
In the solar system, the entire demon blood egg began to beat violently, the powerful demonic light dispersed with a bang, and a powerful cosmic storm swept directly around.

In the shadow, the demonic energy was dense, condensing into a shadow that was 6,000 kilometers wide.


Then, under the grasp of his palm, the demonic domain burning with demonic flames shrouded it, destroying hundreds of thousands of angel soldiers flying over.


The devil is whispering that it was born too early and turned into an empty shell that has lost its will and only knows how to kill.

This is the ruler of the fourth level of purgatory, the Chi Skull Demon Emperor.

Ye Jue is now hiding in the boundary monument. He can go to every corner of the solar system as he pleases.

Now, the military state has not discovered him and is still frantically attacking Chi Skull Demon Emperor.

Clang, clang, clang...

Outside Chi Skull Demon Emperor's body, the clanging sound was deafening, and all the dark gold scales were shaking, forming a kind of increasingly terrifying vortex that could disintegrate energy attacks and turn them into his own use.

This demon is already a super powerful person in the hell world, but he has not yet fully awakened.


Suddenly, Demon King Chi Skull roared loudly, and the entire solar system seemed to shake. For a moment, the Demon Realm was filled with furious waves, and the void was distorting.

The physique is probably at the Tianju level, surpassing my three realms.

Ye Jue was slightly shocked.

He knew the reputation of Chi Skull Demon Emperor and was quite familiar with it.

In the most glorious period of human history, mankind was no match. The major bases fought hard for many years, using up the last resources in the region, resulting in countless casualties. Only then was this demon god killed.

However, it is by no means the Chiskull Demon Emperor as big as the moon. The demon god in that world can barely exceed 9 kilometers in height.

At that time, he was still a soldier at the Dragon Roar Base. He was also present. He was fortunate enough to participate in this world war and still survived.

However, after this battle, humankind's vitality was severely damaged, and it was destined to fail to protect and be exterminated in the future.

Now due to the butterfly effect, Longxiao Mountain has become a psychic military nation, StarCraft, and the Chi Skull Demon Emperor have also become ridiculously big.

Moreover, the former Longxiao base was already in its twilight years, with only some remnants of soldiers and wounded generals. Long Shaoqin had been dead for a long time, so he could not dominate the world like he does now.

Different time, different situation.

I am a life born in an incubator. I once had an adoptive father and an adoptive mother.

Ye Jue observed the situation while making calculations, using his secrets to deduce the future and the past.

He is trying to figure out the timeline, because the world is moving too fast, the demons have been eliminated in advance, and the world's time is accelerating crazily.

Current time: 4:01:04 on August 7, 2030.

The time when the devil crawled out of the ground was 15:30:00 on April 3, 2025.

After five years, humans have reached the fourth level of purgatory and met Demon Emperor Chi Skull, the master of the Blood Nest of Hell and the demon who opened the door to the fifth and sixth purgatory.

After killing it, the Tomb of Dirt will appear in the universe, and the flaming hell tower will be built as far as the eye can see.

It's too fast. Those human heroes in the past have not been born yet.

Ye Jue sighed.

At this time, Jun Guo had already fought against Chi Skull Demon Emperor, and both sides responded with shocking power. All kinds of strange energies in the universe were vibrating at violent frequencies.

Dong dong dong - the earth is also resonating, but it is illuminated by the morning glow of the sun, and the surface of the body has a layer of crystal luster, wrapped in brilliance and warm, very beautiful under the starry sky.

In the whole world, I am the only special evolver. I once awakened Shuangluo Bao, but unfortunately it was just a transition. When the child representing the special evolver is born, there is no need to follow the old path, because the spiritual energy will be revived, and it will be directly Beyond the three realms of awakened person, special evolved person, and job changer.”

As soon as they are born, their physiques are unparalleled. This is a unique sign of the mythical road. It continues to evolve. The children of future generations will go further and further on this road, until they are close to my current height. The waves behind will push the waves ahead. Continuing to write the path of mythology.”

Ye Jue faced the rising sun and gained a lot of insights. It could be seen that the morning glow was particularly gorgeous, falling on his body.

He walked out of the boundary monument and finally appeared.

Observe the battle between Jun Guo and Chi Shou Demon Emperor openly.

However, the breath changed, and the power of Thousand Faces and Thousand Images flowed through his pores. Now he was Ling Xiao, and no one noticed his existence.

At this time, Chi Skull Demon Emperor's eyes had regained some sanity, his aura was terrifying, and he held a pitch-black war spear in his hand, which shattered hundreds of thousands of angel soldiers at once. The impact of the explosion was so far away that people on the earth could feel it. Yes, it is an absolutely dominant force.

