Life is a big empty dream, the vast universe must be rebuilt, the sky and the earth are ups and downs with wind and thunder.

When The Creation of the Gods came into Ye Jue's hands, he immediately felt a majestic power of creation from it.

This is a scripture jointly created by all gods. It tells that in the universe, whoever obtains this scripture can become the creator god and the master of the world.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, because the gods also died. If it was really the creator god, why would he still die?

System, extraction.

Ye Jue made a sleepy sound.

Dip~ Successfully extracted all the chapters of the creation of the gods, and began to automatically integrate into the host's body.


Suddenly, his expression changed, because a thunderous sound erupted in his body, and a ball of golden light exploded, rushing towards his limbs and bones, and melting into the cells of his body.

Bah bah bah!

The flesh and blood of Ye Jue's body vibrated and exploded, and every drop of blood in his body was sublimated.

If Ye Jue's flesh and blood contained energy before, it was a stream, then now it is a surging river.

Because every cell seems to have the power of creation and can accommodate countless times more than before.

The cells are constantly growing and getting stronger, which means that Ye Jue's lifespan is also constantly increasing.

It's amazing. Is this a breakthrough at the Tyrannosaurus level? Ye Jue's physique is many times stronger than the average Tyrannosaurus level. This is because he has such a strong foundation. He has achieved such an achievement after breaking through now.

Qin Jiaxian felt that Ye Jue's original power was constantly sublimating.

For Ye Jue, the most intuitive thing is that his lifespan is increasing.

If he might have lived for about five thousand years before, he could live for almost ten thousand years now.

Moreover, these ten thousand years are still growing, heading towards twenty thousand, thirty thousand years, and finally stopped at forty-five thousand years!

What’s even more frightening is that as long as Ye Jue practices, he can increase his strength. Forty-five thousand years is not his limit at all. If he continues to practice in the future and allows his physique to break through the 10,000-fold mark, he can live for an era!

The first era is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years.

He can live from this world to the next era.

The system actually has such powerful analytical power that it can even extract the creation of the gods. This shows that the power of the gods is just that.

Ye Jue's heart became active. If he could not extract it directly, it would take almost thousands of years to just practice all the chapters of the creation of the gods.

The road to spiritual practice is long, no joke. This is the biggest drawback of the mythical path. No matter how strong the will is, people can still be tortured to death.

But the system can extract it in a blink of an eye, how can it not be shocking?

You are indeed a genius that defies the will of heaven. Have you succeeded in breaking through? The gods created the world and understood everything just by looking at it? It is said that once you have enlightenment and ascend in the daytime, I always thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be right in front of me.

Qin Jiaoxian said in shock beside him.

Not yet. This is just a precursor to a breakthrough, which will increase my lifespan. The next step is to sublimate energy.

Ye Jue suddenly breathed out a long breath.

With him as the center, a violent energy storm shook out. The total energy value soared from three million to four million, five million, six million, seven hundred, eight million, nine million, and ten million. stop.

Suddenly, he seemed to be a god and demon, as if he were made of holy light.

However, Ye Jue's body was covered in sweat and the pain was unbearable.

Click, click, click!

In fact, all the bones in his limbs were cracked and shaking violently. The changes in his body were so intense that he couldn't bear it.

What’s wrong with you?

When Qin Jiaoxian saw all this, he felt that Ye Jue was going through a life-and-death crisis. He forced himself to sit up with his body, and he was bleeding all over his body.

She has never seen a person break through and experience such a change.

Because he was not using the Great Desolation Sutra, but the Gods of Creation, and used the power of creation to simulate the Great Desolation Sutra's path to break through. Unexpectedly, it would trigger the destruction of the body. It was like activating the destruction device in the body, because in the sky-defying , so he is not allowed to succeed.”

The dragon girl appeared with a serious expression. This scene was too scary.

I have never seen such a terrifying breakthrough. It can definitely torture people to death. If they are ordinary people and their life level is not strong enough, they will die completely in an instant.

Would that fail?

African youths also appeared here. At this moment, they had been transferred to the pure land of the gods by their controllers, and their blood dyed the holy pure land red.

I'm not sure, after all, no one has done this since ancient times, but what I can be sure of is that if he succeeds, he will create a path of cultivation that is exclusive to him and will no longer be restricted by the rules of the World Tree.

The dragon girl shook her head.

It's better to die. You dare to go against heaven. This is an act of rebellion. Is tradition so easy to subvert?

Yang Laner also appeared, snorting coldly, but looking sideways without blinking.

The creative power of the gods in creating the world is the most precious thing left to future generations. This power is not perfect yet. It is a power that the gods have not witnessed. It is left to future generations to decipher. It is precisely because of this that the power of creation Are you not recognized by World Tree now?”

