Evolving from the top magical power to the ancient secret technique is so simple, it only takes a moment.

In one fell swoop, Ye Jue mastered six top-level magical powers and an ancient secret technique, the True Dragon Lock.

Immediately afterwards, the rate of evolution slowed down.

After being stuck in the dragon's throat sound mask for a while, he rushed directly to the Five Dragons Battlefield.

With such ease, he obtained six more ancient secret techniques and couldn't stop at all.

There are a total of six top-level magical powers: Nine Dragons Roar to the Sky, Nine Dragons Lingguan, Daowei Tianxia, ​​Nine Dragons Return to Heaven, Nine Dragons Roar to the Sky, and Dragon Soars to the Sky.

Seven ancient secret techniques: True Dragon Lock, Dragon Throat Sound Mask, Dragon Throat Mysterious Sound, Dragon Throat Roaring, Dragon Tendon Sealing, Dragon Tendon Wrapping Form, and Five Dragon Battlefield.

Finally, the evolution was stuck on War Dragon Guiyuan. Even the divine particles were not enough. Progress was slow and more resources needed to be spent.

It seems that this is all we can do at this stage.

Ye Jue muttered to himself, and went out directly without staying long.

With a crash, he emerged from the rich purple air, bringing up a large cloud of smoke, and then returned all the way, feeling that the atmosphere in the entire Shura world was slightly tense.

Because, during the hundred days he disappeared, some problems occurred in the outside world.

First, the Son of God came, and some people came from outside the world. Those imperial soldiers were ready to cross the border at any time, and many local creatures in the Shura Realm were very nervous.

Today, a woman in white stands on a Purple Moon River. This is a very beautiful long river in the Shura world and is very famous.

This woman's hair is not long, only reaching her snow-white neck, but she carries a calm and calm aura. When she steps here, ice lotuses in the void grow out of every step she takes.

She is not alone, there is a group of people behind her, and she is the leader.

Moreover, wherever she passed, there was an evil haze that shot straight into the sky, cutting into pieces the human figures around her and scattering them everywhere, completely defeated.

These humanoids turned out to be lives outside the Shura world, entities like the Empire.

Moreover, Ye Jue was very familiar with them, and they turned out to be Star People, a second-level cosmic civilization group.

Star people seem to know the power of evil haze disaster deeply, because this evil haze disaster is not only a secret technique, but also a magic weapon, which is close to the best.


Ye Jue also heard a very funny name, which seemed to be one of those powerful stars.

Uh, what is that? Su Yan?

He looked over.

Evil haze and disaster, the power of blood and darkness!

Sure enough, Su Yan's familiar voice came from the river in the distance.

Ye Jue saw that Su Yan was holding the Evil Sword, and with a change, it turned into two huge evil snakes. These two evil snakes were ten thousand feet long. The scales on their bodies were vivid, spitting out letters, and they seemed to be inside the bodies of the two evil snakes. On the bed, I can feel the breath of life.


As soon as the two evil snakes condensed and formed, they immediately spit out messages and flew around in the air. Their tops were connected to form a yin and yang circle, cutting the surroundings into pieces again.

That powerful evil energy directly refined many stars.

In the smoke, many people howled one after another, which meant that the spiritual body inside was completely wiped out.

The refining process of the Chongxie Sword is very cruel. It collects the essence, blood and soul of Snake Yama and directly integrates it into the sword.

Snake Yama also comes from a mysterious space, most likely the black realm.

Xingxing Xiaozhenren's power, when encountering Su Yan's sword, was like a moth flying into a flame and was completely wiped out.

Ye Jue looked at the hidden figure in the sky and saw Su Yan's methods on the Ziyue River, and felt interesting again.

He knew that Yang Lan'er in the Kingdom of Gods might not be able to defeat Su Yan, so he couldn't help but feel very relieved and decided to take a peek for a while.

However, unless Yang Laner regains all his strength and body.

Ah! Goddess, you are not the first dragon, but the Tyrannosaurus level, the pinnacle of the Tyrannosaurus level! And the power of the empire! And the power of your clan, damn it!

An extremely sharp sound erupted, and then a sphere of smoke emerged from it and fled rapidly in the sky, dragging a long tail behind it.

Ye Jue saw clearly that there was a short star person wrapped in the smoke sphere, holding a small star core in his hand. A lot of golden energy came out of the star core, covering his whole body.

His flying speed was extremely fast, like a crossbow arrow piercing the clouds or flying stars, flying over Ye Jue's head in the blink of an eye.

Want to run?

At this moment, Su Yan's white clothes fluttered and appeared in the sky above the river. At the same time, the two evil snakes had reached her feet, allowing her to step up one by one and swim around as if they were in control of everything. The goddess descended to the mortal world.

The two evil snakes under her feet were chasing after her quickly, and the little real person Xingxingxing was about to disappear from her sight.


I saw her holding her hands together, and the thick evil power in her hands was entangled, instantly forming a huge bow as tall as a man, and then a black lightning condensed into an arrow and was placed on the bow.

The power of evil is the power of her clan.


Shoot it with one arrow!

The black electric arrow actually tore the air directly, rubbing the air into a series of fire tails.

It seemed as if a meteorite from the sky landed on the ground, and with just a flash, it hit the star core of Xingxing Xiaozhenren's body.


