Unexpectedly, those arrogant aliens actually said that if we are the boss, humans will also be like this one day?

Yang Wenchao said in astonishment.

Yes, even the great powers have sent invitations, saying that they must apologize for what happened before and that we, adults, should not remember the faults of others.

Xu Ziyue also read these contents very funny.

You must know that the great powers were the leaders in the World Tree before, located far away in the star field. They had conflicts with Ye Jue before and peeked into the kingdom of the gods.

Now they are taking the initiative to curry favor, saying that for the sake of human development, they want to share an interstellar vein and can mine unlimited mana crystals.

They invited us to the Universe Interstellar Center Station, where there are the most high-end and luxurious residences and entertainment facilities, to discuss alliance matters.

Chen Ya said.

Wuhu, go ahead and start the ark, haha, scare them to death!

Black Tiger Afu is very arrogant. He has benefited from a certain star field before, and he feels that he can unite the heaven and the earth in the future and dominate the world.

Maybe it can evolve into a Roaring Sky Dog. Now all the dog hair has grown back, and it's as white as jade.

I heard that the roaring dog in the myth was like this, with short white hair and a charming slim waist, which made countless little bitches go crazy.

Yes, the Ark has directly surpassed their mothership. How can it compare with us?

Wu Zhen nodded.

The Ark is the most powerful carrying vehicle in the solar system. It is equipped with the East China Sea Divine Furnace as an engine. It only needs to burn spiritual stones to tear through the void, flash in the universe, and quickly reach the interstellar central station of the universe.

It was a place once built by alien races, and it represented the highest glory of all civilizations.

Then go ahead, this matter is also crucial.

Ye Jue nodded and agreed.

He already understood very well that if he wanted to win the war, he needed all the lives in the World Tree to stimulate their life potential.

Only by fighting for your life can you have a chance to win a chance of survival.

I had just fought with Taimogu, and if I was not careful, the boat would capsize, destroying the boat and killing everyone.

I have to say that he was really brave, and more than 250 million people used it as a bet.

But if this were not the case, there would be no hope in the solar system, or even in the entire World Tree.

After this experiment, he understood that he needed cannon fodder, a lot of cannon fodder.

In the subsequent battles, it is best to use alien races to stimulate life potential and activate the God King Sword, so that even if the ship capsizes, the vitality of one's own people will not be damaged.

African youth: “…”

After he agreed, a group of high-level leaders were gathered in the Eastern and Western worlds very quickly.

Although their strength is not very good, they are all experienced in politics, and their abilities are beyond others, such as diplomacy.

The transformation is complete. The Ark has been added with an optical brain, a command room, an entertainment area, etc.

Director Wu said.

This thing is too huge and cannot be modified originally, but fortunately Ye Jue can shrink the Ark to the size of a palm.

The necessary facilities, appearance, weapons, etc. are all installed, and it is now perfect.

The transformation took a month.


The momentum was majestic, and the sound of thousands of trumpets and drums came from the void. The ark became huge again and soared in the solar system.

Less than a day left until departure date.

All races have agreed to stay at the Interstellar Central Station of the Universe. In order to take care of the weak civilization, they have made an appointment for a month and a half later.

Wow, here we are, after a long journey, we finally reached the solar system. Is that the Human Ark?

An elder sister and a younger sister were looking at the starry sky in shock.

The ark was so huge that only a portion of it could be seen.


At this moment, Ye Jue suddenly sensed something.

As the God of Earth, he can detect any life that invades this place.

The key is that this smell is very familiar and nostalgic.

Could it be...


The next moment, he flew straight up, his red particle wings flapping, breaking through fifty times the speed of sound.

Sister, someone is coming!

Qin Xiu pointed to the distance in the sky.

At this time, they are on the earth, and the earth is completely different from what it used to be.

Not to mention spring, flowers are blooming, and there are all kinds of strange and weird lives. The power of myth extends from the earth to the entire solar system, constantly spraying spiritual energy beams, transforming the solar system into a continent.

They also knew one thing before, that is, the earth was upgraded to a star.

At first they didn't believe this rumor, but now they saw it was true, and they were doing the same as those who exercised in vitro technology.

Well, I saw it, it was him.

Qin Jiaxian's face flashed with excitement.

After so many years, I finally saw that person again.

It has been several years since we said goodbye in Yaoxing.

During this period, she kept seeing various news, all coming from the earth, the solar system, and Ye Jue.

At the same time, she was very moved. The child who searched for the Diamond Sutra with her at that time has now become a god, controlling the entire ethnic group, and may now become the leader of the Great Universe Alliance. Can you not feel that times have changed?


Ye Jue descended, with a handsome face, warm and crystal-clear skin, and flying black hair.

He was filled with mythical power, and the way he looked when he first set foot on the stars was completely different from what he remembered.

Ye Jue, it is indeed you!

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help laughing.

Haha, long time no see. I thought you were in danger.

