Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 711 The Talisman of Ten Thousand Great Divine Powers!

Sure enough, he was resurrected. The God Particles fit perfectly. They really did it.

Ye Jue stood in the universe of rolling dark clouds, lightning and thunder, watching everything.

In fact, there are no dark clouds or thunder in the universe.

However, the birth of alien gods, accompanied by various magnetic phenomena, transcended the rules of the universe and appeared in a real sense.

What surprised Ye Jue the most was that the god's body could actually survive the movement of heaven in this world.

He learned from the Gods' Sutra Pavilion that every era has different rules of heaven.

In the new era, Heaven will not allow the gods who once governed the Yuan to appear under its rules of the universe.

However, now the rules are being broken.

That kind of posture, that kind of domineering, and that conceited and invincible aura, the spirit makes people's hearts tremble and their souls can't help but throb.

However, something is wrong. With the strength of the military state, it should be no problem to deal with the Demon King Chi Skull who has not fully awakened.

Ye Jue frowned.

He noticed something strange, and his hands immediately began to use various calculation powers.

These magical powers are actually useless, but they can assist the heart's secrets and enhance a little bit of strength.

There is indeed a problem.

At the end, he suddenly became enlightened.

He saw this scene in a corner of the future. The sky above the earth was densely packed with mechanical angels, and the land was full of replicas of Tyrannosaurus-level strength. The number was almost calculated in hundreds of millions. Long Shaoqin and the others were transforming the earth and developing the military nation into a god. country.

This is a power that transforms the world and changes heaven and earth.

The earth is like a sandbox toy, and the people on Shinhwa Road were pushed to a corner and eventually wiped out.

Uh... It stands to reason that they don't care about Earth anymore, so why would they want to return?

Ye Jue captured the future again.

It is very difficult to seize a useful corner of the future, because the future is infinite and time is infinite. In the long river of time, pictures will appear randomly every second.

No matter what you want to do, you have to hurry, the devil and the gods are about to come into contact!

The young African man saw the aura billowing in Ye Jue's body, as if something was going on.

Normally, he wouldn't make a sound to disturb, but time is too tight now.


Ye Jue opened his eyes suddenly.

He saw a scene where the entire earth was intertwined with dense laws of power, all condensed on Long Shaoqin's body, and finally melted into it.

Long Shaoqin was immediately distorted by a force. It seemed that he was connected to the realm of a mysterious location, and a special force descended from the void.

In an instant, he grew to his current physical state.

That aura is so similar to his, three thousand times more powerful than the top!

So that's it. The earth actually has consciousness and will elect the earth god. Whoever becomes the earth god can communicate with the place of seizing creation in the fold of space, seizing creation in the true sense!

Ye Jue was so shocked that without saying a word, he spread out his red particle wings and flew over amid various shocking sounds.

what is that?

This breath can't be...it can't be...

Yes, it's him, it's really him!

They were too familiar with this scent.

That was the Eastern God of War, the successor to the mythical path, and he actually faked his death?

Didi! Emergency positioning is in progress. Locking is complete and identification is in progress...Human encrypted file 0001, name: Ye Jue...

Suddenly, an alarm went off on Junguo's system.

He was deceived, and he wasn't dead at all!

Wei Ting roared loudly, clenched his fists, his eyes were about to burst, and his teeth were gritting.

I had already expected how someone with such strong luck could suddenly die suddenly.

Long Shaoqin shook his head: He really couldn't hide it anymore, because he saw that I was going to win the title of Lord of Seasons and Rebirth, so he finally showed up.

Okay, okay, if there is a way to heaven, he won't take it. If there is no door to hell, he will break in and let the mechanical god kill him!

As Wei Ting spoke, he entered the command.


Before the corpse came into contact with the Demon God, it suddenly changed its direction, and a strong light fell. From a distance, he took action and threw three short angel spears, like three thunderbolts, sending out a terrifying tear in the void. Sound, the angelic power boils, and there are big explosions along the way!

A strike from the gods, so terrifying!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Ye Jue suddenly felt that a huge danger enveloped his soul.

The boundless cosmic air flow rushed in, like the scorching sun in the sky exploding, the stars breaking apart, and the three angel short spears transformed into three gods of death, as if they were going to devour their own existence.

The Talisman of Ten Thousand Great Divine Powers, the Fist of Ten Thousand Reincarnations!

Ye Jue roared, also very powerful, and attacked from a distance.

The Talisman of Ten Thousand Great Divine Powers had just been completed, and when the divine particles were used to activate the Talisman of Ten Thousand Great Divine Powers, his body became like divine gold, with his black hair hanging loose, like a divine king coming to the world!

Three short angel spears, the halo is shining, and the big waves surge into the sky! , directly hit the Wandao Reincarnation Fist, causing a big explosion.

All the meteorites turned into powder and were completely destroyed. The fragments of nearby comets exploded on a large scale.

