Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 728 Oniwu Holy Picture Collision with the Strongest God King Sword

Just you?

Tai Mogu roared, and the Tai clan totem on his body slowly glowed. This totem was once a fusion of many divine particles, making people feel that there was power beyond the saint flowing in it. With a random move, he could erupt into a powerful force. The power of the saint is even stronger.

You are a bunch of ants, you are trying to eat an elephant. I have had the spines of many saints removed, and the civilization runes have been completely absorbed by my totem. It seems that there will be another symbol on my totem!

woo woo woo woo!

Driven by his magic power, the totem expanded from his body with all its strength, and the dark totem faced the air, emitting waves of fluctuations.


At that moment, the approaching humans were shaken all over, and the armor of the gods automatically disintegrated and turned into symbols of civilization, entering the totem and turning into black lines one after another on Tai Mogu's body.

This Taimogu has amazing methods. Even if he cannot use the energy furnace, he can still defeat the enemy by relying entirely on the clan totem.

At this moment, Ye Jue deeply understood that the imperial clan was powerful, but he didn't know how terrifying the imperial army was.

Hahaha, every time I absorb one of your divine armors, the totem's power will increase by one point, and I will become stronger!

Tai Mogu laughed.

On his body, those totems were fully displayed into many formations. They were constantly rotating. Various symbols of civilization emerged and turned into vortexes. Centered on himself, they spread out in all directions. Even some symbols of order were inhaled. Go in.

Boom boom boom! !

The entire order field began to vibrate crazily!

It's not good. Tai Mogu's power is constantly increasing. Those totem formations have been converted into a kind of alien energy for him, which is very similar to the infuriating energy of the past. This alien infuriating energy shows a barbaric atmosphere of the energy of the past. , Pentium Roar, can help him increase the tyranny of the machine, and can also absorb the symbols of order. If this continues, this place will soon collapse.

The controller's expression changed.

The round wheel of gods in his hand kept spinning, making a roaring sound, and once again shot out more than a hundred divine chains of order.

This is already the last resort. There are only 380 divine chains in the circle of gods. If Tai Mogu is not killed during this period, he will no longer be able to suppress him.

Then what are you waiting for? Li Lianxue, Black Tiger Ah Fu, Lou Jianzi... you all condense the God King Sword for me, kill!

Ye Jue roared.

At this moment, the East China Sea Divine Furnace reached its limit, and the battlefield of the gods seemed to be shattered, and countless flames spurted out from the gates of the gods.

I serve the gods and contribute my strength. I serve the gods and rule the country. I serve the gods...

The more than 250 million people on the Ark began to sing at this moment.

The gods' protection, praise, blessings, etc., hesitantly flew towards the sky above the ark.

Boom boom boom! !

On top of the ark, a group of power kept condensing, absorbing everything crazily, including the wrath of the gods, the God-killing Spear, the Thirty-six Earth Demons of the Nine Abyss, the Ten Thousand Ways of Reincarnation Fist, and all major attacks. Great power.

This is definitely the strongest divine king sword condensed in this world. Its energy fluctuations are astonishingly violent.

It is impossible to expect Tai Mogu to be exhausted.

It must be a fatal blow, seriously injuring his origin, and letting the Divine Chain of Order completely bind him.

Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. If you want to seriously hurt me, show me the Oniwu Holy Picture in your dreams!!

Tai Mogu looked up to the sky and roared.

A drawing was sprayed out from his tattoo, as if it had flown from the dust of history and actually shone brightly in his hands.

What, that seems to be a prehistoric fourth-level weapon. If so, the God King Sword you have condensed is definitely no match for you, so retreat quickly!

When Dragon Girl saw Tai Mogu displaying his might and unleashing the fourth-level weapons of the ancient world, she was so shocked that her face turned pale.

It's impossible. It's too late to retreat now. This Taimogu belongs to the empire and crushes our World Tree. It can kill even saints. The second saint is a son in front of it, and the Tai clan has enslaved more than 100 lives. The more, the more they will be converted into armies. When the time comes, it will be easy to suppress World Tree and seize a corner of the Formation of Creation. We must capture him here!

That's true. Moreover, Taimogu is extremely cunning. He finally fell into the trap now. He will definitely understand our conspiracy against him in the future. Then it will be our disaster!

The relationship between the empire and the empire is complicated. Some of the most powerful ones must be salivating over the corner of creation. Judging from Taimogu's tone, the empire does not know that we have creation in the world tree. This is because the Tai clan attacked us without permission. The world, and he has already said that once he escapes, he will inform the empire, and if he doesn’t get it, he will destroy it!”

That's right, we must not let him go, we must capture him here!

A prehistoric fourth-level weapon, I don't believe that we can't beat him with the strength of so many strong men!

Old Long Ling, Black Tiger Ah Fu and others were all roaring and speaking.

The power they condensed was blessed by the blazing sword of the God King.

