The attack of this sword is so terrifying, it can truly be called the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, its vast power is unparalleled!

This radiant Oniwu Holy Picture was suddenly penetrated by a hole, like a sea of ​​stars boiling and erupting. Outsiders could not see the real scene, but only felt that there was supreme power surging here.


At this moment, the Divine King Sword, which carried more than 250 million people and all the power of Ye Jue, directly hit Tai Mogu's body. With a rumble, another fierce collision was immediately born.


The void around Taimogu was annihilating, and the sea of ​​stars was tearing open, like a tattered scroll falling apart in the dark abyss.

If it weren't for him, no one would be able to block this all-bearing blow!

Boom boom boom...

Originally, there were some huge meteorites and various asteroids around them, but in just a moment, they all exploded into powder and disappeared as if evaporated.

Tai Mogu was finally able to burst out his own power, but the God King Sword was one step faster than him and pierced directly into his heart.

Dong dong dong——

The position of his heart is exactly where the energy furnace is, and eight kinds of strange fires are already burning.


A roar came from the God King's sword.

In front of the sword is hope!

The sword became more and more dazzling, and the killing intent became more intense.

We will never give up until we destroy the opponent or kill the opponent!


Tai Mogu screamed repeatedly, and was thrust into his chest by the God King Sword, flying upside down in the sea of ​​stars. The holy light shone along the way, and the starry sky exploded.

This shocking and astonishing scene was captured by all the eyes in the sky. The stars in the sky surged away like a tide. Wherever they passed, the sea of ​​​​stars behind them almost turned into a straight line. The gravity pulled countless meteorites and asteroids into A long river.

The powerful men of various races who had previously hid in other star fields to watch the battle were hiding behind the mother star. Otherwise, they would be affected and it would be extremely miserable.

boom! boom! boom……

From the darkness of the starry sky, I don’t know where to go, burning along the way, with the blazing holy light, illuminating one sea of ​​stars after another, and then submerged into a big planet, accompanied by various amazing visions, the big planet It exploded immediately, shocking all races in the starry sky.

go to hell!

In the God King Sword, the holy light curled up, lightning intertwined, dragon roars, roars, roars... too many sounds.

Buzz! !

The Divine King Sword that the Ark transformed into was like the divine light that opened the sky, the first ray of light from the beginning, cutting through the starry sky and penetrating into Tai Mogu's heart, and the holy light penetrated into his energy furnace.


Tai Mogu roared crazily.

All kinds of civilization symbols burst out from the totems all over his body, but the thunder of the God King Sword suppressed them. His eight kinds of strange fires were burning rapidly, but they were annihilated by the flames of the God King Sword.

Puff puff……

The blood splashed, and he was roaring, and he was roaring, because he was hit by the sword and could not dodge or save himself.

His whole body was already bleeding profusely. Even with the so-called strongest metal body in the universe, he could not stop the twilight of the gods and the wrath of the gods.

Gathering the final glorious power of the gods, it will definitely not stop at killing one Taimogu!

The gods will also take revenge and continue the glory.

The solar system, the galaxies...the major galaxies in the World Tree were all trembling together at this moment.

What a nice view!

The aliens raised their heads and looked at the direction of the God King Sword. This sword was rushing towards the farthest point of the universe, spinning, carrying thunder, lightning that destroyed the universe, and endless auspicious colors. It was so bright, it was really Too beautiful.


At the end, the Divine King Sword was inserted into Taimogu's terrifying metal body, and a ray of holy light came out directly from the body, penetrating from the chest, and the front and back were bright.


Lightning surged through Taimogu's body, and a large black hole appeared on the energy furnace. The energy of the violent storm vented into the endless starry sky.

He was inserted into the wall of the edge universe by the God King Sword. The sword body penetrated him and was deeply embedded in the 'wall'. In the blood-red world outside, the only bright golden light shone.


A cosmic storm rippled towards the blood-red world, becoming a shocking event unprecedented in thousands of years!

The God King Sword actually nailed Tai Mogu to the top of the universe and penetrated the wall. In the hell space outside, terrifying energy fluctuations came from the sky and the earth, causing many planets in the World Tree to tremble and explode. .

Because everyone can feel that there is a huge and boundless existence in the hell space, and there may be one coming with a ghostly aura, and the black mist will cover the solar system and suppress the world.

This is the breath of the devil, they have felt it deeply before!

Another existence, with bright golden light, appeared in the opposite direction, equally huge and boundless, sweeping in from the depths of the universe. This is the origin of the World Tree. The sacred tree is exerting its power and begins to repair the walls of the universe and isolate the hell space.

Is that the hell world? We are really surrounded by hell!

It was so terrifying. I felt the breath of death and couldn't resist.

Many lives in the World Tree are shivering and trembling all over.

