This divine chain of order is constantly vibrating, as bright as a sun, and seems to be pulling the entire ark into another world.


The glow in the sky suddenly stopped. This was when Tai Mogu stopped. His body tensed and he put on a set of top-notch battle armor obtained from the Imperial Son of God, as if he was on guard against a powerful enemy.

Is this the Divine Chain of Order? The only tribes that have the Divine Chain of Order now are the Dark Angel Clan and the Luoyin Dream Clan...

Tai Mogu's expression was solemn.

He was deducing something and soon learned the truth. This was actually the Divine Chain of Order in the Kingdom of Gods, an order created by the gods.

This ark was saved by the Divine Chain of Order and was about to be dragged into the kingdom of the gods. Now only 1/3 is left outside.

To pursue or not to pursue?

Tai Mogu was hesitant. Even he had to be in awe of the power of the Divine Chain of Order.

But, is it possible to just watch Ark leave like this?

I can feel that something bad will happen to me in the future. Facing these two choices now is very critical and will lead me to two different paths.

He was constantly calculating and making decisions in his mind.

At this moment, a dazzling red mass appeared on that section of the ark.

This red color turned out to be that of a big bird, and it looked very familiar.

Is this the strange bird that stole the Donghai Divine Furnace and the space monster that destroyed the Donghai Factory? Why did it appear there? I understand. The space monster was transformed by that boy!

Tai Mogu was suddenly startled and extremely angry. He saw the truth about the space monster and felt that he had been tricked.

It was just a human being transformed into divine particles.

Boom boom boom...

Immediately afterwards, he also saw the phantom of the East China Sea Divine Furnace appear, constantly rotating, spraying rich spiritual energy.

Damn it, you're actually showing off your trophies to me. Do you really think I don't dare to catch up?

Tai Mogu gritted his teeth: However, how could I possibly fall for this trick? You want to seduce me. It's obviously a provocation.

He had not lived in vain for two epochs.

If the IQ drops off at this point, it would really be a forced intelligence reduction.

As a veteran, he naturally has his own way of survival.

However, what he didn't expect was that the other party actually made a sound for him to hear.

What, you dare to call me a coward?

Tai Mogu's facial features were all twisted together.

In an instant, his whole body was agitated and full of murderous intent. This person did not kill, did not understand his hatred, and had a destructive impulse, wanting to tear this void apart.

Criticize me, I won't fall into the trap.

Suddenly, he lost his anger and suppressed his restlessness.

However, Tai Mogu ignored his instinct.

Because, he heard a very hateful sound.

I, Black Tiger Afu, have unparalleled divine power. I was so frightened that Tai Mo Gu, the boss of the Tai Clan, fled. I will spread the word about this matter and let all the stars know about my dog's divine power.

This immortal crane is also the one who scared away Tai Mogu and immortal celebrities from all major star regions...


Taimogu finally became furious and once again tore the horizon of the universe apart, blasting out blue flames with a punch that was about to disintegrate the void and turn it into dust.

He didn't intend to chase in, but to blow up the remaining part of the ark to vent his anger.

I finally fell for it, now!

At this moment, Ye Jue let out a long roar.

Suddenly, in front of the stairs of the gods, a human figure whose whole body was made of the light of the gods appeared, holding the wheel of the gods in his hand.

Suddenly, the wheels of the gods shook violently, shooting out more than a hundred divine chains of order, dancing like divine snakes, heading towards the Taimo Ancient Scroll, sealing off the entire area.

So many divine chains of order?

Taimogu was obviously frightened and regretted approaching the Ark. This was a ploy, a trap to capture him.

He also guessed it, but he didn't expect that he would fall within the attack range of the God of Order Chain after only approaching a distance of 10,000 meters.

The kingdom of gods must have been lying in wait here for a long time, waiting for him to take the bait and use the ark to seduce him.

Damn it!

Taimogu's pores, hair, eyelashes, and even teeth were emitting divine light.

His whole figure was like a burning sun, so powerful.

There are eight kinds of rare strange fires burning crazily in the energy furnace, and wisps of rays of light splash out, blocking the entanglement of the Divine Chain of Order.

However, order is order, and it has the power to hit absolutely. Unless the time crystal is used, the sand of time can also be used.

However, time crystals and sands of time can only be cultivated by saint-level experts on the Mythical Path. They are a substance in the cave.

This kind of thing is very precious, and only the royal children of the empire, those gods and goddesses, have it.

Although he is the leader of the clan and has lived for two eras, he has also obtained time crystals and sands of time.

But, he ran out.

Therefore, Tai Mogu was frightened and angry, staring at the divine chains of order, and frantically activated the strange fire to compete.

Very good, he doesn't have the sands of time, nor does he have a time crystal. This may be an opportunity. It is definitely the only mistake since ancient times. An old sly man like him can only catch this once in hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand years. Good opportunity, you are very lucky.

The controller of the kingdom of gods spoke, and the wheel of gods in his hand once again shot out more than a hundred chains of order gods.

This number is too terrifying. At first, the Dark Angel Clan's Titan Soldiers only had more than two, and they wanted to capture Demon Saint and Jialuo.

