Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 729 Liberating the Power of the Divine Tree

Give me strength to hold on!!

Even though their mouths and noses were bleeding and they were roaring, even though they were suppressed to the point of almost kneeling, their whole bodies were shaking, and their souls were about to burst.

However, no one among them knelt down.

The power of the divine sword is getting stronger and stronger!

Die, die!

Taimogu was in the sky in the distant area, using his hands to activate the Oniwu Shengtu, suppressing the astonishing God King Sword with all his strength.

Pierce, pierce me!

The sound roared in the God King's sword.

So many people now have only one thought in their hearts, and that is the sword of the God King, to cut down everything!

The songs of the gods, the auras of the gods, the glory of the gods... were originally profound and obscure, difficult to understand.

But now, everyone understands, and the power of the divine particles has been pushed to the extreme, and the deduction has reached the extreme.


No, it's broken. The order field can't withstand it anymore. The force of your impact is too powerful!

The controller at the top of the ladder of the gods was shocked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire order field began to collapse. A huge scar opened in the space, and a bright starry sky from the outside world appeared.

Stop it!

He growled.

However, with a plop sound, another extremely huge and vast crack appeared, completely tearing the order field apart.

All of a sudden, Tai Mogu and the Divine King Sword were exposed to the outside starry sky.

Boom boom boom! !

The aura vibrating from the Oniwu Holy Picture and the sacred aura from the Divine King Sword surged in waves like a tide in all directions.

What kind of energy is this? It's so amazing. I've never felt it before. It's enough to destroy the world and tear apart the stars. Who is fighting? What kind of existence can collide with such power?

Is it a lesser saint? No, is it a saint? That's not right. Could it be that the gods are fighting?

None of them are right. This is human beings. Human beings are fighting a decisive battle with the Tai clan. This is a time of life and death. They are destroying everything and competing for perseverance!

The broken World Tree, the edge of the universe, and the cold metal ships were overturned by the energy stirred up.

Some figures of the aliens on these large metal ships were swaying around, witnessing the extremely bright scene in the distant starry sky.

Because there, the raging waves are the most violent cosmic energy, and ordinary metal will be crushed into pieces of iron when it comes in.

The leader of the Tai clan is actually so powerful. What is that picture? A breath that we have never felt before?!

Human beings can fight against this kind of existence despite all their efforts. What level of battle is this? When will we have to look up to human beings?

Who will win, and which side will win?

At the moment when they were shocked, there was a boom, and the explosion in the starry sky was enough to penetrate people's souls, especially when accompanied by the divine light, which filled the air with frightening pressure.

Now, a sea of ​​thunder has formed, erupting extremely violently and ringing non-stop. The entire World Tree is extremely powerful, and the thunder light is surging like a vast ocean.

This is the strongest God King Sword fighting against the Onimushengtu. Even the electric arc caused by the outside is destructive. It can easily destroy the energy value of the mother aircraft and tear apart the saint-level powerhouse.

In the distance, as far away as the star field, the great powers who were watching the battle also experienced a great terror. Their bodies were trembling and shaking violently, and their souls were terrified.

If it wasn't far enough, their fleet would explode.

Those who were taking photos and wanted to spread the photos to the outer space were even more unbearable, their fingers were shaking.

Everyone, you have all seen... what kind of battle this is, a duel of two-star civilization weapons. When did humans become so powerful? Is this still the race we know?

Some people couldn't speak coherently, so they took pictures and took advantage of the good signal to spread the news.

This is simply a duel from head to toe. What images are captured and transmitted to the outside world?

Pictures of human beings, extremely dazzling scenes, and interstellar wars that have never broken out.


In this battle, they can only look up and find ways to avoid.

All the stars were destroyed, which is enough to show how terrifying the power of the imperial clan is.

But now, a group of people has stood up, shining the brightest light in the dark universe and fighting the invaders to the death.

The clan is the enemy outside the World Tree. Everyone knows that the world that is now targeting them can only be submissive, dominated, and enslaved.

But now, there are other people filming and spreading the pictures to the outside world. Their brains haven't reacted yet, and they keep talking about such things.

You... saw something, did you witness the miracle? I... felt a little dizzy and had severe hallucinations. I guess it must have been caused by the mighty holy light, which suppressed my mind and caused my soul light to scatter.

One of the aliens who used a light brain to shoot and transmit it to the outside said this, feeling like his scalp was exploding and he was completely confused.

Shut up and take a good photo for me. This is an event that can be written into history and bring a lot of significance!

In the universe, someone shouted, and people everywhere were so shocked that their hearts and souls were drawn in, and they couldn't wait to see the scene behind it.