Sure enough, the fifth and sixth levels of purgatory will soon sweep through the entire World Tree. At that time, all life will come to an end, and the Divine Tree will also die.

Run away!

Someone screamed in fear.

But where to escape?

The only starry sky is ancient and guarded by the empire. The arrival of a Tai clan can destroy everything.

If humans hadn't appeared, they would have been finished before the demons arrived.

We can only stick to the World Tree. From now on, we must unite everything. All star regions must form an alliance to form a super interstellar United Nations!

The aliens are all trembling and are deciding that they must first form an alliance with humans.

A depressing atmosphere filled the starry sky.


At this moment, Tai Mogu, the leader of the Tai clan, had disheveled hair and was roaring.

He had great ambitions before he came, leading millions of elites in his clan. He felt that he was invincible, and he could finally get the legendary corner of fortune, and he could become the master and overthrow the rule of the empire.

But what?

What now?

He was actually nailed to the World Tree, and his life was passing by, being watched, observed, and observed by all living things in this space.

Even though his whole body was glowing and his mechanical life essence was rich, he just couldn't repair the big hole in the energy furnace.

Damn it, these are divine particles, repelling the God particles in the body!

Tai Mogu sprayed pure black liquid from his mouth, and the divine particles penetrated into his body and were frantically destroying his mechanical units. The mechanical units were his 'cells', and the cells were heading for destruction.

I can not be reconciled!!

Blood splattered, Tai Mogu then roared, and the mechanical body finally stopped.


Suddenly, a ball of light flew out, with exquisite head wings, and flew quickly into the distance.

Hurry and catch him. This is the spiritual body of Tai Mogu. We must not let him escape, otherwise we will suffer a catastrophe, and the empire will attack directly and destroy us in a second!

The old dragon spirit shouted, flew out from the God King Sword, and took the lead in taking action, but he couldn't catch it, and let the shining little blue man slip away from his fingertips.

Hahaha, my spiritual body is integrated with the souls of many powerful people. I can cast an ancient secret technique, the Great Escape Technique. None of you can catch me. Just wait to die. The empire will throw dimensionality reduction at you. Strike and destroy you directly from the source!

The little blue man incarnated by Tai Mogu fled quickly, so fast that he teleported to the stars in a few blinks, found the ancient road in the starry sky, and wanted to get in and disappear.

However, there is a small hand grabbing him in front of him. It is extremely accurate and directly changes the law of time to catch him easily.

Ah, who is it?

Tai Mo let out a strange cry. He didn't expect that someone was blocking the ancient road in the starry sky. He had already made a plan and was waiting for him to take the bait.

You are too careless, especially you, Ye Jue.

A flower blooms and emerges, and a smaller figure appears, revealing its face.

She was a girl with pink hair. Her skin was crystal clear and delicate, as if it were a rare crystal.

Her voice was so beautiful. When many people were still intoxicated, the pink-haired girl flicked her fingers, and Tai Mogu was transferred to Ye Jue and disappeared into the gate of the gods in an instant.


The controller's God's Wheel came down hard, directly suppressing it in the deepest part of the wheel, completely sealing it.


After doing these things, Ye Jue breathed a sigh of relief, wanted to say thank you, and was ready to ask who the person was and why he wanted to help them.

However, the pink-haired girl had disappeared and turned into a colorful flower, disappearing strangely in place.

Who is that? Why should I help you?

Dragon Girl looked surprised.

I don't know either. Anyway, they are not enemies.

Ye Jue shook his head, his hair fluttering, and as he breathed, the Divine King Sword stars dissipated in the universe. Countless stars flickered, and a long galaxy appeared. Everyone on the ark was sent back to the solar system.

With the gathering flags flying, they returned in triumph.

Whether it is the interstellar network or the real world, everything is boiling, and countless people are discussing it. Today's battle shocked people's hearts and triggered a tsunami in the starry sky.

The arrival of the Tai clan is so powerful that it can be called boundless domineering.

But being nailed to the World Tree by humans, what kind of achievement is this? It can be called heaven-defying.

That huge metal body still exists and will become one of the tourist attractions in the universe in the future.

In short, this battle completely shocked various star fields. They all said that after a long period of accumulation, mankind has given birth to a leader of the ethnic group after Wang Qi, Earth True Son, who might be able to obtain racial chess.

When Ye Jue and his group returned triumphantly, another burst of cheers erupted from the earth.

They fought on behalf of mankind, and their achievements were unparalleled. They attracted everyone's attention and made a name for themselves as humans.

In the future, the solar system continent will become completely famous and shock the universe and the sea of ​​stars.

This is...our system has just received every piece of information from all the races of the stars, indicating that we are going to establish a grand interstellar alliance, a world tree United Nations, to fight against demons and empires, with us humans as the leaders?

Both the Eastern World and the Western World's base optical brain have received this message.

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