You, stop for me.

This familiar voice shouted coldly.

Ye Jue then slowly turned around and saw clearly who it was.

This is a woman with a tall figure, bulging front and back, and a strong physique. The energy emanating from her body fluctuates in circles, forming ripples.

That face was very sharp and familiar, absolutely unmistakable.

Su Yan!

I didn't expect that we would meet here, it was such a surprise.

What are you looking at?

Suddenly, a sword light flew over from a distance, which was transformed by Su Yan.

She came in front of 'Ling Xiao', and then her sword light froze, revealing an imperial uniform.

Sister, I didn't see anything.

Ye Jue immediately stopped and lowered his head.

Now he has used the gods to create a new face, with thousands of people and thousands of phenomena, which is equivalent to reshaping a person in the Shura world.

Unless he takes the initiative to expose himself, he will never be discovered.

Bring the jade plaque.

Su Yan glanced at him and said coldly: Now there are spies in the Shura world. On behalf of the empire, I need to find out who they are. All newly recruited disciples are highly suspicious.

Reporting back to the envoy, we have already investigated. He is from a family of casual cultivators from a small planet in the Shura world. After so many years, he finally has a disciple with good qualifications. He has two caves with high purity. We recruit disciples to see his potential. , so he was recruited and became an inner disciple.

At this time, the Shura imperial guard who had just inspected Ye Jue said respectfully.

He didn't want to be accused of being unfavorable in doing things, so he faced Ye Jue and said: Ling Xiao, this is the empire's Admiral Su Yan, not a senior sister. She is a distinguished guest of our Wolf Palace, and she is also very important in the empire's power. A strong clan, everyone has a distinguished status, even the true disciples have to pay homage and bow, why don’t you do it quickly?”

Admiral Su Yan? Ye Jue smiled inwardly. He didn't expect that after not seeing him for so many years, he would become a member of the imperial clan in the blink of an eye. He seemed to have an extremely high status and was respected by the people of the Wolf Palace.

He quickly saluted and imitated what he had seen before.


Su Yan nodded: You're right about the jade pendant, but you still have to go to the Fire Heart Palace and have it checked by the Wolf God. In this way, you hand this disciple over to me and I take it back, so there's no need to check it. It just so happens that I'm here this time Just to find a new group of disciples to work for me, so let him be the one.

After speaking, she pointed at Ling Xiao.

This... Shura Imperial Guard looked at Ling Xiao with a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face: According to the rules of the sect, inner disciples must be uniformly assigned to various places...

I follow the rules here.

Su Yan waved her hand: I have told your palace master about this matter. We, the Bixue Clan, can use the new disciples. Hmm, the sons of gods from other clans will also come to recruit people recently. Naturally, I have to be the first to take the lead. No. Let them have their way.”

Ah, this happened. Well, Commander Su Yan, then take Ling Xiao away.

Shura Imperial Guard said quickly.


Su Yan waved her hand, and some starlight fell into the hands of the Shura Imperial Guard.

This is...thank you for the reward, envoy.

The Shura Imperial Guard was pleasantly surprised and quickly nodded and bowed.

Well, these five hundred thousand Shura Pill contribution points are just a small thing to me. In the future, if there are disciples like this, they will report to me as soon as possible, and they must not be overtaken by the Son of God. Now that the empire is expanding its power, in The Shura Realm, the Disaster Realm, the Dark Tribulation Realm, the Fallen Heaven Realm, the Brutal Fire Realm, the Jingxuan Realm, etc. are all recruiting troops to fight against one person, and they will start a full-scale war by the end of the year.

Su Yan nodded and turned her eyes to Ling Xiao.

Understood, Ling Xiao, you are mine now. Listen to my orders from now on. The Shura Pill is indispensable to you. Come here and I will take you away.

Su Yan waved to Ling Xiao, signaling for him to come closer.


What else could Ye Jue say, and he quickly nodded.

Ling Xiao, if you can help the envoy, you have to cheer up a million times. Do you hear me? Be careful.

Before leaving, the Shura Imperial Guard warned Ling Xiao, and the meaning of his words was obvious. This envoy was a big shot, and he had to serve the Jie Lang Hall well and not be extremely careless.

However, he was just a guard. After giving instructions, he flew away.

Okay, come with me.

Su Yan looked at Ling Xiao with no expression on her face.

As she spoke, she flew forward, threw out an imperial weapon, caught Ye Jue in it, and flew away.

Luo Wu, Luo Yingshan, what is the identity of this envoy? Tell me about the relationship between the empire and the Shura world.

In the kingdom of gods, Ye Jue separated his spirit and was asking.

Ah, you met the Imperial Envoy? You have to be careful. It's very dangerous anyway. The missions they arrange are all about a narrow escape. Don't look at the benefits and benefits, but whether you have a life to take them.

Luo Wu said quickly.

