You are now the leader of the pure-blooded mythical path. Most people on the earth believe in you. Every word you say represents the avenue and system and guides them forward.

The African youth felt that Ye Jue was not a middle school student.

The name of the myth of the new era, under the starry night, he is the true successor.

Can you please stop licking this alien artifact? The myth is getting stronger and stronger. Aren't you worried about yourself?

Ye Jue's cave sky descended, and the entire land with a radius of thousands of miles changed color and became completely white.

This is the most primitive cave heaven. It has not cultivated any magical powers and is extremely beautiful.

The cave can be opened and closed at will, and in a daze, he took the God-killing Sword and stepped towards the teleportation tunnel in the starry sky.

This tunnel is extremely secretive. Only he and one other person know that it can lead to the earth as quickly as possible.

After all, there are no divine seals in the solar system, otherwise it would be much more convenient to teleport directly.

Long Shaoqin's group started taking action, which shows that the plan is going very smoothly.

Ye Jue nodded.

The pupils of his eyes were like sword blades, and he saw some scenes that would happen in the near future, so he stared at them without blinking.

Now that you have the East China Sea Divine Furnace, you can revive the spiritual energy.

The African youth knew what Ye Jue was going to do next.

It must be a big change to clear out all the demons and bring a new order to the wasteland.

The divine particles were just a drill and rehearsal, which fully proved its feasibility. He was about to witness the resurgence of mythology, and the pure-blood clan embarked on the true path of mythology.

That's right.

Ye Jue saw that in the ocean of gods, a divine furnace was slowly rotating, golden and round, with divine light radiating, and accompanied by a faint scent of spiritual energy.

He ignited part of the spiritual stones in the East China Sea, and the remaining part was enough for next use.

The divine furnace makes these spiritual stones very resistant to burning, allowing them to exert maximum power with the minimum.

It's a pity that the East China Sea Divine Furnace has been analyzed and turned into this ghostly appearance, half destroyed. If the real furnace can refine the Ascension Pill of the Mythical Path, a golden pill can illuminate thousands of mountains and rivers, enough to make ordinary people lift up the clouds. Ascension, but this is just a legend, no one can refine the Ascension Pill except the Bagua Furnace.

African youths are talking more and more.

His memory was half restored, and all the nouns came to him smoothly.

Bagua Furnace? Why don't you talk about the Universe Furnace, the Yin-Yang Creation Furnace, the Liangyi Guiyuan Furnace, and the Civil and Military Omniscience Furnace?

Ye Jue was speechless.

This is too far away, those are all prehistoric level weapons, not just the fourth level.

You must understand that no one in the edge universe has ever seen a prehistoric level weapon.

Haha, there is also the furnace of all things, which suppresses the fragments of the ancient world and regulates the world. It used to be exclusive to the way of heaven. I don't know if my memory is true.

The African youth started arguing with him.

At this time, they had already walked out of the wormhole, and the sound of their conversation was unusually ethereal, as if conveyed from the nine heavens, like the whispers of immortals.

Then the teleportation tunnel suddenly closed and a ray of light appeared in the starry sky. Waves of voices of the gods sounded and spread around. A young man slowly walked out of the ray of light.

This young man seems to have never had his hair styled, his shoulders are sloppy, his eyebrows are like swords, and circles of light surround him, making him illusory and blurry, full of gods.

The young man is Ye Jue. He didn't look like this before, but since he became the King of Gods, he has been blessed by the auras of the gods. The particles of the gods are scattered around like crystal raindrops, as if he is really a god.

But the God-Zhanbing Sword next to him made it very clear that this guy was just a humanoid junior dragon with 3000 times the physique and a total energy value of close to 4 million.

On the path of mythology, the humanoid primary dragon level is just cannon fodder, and there are too many great realms above.

However, Ye Jue was very confident. He carried the Wuliang Umbrella, and his wings of brilliant red particles were displayed. His eyes were piercing. Even now, no one dares to look at him, because no matter who he is, he can feel the power of his spiritual body. , the power of the cave at the last level of the Xingyue level!

His eyes were like holes, unfathomable, filled with brilliance and filled with divine aura.

Is that human being?

The answer is, of course, that he just has too many weird treasures that make him look less like a human being.


His speed of sound has now exceeded thirty-five times. This is the energy change brought about by completely controlling the kingdom of the gods and having the spirit body reach the last level of the star-moon level.

It takes about 25.51 hours to travel to Earth at thirty-five times the speed of sound, which is pretty good.

Ye Jue did not incarnate as the ancient crow spirit because the strange bird was too conspicuous in the universe and completely angered the Tai clan, making it easy to locate.

The Tai clan must not know his true identity yet, so they are not planning to use the particles of the ancient Crow God for the time being.

By the way, I have become the king of the gods now, and my spiritual body has been promoted. Maybe I can blast open one of the ice crystal coffins.

