mask, Dragon Throat Mysterious Sound, Dragon Throat Roaring, Dragon Tendon Seal, Dragon Tendon Taming Shape, Five Dragons Field, War Dragon Returns, War Dragon Rage, Blood Dragon Infinite, Six Dragons Fix Tiangang, Heaven Moves Ultimate Dragon Slash, White Dragon Swift Move, Nine Dragons Condensate the Sky, Horizontal Dragon World Cuts Heaven, Nine Dragons End Absolutely.

There are a total of twenty-two ancient secret arts. By evolving one by one, he can obtain these.

For example, Tianxing Jueling Dragon Slash must evolve to the ancient secret technique. This will be the case for White Dragon Swift Move, Nine Dragons Condensing the Sky, Horizontal Dragon World Slashing the Sky, and Nine Dragons Absolute Jue.

Moreover, as I practice, my cave can be strengthened and I can continue to smelt other secret techniques, just like the Ten Thousand Great Divine Power Talisman, which can smelt out ten thousand ancient secret techniques.

Ye Jue's eyes were shining brightly.

In the end, others understood a unique skill. As Yang Laner said, it was impossible to do so quickly.

A hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, or even an era will do.

Once you get to him, you will understand it immediately. All active and passive aspects have been analyzed. All you need to do is follow the steps and use resources to hit hard.

He has too many resources, including the inexhaustible divine particles and the aura of the East China Sea Divine Furnace.

Now, he starts with the god particles.

Boom boom boom! !

The long river of divine particles poured into the cave where the war dragon roared.

All of a sudden, the cave sky shone incomparably, and the power of fighting dragons, which was still the top magical power, began to evolve crazily. Starting from the Nine Dragon Roaring Sky, it attacked one by one until it reached the True Dragon Lock, and it turned into an ancient secret technique!

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