Ah, is he finally coming back? The earth has been suffering for half a year and has saved the day every time. But now it is facing a powerful enemy and is very dangerous. Has he planned his return?

Wen Qi was already astonished, and more than once personally experienced the terror of the coexistence of wisdom and power.

We can all feel that the devil is about to be born. Long Shaoqin has invaded the earth many times to explore the truth. He has almost grasped it and is probably going to take action.

Li Lianxue said coldly.

Super Eastern World spread the news of Ye Jue's sudden death half a year ago, spreading throughout the star sea.

There are still some people in the Western world who don't believe it, but when they saw Ye Jue's 'corpse', they were shocked and speechless.

This corpse now lies in the museum, exuding the aura of gods and divine particles.

However, it is false.

This is cloned DNA, cloned using divine particles. Because of this, it was hidden from everyone.

After all, the divine particles have the power to create life, and using the copying technology that the Kitty Research Institute once obtained at the Dragon Roar Base, it was very easy to complete this 'perfect' corpse.

However, the Gate of the Gods disappeared, which aroused Long Shaoqin's suspicion. We can only forcefully explain that it turned into a butterfly and flew away.

What she faced was a group of hellish demons.

Directly using the great magical power 'Snow Mant the Universe', he killed more than 100,000 hell demons in one fell swoop.

The experience of transformation once again allowed her to hit the Xuan level.

Not enough, not enough.

Li Lianxue said to herself that she still needs to kill one million demons before she can level up with experience.

Why is the earth like this now?

Long Shaoqin turned around and asked.

After the Kingdom of the Gods flew away, it never came back. It's such a pity. We should have started earlier.

Wei Ting shook his head repeatedly.

There is no way. We have too many taboos. We cannot take action without fully exploring the truth. This may be a trap. Caution is our purpose.

Long Shaoqin started walking, and Wei Ting followed beside him, showing enough respect.

However, we have gained something comparable to the kingdom of the gods.

He opened a round door, and inside was a large space. Countless light cables connected a mutilated corpse, turning it into a ball of light, suspended in mid-air.

Dong-dong-dong - the fluctuations are endless, there are absolute power vibrations, small collapse cracks are everywhere, and it is extremely dangerous.

This is the god of the mechanical angel clan, who is being repaired by God particles and slowly resurrected.

What about her?

Long Shaoqin asked.

Get away and open up the territory for us. The twelve-winged mechanical angel has extremely high combat power!

Wei Ting licked his lips.

Very good. Have you analyzed the original DNA of the Mechanical Angel from this divine corpse?

Long Shaoqin asked with satisfaction.

It's already 49%. Every 1% is strongly encrypted. It's extremely difficult to analyze the progress of the operation.

Wei Ting answered.

Well, now that the kingdom of the gods has disappeared from the earth, we no longer have anything to fear. We are ready to clear out the demons from the hell of the solar system, reclaim the earth, and seize control.

Long Shaoqin said.

Earth? Why are you so obsessed with it? Just let it be destroyed. Do you still want to recruit soldiers? The remaining people have already gone to the path of mythology. It is not easy for them to betray.

Wei Ting said disapprovingly.

I once thought so too. An accident made me learn that there was a big secret on the earth, and I had to take it back.

Long Shaoqin shook his head.

Secret? Is there any secret to seizing the Land of Creation?

Wei Ting was stunned.

After all, now that the earth has been integrated, all the secrets have been discovered.

Whether it is the underground world, the wilderness, the mountains and the sea, even the bottomless pit has no secrets.

Of course there is. At first, I didn't know why Ye Jue cared so much about the earth and has been guarding it to this day. It seems that he had already planned it before I knew it. He is really an old ginger.

Long Shaoqin spoke again, and with a flick of his finger, the corpse rotated, revealing the extremely complex super optical brain behind it. Behind the optical brain, tens of thousands of staff were busy analyzing it.

Expressions of ecstasy showed on their faces.

It's clear that some recent progress has been made.

Commander, it has reached 50%. The mechanical angel soldiers are fully ready for combat. There are a total of 25 million individuals. When copied, they are all at the level of double-winged angels!

A researcher's voice sounded extremely excited.

Ready to fight?

Wei Ting's eyes flashed with joy.

That's right, it's more than five times more powerful than the genetically modified clones we studied before. Our stormtrooper captain, Thunder, was the first to undergo the transformation, gaining the new power of the Mechanical Angel and becoming an eight-winged angel.

Zhao Yin walked out of the space behind and smiled.

Then try the power of the first batch, attack the solar system in an all-out way, clear out the eggs of the devil, and wipe out the demons and demons!

Long Shaoqin issued the order.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and the ultimate weapon roared in the solar system.


Someone wanted to find the truth and confirm who did it, but before they even got close, the spacecraft was blown to pieces.

