
Qin Jiaoxian almost spit out the fruit in his mouth.

Ye Jue's eyelids suddenly twitched: ...

Sister, are you okay? Ye Jue is so powerful and domineering, isn't he the one in your mind, like a white horse or a prince... Besides, you are not bad looking, much prettier than me, okay, sister!

Qin Xiu suddenly took Qin Jiuxian's arm and shook it.

She understands now.

This man named Ye Jue definitely has thighs, and they are very thick.

If her sister could hold it on her lap, wouldn't she be able to eat this strange fruit every day?

The realm of humanoid primary dragon is just around the corner!

You...don't mess around!

Qin Jiaoxian raised his fist, put his four fingers together, and slapped his phalanges, giving Qin Xiu a bang. The sound was loud enough to pass.

Sister, what are you doing? Ouch, it hurts!

Qin Xiu protected her head with her hands, looking at her sister innocently with tears in her eyes.

Who told you to talk nonsense?

The corners of Qin Jiaoxian's eyes twitched a few times.

I'm not talking nonsense. Sister, didn't you say that you once met a bright-eyed young man on the Demon Star? You and I cherished each other. You also said that it was a beautiful memory that should be treasured in your heart. This young man's name is Ling. Xiao, later you went across the stars to check the database, and it turned out that there was no pureblood named Ling Xiao on the earth, and there was a dead one. The name was false, and you were still sad about it for a long time!

Suddenly, Qin Xiu broke the news one after another, shocking Catwoman.

Ye Jue: ...

The name Ling Xiao was the pseudonym he used on the demon star. Unexpectedly, Qin Jiaxian actually tracked this name.

You...shut up!

Qin Jiaxian's hands were shaking a little, and he wanted to give Qin Xiu another blow.

However, Qin Xiu had already prepared. She stepped aside, hugged Ye Jue's arm and said, Brother-in-law, listen to me. She couldn't find Ling Xiao and was in a state of despair for a long time. She stared at the sky reluctantly every day. He looked unwilling to do so.

Ye Jue opened his mouth and looked at Qin Jiaxian: ...


As a result, the latter had closed his eyes, and this was already the scene of social death.

Later, after many wars ended, the name Ye Jue broke into the stars, and news and intelligence came. Brother-in-law, you didn't transform into a disguise in Yao Star at that time. Sister, she recognized you at a glance. You were shining with invincible style. Illuminating the entire starry sky and reviving the planet, she was dumbfounded and took me on the journey without saying a word.

Qin Xiu bared her teeth and said, It's not an accident that we came to Earth. She came here specifically to find you.

Ye Jue: ...

Qin Jiaoxian was already looking for a hole in the ground to crawl in. It could be seen that her eyes were fairly bright, but her ears were all red, very red.


When the cat girl saw her, her chest and abdomen rose and fell, as if she had seen a sneaky cat. She looked at Qin Jiaoxian with something wrong in her eyes, and her tail became hairy.

Brother-in-law, just marry her. Ah, brother-in-law, are you married? If you are, she can be the younger one. Isn't it normal on your earth to have three wives and four concubines? Let my sister be your concubine. Okay, let her live, let her live!

Qin Xiu referred to her as her brother-in-law without any exception, as if she recognized this brother-in-law.

I don't agree to this marriage, and I will give birth to a monkey for Ye Shen!

Suddenly, the catwoman couldn't bear it any longer and pounced on Ye Shen.

Everyone knows that Ye Shen is single.

Every girl on this planet who is female wants to attack her.

So, Catwoman finally had enough.

I also want!

Ah, me too, let me live, let me live!

At the same time, at some point, a group of girls, including sexy human goddesses and alien saints, appeared one after another and rushed towards Ye Jue's direction.

Hey, hey, hey! Calm down!

Ye Jue staggered out of the dark crowd and looked at his embarrassed appearance, speechless for a while.

Not to mention, it was so interesting for him to be the god of the earth. He was actually a heartthrob and was attacked by a group of beauties on his own earth who shouted that they wanted to give him a monkey.

Could he not smile bitterly?

Ah, Ye Shen is here!

Suddenly, there was a shout in the distance, and the crowd was excited and rushed there. Someone came to the rescue, and it looked like Yang Wenchao's face.

Finally, he saw Yang Wenchao accepting it calmly and indifferently, and was instantly submerged in the sea of ​​people.

This scene made Ye Jue feel that he was most likely willing...

Brother, take care!

Ye Jue said seriously.


At the same time, Qin Jiaoxian climbed out, shouting, with black footprints on his white face, and messy silver hair. It looked like he was being targeted.

Go quickly!

Ye Jue didn't want to cause any trouble, so he took her hand, opened the door of the gods and walked in.


The Gate of the Gods crossed the sky and quickly closed again.

Is this the kingdom of the gods?