Ye Jue thought of all the encounters he had with her on the Demon Star with a sense of joy. Thinking about it now, it was really a beautiful memory.

He once had a sudden idea and cupped the alien.

Well, long time no see. Have you mutated? Have you become so domineering?

Qin Jiaxian's first impression when he saw Ye Jue was that it was unfathomable, and he felt as if he were sitting on the top of the world tree, looking down at the world.

But it is definitely not the kind of ruthlessness and callousness, nor is it the kind of aura that the world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs.

On the contrary, it is more humane and full of emotions.

It's a long story. There must be some mutation. You're not bad either. You actually cultivated into a humanoid dragon.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Yes, the first dragon in human form, but there is nothing we can do if we can't find the Great Desolation Sutra.

Qin Jiaxian shook his head.

By the way, how did you get here?

Only then did Ye Jue realize that she was covered in dust, as if she had just suffered a disaster and escaped here.

Anyway, it took a lot of effort to get here. Let me put it bluntly. We are all acquaintances anyway. This annoying sister and I are here to seek your protection.

Qin Jiaxian spoke directly in plain language.

Now Ye Jue's background is indeed strong. She also saw the scene of the God King's Sword killing Tai Mogu, and she was simply shocked.

After experiencing hiding in various planets, they could not avoid it and finally came to seek refuge with him.

Sister, what are you talking about? Why am I so annoying?

Qin Xiu glared at her sister complainingly.

Why are you not annoying anymore? What are you doing wrong? You insist on stealing the interstellar fire of the extraordinary organization. As a result, our whole family was hunted down in four star regions. They wanted to wipe out our Silver clan. All members were punished. Assassination.”

Qin Jiaoxian grabbed his sister's ears, ridiculed her to his heart's content, and spun her 360 degrees.

Ouch, it hurts. Didn't I realize I was wrong? This is fire among the stars. Don't you want to enter the universe...

Qin Xiu stomped her feet in pain and called out words like the big universe and deep space.

Do you have a way to enter the big universe?

Ye Jue was extremely shocked.

Now the World Tree is surrounded by the hell world, and the only ancient path is occupied by the empire.

Can you not be surprised and surprised when you hear Qin Jiaxian's sister say this?

Yes, the interstellar fire is actually a kind of strange fire in our universe. It will never go out, but it actually has no effect. It cannot attack or defend. The extraordinary organization has not been able to analyze it. In fact, I know its power and can open a way to The road to the big universe, but only after fusion, so I need a lot of resources!

Qin Xiu said quickly, proving that he was very useful.

Ye Jue, although my sister is good at stealing skills...but she will never lie. Our family is very strict. Maybe the star fire really has this power.

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help but say.

“What resources are needed?”

Ye Jue's eyes were already shining.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiaxian's sister would bring such a big surprise to him.

I need strange fire, eternal fire, death fire, extermination fire, wrathful fire, Jedi fire... There are ten kinds of strange fire in total, but this is just fusion, and other auxiliary products are needed.

Qin Xiu picked up his fingers and said.

You mean strange fire? Is this it?

Ye Jue stepped on his feet, and with a boom sound, the Gate of the Gods appeared above his head, and immediately spurted out eight kinds of strange flames. One after another, amazing light emerged, and the energy boiled.

He dug this out of Tai Mogu's energy furnace and sealed it in the Pure Land of the Gods.

Unexpectedly, the Pure Land of the Gods burst into flames, colorful, and showed no signs of stopping.

Ah, you actually have eight kinds. That's great. Now there are only two missing. I can do experiments. First, fuse the eight kinds of strange fires...

Qin Xiu was so excited that he spurted a ball of blue flame from his palm, and then took out a weird ancient device from a random container.


In an instant, these eight strange fires and interstellar fires rotated and merged, and the ancient device immediately made a buzzing sound, as if it was about to explode, and then stopped after a moment.

Ye Jue and the others retreated far away, but luckily it didn't explode.

Well, there are two different kinds of fire, called the Fire of the Void and the Fire of the Big Dream. The Fire of the Void is in the deepest part of the space-time cave. The Fire of the Big Dream is controlled by a clan. What clan is it called the Big Dream...

Qin Xiu said with great excitement.

In her dream, she wanted to gather ten kinds of strange fires, fuse them into the legendary divine flames, and go to the big universe to have a look.

She feels that World Tree is just a small village, the strongest civilization is just the rural landlords, and the big universe is the real developed city, and she can't even dream of going there.

Qin Jiaxian, let me tell you the truth. Your sister's research is very useful to me and the human race. Don't worry. Humanity and I will protect you. From now on, you will be allies of all mankind. At the same time, , and still my precious friend.”

There is no doubt that Ye Jue is smiling.

That's great. After my sister's research is completed, I will give it to you as a gift. This is your territory, and our safety is entirely in your hands.

Qin Jiaxian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his days of escape were finally over.

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