Don't believe it, many of your predecessors have died in their hands, and their carrying capacity has been completely drained to maintain their survival.

The elder said that since he was in Ye Jue's head, he seemed to be able to see a lot of pictures.

Uh... has the outside world become like this?

He couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, he wanted to see more and learn more.

Oops, this person is not a good person. He peeked into my memory without my consent. If he discovers something, something will happen. I have too many secrets. Gods, please close my mind.

Ye Jue quickly closed his eyes, sealed his memory, and hid the secret deep in his soul. No one could find it except himself.

Haha, young man, you really can't keep your temper. The more you act like this, the more it means you have a secret.

The shadow of this elder became clearer and clearer, and he could be seen to be an old man with a strange glow in his eyes.

Uh...I see, your world was sealed by the empire. Unexpectedly, a small tribe actually established the Starry Sky Dynasty?

The old man saw an interesting scene, which was the scene where the Emperor of Starry Sky's Talisman was suppressed on the World Tree.

Close...the mind, at least hide the vital memories.

Ye Jue had just evolved into a Tianlong when he was attacked by a powerful man with terrifying strength.

This strong man was too curious. He kept trying to pick out his memories, and his face was too thick.

Oh? Sure enough, you have learned how the gods created the world. No wonder you can continue the myth and change the rules of the universe. Your memory is good, not a false memory. It is very good.

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

Have you seen enough? Get out when you have seen enough.

Ye Jue said with a cold face.

There's nothing you can do about it. My thoughts can only hide in your mind, but they will disappear in a few minutes. Don't worry.

The old man continued: Since you can use the gods to create the world, it means that the treasure pavilion of the gods has been opened. I have only one goal here, which is to ask you for a small thing. It is called a boundary monument.

Boundary monument, what boundary monument?

Ye Jue started to pretend to be stupid: Why don't I know about the boundary monument? Everything I own is in the kingdom of the gods. How can there be any boundary monument?

Don't try to fool yourself. The ancients of Taiyuan will catch you sooner or later. All fools know that whoever gets the kingdom of gods will get the boundary monument.

The old man's face darkened.

But I really don't know. If you don't believe me, you can find it yourself.

Ye Jue looked strange and shook his head.

Boundary monuments do not exist in this world, but they exist anywhere and at any time.

The old man obviously understood.

Okay, I admit it, I'm the one here with the boundary marker. Do you want to snatch it?

Ye Jue's smile from the very beginning has gradually turned cold.

Robbing? For a divine object like the boundary monument, even if I kill you, I won't necessarily get it. It won't even show up. It has its own consciousness.

The old man sneered.

What do you want?

Ye Jue frowned, what on earth was this old man paying attention to?

Moreover, this man was well-informed. He knew about the existence of the boundary monument long ago and must have been paying attention to it for a long time.

You can project your thoughts, this method is the same as Dragon Girl.

Young man, you are thinking too much. How could I harm you? I just came to tell you that the virtual world needs a Supreme. Whoever sits on the throne of the Supreme in the virtual world will have the right to open this world and let those of us trapped in it The people here will see the light of day again.”

There were cracks in the old man's body, and his mind could not be maintained for long.

Don't say, this person is me, right?

Ye Jue said suddenly.

I am convinced that the person who will become the Supreme is definitely the holder of the Kingdom of the Gods, so I deduced it for three whole epochs, and finally left this idea here, and put it into your brain at this moment. It seems that it is If you succeed, your hard work will not be in vain.”

The old man looked at Ye Jue: But when I saw you, I felt that my hope was shattered.

Am I too weak?

Ye Jue asked.

He has finally evolved to the Tianlong level, but is it still not good enough in front of these big guys?

It's not that you are too weak, it's that you are pitifully weak. In the virtual world, anyone can crush you to death with one finger.

The old man sighed deeply.

Haha, after all, the virtual world is not something I can break into now. I still know how to act within my ability.

Ye Jue said.

Things in the virtual world, such as giant corpses, black mountains, etc., are all against him.

Only the speed of the strongest God King Sword can escape their pursuit.

Young man, no matter what, you should come to my body. I'll tell you the coordinates. Your country can be protected there. If you are still hesitating, what will happen if you are caught by the ancients of Taiyuan? You'd better not go there in person. Experiment, those people, in order to survive here, are monsters who can lust after the flesh and blood of their companions.”

The old man shook his head, and the next moment his body split into countless pieces, and this thought completely disappeared.

What do you think?

Ye Jue turned around and asked, telling what happened just now: If you go, say 1, if you don't go, say 2.

Killing God Sword: ...

Yang Laner: ...

Dragon Girl: ...

