Swish, swish, swish!

The entire Jade Blood Palace disciples rose up like locusts.

After so many days of development, Su Yan has attracted many people and has really formed a large scale.

The mission target location has been marked, follow me.

With a cold face, she headed into the distance. Behind her, thousands of disciples formed a long queue and left the planet in leaps and bounds.


The teleportation array was activated, and they arrived in the time and space cave in an instant.

This mission is to rescue an imperial team trapped in Liu Chongyue. They were besieged by Yama on paper. Don't underestimate the C-level mission and go all out. Do you understand?

Su Yan led everyone, her voice whistling in the wind.


Everyone nodded.

On paper, Yama is the god of death in the time and space cave. I don’t know who he is. Anyway, they are responsible for all the missing cases.

Some people couldn't help but shed a cold sweat at the thought of fighting the paper Yama.

Brother, listen to me and run away as soon as the war starts. Do you understand?

Suddenly, a middle-aged man came to Ling Xiao's side and warned him like this.

Not really needed.

Ye Jue shook his head.

His physique has just exceeded the level of Tianlong, and his cells are extremely powerful, which he has not yet vented.

If a war really breaks out, let Yama on paper try how hard his fist is.

Okay, this is it, stop!

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the front, and the dense crowd of Jixue Palace disciples looked there.

That's the hell bird, the pet of Yama on paper, that has discovered us.

Su Yan said calmly.

In this space-time hole, there is a thick white mist, and in the white mist, there are constant murderous intentions.

Swish, swish, swish!

At this moment, countless streaks of lightning rushed out of the white mist and attacked everyone.


not good!

Fight back quickly!

These lightning bolts, thousands of arcs, were like shattering the void.

The battle had just begun, and hundreds of people were swallowed up in an instant, exploding under the lightning, and blood mist filled the place.

Ah ah ah, this is...this is the energy aftermath caused by strong men colliding. It's too scary. The energy emitted is really terrifying!

What C-level mission? Are C-level missions so difficult?

If we can't do it, if we can't finish it, we will die!

Suddenly, the team was in panic, many people howled miserably, and countless people were injured.

Even Su Yan turned pale when she saw this situation and was unable to speak.

Calm down, everyone. We are not here to fight head-on or die. We are here to find a way to save people. With so many people, can't we save just five people?

Ye Jue used a hint of the singing voice of the gods to pass into everyone's hearts and encourage them.

Ling Xiao, you are right.

We go around from the right side. The force of these comets hitting the earth comes from one direction.

Although the destructive aura is enough to sweep across us, just avoid it and leave quickly!

Everyone nodded and flew towards the white mist world beside them.

You are very good and have great management skills. I was not wrong at first.

Su Yan looked at Ling Xiao, very satisfied.

Thank you for exaggerating. Let's get out of here quickly. It's too dangerous.

The danger Ye Jue refers to is danger to Su Yan, but to him... it's nothing.

Those thunders are nothing short of normal.

What's more, he now has a Tianlong-level body, with various particles in his body, which can almost suppress his contemporaries.

Although there are no contemporaries in this world, there is a feeling of loneliness among masters.


Finally, they escaped the clouds and saw the light, and saw the Imperial team being surrounded by a group of paper figures.

These paper figures were not afraid of the power of life. When they saw someone coming, they became even more domineering and violent than before, and one of them pounced directly on them.

Cang Ming Formation!

Su Yan gave a low drink.


At this moment, the sky and the earth roared, the light of yin and yang circulated in the void, and a protective formation appeared above everyone's heads.


With a roar, a violent explosion occurred above the protective formation.

This is the paper Yamas hitting the door with their bodies.

A paper Yama actually trapped a team of more than 10,000 people?

Ye Jue was a little shocked.

This paper Yama is comparable to the paper man on the vermilion ship, so powerful.

The Cang Ming Formation can't last long, come with me to rescue!

Su Yan led a group of people, and the overwhelming light of energy shook the surrounding areas, and they headed towards the trapped imperial five-person group.

The empire's five-person group was suppressed in a small space. The small space was shrinking infinitely, making them immortal and unable to stand up.

What else is there to say, kill!

This time, the entire Jade Blood Palace was dispatched, and there were still more than nine thousand disciples left. They flew towards the small space in a swarm to unblock the trapped strong men.

Get out of here, you piece of rubbish. Anyone who dares to touch me will die without a burial place!

One of the Imperial men broke through the small space with help and roared, seeming to be extremely disgusted. These words were too much.


Ye Jue had already arrived behind him and struck him with a knife. The latter fainted without even making a sound.

