This space is not very small, but it is only suitable for one person to live in. However, it has everything you need and is very clean.

Before receiving a letter from Earth, he decided to play a game with Su Yan. Anyway, he had obtained the Fire of the Void, so he could slowly look for news about Jun Shenzhao.

But for Ye Jue, this was a bit crude. He was someone who had seen big scenes.

Before the World Tree was sealed, you could do whatever you wanted. The place you lived on earth was countless times better than here.

However, considering the large number of people and the small amount of land in Xilangxing, and the ridiculously high housing prices here, Su Yan can still own an entire community, which is considered top-notch.

As soon as Ye Jue entered the room, he sat cross-legged on the jade bed and breathed out slowly.

He sacrificed his two caves, slowly rotating them, absorbing the vitality in the air, and began to practice the Forbidden Heaven Evil Palm and Zen Thunder to Protect Life.

However, these are all illusions.

This is an illusion created by the gods, and his true body has entered the depths of the kingdom of the gods.

Well, I have a good character. I started practicing right away. I have great potential.

Su Yan, who is far away in the main hall, is observing this place through some kind of facility formation.

I couldn't help but feel relieved to see Ling Xiao starting to practice as soon as he entered the door.

Feeling that the cultivation was not in vain, he simply closed his eyes and started busying himself with his own affairs.

The kingdom of the gods.

Ye Jue, I just felt it. There are fragments of me here. There is actually a piece burning under the alchemy furnace and the Bagua furnace.

The African youth was very excited and wandered around in the kingdom of the gods.

He couldn't help but feel excited. Now that he was getting closer to his goal step by step, he could return to his real body.

The God-Slaying Sword was once really capable of killing gods, and it was definitely not easy.

As long as he collects this fragment, he will definitely know what kind of existence he is and what power he has.

But the same is true for the East China Sea Divine Furnace. Why are you using my fragments to burn as firewood?

There was another thing that he really couldn't figure out.

It's possible, you're a fire stick.

Ye Jue knew that there was a famous novel about cultivating immortals on Earth in the past, in which the protagonist owned a fire stick.

However, how can it be so easy to get to the alchemy room? Even if you enter the alchemy room, it is impossible to escape intact. Now you can only mix slowly and wait for the opportunity.

Yang Laner snorted coldly: You still need to wait patiently now, don't get too happy too early, do you really think that the head of the palace is made of persimmons?

Why did you jump out and talk again? No one is paying attention to you. Are you anxious? Ye Jue, don't listen to her. When I regain my strength, you will be really powerful. What about the Wolf Star? I With one strike of the knife, they will all be annihilated into ashes! The head of the palace, even the will of the planet is no match for you.

The African young man hummed.

Do you really have this power?

Ye Jue became suspicious.

In the Shura world, the relationship between the Wolf God and the head of the palace is similar to his status as the representative of the will of the earth in the solar system.

This is other people's territory, and the strong dragon will not overwhelm the local snake.

The increase in strength of others is too strong. If his increase here is +1, then the increase of this head of the palace is at least +13.

Are you doubting me?

The African young man screamed strangely and felt uneasy.

He has swept through the enemy so many times, but now he is suspected.

He doubts you because you are just an ordinary artifact.

The dragon girl was suppressing the fire of the void, clasping her hands together, and walked out from the depths of the kingdom of gods.

What's wrong with ordinary artifacts? When I collect ten fragments, no, just nine, I can transform into a top-grade artifact and regain my true power. It's comparable to the Infinite Umbrella, no, more powerful than the Infinite Umbrella. I'm a myth analyzer. , a weapon beyond myth.”

African youths went berserk.


A group of people drawled their voices.

Can it be more powerful than the Infinite Umbrella?

Why do they not believe it so much?

Luo Wu, Luo Yingshan, you should have a lot of contribution points, right? Give them all to me now, contribution points are hard currency.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

He now has one million Shura Pills, which were rewarded by Envoy Su Yan.

Yes...this is my jade token. It contains 600,000 Shura Pills, which I have accumulated over the years.

Luo Wu sighed, took out his jade token, transferred the assets, and poured them into Ye Jue's jade token.

My savings also contribute 700,000 yuan.

Luo Yingshan was also obedient and did not resist, knowing that resistance was meaningless.

Also, you have killed so many dead soul beasts, millions of corpses, which can be exchanged for many Shura Pills, enough for you to practice the Forbidden Heaven Evil Palm and the Zen Thunder to protect your life.

he said.

Because he knew that Ye Jue only had a pure cave and had not yet cultivated top magical powers.

With so many Shura Pills, you can cultivate a top-level magical power at any time and cultivate it into an ancient secret art. Even if you can't, you can still transform it into an ancient secret art.

No, although this Forbidden Sky Evil Palm and Zen Thunder Protector are powerful, they are not worthy of me. After all, they are the magical powers cultivated by Shura.