Soon, this confirmed Ye Jue's association.

He disappeared under the starry sky, entered the kingdom of the gods, and punched the second ice crystal coffin. In an instant, the entire dazzling coffin began to crack after giving off its final brilliance, and gradually disintegrated like the earlier plants.

Sure enough, this ice crystal coffin is not eaten with brute force, but with the power of the spirit body. Once the requirements are met, it can be split open after resonance.

Ye Jue saw a white object lying there quietly in the torn ice crystal coffin, filled with fragrance.

This is a toad, the legendary Moon Rabbit, whose appearance is unsatisfactory.

As it appeared, the fixed vision of 'Moon Rabbit Pounding Medicine' also disappeared.

He wanted to blast open the third god's coffin, but it had no effect. He had to use the power of the physical realm to break it.


Just like last time, this time Yue Hao left the ice crystal coffin and turned into divine particles. In an instant, a ray of rays of light rose up, and then sank into his body.

Is this the Jade Rabbit Particle?

Ye Jue was extremely stunned.

What kind of strange power did you get again?

The goddess Fang Cun was still inserted in the pure land of the gods. Naturally, when she saw Ye Jue smashing the coffin of the gods, she couldn't help but ask questions.

She was so lonely that she went crazy, desperately hoping that Ye Jue could talk to her.


However, Ye Jue ignored her at all and left the kingdom of gods directly to appear in the universe.

The composition of these divine particles actually breeds some special magical powers, such as the God-Gathering Flag. In previous eras, those sects and dynasties often used it to change the terrain pattern, allowing ordinary people to quickly upgrade and control the wind and rain.

Ye Jue obtained the divine particles of Jade Rabbit, studied them carefully, and activated these divine particles, as if order was intertwined and rules were born, and he could actually obtain special magical powers.

There is no hierarchy for such magical powers, because they are too special and belong to a secret technique.

No, this is not some special magical power, it is an ancient secret technique!

He said to himself that fortunately he had learned about the existence of ancient secrets before, otherwise he would have foolishly thought it was a magical power.

The ancient secret technique, Gathering the God Flag, is really interesting. This is paving the way for you!

When the young African man saw that Ye Jue was condensing some special magic, which was very similar to ancient secret techniques, he knew instantly that he had got something good.

Well, not only the Gathering Flag, but also the ability to sense ancient secret treasures. I can also refine the legendary elixir of immortality. This is the ability of the Jade Rabbit. It was once specially refined for the Queen Mother of the West to keep her immortal and beautiful. Not old.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.

This magical medicine can be refined, and its medicinal properties can definitely be extracted using the system.

The immortality buff he had been looking for had finally been found, and he could form an immortality buff.

The battle in the future is destined to be full of dangers, and the immortal buff can no longer satisfy him.

You mean the magic medicine of immortality? This thing is not unusual. Outside of the World Tree, those high-entropy bodies have been developed. A key enzyme drug is used to make the skin, brain, internal organs and other organs. It is no secret that it can grow a large number of new cells and give birth to immortal cells, because the high-entropy body has captured too many immortal souls and imprisoned them for study. It has been revealed for a long time. You are just leaving before they leave. It’s just a passing journey.”

The African youth said so.

His memory recovered, and he had some impressions of the world outside the World Tree.

Really? That needs to be verified. Let's see if my immortality medicine is powerful, or if those so-called immortal cells are really indestructible.

Ye never thought so.

He knew that the Zhanshen Sword thought that as long as it was medicine, it would be effective and expire.

However, he possesses the most powerful analysis and extraction power, which is unimaginably powerful.


Everything went smoothly for Ye Jue, and the flight lasted more than ten hours.

At this time, the visibility was already very high, and the wreckage of various alien warships could be seen, as well as huge tentacles hanging down in the hell world.

The entire solar system is shrouded in the devil's blood eggs. The patterns formed by the colorful poisonous mist are spread across every planet. Countless demons, big and small, are flapping their wings. Hell lords and super-heavy demons are spread all over the starry sky. Move freely under the stars.

Because this is already a hell in the solar system, transformed into a hell world.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed and he looked towards the earth.

The two major bases in the Eastern and Western worlds are still struggling, and half a year has passed. Human beings are evolving rapidly, and the impact of spiritual bodies is very fast. The strongest ones have already reached the last level of the Guanyu level, Juechen.

He captured that absolutely stunning snow-white figure, and seemed to be sensing it. He looked up at the sky, his dark eyebrows furrowed.

What's wrong?

The yellow-haired young man beside her is the assistant who assists her in her work, named Wen Qi, who has been following the demon since its arrival.

I felt familiar eyes, it might be him.

Li Lianxue stared at the sky and said with a complicated expression.

Her dual personality has been tempered by time and still has flaws and hidden dangers. Both personalities exist.

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