For a moment, the outside world was shocked and everyone was horrified.

Because they used the Sky Eye system to observe the solar system, they could not see anything before, only a blood-red patch.

Now you can see a shocking scene.

Countless mechanical angels with wings and expressionless faces are frantically slaughtering the demons outside the sky, sweeping across the entire solar system at extremely fast speeds.

This was an explosive news, and it was immediately broadcast in various ways. It went to the Milky Way, to the galaxies, and to the major star fields side by side with the stars. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Is that a mechanical angel? Am I right?

Weren't they destroyed in the last era?

It's resurrected, it's resurrected, my God!

Some foreigners' voices were hoarse from shouting.

No, this is transforming angels, this is a military method!

In the starry sky, a group of people were stunned again.

A group of older people were alarmed, gasped, and greatly shocked, because they knew how powerful the mechanical angels who had fought on the battlefield were.

After the final battle with various ethnic groups in the Shura world, the Mechanical Angel Clan finally declined and was almost destroyed. Unexpectedly, it was born again!

An old immortal who survived from ancient times spoke.

His strength once reached the sub-holy level, but after his body was destroyed, his achievements fell short and he became a ghost.

However, with his knowledge and experience, let alone the stars, it would be difficult to find the next one in other star fields.

It's a pity that when my body was destroyed, my memory was lost.

He also sighed, and then remained silent, thinking that he would definitely see it in this life.

Even if I lose my memory again next time and my immortal soul is gone, I still have to witness what happened.

Huh? It's good to kill all the demons. We can do business with the people on Earth again.

The aliens representing the black market in the universe all said with a smile.

There are a lot of strange and weird things on the earth. If you get them from other galaxies, you can sell them for a lot of cosmic coins, and the middlemen will make the difference.

It's so strong. It's so strong. It's a demon that's pushing across the solar system. The military is invincible.

The world is in an uproar. This military organization is really different.

He was born into a pure-blood race and developed super civilization technology at a speed beyond imagination. Now he has surpassed them and is only behind the great powers.

If the military nation develops a 1-star weapon, it can directly become a level 1 civilization in the universe, be recognized by the great powers, and join one of the great powers.

But... mastering the mechanical angel army is no less powerful than mastering a 1-star cosmic weapon.

The military state has not been recognized yet, because since the ancient wars, the world order has been established and cannot be challenged by major powers.

It is not easy to challenge the order of the universe. Before the great powers gathered together, the top eight successors of the Shinhwa Road all fled in disgrace, which shows how strong the alliance is.

Is an interstellar war about to break out in the fringe universe?

Many small civilizations are trembling. After all, this is not a good thing.

Nowadays, the earth is naturally attracting the world's attention. Any disturbance will be over-interpreted by the outside world and needs to be taken seriously.

Because there is a successor to the Shinhwa Road here who passed away just after achieving shocking achievements.

Now that military invasion is firmly under control, who doesn’t care? !

Fortunately, I heard that the Kingdom of the Gods flew away on its own. If the Military Kingdom obtains it, it will directly become one of the biggest threats to the edge universe. It is well known that the Holy Level revolves around 2-star cosmic weapons. After all, no one is a Demon Saint. , Jia Luo is so brave, he dares to fight against the Dark Killer Titan Soldier.

In the universe, people of all races were in a state of confusion, and they were all in a daze for a moment.

Look, the demon is losing ground, it's about to win a big victory!

The military country even dispatched all replica groups and more than a hundred Zerg carriers?

Oh my god, how did such a carrier develop in such a short period of time?

Everyone in the starry sky was stunned and turned to stone, shocked by the strength of the military nation.

They have all studied it, but there is a lot of noise within each clan and they cannot discuss the real reason for the rise.

Now that their strength is exposed, all races are shocked. They simply cannot believe that such a powerful organizational force will appear on the declining earth.

If it were them, just a carrier aircraft would already represent the entire group and fight in the starry sky.

Now that I have seen so many, such powerful groups and individuals, I am completely confused, with chills running down my spine, and I cannot figure out where the resources are obtained from.

The general trend is this. I feel like there is a terrifying existence that wants to step on our heads.

All kinds of cosmic prisoners, robbery organizations, dark forces, and even extraordinary organizations are all numb.

The God Particles, the Zerg Carrier, and the Mechanical Angel Army were one incident after another that frightened them to the point of losing their souls.

If a military state were to establish a legal system in the universe, they would not dare to disobey it.

Kill them all, all the demons are dead. The tentacles of the hell in the entire solar system were blasted by the marrow explosion technology, so much so that the void collapsed.

There is no doubt that their psychological shadow is now infinitely large.

I don’t know when Junguo will come, and God knows what will happen to them.


When I saw it today, it actually scored 8.0 points. Unexpected, so unexpected... Thank you for your support...

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