Next, Ye Jue saw a destructive substance being born in his body, appearing out of thin air, constantly shattering his cells, splitting his heart into pieces, and exploding his liver.

If he does not solve the source of the birth of this destructive matter, he will not be able to create success and create himself into a tyrannosaurus level.


At this moment, in the World Tree, a girl with pink body appeared faintly, and then disappeared.

If there is any way to see the world outside the World Tree, then you can see at this moment, a terrifying black and white millstone descending.

This small black and white millstone is running the power of various cosmic rules, including space rules, time rules, and void rules.

God, this is my territory, you are not allowed to interfere!

A pink girl appears here.


The small black and white millstone suddenly started spinning crazily and collided with her. No one outside the world could have imagined that an amazing fight was breaking out.


Suddenly, the changes in Ye Jue's body accelerated.

Unexpectedly, the cutting-like pain was relieved a lot, and he was now extremely awake.

Good opportunity, create it, Tyrannosaurus body!

He growled.

The bone marrow, bones, and even the internal organs are also growing again, not to mention the blood. They are being replaced, rebuilt, and starting to sublimate crazily.

All this is due to the sudden reduction of the destructive substances in the body, as if they were suppressed and driven away.

Ye Jue didn't believe that it was his own will that defeated it. There must have been some factors that he didn't know about.

But at this moment, there is no time to think too much.


He transformed directly, and his lifespan, energy, and finally strength began to increase crazily.

I don’t know how long it took, but when Ye Jue sat up again, he felt like he was in another world.

He clenched his fists, and his physical strength seemed to have increased to nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine times. He was reborn and felt better than ever before, because the vitality of this body was so strong that he felt as if he was ascending.

It's over. You are now a tyrannosaurus. I can feel the changes in your particles. You are no longer a primary dragon!

Qin Jiaxian was extremely surprised.

In this world, the first tyrannosaurus level was finally born. Although the achievements were not as good as those of the saint level, it was of great significance and gave hope to the people of this world.

It seems that your creation was successful, congratulations!

The dragon girl nodded.

Although there was an accident, it seems he got over it.


Seeing this, Yang Lan'er flew deep into the kingdom of gods and hid.

Wuhu, Ye Jue, look at what you have become.

The African young man flew over in the air, and the blade reflected his current appearance.

This is……

Ye Juefeng was confused and couldn't believe his eyes. What did he see?


Within the blade, a childish face appeared, and the dark eyes were so pure and shiny.

Holy shit!

Ye Jue opened his mouth and was extremely shocked. His previous domineering appearance had completely disappeared, and he was actually a boy again?

He pondered for a moment and quickly turned around to check the important parts.


Sure enough, this transformation left him speechless for a while!

It's all the fault of the gods for creating the world. The effect of the power of creation is too unnatural. I didn't grasp the point and accidentally turned myself into this.

Ye Jue turned around slowly and explained helplessly.

Hahaha, that's so funny. How can you suppress others like this?!

African young man feels stomach ache.

Think about it, a twelve or three-year-old child suddenly appears in front of the enemy, his face is cold and stern, and he says he wants to suppress you. Isn't this scene hilarious?

How about using the power of creation to change it and restore your previous body?

Qin Jiaxian said suddenly.

Just now, I have tried it. The human form of the first dragon cannot be created for the second time. Unless the time is turned back, or the moment when it is upgraded to the Tianlong level, there is such a chance.

Ye Jue was extremely speechless. This body had too many inconveniences. What the hell, just when he was about to be someone else's brother-in-law, he lost that function.

He vowed to cultivate to the Tianlong level as quickly as possible.

Anyway, he is now close to the peak strength of Tyrannosaurus level, because the foundation accumulated before is too strong. If he works hard, I believe he will regain his glory soon.

So, what exactly is the creation of the world by the gods?

Qin Jiaxian still doesn't understand.

There are a total of twelve chapters in the creation of the world by the gods, and now they have all been turned into creation inscriptions, floating in my body.

Ye Jue took a deep breath, and a cloud appeared next to him. The cloud formed a scripture, bright and dark, and the words written on it were written by the gods.

Among them, many mysteries are recorded, inscriptions praising the creation of the world by the gods, the laws of the operation of the gods, the rule of the gods by the gods, the destruction of the world by the gods due to the greed of all living beings, and the creation of a new world and universe.

Now that I have succeeded, it has become a precedent, indicating that World Tree acquiesces to the birth of new rules!


This gorgeous divine inscription flew towards Qin Jiaxian and penetrated into her body.

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