no problem.

Ye Jue nodded.

Since the heaven and earth changed, the devil came, and the folded space appeared in the original real world, various unknown forces have appeared. However, now, the world has been integrated, and both the earth and other planets in the solar system have become gods. As the goal, inherit the mythical karma.

I'll arrange your accommodation and introduce you to new friends.

Before everything was ready, Ye Jue led them around the spectacular new earth.

Originally, the fate of the earth was already doomed because the structure and geological processes of the earth predicted its demise.

Therefore, the will of the earth woke up, selected the earth god, and seized the ownerless star embryo in the land of creation. The two merged into one to create a new future.

I didn't expect you to be so capable and really change the earth...the solar system.

Qin Jiaxian's beautiful face showed a shocked look.

Her sister, Qin Xiu, had big clear eyes that were even brighter. She seemed very innocent and felt like she was listening to heavenly scriptures at this moment.

On the earth, those jade pavilions and dynasty sects are even more rare, as if they are telling the myths of the past.

That is……

They also saw some immortal souls hanging in the air, absorbing the great power of this planet and reshaping cells.

These immortal souls are spitting out lightning when they open their mouths, and where the cracks on the body surface are, there are electric rays that pierce and pierce incessantly.

Normally, they should all be dead, but each of their dim eyes lit up like a burning golden torch.

Moreover, there was incredible lightning pouring down from the sky, as if they were overcoming the legendary catastrophe.

This is the energy in the crystal cells being reversed to synthesize proteins, forming mitochondria, RNA, RNA. Life is evolving again, directly replicating its previous body. However, this process is very dangerous and requires a continuous supply of energy. It just so happens that this planet From time to time there are jets of spiritual energy, so the thunder is introduced into the body, this is how to overcome the tribulation.

When Qin Xiu finished saying this, five different colors of thunder light appeared in the sky, thick and boundless, blasting towards a strong man.


The strong man roared, and was successfully shaped directly in the spiritual energy, giving birth to a pure white body.

The body has no hair, no organs or facial features. It is absolutely the purest physical body. The next step is hard work, which requires continuous evolution and mutation.

This is the method of reshaping the body that all immortal souls long for, so that they can return to the human world again and enjoy the beauty of the world.

Let's go.

Ye Jue took them back to the base.


This area suddenly glowed, with civilization runes lighting up, and murderous intent surging.

Ding, if a foreigner without a login identity is detected, please ground your flight immediately, hold your head in your hands, and undergo inspection!

In the sky, the eye of heaven appeared, and the powerful stance made people tremble, and in the end it was almost impossible to stand.

The core of your base is so powerful. Is this the core of the myth?

Qin Xiu's physique was only at the fearless level. Being scolded like this made her mind shake and she almost fainted.


The holy light illuminated around Ye Jue, which made her wake up.

it's me.

He landed, and the huge door in front of him roared and slowly opened.


The two lizardmen guarding behind the door immediately showed respect on their faces when they saw that the person coming was Ye Jue.

They are aliens who have been on the earth for a long time and have been accepted by the world. They can enjoy the effects of the spiritual energy, allowing them to evolve rapidly and grow by leaps and bounds.

Not only them, but also the other aliens who stayed in the alien race. They were very lucky to be in the human camp in the first place, so that they could get the privileges.

You know, human beings' green cards are now among the stars, and they are extremely precious things.

A green card was sold at Blackstone for 200 million universe coins.

If you want to apply for an exclusive green card, you must have professional skills before you can be recognized as qualified. Otherwise, it is impossible to apply for it.

Therefore, they are very proud. Anyone who holds a green card is extremely proud in front of other foreigners.

Moreover, these two lizards could be seen at a glance. The two women with silver hair beside Ye Jue were not human beings, but aliens.

They should be people of the Silver race. Normally, when you come here, you need to check the green card pass, but now you don't need it.

go in.

Ye Jue smiled and led Qin Jiaxian and Qin Xiu into the glorious base.


Qin Xiu immediately shouted at Wuhu.

This is not a lifeless city, but a place that can be called a star city, which is completely comparable to the star cities built by other powers.

I never imagined that humans could create such a beautiful city with extremely neat planning.

Residential areas, businesses, supermarkets, shopping malls, parks, squares, stations... The holy light and mist are everywhere, as if you have arrived in a divine realm.

What shocked them the most was that those buildings were so unique. Long roads made of solidified energy spread in the air. The glass-like guardrails shone brightly, absorbing the heat from the stars. There were flying swords, flying knives, etc. When people are flying into the distance in an orderly manner, the castle in the sky is like a sanctuary, and various celestial rivers, water flows, and divine springs are circulating in an orderly manner.

This time period happens to be when night falls, shining with colorful mythological colors.

Looking down as a whole, they have fallen in love with this place and are very happy.