This divine sword can mobilize the vast power of the starry sky, and it will definitely bury the sword through the ages, throughout ancient and modern times. If this doesn't work, then admit defeat.

Okay, everyone, I feel your determination. This confrontation is crucial and cannot be decided by me alone. In this case, then use all your strength and everything!

Ye Jue clasped his hands together, and the God King Sword in the air became bigger and bigger. Everyone's power was automatically invested in it, and there was no need for him to use his strength movement at all.

Anyone who participates in this interstellar war will be recognized by the kingdom of gods as a member of the gods.

Even if they are not real gods and do not have the power of gods, it is enough for them to be recognized by the God King.

Okay, okay, you have to fight hard, right? When I killed the gods, you were not even dust in the universe, and you dared to imitate the gods. Don't you know how the gods fell? Let me tell you frogs in the well, most of the gods , are all slaves of the empire, slaves, do you understand, they just have no divine power, they are just fish on the chopping board!

Taimogu roared and sacrificed the Oniwu Holy Picture at once, covering the ark in darkness.

What can be seen is that many spaces in the Onimushengtu are connected to electrical conductors, and various indicating instruments are rotating crazily.

This turned out to be a waste product that had been analyzed. The original power had long been hollowed out, hollowed out, and drained dry.

It can no longer be regarded as a true fourth-level weapon.

Sure enough, when the opportunity came, I said how could a prehistoric level four weapon appear so easily? It's a waste!

Ye Jue's voice was extremely loud and spread throughout the battlefield.

I don't care if he is trash or not, kill him!

Everyone heard Ye Jue's words clearly, and the crowd immediately became excited.

This arrogant and domineering Tai Mogu actually dared to attack their world, and there was no way he could come back today.

Kill, kill, kill!!

Voices of condemnation immediately arose one after another everywhere.

Then let's start the killing. It's the twilight of the gods. Once a strong man on the mythical path, I represent your will, rebuild the glory of the gods, share the same hatred, and kill the enemy!

Ye Jue's eyes flickered, and the Divine King Sword on the Ark suddenly descended, forming a light curtain that completely enveloped it.

Buzz! !

When this power vibrates out, not to mention Tai Mogu, even the controller is horrified. It feels like the soul light is about to collapse. It's so terrifying. A terrifying aura is stirring, spreading, and covering this place!

This group of people suddenly had the same mind and reshaped the God King Sword. This is the real God King Sword!

The most shocked person is the one in control.

He has never recognized Ye Jue because this ethnic group is too weak.

Which of the gods who have been cultivated in the past is not from an ethnic group with great origins? !

The pure-blood race gave birth to Wang Qi and Zhang Ziziran... After that, there was no strong person in the human race.

When he knew that the kingdom of the gods had been acquired by a human being, he was desperate and felt that it was destiny and could not be violated.

The gods are destined to fall, and no one can regain their glory and avenge the gods.

Dong Dong Dong——!

In this field of order, countless rays of holy light turned into long rivers and surged towards the God King Sword, beating with world-shattering energy.

Perhaps, it was not energy fluctuations, but more like a group breathing, very regularly, and every breath was like thunder bombing.

The God King Sword points directly at Tai Mogu.

Just like the chain of the God of Order locks the enemy, it is completely impossible to avoid.

The Kingdom of the Gods is the final glory of the gods. It is said that more than a thousand gods are buried in the Pure Land of the Gods...

Tai Mogu was shocked, his mind was trembling, and his body was trembling.

In the past, it was true that he had killed gods, but only a few.

Unexpectedly, the gods actually remembered him and put him on the liquidation list.

Because he felt it and understood deeply that there were all kinds of free energy in this God King Sword, swallowing the flame of revenge.

This was the wrath of the gods, angry that he had tortured one of the gods.

The gods have fallen, and the road to mythology has been cut off. The gods are bullshit, and the lives that have become gods are all rubbish. They have been enslaved by the empire and refined by weirdness. They are destined to have a bad end at the end of the road to mythology!

Tai Mogu let out a long roar, and civilized symbols kept popping up all over his body, urging the Oni Wu Shengtu to suppress it directly.

Boom boom boom!

It was like a great collision between heaven and earth.

Click! Click! Click!

Lightning bolts fell from the sky one after another, which was very terrifying and killed everything.

With this kind of suppression, even the void is collapsing. If it weren't for the Order Field, the void would be torn apart directly, and the Divine King Sword would be suppressed to the bottom of the World Tree by the Oniwu Holy Picture.

Even though it is so shocking, even though this lightning is very blazing.

However, the people on earth will never admit defeat.

Hold it!


Pierce, pierce me!!

The sound in the God King's Sword was very dazzling, even though their orifices were bleeding, even though their bodies were cracking and about to collapse, even though the ancient fourth-level weapons had unmatched divine power!

However, the roar from the God King's sword still shook the sky.

They haven't given up yet.

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