Ye Jue shook his head.

What he wanted to find was the human race's secret method, which might be hidden in a certain treasure house, in the Xilang Treasure Pavilion.

For such a large sect, there must be many foreign secrets.

However, in order to deceive others, he still tried to extract it using the system.

Didi~ The extraction is successful, and the Forbidden Sky Evil Palm can be put into the cave for cultivation.

Didi~ The extraction is successful, and the Zen Lei nursing student can be put into the cave for cultivation.

Sure enough, it works. You don't need to study at all, you can analyze it directly, and only the hard work is left.

As long as there are resources to practice, the magical powers in the cave can grow rapidly and transform quickly.

Moreover, Dongtian is not only that, you can also practice magic weapons, so that the moves in the magic weapons can be changed, upgraded, and transcended.

Tai Mogu, come out!

Ye Jue grabbed the palm of his hand and took out Taimogu again directly from the disc of the gods.

Now, he is tightly bound by the chain of the God of Order and cannot break free at all.

The Wheel of the Gods cannot be used, but the controller still allows it to capture Taimogu.

Ah! Ye Jue! What do you want to do? What do you want to do to me?

Tai Mogu saw Ye Jue again and started yelling.

He is really scared now. He is being tortured continuously in the wheel of gods, and his soul is about to die.

What are you yelling about? You are a thousand-star high-entropy body in the imperial clan. How can I be willing to kill you? I called you out to see how your ideological consciousness is and whether you have figured it out. Hand it over, I know it has been hidden in your spiritual body. It was only damaged by me last time, not destroyed. You want to repair it secretly, wait for the opportunity, sneak attack on me, and give me a fatal blow, right?

Ye Jue didn't hesitate and spoke.

All of a sudden, he revealed the truth, making Tai Mogu turn blue.

Unexpectedly, this kid noticed it.

It seems that you want to practice the Oniwu Holy Diagram. It's just a secret technique, and it will definitely not satisfy you.

Tai Mogu had a gloomy face and began to secretly calculate and deduce.

Although it is a spiritual body and is suppressed by the Divine Chain of Order, some of the power it once analyzed can still be used.

Huh? You actually got into the Shura world!

He was not an idiot, he understood something immediately.

Ye Jue, you are dead, hahaha. Once your identity is exposed in the Shura world, you will die without a burial place. Do you know, you are on the must-kill list, and you can't even think of plundering me by force. As long as I am willing, this prehistoric fourth-level weapon will be buried with me.

Tai Mogu laughed again and again.

It's really disrespectful.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Jue suppressed Tai Mogu into the Wheel of the Gods and tortured him for a period of time to see if his thoughts would change.

If it doesn't work, then kill him, but he just can't bear to part with it, a prehistoric fourth-level weapon.

After all, there is no such good thing in the entire World Tree.

Ah... one day, I will take revenge!

Tai Mogu's voice kept getting smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't even hear it.

It's okay to be idle, let's explore the future.

Ye Jue let go of the secret secret of his heart for a moment, and his mind penetrated into the future scene. Each time, frame by frame passed by, it was too huge and unimaginable.

These future pictures are not arranged in an orderly manner and are very messy.

Even he can only quickly grab one frame from it and get one frame of the future picture.

Then, the entire future will disappear.

If you sit there until you die, you may not find a useful scene.

Grasping the future depends on chance, the right time and the right place. By coincidence, you might get useful information just by grabbing it at random.

Suddenly, Ye Jue's eyes changed and he could see one of the frames.

In the boundless blood-red interstellar void, exactly the same as the Shura world, a man wearing a dark black array, with black wings on his back, eyes like swords, and mastering terrifying power, was muttering to himself.

Uh...this person is deducing me?

Ye Jue was shocked and felt it.

This Shura's body and appearance were immediately engraved in his soul.

Then, he took it to ask two tool men in the kingdom of gods.

What, this is the head of the palace, how did you see it?

There is absolutely no mistake. I once saw the head of the palace, and he looked almost exactly the same.

Luo Wu and Luo Yingshan observed, shocked.

Is the head of the sect of the Wolf Star, the master, actually you have been deducing me?

Ye Jue saw this black-winged Shura who dominated the world, standing in the void, and his aura was no worse than Tai Mogu, and seemed to be even worse.

He can't use the Ark God King Sword now. This is not the human universe, after all, it is not their world.

Now the position is completely opposite. If he dares to take action, he will imitate Tai Mogu. This head of the palace must be extremely powerful with the blessing of the Wolf God.

It's better to hide quickly and just be patient.

Ye Jue once again used the power of the gods to create the world, hiding all his past and hiding it deeper.

Huh? The sign of the Creator God's appearance has disappeared, and the road to heaven has gradually disappeared. Did you find out that I was deducing him?

Somewhere in the void of the Shura Realm, the head of the Jialangxing Palace stood, suddenly with surprise on his face.

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