Is this the power of creation? I feel it too. It's so magical. I feel like a mythical door leading to the Tyrannosaurus level is opening to me. This is the road you have walked. As long as you don't perish, I can follow it. A smooth breakthrough.

Qin Jiaxian exclaimed.

Her savings are not as rich as Ye Jue's, but they are still at the peak of junior dragon level.

In an instant, she frantically extracted the spiritual energy from the spiritual stones in the Kingdom of the Gods. These were all left over from the trip to the East China Sea. Now that the earth can produce spiritual energy on its own, there is no need for these spiritual stones.

It seems that except for me, you all need the help of spiritual stones to break through, and there are a lot of them.

Ye Jue waved his arm and took Qin Jiaxian away from the kingdom of gods. The spiritual stones in the kingdom were really a drop in the bucket and not enough for her to use.

There is such a strong spiritual energy on the earth now, which is enough for her to successfully break through.

Boom boom boom!

Spiritual energy is rolling in from all directions, and crystal mountains on the earth stand in the fairy mist. The spiritual stones in these crystal mountains are definitely inexhaustible, and they are enough for all human beings to use.

I succeeded in breaking through!

Suddenly, Qin Jiaxian shouted, extremely excited.

The heat and blazing flames she radiated melted the surrounding void. The blazing flames turned into many silver black birds, flickering their wings, burning mountains and boiling seas.

This scenario is a breakthrough in orthodoxy.

Ye Jue's breakthrough just now was not normal at all, but it was not a breakthrough, but a creation.

It seems successful, then... let's expand it and create the inscription!

Ye Jue nodded, then roared.


A celestial river appeared directly and spurted out from his body, full of creation inscriptions, illuminating the entire world without a trace of darkness.

No matter who it is, they all feel that the power of this creation inscription is integrated into the entire earth and solar system, and spreads out into the universe.

A space fault, a dark prison somewhere.

What, who did all this and actually opened up the mythical path to the Tyrannosaurus level? How is this possible?

The gray-haired giant ape and the silver flame monster bird opened their eyes at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They obviously don't believe this, but as a myth, as a myth, they can feel that the broken trunk of the World Tree has now been connected.

This is really a talented person who has filled in the holes.

Who is it?



A divine whip was drawn, and the skin and flesh of the gray-haired giant ape and the silver-flame monster bird were torn apart immediately.

Their sub-holy bodies were unable to resist, and blood flowed freely.

It will be your turn soon. Why are you so anxious? Do you really want to be dissected?


This is……

Could it be!

The sound in the World Tree is long-lasting and continues to sound everywhere.

This is the way that the rules of the universe have been connected, and the broken path of mythology has undergone new changes!

Those high-entropy bodies looked shocked.

Didn't it mean that the Great Wild Scripture no longer exists?

Yes, the Great Wild Scripture was taken out of the world by the military country and disappeared without a trace. What is it...

Who did all this? This is a great contribution. Yggdrasil will definitely repay him!

All the tribes roared.

It's only been a few years?

After King Kong's death, a humanoid dragon appeared, and then a tyrannosaurus-level hole was filled in...

Even the thousand-star Taimogu was nailed to the World Tree. Is this really the case, and the high-entropy body is gone?

It seems that we must follow the military example and leave the World Tree as soon as possible, otherwise we will be swallowed by the general trend!

Some groups have made decisions.

Breakthrough, evolve, the road to the Tyrannosaurus level has been opened, everyone is Tyrannosaurus, everyone is Xingyue!

Ye Jue's voice echoed throughout the solar system.

The divine haze shone out, looking extremely holy, and then slowly disappeared, and the voice fell silent.

Tyrannosaurus level, is it that simple?

Qin Jiaxian looked at his hands in shock. A ball of real blood appeared in his body, possessing terrifying lethality.

This is the exclusive power gained through the long journey of cultivation, surpassing those clones and copies.

Her whole body was as elegant as a fairy, shining brightly in mid-air with a heroic appearance.

It might have been that simple before.

As Ye Jue spoke, colorful flames appeared on his body. The area was instantly filled with wind and thunder, and the sky and earth changed color. This is a power that transcends the limits of the earth's will and is not allowed here.

What’s wrong with you?

Qin Jiaxian was shocked.

Nothing, this is the power of the divine tree that the World Tree gave me just now, which directly upgraded my physique to the peak of the Tyrannosaurus level.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

Are you already at the peak of Tyrannosaurus level? You just broke through to this level, so fast?

Qin Jiaxian was extremely shocked. To be honest, the eyes of Ye Jue in front of him were still clear, clean and pure, but he seemed to have noticed something, and his brows suddenly twisted.