I'm just joking, don't take it seriously. In short, the God King Sword in the Kingdom of Gods can travel through everything. If you encounter any traps, you might be able to break them. Just go to these coordinates. The distance will take about twenty straight flights. God, I let the controller control the Divine King Sword.

Ye Jue left the kingdom of gods and returned to the depths of the time and space cave.

Come out, Key to Heaven, and lead the way for me to find the Fire of the Void!

He groaned.


The Key to Heaven immediately rose, its light restrained, and flew rapidly into the distance.

Ye Jue was not idle, he opened his wings and chased after him.

Now, he can break through eighty times the speed of sound. After all, he has just evolved to the primary level of Tianlong, and his strength has improved a lot again.


The wings spread out, burning mixed particles. They were originally strange particles and red particles, but now the two merged into one, forming wide wings that turned out to be the wings of the God of Death.

That's right, it's the God of Death. He was in the shape of strange particles, holding a sickle, and was extremely ferocious.

Now Ye Jue has obtained the wings of the God of Death. With a bang sound, he spurts out energy, extremely manic, chasing the key to heaven.

The time and space caves are very special. Each cave condenses some special land, castles, cities, wilderness, deserts, seas...

The fire of the void means void. What is the connection with void?

Ye Jue tried many times but still couldn't find the Void Fire.

At the end of the time-space loop, there is no way anymore.

The fisherman in the sky was killed by his boat, and everyone was destroyed. Could it be that the fire of the void was on the ancient road leading to the black realm?

No, it shouldn't be. It's a place where you can't get out again.

Ye Jue knew very well that he could never rush in until he reached the final level.

One day... two days... three days... thirty days have passed, and the Fire of the Great Dream has not been found on the earth. The day of the empire's attack is getting closer and closer.

Where is the Fire of the Void...

Suddenly, after many realizations and constant experiments, Ye Jue seemed to sense something.

The fire of the void, it turns out that it is so hidden, I know it!

Suddenly, he broke into these wilderness, desert, and sea.

Before the God-Slaying Sword knew what was happening, he saw Ye Jue destroying all these time and space holes.

You're crazy...

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked to see that after every time hole here was destroyed, a small strange flame would appear, gradually getting bigger and growing.

The depth of the deep cave is the void. The fire of the Void Fire must be taken by yourself. Be bold and destroy this place!

Ye Jue gave a low drink.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

The Dragon Girl, the Divine Sword, and even Yang Laner flew out and began to cause destruction.

Every time they broke into a time hole, there would be a series of explosions in the time hole.

Finally, hundreds of millions of void fires condensed and finally took shape.


Ye Jue packed it up and put it into the battlefield of the gods, nourishing and protecting it with the flames of the gods.

Key to Heaven, take me away!

After a while, the place became quiet and there was no second person present.

After obtaining the Fire of the Void and the Key to Heaven, Ye Jue's small goals are still to find out the news about Jun Shenzhao and practice the cave. Although there is a bigger goal, to seize the Shura Orb, it depends on the circumstances.


Ye Jue added some divine particles to Shurasuo. With a boom, Shurasuo took him forward crazily and shuttled to dead planets, with teleportation bursts and time and space holes on them.

With his current strength, going to these places to kill spirit beasts is as easy as eating and drinking.

Moreover, there are now millions of dead soul beasts killed, and they are spread all over the kingdom of gods.


The teleportation array suddenly shook, and Ye Jue transformed into Ling Xiao and teleported back to the Wolf Palace.

He walked on the road like a normal person, and no one reacted strangely to him.

Did you see that there are so many Shura guards standing there, checking one by one and checking their identities? It's obvious that something big has happened.

One of the servants was secretly discussing the matter, but was caught red-handed and whipped severely.

Ye Jue had no expression on his face and walked past him calmly.

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, a Shura guard called to him.

You are very strange. When did you join this sect? Take out the jade token.

Shura Imperial Guard said to Ye Jue.

Hello, big brother, my name is Ling Xiao, I come from the Liuxian Planet, and I am the 99999th generation descendant of my family.

Ye Jue quickly imitated the actions of others and urged his inner disciple Yupai to show them the certified information.

Well, inner disciple, did you just take it in? No wonder you are so embarrassed. Your identity is no problem. Come in.

The Shura Imperial Guard nodded when he saw the flowing fonts on the jade tablet.

Okay, thank you, brother.

Ye Jue quickly nodded and bowed, holding the jade token and walking forward.

Idiot, even if there is no problem with his identity, he still needs to undergo a second inspection and take him to the Fire Heart Palace so that the Planet God can check him.

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from behind. The voice was somewhat familiar. I had heard it before.

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