One can imagine how powerful the order must be in an area blocked by more than 200 divine chains of order!

Maybe I have the aura of the protagonist.

Ye Jue doesn't need to take action now, just watch the controller deal with Tai Mogu.

He has communicated with the controller a long time ago. The enemies of the gods are also the enemies of the controller of the kingdom of gods.

The interests are the same, and the controller has promised him that he can help as long as he is in the right place and at the right time.

Although he looked down on Ye Jue, the false king of the gods, he would never be soft on the enemies of the gods.

Okay, now the Divine Chain of Order has suppressed Tai Mogu's power. All his strange fires have been extinguished by the power of the rules and can no longer burn. Take advantage of the moment to destroy him!

The controller of the kingdom of gods said immediately.

Old Dragon Spirit, Dragon Girl, Divine Sword, Laifu, Fairy He, Li Lianxue, Xu Mohui, Pandora, Lou Jianzi, Lu Juan... let me take action on them all!

Ye Jue was full of murderous intent, and everyone who named him would go into battle to kill Tai Mogu.

Now that the Divine Chain of Order has blocked this star field, Taimogu cannot escape even if he wants to. The extinguishing of the energy furnace means that death is imminent.

Take advantage of his weakness and kill him!


Kill him!

For a moment, there was a direct riot in the field, and the mythical power was rolling. It was so gorgeous.

All the masters from the human side are on the field, fighting with blood and energy. They are equipped with divine armors and blessings from thousands of great magical talismans. There is also the East China Sea Divine Furnace to supplement the source of power. If groups of the same level compete for hegemony, they will not be afraid of any challenge.

No matter who it is, they feel that it is full of explosive power now.

Ants, a group of ants, dare to surround me and want to annihilate me, what a dream! Only my clan has annihilated others, and it has never been reversed!

Taimogu is like a lighthouse, so eye-catching in this metafield, its energy fluctuations are frightening, and its bright light shines out.

He was dragged into the dimensional field by the divine chain of order, and the energy furnace was sealed by the divine order.

Once upon a time, the gods and the empire went to war. The gods were afraid of the power of the empire, so they forged an order field that could seal the energy furnace.

Now history is repeating itself. These ants dare to imitate the gods. This is a crime worthy of death.

Don’t you know the fate of the gods?

So strong!!


This is the Thousand Planet High Entropy Body??

Black Tiger Ah Fu, Lou Jianzi, and Lu Juan all flew out one after another. They were punched so hard that they vomited blood.

They had clashed before, and the black tiger Ah Fu's hair was stripped off by Lu Juan's tiger claws, but now they turned enemies into friends and were knocked away at the same time.

So strong, the strongest high-entropy body I have ever seen!

Fairy He was also kicked by Tai Mogu, and with a chirp, she flew backwards like a bolt of lightning and hit the field's Divine Order Chain.

It's not you who surrounded me, but I alone surrounded you!

Taimo Gu roared repeatedly. Although all his energy was sealed, his fists and kicks hit everything, bringing with them a large rain of blood every time. It was so powerful that it was a mess.


Dragon Girl carried Wuliang's umbrella and pulled it over. With a clang, Wuliang's umbrella bounced open, and then Dragon Girl was also shocked and retreated repeatedly.

After a short fight of twenty rounds, she was unable to resist. This Tai Mogu was made of a special metal, and she didn't know what brand it was. It was stamped with the empire's logo. It was so powerful that she even doubted Long Sheng.

This is a top-quality magic weapon. Although it cannot exert its maximum power, it has suffered repeated setbacks? !


Tai Mogu became more and more courageous as he fought, and his feet were like a long river of blood. The blood flowed all over the field and swept across the place.

Almost all the strong men were injured to some extent. Those who were seriously injured could no longer fight and could only retreat to the ark.

Old Dragon Spirit, it's your turn, I'll give you all the power of the Nine Abyss!

Ye Jue shouted.

The Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique!

The old dragon spirit was very helpless and turned into a black flying sword again, carrying the aura of death, and stabbed Tai Mogu with a bang.

The Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique?

Tai Mogu was startled, and with a pop, the speed was too fast, and he was stabbed directly in the shoulder. The entire field trembled, and large sparks exploded.

This was the first strong man to be injured by Taimogu. More than 250 million people witnessed this scene.


But in an instant, the old dragon spirit flew out directly, which was a bit miserable.

This is already the most powerful Heavenly Dragon Flying God Technique. It is blessed by the power of the Nine Abyss, as well as the divine armor, the East China Sea Divine Furnace, and the Ark Amplification...

In short, it was unable to seriously injure Taimogu. It only caused his right arm to explode, the metal to evacuate, and some fluorescent liquid black oil to flow out, which was extremely thick.

You little trash can't afford to have fun and carry out sneak attacks. I'm going to kill you out and report the truth to the empire. I will suppress you severely and make your entire tribe dig in the hell mines until you die. Ahhhhh!

Just now, Taimo Gu was arrogant and wanted to fight all the enemies alone, but he no longer thinks so.

He couldn't take it easy, he had to escape as soon as possible and leave this field of order, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

Don't even think about it!


Die to me!

Seeing this, the others attacked like crazy again.

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