In a screen of light, curls of spiritual energy filled the air, and an aura that made all the aliens present tremble came to their faces.

Is that a human being? It seems like a god has come to rescue our family from disaster.

The leader of a birdman tribe was trembling, praying with his hands here, and his tribe members also spoke one after another.

Wherever humans passed by, the dazzling golden light was left behind, turning into a terrifying symbol of civilization that penetrated the sea of ​​​​stars and was so powerful that it was a mess.

Does humankind already have its own civilization symbols?

The chief of a rhinoceros tribe felt extremely shocked.

In comparison, the civilization of his home planet is too backward and cannot be compared with it.

That symbol of civilization is a thunder talisman, which means that the power of thunder is unstoppable.

The latter was swallowing hard.

More and more humans leapt down from the Ark, and thunder symbols spewed into the sky, accompanied by lightning and blue flames. The place suddenly became a terrifying scene.

Just the symbol of civilization caused their emotions to fluctuate violently, and they already felt like they were losing control.

This ethnic group has become a climate.

The expressions of some strong men among the great powers changed.

They can all feel that their own civilization symbols are now suppressed and they dare not jump.

This is the pressure brought by myths. The aliens feel more and more strange and feel deeply uneasy...

Now, they are already prey, as if they are facing a tiger that is ready to pounce and tear them apart at any moment.


The void trembled, Chen Ya's feet did not touch the ground, she was almost walking in the air, three inches above the ground, her snow-white and crystal-clear toes were shining, not stained by a trace of dust, and her whole body was flawless.

This is the goddess of diplomacy representing the solar system.

Some aliens recognized him and saw lightning and thunder behind him, which was extremely terrifying.

I feel like my energy furnace is going to grow legs and escape from here!

Me too, I feel the same way!

In the bodies of some high-entropy bodies, the energy furnace keeps beating dong dong dong. This is because the gap between the two realms is too big.

These small civilizations are definitely no match for others, and they can be easily controlled.

That's almost it. Human beings have all disembarked from the ark. Those walking in front are all high-level people. You see, they are all like reincarnations of myths and legends. The men are all brave and extraordinary, and the women have ice-cold muscles and jade bones. They are all white and delicate. It's nothing like us, transformed into an ugly mechanical body. I almost vomited when I looked in the mirror.

A woman transformed into a metal body was so envious and jealous that she wished she could tear it off and wear it herself.

However, she knew that she was no match for these people.

Because of that thunder talisman, her civilization is simply unmatched. Once it lands on her home planet, it will be invincible, crushing all the way, and unstoppable.

She was considered a saint among her own tribe, but when she saw these humans in front of her, she really felt ashamed.


Suddenly, someone screamed, and at the same time, many people noticed.

The person walking in front was a child. Wherever he passed, wisps of divine color gradually appeared at the end of the sky, slowly spreading out, and it was extremely astonishing.

All of a sudden, all the aliens themselves breathed rapidly, and immediately froze in place, their bodies became motionless, and shivered.

They didn't know that this was Ye Jue, and they all thought that the son of the empire had arrived.

Ye Jue walked towards the Interstellar Center Station, where stars lined up to form a field, and an interstellar meeting was about to take place.

Hello, fellow comrades, purebloods... no, humans, welcome you to come here for the first time. I am the person in charge of this field and the person in charge of maintaining this conference field. I am...

A formally dressed dog, holding a microphone, preached in all directions.

The black tiger Afu did not sense the aura of his own race, and was even repulsed by it, because he wanted to carry out his dog body to the end, cultivate to great power, and become a dog god.


Ye Jue sat cross-legged in front, he was just going through the motions.

Anyway, his core concept has been conveyed, and diplomacy will be left to Chen Ya and the senior officials of New Earth.

Moreover, the interstellar network in this place must have spread throughout World Tree. After this meeting, the future trend will definitely be decided.

Then let's do it. With humanity as the leader, you and I have reached a tacit understanding. Now we are like-minded, work together to maintain the order of the World Tree, and unite to fight against the empire, demons, Shura world and powerful ethnic groups in various space faults.

The voices of the great powers shook the starry sky.

Dad, look at the news. It's a big event. The first cross-star super alliance in history was born?


Just call it the Justice League!

I think Injustice sounds better.

Residents in all the major star regions were watching the news with their hands on the live video, and the coffee in their hands was getting cold.

Even if they are infinitely far apart, they can still see what is happening at the interstellar central station through the interstellar network.