This is the real mythical continent!

The new Earth is just a corner of the solar system. Mars, Jupiter, etc. are all being transformed continuously. With the super cosmic weapon Ark, it is now Level 1, which is Level 1, a 1-star civilization.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

The Peak Mythical Base can no longer be called a base. It has long since transformed from a level 5 base into one of the recognized 1-star civilizations.

The great powers are only one-star civilizations. There is no two-star civilization in the entire World Tree. The two-star civilizations are the Dark Angel Clan, other ethnic groups, etc.

In the empire, for example, the clan, the Tai clan is a two-star civilization, mastering the terrifying interstellar bomb devourer, and the powerful mysterious magnetic field.

It's a pity that the current leader of the Tai clan has just been destroyed by him. The home planet must have been damaged, and the empire may have plummeted.

It seems you have really risen.

Qin Jiaxian nodded, admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Outside the universe, there is still a wasteland.

But here, it's like a fairyland, a divine realm, everything is beautiful and orderly.

Stay here. Extraordinary organizations don't dare to invade here. Now that they have become a thing of the past, I want to destroy their home planet. It's as easy as eating and drinking water.

Ye Jue said indifferently.

He arranged for the two sisters to live in the central area, which was also the human embassy. It had the strongest guards and the strongest aura.

Just by practicing here, you can feel comfortable all over your body. Your flesh and blood and internal organs seem to be nourished and purified by an inexplicable bioactive energy, and your youth seems to be flowing backwards.

You have been traveling all the way, and I will arrange everything.

Ye Jue said.

We're not familiar with this place, so you can figure it out.

Qin Jiaxian nodded.

A distinguished guest is visiting, please make arrangements.

Ye Jing said into the communicator.

After a while, a sexy catwoman came over wearing a midriff-baring outfit with a small bell around her neck.

Two guests, please follow me.

Catwoman is the manager here. She was very excited to see Ye Jue, but she still suppressed it.

Otherwise, she would really like to give birth to a monkey for Ye Jue.


Qin Jiaxian and Qin Xiu looked at each other and followed Catwoman to the other direction of the corridor.

Soon, Ye Jue met them again, but at the dinner table.

Are you so laid-back?

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help but ask.

She knew that Ye Jue must have a lot of things to do, and now he was actually accompanying them to eat here?

There is a saying on our planet that it is a joy to have friends come from far away.

Ye Jue replied with a smile.

What's the meaning?

Qin Xiu doesn't understand.

It means to extend a warm welcome to friends coming from afar.

Ye Jue took a sip of the Enlightenment Tea from the Bodhi tree. He said it was the Enlightenment Tea, but it was actually a tout and had no effect on him at all.

But I heard that this tea sells well and is indeed delicious.

I know, this is just showing your kindness as a landlord, right?

Qin Jiaxian still had some knowledge and responded.

That's right. It's just that practicing cultivation is not too boring. You have to combine work and rest. You all should have a taste of the food on earth.

Ye Jue doesn't need to eat anything now. He adjusts his breathing. Sometimes he exhales like thunder, and sometimes he inhales like wind and lingering clouds. His whole body is crystal clear.


Qin Xiu took out a bright red magical snake fruit from the jade container. It was ten centimeters in diameter. The skin was rough and uneven, and there were even protrusions. In short, it didn't look good.

However, the strong fragrance assaults the nostrils, and it seems that there is a ray of red light shining through, lingering here, making people unable to help but twitch their index fingers.


She bit it lightly, and her expression changed instantly.

His mouth was filled with a strange fragrance, and he felt like he was flying up in the red light, feeling a bit ethereal.

But soon, Qin Xiu frowned and felt that her body was burning, as if a fire was igniting in her chest. Her face turned red and she felt that her cells were dividing at an accelerated rate.


Qin Jiaxian was even more so. He stared at the mysterious snake fruit in shock.

This is more than a thousand times more powerful than the effect of the strange fruit eaten on the demon star. One bite directly nourishes the body. This kind of sacred effect is absolutely rare!

Is it really produced on earth?

She felt that if she sold it to other star regions, she would definitely make a fortune.

This is called the Heavenly Dragon Snake Fruit. It is grown with the blood and bones of the Heavenly Dragon. It originally grew in the land of Jiuyuan. It was poisonous and could not be eaten. However, it was purified by the Pure Land of the Gods. Now the toxicity has long dissipated, so only Get the most original effect.”

The Catwoman was explaining next to her with a smile on her face. She was very professional, polite and qualified.

What, the accompanying fruit of Tianlong Blood Bone?

Qin Xiu was extremely shocked. The fruit he ate was actually produced by the once all-powerful Tianlong clan?

This surprised, excited and moved her so much!

It seems that the earth is really in the right place!

Why don't you be my brother-in-law?

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