Didi!! The number of Winged Angel soldiers killed has reached 9 million, and the preliminary estimate of the fourth Purgatory Demon God's injury level is 1%.

The military country's queen system also kept sending out reminders.

The devil is actually so strong?

Long Shaoqin frowned.

He found it incredible that this was a power that could easily destroy everything on land. This Chi Skull Demon King had a body about the same size as the moon.

For the earth, an easy blow will bring a devastating blow. Those who can survive will have to escape into the universe.

The earth is destined to be destroyed, he now feels this deeply.

However, his military country is now extremely powerful, and the earth must be saved.

Because he knows an important thing, which is to protect the earth and resonate with the earth's will, he can obtain a special power, known as the Lord of Four Seasons and Rebirth, also called the Earth God.

If the earth is protected from such a powerful demon this time, it will be a great achievement and will definitely resonate with the will of the earth.

Hmph, if it weren't for the efforts of our military, how could those people on earth be able to stop it?

Wei Ting snorted coldly.

This is a battle of civilization. Those who choose to stay on the earth, like apes, must be civilized to know what their true strength is.

Comprehensive attack, activate the Alpha program, Zerg super carrier attack, release obsidian copy group!

Long Shaoqin issued the order, his voice was like thunder.

As you command!

Someone immediately shouted and responded.

Swish, swish, swish! !

In front of the army, tens of millions more energy bodies were arranged, and the scene was extremely astonishing.

Boom boom boom! !

Then, bright light illuminated the sea of ​​​​stars, and energy beams intertwined, making it even more terrifying than before, as if it was really an interstellar war.

The Chi Skull Demon Emperor, who was originally covered in dark gold, now had an unparalleled tyrannical demon body that was trembling violently, and blood mist continued to explode.


It can be clearly felt that the human soul in Chi Skull Demon Emperor's body is howling miserably.

They fell into purgatory and merged with the devil. The pain of being torn apart was unbearable, so they screamed out.

That is…

People were shocked, how many souls were there, hundreds of millions?

These screams are so scary!

Everyone felt that this voice was full of despair and unwillingness, which was enough to shock people's hearts.

Those souls...if anyone can rescue them, it will be a great achievement. The God Particles of our military country are omnipotent and can be peeled off and transcended these miserable souls.

Long Shaoqin was greatly touched, and feelings surged in his heart. While shocked, he knew what to do to gain the approval of the earth's will.

If you want to become the master of the four seasons and rebirth, you must first rescue these innocent souls.

However, the Demon God has the ability to use the Purgatory Soul Sword. If Demon Emperor Chi Skull also uses it, the rescue will definitely fail.

Then we can only use the powerful power beyond the devil to kill him instantly.

Zhao Yin seemed to see through what Long Shaoqin was thinking.

The Earth God is indeed a great temptation and is crucial to future development.

That's the case, then let's use the divine corpse of the Mechanical Angel. How is the virus implanted? Can it be activated?

Wei Ting asked excitedly.

It has been successfully implanted. Not only that, it also has double insurance. This divine corpse is also composed of a special kind of cells, about 600 trillion cells. All of them are implanted with new nano bombs that can be activated for one minute.

Zhao Yin said with a smile.

One minute? The time is a bit short, but we can't continue the tug-of-war. Although we can gain strength in the end, we can't force the demon to use the Purgatory Soul Sword, so we will fall short.

Long Shaoqin nodded and granted the highest authority.

Didi! Successfully unlocked the first shackles, successfully unlocked the second shackles... Successfully unlocked the one hundred and second shackles!

The corpse of the spirit begins to activate!

Ding! Activation successful!


A sound came, like rolling thunder, which shook the solar system.

Everyone saw a scene, a blue blazing sun flying out from the military kingdom, shining brightly.

There is a shadow in the dazzling light group, with a strong body, long hair hanging down to the waist, cold eyes, and the breath of a god!


That is the supreme commander of the Mechanical Angels, a god!

Finally resurrected, with God Particles?!

In the starry sky, people of all races were stunned.

This is the spirit, the first living spirit under the starry sky. It is not a spiritual body, but a real divine corpse, with an unparalleled aura and full of divinity.

Only gods have this unique aura. In this world, a god has finally arrived.

There are many ways to become a god. There used to be gods from all races, and each god had different powers. The gods of the Mechanical Angel Clan were notoriously cruel, because the Mechanical Angel Clan was created When you come out, you will be heartless and will never shed tears.”

They all marveled.

Pull it down, why did that twelve-winged mechanical angel shed tears? At least you have to come up with real evidence to prove that what you said is true.

Someone immediately retorted.

Their words were fierce, but no matter what, the gods really appeared in the solar system.

Countless eyes in the World Tree are staring at the images coming from the solar system, their pupils wide open and their bodies trembling slightly.

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