Little Master Xingxing immediately let out a shrill scream, the star core was smashed, and his body fell downwards.

Plop fell into the Ziyue River.

At the same time, the clothes on his body began to burn, as if being burned by a powerful electric current.

His eyebrows and hair all stood up, and his face was instantly distorted.

Su Yan's move uses evil energy to condense into bows and arrows, which she thinks is a good move.

It's called Xie Gong Jin, and it's an inherited power that the clan is quite proud of.

She had practiced for a long time to achieve this effect.

Star Core, let's move and turn!

The moment he fell into the river, Little Real Person Xingxing roared desperately, and the star core in his hand suddenly burst into a ball of water, completely wrapping his body and blending into the river, leaving no trace of the news.


Su Yan rushed over and stayed on the river, standing in the void with her brows furrowed:

Then, her spirit body flew out, surrounded by evil forces. She looked around,

In the blink of an eye, his eyes saw through the depths of the Purple Moon River. From a distance, there seemed to be a golden light that combined with the purple water. In an instant, it penetrated into the underground river and disappeared.

The star core indeed has special power...

Seeing this, Su Yan did not pursue him, but instead focused her attention on Ye Jue below.

A disciple of the Wolf Star? Then, she landed.

Obviously, she didn't recognize Ling Xiao at once, because she had already forgotten this person.

I've seen the goddess.

Seeing Su Yan landing, Ye Jue was extremely amused. He landed secretly and was discovered on purpose.

However, he was still lying on the ground, jumped up, shouted, and was thinking of how to express his words.

Huh? Ling Xiao? You actually dare to come here to practice. You must know that this place has become a place of conflict between the Star Boundary and Shura. It is extremely dangerous. You have not died before?

Su Yan's eyes stared at Ye Jue, penetrating into his organs and soul.

The aura is strong, the internal organs are condensed, and there is a membrane on the outside of the flesh. You have actually cultivated to the realm of Chulong? In just one month?

Seeing clearly Ling Xiao's vitality state, Su Yan was slightly surprised.

Because in just one month, this is an incredible leap forward.

How do you practice? Answer me?

Su Yan saw that Ye Jue was silent, and her voice became louder, like a heavy hammer hitting her heart.

She snorted coldly. The surrounding temperature seemed to drop sharply, and the surrounding air had a tendency to freeze.

Although it is not the real freezing of Tianhan Xuanming Jin like Da Neng, it gives people a mental chill like heavy snow falling and the cold air is overwhelming.

This goddess, a member of the imperial clan, is really powerful.

Those who saw her around felt as if they were standing naked in the ice and snow. The deep cold air pierced their bones, penetrated their spirits, penetrated deep into their brains, and controlled their thoughts.

Under this situation, they quickly performed their cultivation techniques, thinking about cultivation in their minds, looming in their minds.

No need to look at the following.

Me, me, me, choose me!

Choose me!

Me me me me!

The atmosphere immediately improved.

However, it made some people angry.

For example, Luo Feng, Luo Jiujiu, and Luo Dayou all felt reluctant about their positions.

Why should a young brat have to control them?

What did the goddess think of promoting him at such a high-profile meeting?

Come one by one, don't be hasty.

Ye Jue remained calm until the end and recruited a thousand disciples into his team.

The Jade Blood Palace Law Enforcement Team has announced its operation at this moment.

In the days that followed, Ye Jue lived a very carefree life, leading his team members everywhere to cause trouble every day.

These Shuras really dared to be angry but dare not speak out. Who made Ling Xiao now the famous person around Su Yan?

In recent days, I don’t know how many times I have been summoned.

After each time, they would see the rosy cheeks of the goddess, and they would have countless associations in their hearts, fearing that if the latter knew about it, they would be hacked alive.

Therefore, no one dared to spread the news and were afraid of death.

I heard that in the old world, there was a job called urban management. It might have been like this, powerful and domineering.

Ye Jue was confiscating an artifact of unknown origin. It was obviously a magic weapon, but he pretended not to know and took it by force.

This...you are going too far, Captain Ling.

Suddenly, a tornado blew out, and a group of Shura clan flew over. Seeing such a scene, they wanted to eat him.

Huh? Do you want to go have tea?

Ye Jue looked at them sideways and ignored them completely.

The place to drink tea was in the dungeon of the Jade Blood Palace. After suffering, he was transferred to the Wolf Star and suffered inhuman torture.

Don't dare, don't dare, let's escape.

They didn't dare to say anything anymore and ran away in despair.

So arrogant!

But no matter how arrogant they are, they don't dare to take action against them unless they have had enough.

Only a group of old staff remained calm and secretly began to make plans and actions, vowing to kill the little beast Ling Xiao. No matter how talented he was, being arrogant here was absolutely unacceptable!

Therefore, they unanimously agreed to carry out traps and kills in future missions.

Time passed day by day.

Ye Jue enforced the law during the day and began to capture the future at night, looking for all information about Jun Shenzhao.

Who is this Jun Shenzhao? Is he a man or a woman?

he asked.

I don't know.

The controller is rushing inside the boundary monument with the God Exorcist King Sword, and is expected to meet the coordinates soon.

The kingdom of the gods is still in danger and is being hunted. Just the five auras behind him are overwhelming.

The Divine King Sword is of the speed type. Although it cannot be said to be able to completely throw away those artifacts, it can gradually widen the distance.


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