One rescue completed!

The second one was also rescued successfully!

It's not good, it's not good, the paper Yama has come in, and the effect of the Cang Ming Formation has disappeared prematurely.

Immediately, someone screamed in fear.

I didn't expect the formation eye to disappear so quickly.

The powder in Su Yan's hand flowed down, crystal clear, Haoran's eyes had expired.

Go, go quickly!

She flew away without hesitation.

The same is true for the others, just like fleeing the wilderness, wishing they could grow more Shura wings and fly back to the Wolf Star in no time.

Only the Wolf Star can protect them now.

However, on paper, Yama did not pursue him. Instead, he started to kill the disciples behind him and the three other Imperial people without any purpose.

Ah, help!

They howled repeatedly, but they were unable to withstand the attack of Yama on paper. The other three imperial men were held up by them. They had no strength and were limp.

The God-Gathering Flag!

Suddenly, Ye Jue suddenly threw a big flag, which flew out in an instant and was inserted between the two, making a hunting sound.

You hold the three masters and leave quickly. I will find a way to hold these monsters back.

He was very brave, took the initiative to resign, and his eyes were sincere and touching.

Okay, okay, what's your name? Forget it, I will know in the future. Your sacrifice is very valuable. I will build a monument for you later to commemorate you.

One of the imperial men was so moved that he wanted to erect a monument to him.


The corners of Ye Jue's mouth twitched a few times.

As they disappeared, the teleportation array flickered past.

Now, in this time and space cave, Liu Chong Yuezhong, only he and these inhuman and emotionless paper figures are left.

He found that these paper figures worked together flawlessly. No wonder the Imperials were no match.

Since there is no one left, it's up to me to show off.

Ye Jue's hair was spread out, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

Although he still has the body of a young man, it seems like a big sun is burning, illuminating half of the sky, and the aura of energy is earth-shattering!

The kingdom of the gods, swallow it up for me!

He roared loudly, and the gates of the gods suddenly opened, rolling out rivers and swallowing the three paper-faced Yamas.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, Dragon Girl, African Youth, Divine Blade, and Yang Laner took action. They had been waiting for a long time.

Three Treasures of Shura!

Ye Jue was fearless and stepped forward in the Pure Land of the Gods, with the Three Treasures of Shura lingering around his body.

There is nothing to say now, except to suppress the paper man and kill him!

Because this is most likely a life form from the black realm, you must not let it go. The corpse can be analyzed, dissected, and analyzed, and many useful results can be obtained.


Ye Jue held the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-Removing Gourd and erupted with an astonishing energy aura. The gourd was as if it was born from the flames in the center of the sun. The energy flames spurted out, making a clanging sound and a stunning luster!

Whether it is a paper man or a paper man with the same terrifying appearance as Yama, they are also very afraid of fire.

In an instant, everything was burned, and red fire erupted from the body of Yama on paper. The energy displayed was too scary.


The people in the Kingdom of Gods would never give them a chance to recover and immediately attacked them.

At this moment, Ye Jue's body appeared in Liu Chongyue again. This time and space spanned many, many times. The people from the empire must be looking for some treasure.

However, when they didn't find it, they were attacked and tricked by the extremely weird Paper Yama and Paper Man.

Key to Heaven, come out!

Ye Jue shouted: Shrink, shrink again, keep shrinking!


The huge key began to change, shrinking to the size of a palm.


All of a sudden, it was inserted into the void and twisted hard.


That space cracked like a mirror, then shattered, all falling down, and a treasure box appeared inside, extremely bright, with golden beams of light shooting out randomly.

I see, this is what the Imperial people are looking for.

If the imperial people hadn't stayed here and been discovered by the paper man, Ye Jue would never have known that there was a treasure buried here.

Take it from me.

Ye Jue really gained a lot this time.

This treasure chest is so bright, what exactly is inside?

Boom boom boom!!

As if they felt that Ye Jue had obtained the treasure box, the paper-faced Yamas in the Kingdom of Gods roared sharply, overflowing with tremendous blood power.


The dragon girl's infinite umbrella fell down, and with a bang, the two severely damaged paper figures completely lost their vitality and died instantly.

Very good, just leave one and study it slowly.

Soon, the return of the Jade Blood Palace caused a sensation throughout the sect.

Because the mission issued by the empire ended perfectly, and only a few people died.

As long as the goddess gains power in the empire, she can definitely create a super god!

Many people give this high praise.

What goddess? Come out! How do you do things?

Suddenly, a sharp voice rang out from the imperial team, which was very harsh.

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