Is this the end of the civil war? There is no more involution. The era of rule by great powers has come to an end. Humanity has risen and become the leader.

Those watching the live broadcast became hotly debated.

Letting a small ethnic group stand at the head of all giants would have been a great shame for the great powers, and extremely dark for their tribe!

However, now he is willing to give up his leading position, and he has given it up. He has even signed various interstellar contracts and treaties, giving up all kinds of star veins and rare metal mining planets to humans.

Awesome, look at that woman in the live broadcast, she is really a social prodigy. I have already become a fan!

This diplomacy is awesome!

It's so strong. She handles each ethnic group very well. All ethnic groups are already applauded by her.

This meeting was supposed to last for more than ten days, but I didn't expect it to end in one day.

The entire World Tree is boiling.

Okay, let's sign this. As long as your tribe and civilization are willing to contribute mana crystals, they will be protected by our tribe in the future.

On the human side, they explain the truth clearly and plausibly, so that all ethnic groups can accept it calmly.

This was originally a signing meeting that had been discussed in advance, because before this, countless meetings had been held on the Interstellar Network, and all major decisions had been discussed.

Therefore, they came here directly to sign the treaty. The content was also very simple and clear. They were to advance and retreat together, be harmonious, friendly, learn from each other's strengths, each get what they need, and win together.

I agree to sign on behalf of the dwarf tribe!

On behalf of the Frost Giants, I agree to sign!


Many leaders and chiefs stood up and swore an oath together.

These oaths are not just said casually, but are really binding. Anyone who violates them will be expelled by World Tree.

On behalf of...the empire...I do not agree to sign, because you will be sealed soon and become enemies of the empire. Do you know what that means, hahaha!

At this moment, all the live broadcasts turned to a man with a metal body whose eyes were splitting.

This man's brain seemed to have been hacked, and he was laughing like crazy.

No, this is a hacker spy from the empire. I don't know what means they used to hack into the Zac tribe and control their leader!

A very beautiful mermaid shouted in panic.


In the distance, a big hand reached out and crushed the metal man, but this did not seem to prevent the terrible disaster from coming.

Because at the same time, this field was already agitated and gradually boiling.

The empire has already placed their people in the World Tree. This is the arrival of a strong man, whose strength is no less than Tai Mogu!

The foreigner saw that the child in front of the human suddenly stood up.

As soon as he finished speaking, a magnificent, majestic, and far-reaching energy penetrated from the sky and pressed towards this field, as if the sky was overturning!

Click, click, click!

The various splendid buildings of the Interstellar Central Station are beginning to show cracks. You must know that these are all made of special metals and are also a star city.

Now, after being so shocked, such a scene appeared, which shows how powerful the person who came was.

This was so sudden and extremely shocking that everyone was stunned. Huo raised his head and looked at Tianyu.

Then a strange celestial phenomenon appeared in a shocking picture!

In an instant, all the star fields, all the planets, and all the lives in the World Tree raised their heads and looked at the sky with horrified expressions on their faces.

Because at this moment, they were almost stunned, their eyes were wide open, and it was hard to believe that everything they saw was frozen in place like clay and wood sculptures.

It was an imperial main ship, rolling and turning, huge and boundless. The hull was reflected outside the territory. It seemed very close at hand, but everyone knew that it was absolutely ridiculously big and terrifying.

You must know how majestic and majestic it is that can be reflected in the entire world tree and cover the stars in the sky. It is simply unimaginable.

The most terrifying thing is that the imperial main ship is rumbling towards the world inside the World Tree.

This is definitely the dark curtain of time, the most terrifying arrival of billions of stars in history.


Immediately afterwards, a golden light flew out from the empire's main ship and suddenly expanded a thousand times.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a golden edict, lying across the sky and slowly falling from the sky. This was a terrifying celestial phenomenon that I had never seen before.


Some aliens couldn't even bear the pressure and knelt down directly.

Because the power of this holy edict is more powerful than ten Taimogu, it is too terrifying and cannot be resisted by the small World Tree.

It's ridiculous. We are even thinking about how to take the initiative to attack the empire. It turns out that our world is like an ant in their eyes.

The great powers opened their mouths and expressed the throbbing in their souls. They felt as if they were facing the way of heaven and were trembling.

For the beings in other star fields, most of them have already knelt down. It is a kind of fear rising from the bottom of their hearts, and the instinctive reaction of the physical body is not controllable at all.

That is……

Finally, Ye Jue's expression changed drastically, and he was the first to see the words on the golden edict, which read in a flying voice, Seal!!

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