Is this going against heaven? Humans are killing the imperial clans? Ahhhhh!

In the starry sky, alien races kept getting excited and shouting out loud because of this.

Other small civilizations also had their scalps numb, convinced that what they saw was not fake, it was horrifying.

Through feedback from major platforms, they realized that this was really happening. What was originally a bloody invasion was now sniped by humans.

That's right, it's a sniper attack. It's so scary. What did I capture? The human group turned into a divine sword, and the clan leaders turned into holy pictures. They were colliding up and down. This is so scary. Mom, I... …I want to go home!

Some noble saints from foreign races said with trembling voices.

Is humanity going to regain its pure-blood glory and move towards the glorious era that Wang Qi once led?

The great powers were all panicking. It was precisely because humans were at war with their clans that the World Tree was not bathed in blood. Only one star was destroyed, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

Otherwise, the consequences can be imagined. The current battle will make them scared, with chills running down their spines, and they will be unable to participate.

This is definitely the last moment, and it all depends on who will win, the human group is finished, or Taimogu is killed.

No matter which outcome, it will bring about changes, and what they hope more is... that humans can win.

After all, no one wants to be enslaved and treated like a slave.

Win, we must win!

Humans, no matter what, it's up to you!

Come on!

Even the alien races extremely far away in the World Tree were all shocked. They clenched their fists and yelled at the broadcast screen.

They have nothing to do, because whoever goes will die!

The arrival of the Tai clan was unstoppable. They had long since accepted their fate after seeing the fate of the stars.

Even if they have problems with humans, they still have to admit that their hope rests entirely on humans.


In that area, the void was roaring, and the thunder was rising and falling. As the pitch-black abyss opened continuously, the Divine King's Sword remained strong, stabbing towards the Oniwu Holy Picture above. The divine flames that erupted were overwhelming, majestic and majestic. fill.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, everyone in the God King's Sword was working hard and wasting their life source. Even if they were completely destroyed after this battle and died with dryness, they still had to fight. Otherwise, they would be suppressed and killed by a unit. Too much Frustrated.

Hope has finally come. This is the power of the World Tree. I feel it, so huge, so amazing!

At this moment, Ye Jue took a breath, and some colorful breath rolled in, integrated into his body, and entered his cave.

This is the power of the sacred tree that the man in black robe once mentioned. If it is recognized by the world tree, it will gain the power called liberation.

He was finally recognized and became the first universe-level powerhouse recognized by World Tree in the universe.

Of course, it's just a title. Cosmic-level powerhouse means representing the universe and being recognized by the universe.

The power of the sacred tree, liberation!

Ye Jue roared, and for just a moment, a gorgeous flower seemed to bloom in the dark universe.

From the bottom of the World Tree, colorful auras rose up, all turning into colorful branches and sweeping in, wrapping him and the God King Sword and the others inside.

what is that?


He was recognized. The first person recognized by World Tree was actually a human being?

All races in the universe were extremely shocked, and were deeply shocked by such a gorgeous scene. This was the existence of the liberator of the divine tree power. They thought it was so beautiful.

The world tree has experienced so many years, and its aura is so strong that it is impossible to imagine how much power it has increased.

They only saw that the God King Sword that Ark transformed into seemed to have a pair of invisible wings. Even across the sea of ​​​​stars and the brilliant starry sky, they all saw and felt it.

You are actually the life selected by the World Tree to compete with the existence of the hell space. Now that you are liberated, how can you kill the demon god in the future? Do you use your feet? Don't you know that the sacred tree is not invincible and that there is a limit to the number of times you can liberate your power? You actually do this?

Tai Mogu was a little frightened.

The huge metal life form that he used to suppress the sea of ​​stars emerged, making people suffocate. Standing on the Oniwu Sacred Picture, it was majestic and the metal luster was cold, overwhelming the God King Sword.

Maybe that's what it means to suppress all sentient beings with one force.

Stop talking nonsense, today either we will kill you, or you will be killed by us.

Ye Jue roared loudly.

Damn it, I'll kill you!

Within the God King Sword, countless figures let out long howls.


The brilliant rays of light bloom, illuminating the eternal darkness.

After liberating the power of the divine tree, the Divine King Sword was amplified, and there were faint signs of piercing the Onimushengtu. Dang, dang, sparks flew everywhere, and terrifying energy exploded, making the void tremble!

Hold on, damn, the strange fire, burn, burn for me!

Taimogu was also anxious and shouted repeatedly. Now he finally left the field of order. The flames of the eight cosmic fires in the energy furnace began to burn and roared.

But it was a little late, and the liberated Divine King Sword finally pierced the Onimushengtu!

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