Because she saw that there seemed to be a dark shadow contained within the spirit, with a sinister smile on its face, like a devil.

Huh? What did you feel?

Ye Jue turned his head and asked.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Qin Jiaxian shook his head.

No, it's impossible for me to have an illusion. What did you just see?

Ye Jue quickly asked. He had felt something just now, but he didn't catch what it was.

Uh... Okay, I admit, I had some hallucinations when I saw you just now. It was a black shadow that looked the same as you, but it disappeared very quickly.

Qin Jiaxian blinked his eyes, his eyelashes were very long, and he spoke honestly.

Black shadow? When I used my ultimate power before, some black power would appear. I don't know where it came from. It only appeared after I killed the clone.

Ye Jue nodded.

Sure enough, it was not an illusion or fantasy, it was real.

Go back first.

he mused.

Of course, appearing in the city like this caused quite a stir.

It's easy to say that he is an acquaintance, but when those goddesses he doesn't know see him, they can't help but come up and rub him, and talk about whose child is so delicate, so perfect, so delicate, and so beautiful...

Hearing these compliments, Ye Jue wished he could give himself a cut and change.

He has always had a macho image, with black hair hanging down his shoulders and golden eyes. Now that he has become like this, it makes him feel strange. From the bottom of his heart, he is very resistant and can't accept it.

However, there is no way, who made some small mistakes during creation.

After all, he is not a god now, and he was able to use the gods perfectly when he first used them to create the world.

Didi! The test showed that your bone age, brain, and cells... were all determined to be thirteen years old.

The staff member holding the information report was very shocked.

He knew that Ye Shen's previous age was definitely twenty-two years old. Five years had passed since the devil came.

But now, rejuvenating, is this because of eating some mythical strange fruit?

in the case of……

You must bring it to me for study!

Dr. Xiao's eyes lit up.


The voice coming from Ye Jue was so tender, and he was so helpless that he left here directly.

Returning to the kingdom of the gods, he went directly to the seat of the God King and grabbed the second guide.

Guideline 2: Go to the unknown and foreign land of Shura Realm and look for the mother of light on the earth, the representative of the light side, the person named Junshenzhao, whether dead or alive.

A missing person mission?

Ye Jue looked strange. The guidance left by the gods turned out to be to find someone who could complete the task regardless of life or death. So wouldn't it be easy to get the top magical power, the Great Luo Leiyin Breathing Technique?

It can be said that the passage to the Shura Realm has been opened. This is a good opportunity. If you take this opportunity to seal the Shura Realm, it will be a great achievement, and the sacred tree will reward you again.

The controller appeared behind him and said coldly.

Of course I know.

Ye Bianbing said calmly.

The passage to the Shura Realm was blown up by the military. It is still unknown, but it is definitely a potential threat. It is a cancer in the World Tree and must be sealed.

No, destroy it!

You must know that in the dark universe of World Tree, there are countless dimensions and space faults, which are all potential threats.

Whoever eliminates these potential threats can gain more divine tree power.

During the battle with Taimogu, Shen Shuli showed extremely powerful power and was definitely the trump card and trump card of a group.

Before I go, I have a lot of things to do. You have suppressed Tai Mogu's spiritual body for me. I will use it later.

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, he disappeared from here.

Is he ordering me?

After a long time, the controller turned to the air and said.

The time has come for the ark to set sail!

Boom boom boom——!

The human ark is invincible, flickering out of the solar system at the blink of an eye.

On top of the ark, the God-gathering flags were beating, rendering the surrounding starry sky full of colorful lights, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious auras.

This lets all aliens in the universe know that humans are coming!


A space tunnel was opened directly, and the Ark appeared. Thousands of dragon-shaped auras rolled around, and the faint figures among them shocked the hearts of all the races.

The Interstellar Central Station of the Universe has gathered ethnic groups from all directions, and too many alien races and humanoids have appeared here.

This scene will be recorded in the history of major modern events and will be commented on in the future.

The lion race, the dwarf race, the frost giant race, the bird race, the mermaid race, the reptilian race, the orcs and elves... In short, they are all members of the Saha world, but most of them are small civilizations, even level 1 civilizations. Less than.

For example, the lion race has not even built a level 5 base on its home planet.

The most powerful leaders are the great powers. There are more than a dozen ethnic groups, half of which once formed the alliance of eight great powers and invaded the solar system.

Although other ethnic groups do not have strong military capabilities, there are also special ones, such as the dwarves. The artifacts used to be produced by their ancestors. Although the technology is now lost and declining, they can still use all their resources to create sacred artifacts.

Coming, they are really coming!

The legendary fighting nation is coming!


Some lizard people, the bird people chirped, causing many people to look at them.

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