Qin Jiaxian looked around in surprise. There was a holy light. It was as if the gods were singing in the sky. The long river of rolling god particles was tumbling in the pure land of the gods. Rumble, the battlefield of the gods was shaking, and there was still a killing atmosphere. The anger of the gods was burning, and in addition, there were divine songs lingering, emanating from the Gods' Sutra Pavilion in the distance. It was so amazing, she had never seen such a scene before.


Suddenly, a blue figure flew from a distance with a very angry face. It was Yang Lan'er, who was still in the Kingdom of the Gods.

Who are you?

When Qin Jiaoxian saw such a beauty in Ye Jue's little world, he couldn't help but curled his lips. Is this a beauty hidden in a golden house?

Yang Lan'er, don't mess around.

Ye Jue came over and gave a warning.

Hmph, she has silver hair and charming eyes, delicate bones and long hooves, and her skin is so white. I think she is my mistress, hahaha!!

Yang Lan'er sneered, glared at Qin Jiaxian, and flew away, disappearing here.

What did she just say about me?

Only then did Qin Jiaxian come back to his senses. He was obviously dumbfounded.

In all my life, I have never been told this before.

Silver hair and charming eyes... delicate bones and long hooves...

What adjective is this?

Does she really look like this?

Ignore her, this woman is crazy, we took her in out of kindness.

The African young man transformed into the God-Slaying Sword flew over from the depths of the kingdom of the gods, and the aura of the divine weapon was very obvious.

However, the word mistress is a good word. This is the first time Ye Jue has brought a woman home, and the one with Dragon Girl doesn't count!

The African young man said hehe.

Qin Jiaxian: ...

Looking for a fight, right?

Just as Ye Jue was about to take action, the Divine Sword flew away and disappeared here.

He and Qin Jiaxian were the only ones left at the scene.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, especially when Qin Jiaoxian walked in front, revealing his extremely beautiful back, which made Ye Jue recall what happened to Yao Xing at that time.

Ahem, I invited you in not just for fun, but to give you a chance. It's really not easy for you to reach the peak of primary dragon level. I'm about to break through. You can witness that from now on Get opportunities next to you.”

Ye Jue coughed twice and said sternly.

A Tyrannosaurus-level player would definitely shine brightly on today's earth.

After him, Qin Jiaoxian seems to be the first to cultivate his physique to the peak of the primary dragon level. His physique is about 3000 times more than that, so he must be very talented.

Such fighting power has now surrendered to the earth and stood in the human camp. In the future, another starry sky war god will rise, and it will be a female war goddess and a Valkyrie.

Breakthrough? You want to break through the early dragon and become the tyrannosaurus, but how can you do it? Have you found the Great Desolation Sutra?

Qin Jiaxian immediately turned around, so shocked that everything that had just happened was forgotten.

How is it possible? The Dahuang Jing is controlled by the military, so they can mass-produce Tyrannosaurus-level soldiers, but the mass-produced type is always the mass-produced type.

Ye Jue shook his head.

The clone soldiers of the military kingdom were all too fragile. They obviously had Tyrannosaurus-level strength, but they were all just showy. They were not as good as Qin Jiaxian, who had truly succeeded in cultivation, at least in his opinion.

He believes that there must be a great truth in the path of slow cultivation.

Then how do you break through?

Qin Jiaxian asked curiously.

Come and witness everything.

Ye Jue snapped his fingers.


They jumped up the stairs of the gods in an instant and reached the top, where the thrones of the gods were.

Ten bright and huge scrolls of the gods and the guidance of the gods are floating in the air.

One of them actually dimmed.

The killing mission, Tai Mogu, is completed!

Qin Jiaxian was shocked when she read the word divine on it. She could understand it because she was a guest of the gods and it was directly translated into Chinese.

You're here, Ye Jue. I thought you forgot about the mission reward. Have you already thought about it?

A ray of holy light rose, and the figure of the controller appeared. The aura it exuded made Qin Jiaxian frightened, as if he was facing a prehistoric god and demon!

Yes, I want to choose the scriptures created by the creation of the world by the gods, and the final creation of the three hundred and one gods.

Ye Jue nodded.

I thought you would choose a top magical power to cultivate Dongtian. It's too late for you to regret it now. There is a top magical power in the treasury of the gods, called Daluo Leiyin Breathing Technique. It is the top type of cultivation. Transformation into ancient With the secret technique, you are instantly invincible, and you can traverse the World Tree just by relying on your physique.”

The controller's face was expressionless.

Sooner or later the treasure troves of the gods will be mine.

Ye Jue couldn't help but shook his head after hearing this.

Well, open it, the treasure trove of the gods!


As the controller's voice fell, something seemed to shatter in the kingdom of gods, and even the dragon girl flew out, looking up at the sky.

There unexpectedly appeared the shadow of a golden door. It opened with a bang, and a treasure that shone with starlight fell out and fell into the hands of the person who controlled it.

Immediately afterwards, the golden door suddenly closed, and the shadow of the huge treasure house gradually disappeared without a trace.

This is the creation of the gods you want, take it.

The controller shook it off impatiently.


The Creation of the Gods flew towards Ye Juediai, spreading a bright star and moon light...

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