Ever since he knew that the head of the Jialang Star Palace was constantly deducing himself, Ye Jue hid deeper and fully brought out the spirit of 'Gou'.

During the day, he is friendly and helpful, and is a serious and good comrade-in-arms.

At night, he would strike hard and burn the divine particles to practice the Forbidden Heaven Evil Palm and Zen Thunder to protect life.

Anyway, there is an inexhaustible supply of divine particles in the kingdom of gods. In order to deceive others, I simply practiced some.

Well, yes, you are indeed very talented. In a short period of time, you have mastered the Forbidden Heaven Evil Palm and Zen Thunder Protector to the third level.

As Su Yan spoke, purple symbols appeared in her eyes.

She was walking in the void, heading here.

Ye Jue could naturally feel that she was powerful, far more powerful than before, so he quickly backed up, and his blood surged, pretending to be intimidated by her domineering aura.

Practice hard and you will be useful soon. Then it will be a good opportunity for you to make meritorious deeds. Whether you can be promoted depends on your performance.

Su Yan was obviously very satisfied with this performance. Her dress was fluttering and she sat on a chair in the Jade Blood Palace. She looked at the thousands of disciples below and said, You too must follow Ling Xiao's example and practice so hard.

Although this Jade Blood Palace is my property, the place is too big for me to manage by myself. I will choose a few reliable people to take care of it first. Ling Xiao, I heard that you have been helpful to others recently and have a good reputation. Then bring a thousand people to be responsible for managing the rules and order of the Jade Blood Palace. As for who to choose, it’s up to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of purple light flew over and shot into Ling Xiao's body.

Thank you Goddess for cultivating me.

Ye Jue's face was filled with surprise, but secretly he was extremely calm.

This purple light is a management force of the Jade Blood Palace. If it enters his identity jade pendant, he can gain authority.

What's going on? He just came here and he's already appreciated by the goddess?

I have worked hard for so long, but I still don't get this kind of treatment.

Climbing onto my head so quickly?

Su Yan's casual order immediately made Ling Xiao a target of public criticism.

After all, Ling Xiao has only been here ten days, and many people are his seniors. It should never be his turn to compete with others based on their qualifications and strength.

Therefore, some people present had unhappy expressions on their faces.

Especially the powerful black-skinned Shura tribe, their eyes immediately flashed with fierceness, as if they wanted to eat Ling Xiao.

These black-skinned Shura are all relatively powerful inner disciples in the Wolf Star. They were also recruited by Su Yan, thinking that following the goddess would definitely bring in plenty of benefits.

However, the benefits are gone now, and have been taken away instead. I'm afraid they have murderous intentions.


However, they did not dare to say anything. Now that the goddess was present, they only showed dissatisfaction.

Because here, Su Yan's words are imperial edict.

Someone who contradicted her was immediately killed. How could anyone dare to make a noise?

Luo Feng, you lead a thousand people to be responsible for purchasing the daily items needed by the Jade Blood Palace.

How long will it take you, Luo, to lead eight hundred disciples and be responsible for food, medicine collection, banquets, recipes, and making food on time every day, but you don't have to give it to me. I don't need to eat the food here.

And you, Luo Dayou, you are responsible for cleaning. You have to keep it spotless, you know?

Su Yan paid no attention to these people's mutterings and kept giving orders. The people under her command kept saying yes, yes, and no one dared to disobey her orders.

Okay, that's it. Wait patiently for the mission to be released. You will have the opportunity to become famous. Whether you will have the opportunity to join the empire depends on how well the mission is completed.

Su Yan finally left after saying that. She still had things to do, such as contacting the empire to ask when the mission would be released.

Seeing the goddess from the Jade Blood Palace leaving, several black-skinned Shura came over with unkind expressions.

Hey, Ling Xiao, you've been so crazy lately. You just don't take us seriously. Hand over your management power, or you'll get a severe beating!

These Shura had evil smiles on their faces, and there were many disciples behind them, all looking at them with gloating as if they were watching a play.


Ye Jue couldn't help but smile when he saw several black-skinned Shura being slowly forced towards him: This is the authority given to me by the goddess. If you take it away like this, aren't you afraid that the goddess will blame you?

He knew that these black-skinned Shuras were the most powerful in the Blue Blood Palace and had the highest status.

Of course, they are extremely dissatisfied that they have not received a job similar to that of the law enforcement team.

So they joined forces to cause trouble for him.

Hmph, the goddess won't care about this. The powerful ones in the Jade Blood Palace will come first. Hand over the management power quickly, otherwise you will suffer the consequences.

They licked their lips and stared at Ling Xiao.

Those with strength will prevail. I like this sentence very much. It seems that I am usually too gentle, which makes you think that I am easy to bully.