This scene is like filming a cosmic disaster movie, a scene where the end of the world is about to come.

People from all walks of life gasped, like clay and wood sculptures, that living god was so powerful, and Ye Shen was so brave that he dared to compete with him? !

In the universe, there are now vast waves, violent fluctuations.

This was just the encounter, the moment they took action, it was already like this. This made all the aliens realize how terrifying and terrible the gods are!

But what about the devil?

You mean the devil? It was just affected, and it was blown away and turned into a cocoon again!

People stared at the huge light cocoon in surprise, which may be a power of self-protection.

After all, Ye Shen's Samsara Fist and the short angel spear that collided head-on with the corpse generated enough power to completely destroy it.

Whirring whirring!!

A moment later, a nebula in the explosion suddenly shrank, as if it had been swallowed, and a human figure was immediately revealed.

Ye Jue, who was covered in blood, had not fully recovered. It was very tragic. The aura of the gods covering his whole body was cracked. He was very weak, barely standing in the air, and would fall into the space cracks at any time.

Are you crazy? You actually sacrificed the magical talisman of all powers?!

The killing sword could no longer move and fell into the pure land of the gods.

He had just thrown himself into the kingdom of the gods and connected it to the thick cable facilities of the East China Sea Divine Furnace. With all his strength, he made the East China Sea Divine Furnace burn and spin rapidly, and he immediately developed rich spiritual energy to replenish Ye Jue's use. The energy lost by the Great Divine Power Talisman.

But all of a sudden, the spiritual stones accumulated in the East China Sea Divine Furnace were emptied out. That was hundreds of thousands of tons of spiritual stones!

Although it was just drizzle in the East China Sea, this was already the tonnage that could open the door to the gods.

He was also severely counterattacked by the East China Sea Divine Furnace. The God Particles in the blade suffered a huge earthquake, and minor problems occurred in the system arrangement.

Those are gods. We have to go all out. The three short angel spears are the most powerful and terrifying things I have ever seen.

Ye Jue's whole body was covered with scars. After his resurrection, he found that his body was disintegrating, but by stimulating the divine particles, it was repairing at lightning speed.

At this moment, after the silence, the sounds of shock and cheers transcended the universe and beyond.

Ye Shen!

Ye Shen is invincible!

Eastern God of War, Ye Shen!

Now, Chen Ya, Dong Minmin and others on Earth could no longer bear it. After a moment of silence, they were cheering.

Ye Jue dared to fight even the gods, and he was on par with the gods with his human body!

I bought it.

When Westerners saw this scene, they were all speechless and almost speechless.

The same is true for all races in the starry sky.

This is too outrageous!

Where's the divine corpse?

They searched through various pictures, and after a commotion, they exclaimed again and again.

Beneath the boundless and endlessly derived dark universe, blood is stained black and yellow.

The unique blue blood of the mechanical body spread across the starry sky, forming a long river, like streaks in the sky, spreading out in all directions.

This is divine blood!

Looking up from the earth, it looks like a dazzling galaxy.


Countless staff members in the military country are suspicious of life.

They once again underestimated Ye Jue's ability.

This heir to the mythical path used the power of mythology to defeat the alien gods head-on, and the opponent was stained with blood in the black and yellow land, attracting everyone's attention!

Now, whether it is on the earth or in the entire World Tree, all living things are boiling!


With a mortal body, kill the gods!

Gods are the representatives of a group of people. They have divinity and an absolute level of freedom. They can do whatever they want.

But now, one on one, he was actually defeated by Ye Jue head-on. The divine corpse kept flying away in the dazzling light, and the stars behind him suddenly separated and rolled.

It's really heaven-defying. Have you seen his talisman? It's a great magical power. It takes thousands of it to reach the holy level. Isn't this cheating?

Many people gasped and felt horrified, and many realized that this pureblood must have cheated.

Otherwise, how could someone with the physique of a humanoid Chulong be able to condense thousands of magical talismans?

If the demon saint saw it, wouldn't he go crazy with jealousy on the spot?

Heir to the Shinhwa Road, I didn't believe it yet, but now I really believe it. It surpasses my previous achievements by so much.

In the World Tree, those characters who were immortal and turned into ghosts could not help but make a sound.

They were once at the sub-holy level, and they only had a few hundred magical talismans that condensed the path of mythology, which were already powerful enough.

But what about now?

How amazing and terrifying is this?

All three views have been subverted. Is this the power of the kingdom of gods?

Military Kingdom, you showed your trump card and you were extremely strong, but now you are slapped in the face.

They all sighed.

Impossible, this is impossible, how could the gods lose to him, I don't believe it!

In the military kingdom, Wei Ting, as the deputy commander, was completely dumbfounded. Staring at the place where thunder and lightning intertwined, he heard many public opinions and felt shameless.

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