Actually, our Shura world has always been the empire's alchemy room. We need to supply a large amount of Shura pills to the empire every day. We can't stop for a day, otherwise we will be annihilated. These are the spokespersons of our universe's will. Once upon a time The treaty signed with the empire prevented it from being destroyed.”

Luo Yingshan also said.

When these envoys came to the Shura world, they were very noble and arrogant, so we called them the Sons of God and the Goddess. However, the Sons of God and the Goddess were also very involved internally. It can be seen from the fight for people's heads. They are eager to We must expand our power and compete for a place in the empire.”

Yes, the empire is also deeply involved. The sons and goddesses that each clan has worked so hard to cultivate may be eliminated and eliminated. The sons and goddesses who do not get fiefdoms will return to the clan in despair and be replaced by others. despise.

The goddess who recruited you seems to be quite weak. Otherwise, she wouldn't have recruited a young disciple like you to expand her power. This kind of goddess has probably just left the clan and is preparing to show off in the empire. Fist and kick, the task shouldn’t be too difficult.”

In short, being favored by the superior envoy has both advantages and disadvantages. Being able to become a general under the Son of God and the Goddess is also very good. When they obtain the imperial fiefdom, you will be a big shot who controls hundreds of millions of creatures, more than one person. Below ten thousand people.”

After regaining consciousness, Ye Jue saw a magnificent building with a special style, just like ancient Rome. Around it, there were many small palaces surrounding it like stars holding the moon.

This is where we live on the Wolf Star. It's called the Blue Blood Palace.

Su Yan said calmly.

In the Blue Blood Palace, everything is filled with beautiful landscapes and mountains, which are as poetic as picturesque, like a fairyland, showing the character of the owner, which is unique in the Shura world.

This was deliberately modified, otherwise it would not be possible.

Ling Xiao, you are now my subordinate, and you are also an internal disciple of the Wolf Star. However, you don't have to be assigned to various sects to do hard tasks and get the pitiful rewards. With me, you can get the rewards. The sect pays three times more, but you have to be obedient, you know?

Su Yan looked at him.

I know, but how can I be obedient?

Ye Jue had a smile brewing in his heart, so he quickly lowered his head and asked.

Of course, you must never go back on my words and don't look back. Whatever I ask you to do, you do it. You must not violate it, or hide your selfish intentions or plot against me behind my back. One more thing, don't worry, I won't ask you. Go and die.

Su Yan looked at him meaningfully.

After all, you are also two geniuses in the heaven. You were born as a star-moon level spirit body. You should understand it very well in your heart and be able to weigh the pros and cons. That's it. I will give you one million Shura Pills first. You can take it or spend it. , and two top-notch magical powers are also given to you, it’s all trivial, just accept them.”

She was very generous. With a wave of her hand, these things fell into Ling Xiao's jade token.

This jade tablet is also a container, which is very good.

Ah, why is this so embarrassing?

Ye Jue said he was embarrassed, but he was honest with his hands. He imitated the behavior of the Shura Imperial Guard and moved the jade tablet. The stars entered the jade tablet bit by bit, and then his thoughts moved and penetrated into the jade tablet.

Sure enough, there were one million Shura Pills and two top-notch magical powers.

One is called Forbidden Sky Evil Palm, attack type, and the other is called Zen Thunder to Protect Life, body refining type.

This Bixue clan is really generous...

Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir.

Ye Jue smiled broadly.

Well, it seems that you are very wise. Shura Dan also has contribution points, which can be exchanged for various elixirs, magic weapons, Taoist books, and methods of magical power cultivation in the Wolf Star. The contribution points are equivalent to coins.

Su Yan nodded slightly.

I, Ling Xiao, am definitely on the path. I will be a member of the Jade Blood Palace from now on. I will definitely work loyally for the goddess. Goddess, you are so beautiful and your legs are so long, you must have many suitors. As a disciple, I will definitely protect your path. Develop your reputation as a goddess in the Shura world and shock the world.

Ye Jue said this.

Okay, I'm tired of hearing compliments. See if there are any small palaces in front of you. Go and choose one to live in. Stop walking around. Wait for my orders and instructions. When the time comes, you can gather in front of the palace. Do you understand? ?”

As Su Yan said that, she took out a key with flowing clouds. This was the key, and then her body turned into sword light, threw herself into the main store, and disappeared.

The main hall of the Jade Blood Palace is quite majestic and domineering, vast and huge.

Sure enough, she didn't realize it was me.

Ye Jue touched his chin and smiled.

He flew towards those small palaces and saw not only himself, but also other scattered Shura tribesmen flying around among them.

It seems that the power of the goddess Su Yan is really not that good, and the number of members she has recruited is so few. She has really just started.

Well, this is it.

Ye Jue randomly selected a room, inserted the key into it, and bound it.

With a 'click', the jade door of the room slowly opened. He stepped into it, and then the heavy jade door slowly closed again.

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