Ye Jue's voice suddenly turned cold, and the smile disappeared from his face. He looked calm, but the depths of his eyes were very deep, and a storm was brewing.


His aura surged instantly, and he rushed towards those black-skinned Shura, and an astonishing shock wave erupted between the two sides.

This shock wave was like a tangle of lightning, sweeping in all directions at high speed.

Just when everyone thought there was going to be a big battle.

did not expect.


The next second, four or five dead dog-like black-skinned Shura flew out directly, causing the ground to tremble, crack, and even explode.

how come?

Defeated instantly?

What kind of strength does Ling Xiao have? With such a powerful physique, does he have the potential to become a Shura blood demon?

The group of people who were originally watching the show were dumbfounded in an instant. Their voices were extremely hoarse. They had never seen such an instant kill. It was so fast that the outcome was determined almost instantly.

From today on, I am the captain of the law enforcement team. If anyone dares to violate the rules of the Blue Blood Palace, don't blame me for being rude.

Ye Jue's serious voice sounded.

The people Su Yan found were all useless people, so it was necessary to manage them well.


Then, when he glanced around with murderous eyes, no one dared to breathe.

Very good. Those who understand current affairs are heroes. Now the law enforcement team is recruiting a thousand law enforcement officers. Who wants to participate?

Ye Jue said something.

Me, me, me, choose me!

Choose me!

Me me me me!

The atmosphere immediately improved.

However, it made some people angry.

For example, Luo Feng, Luo Jiujiu, and Luo Dayou all felt reluctant about their positions.

Why should a young brat have to control them?

What did the goddess think of promoting him at such a high-profile meeting?

Come one by one, don't be hasty.

Ye Jue remained calm until the end and recruited a thousand disciples into his team.

The Jade Blood Palace Law Enforcement Team has announced its operation at this moment.

In the days that followed, Ye Jue lived a very carefree life, leading his team members everywhere to cause trouble every day.

These Shuras really dared to be angry but dare not speak out. Who made Ling Xiao now the famous person around Su Yan?

In recent days, I don’t know how many times I have been summoned.

After each time, they would see the rosy cheeks of the goddess, and they would have countless associations in their hearts, fearing that if the latter knew about it, they would be hacked alive.

Therefore, no one dared to spread the news and were afraid of death.

I heard that in the old world, there was a job called urban management. It might have been like this, powerful and domineering.

Ye Jue was confiscating an artifact of unknown origin. It was obviously a magic weapon, but he pretended not to know and took it by force.

This...you are going too far, Captain Ling.

Suddenly, a tornado blew out, and a group of Shura clan flew over. Seeing such a scene, they wanted to eat him.

Huh? Do you want to go have tea?

Ye Jue looked at them sideways and ignored them completely.

The place to drink tea was in the dungeon of the Jade Blood Palace. After suffering, he was transferred to the Wolf Star and suffered inhuman torture.

Don't dare, don't dare, let's escape.

They didn't dare to say anything anymore and ran away in despair.

So arrogant!

But no matter how arrogant they are, they don't dare to take action against them unless they have had enough.

Only a group of old staff remained calm and secretly began to make plans and actions, vowing to kill the little beast Ling Xiao. No matter how talented he was, being arrogant here was absolutely unacceptable!

Therefore, they unanimously agreed to carry out traps and kills in future missions.

Time passed day by day.

Ye Jue enforced the law during the day and began to capture the future at night, looking for all information about Jun Shenzhao.

Who is this Jun Shenzhao? Is he a man or a woman?

he asked.

I don't know.

The controller is rushing inside the boundary monument with the God Exorcist King Sword, and is expected to meet the coordinates soon.

The kingdom of the gods is still in danger and is being hunted. Just the five auras behind him are overwhelming.

The Divine King Sword is of the speed type. Although it cannot be said to be able to completely throw away those artifacts, it can gradually widen the distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The next day, a bell that had never appeared before rang in the Jade Blood Palace. This was the call for all personnel to return.

Why did you summon us suddenly?

Did something happen to the accident?

Could it be that the Son of God has also arrived on the Wolf Star and started competing with the Goddess for resources?

There are many speculations and discussions.

Da da da……

After a while, the crisp sound of stepping on the ground sounded.

Very good. You all came very quickly. I can sense the head. It's not missing much. It's very good.

Su Yan walked out and stood on the building at the front with cold eyes.

You are summoned urgently this time because a mission has been issued. It is a C-level rescue plan, but if we complete it perfectly, the next mission will be upgraded to B-level, and so on.

The depths of her eyes were like thousands of years of ice that could not be melted.

So that's it. Is the mission finally here?

I have been practicing for so long just to achieve glory this time. My long-cherished wish will finally come true.

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