That is?

He discovered the greater truth in an instant.

Because this leaf is floating in the boundary monument, the boundary monument is an independent space, with firelight, divine flames beating, and a large number of giant corpses.

He accidentally shattered the ceiling of the Kingdom of Gods before, and the giant face that appeared was one of the corpses.

Of course, in the boundary monument, in addition to the leaf of Kingdom of Gods, there are many huge rocks, giant weapons, etc., floating randomly.

It turns out that the real treasure is the boundary monument, and the Kingdom of the Gods is just a bonus.

While speaking, Ye Jue's spiritual thoughts had penetrated the void. He inspected the inside of the boundary monument. It was ridiculously big, like a small universe.

At this moment, his mind suddenly shook, as if he was being stared at by something inside the boundary monument.

In the quiet void, a black box flew over. The whole box was bound by chains and was shaking continuously.

It came so fast, and opened a corner at once, and an arm stretched out from inside, with black curses all over it.

The boundary monument is a small independent world, and this terrifying black arm wants to capture the kingdom of the gods.

Only then did Ye Jue see how huge the black box was. It was so big that it was unimaginable.

Because the kingdom of the gods is ridiculously small in front of it.

Huh?! Suddenly, Ye Jue felt a huge sense of crisis. He was so frightened that his hair stood on end and his scalp almost exploded.


He immediately felt this way and urged the kingdom of gods with all his strength.

Now he has completely mastered everything except the Treasure House of the Gods and the Wheel of the Gods.

He can also control the kingdom of gods to travel through the independent small world of Boundary Monument.

Run, run, run!

At this time, Ye Jue felt that if he didn't fight hard, he would die, he would be caught by the being in the black box, and he would be crushed into powder.

Bang bang bang! !

The black box hit like crazy, with huge power and terrifying fluctuations. Some of the huge rocks it hit exploded and turned into powder.

Ye Jue even saw that a giant body was exploded into pieces and turned into a ball of dazzling light.

He didn't dare to look back, so he could only run away to escape the pursuit of the black box.

The boundary monument was infinitely large, and due to some unknown route, he hid in a black mountain suspended in the dark space.

Immortal Black Mountain?!

He saw mysterious fonts appearing on the black mountain, and had no choice but to enter.


Behind him, a huge finger clicked, majestic and terrifying, exuding a terrifying arrogance that was enough to crush everything.

If Ye Jue hadn't escaped into the Immortal Black Mountain, he would have been influenced by this instruction. The kingdom of the gods would have exploded, any god particles would be in vain, and all the precious god corpses would have been dumped into the boundary monument.


At the same time, the Immortal Black Mountain emitted a terrifying bloody holy light, bursting out with a shocking divine light, which actually blocked the attack of the black box.


At the same time, a terrifying red blood spear surged out of the Immortal Black Mountain and stabbed the black arm.


This was an incomprehensible killing blow. The arm was full of cracks and disintegrated in an instant.

Whoosh! With a sound, the black box turned around and moved away quickly, as if it had encountered something it couldn't afford to mess with.

This is…

Ye Jue was not happy, because the black mountain's bloody holy light actually trapped him.

Boom boom boom! !

It is actually eroding the kingdom of the gods.

what is that?

The God-Beheading Sword and the Fang Cun Goddess were extremely shocking.

They all saw that there were dense cracks in the sky in the space of the gods, and black worms were twisting their bodies one after another, trying to get in.

This is too terrifying. These Black Mountain Divine Insects all come from the Immortal Black Mountain. They contain an unknown amount of power and are about to gnaw at the kingdom of the gods.

How many dangers there are in the boundary monument are all incomprehensible collisions. I can't even think about it!

Ye Jue was shocked and reacted immediately, controlling the leaf to hit the exit from the Immortal Black Mountain.

With a boom, he was bounced back again.

This is a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Just after escaping from danger, it encounters a new crisis.

Is there an old Black Mountain demon in this immortal Black Mountain?

He had heard that in the previous myths, there was a guy called the Black Mountain Old Demon. It was a spirit cultivated in the Black Mountain and had tens of thousands of years of Taoism. It must be beyond the era.

Is this what it is?

He felt the overwhelming killing intent, coming from the Black Mountain, trying to devour him.

What, what have you done, you stupid...

Suddenly, the controller emerged from the top of the ladder of the gods, with a look of horror on his face, roaring towards the sky.

However, the vulgar words were not spoken, because facing the master of the kingdom of the gods, the glory of the gods did not allow him to do so.

So much so that he almost exploded with anger, and the holy light surged and shrank all over his body.

Shut up, doesn't the Kingdom of the Gods have any powerful functions, uh... Ragnarok?

Ye Jue shouted coldly, and these four words flashed quickly in his mind.

Ragnarok is the mysterious power he felt just now on the ladder of the gods. Now that the kingdom of the gods is facing a crisis, he finally senses it.

Ragnarok, help me escape!


His palm slammed on an orb on the throne of the gods.

Buzz! !

The entire kingdom of gods trembled, as if an ancient divine dragon had awakened, and all the divine particles were gathering in one place.

Rub rub rub rub! ! !

Each ice crystal coffin was erected, and the corpse of the god was looking up, witnessing Ragnarok again.

It turns out to be a sword, the sword of the God King, change it!

Ye Jue's face showed excitement.

The entire leaf's holy light surged, turning into a miraculous sword of the God King, representing the highest glory of the gods. It penetrated the Immortal Black Mountain in an instant. Although it was as small as the eye of a needle, it was indestructible!

In just an instant, it turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared here.


You can even hear a roar coming from the Immortal Black Mountain, which is astonishing.

Hurry up and hide yourself so that you can't be discovered. This time is really a lesson.

Ye Jue controlled the kingdom of the gods to hide in an inconspicuous place in the boundary monument, and then withdrew his spirit from it and left the throne of the gods.

Only by connecting to the throne of the gods can he sense the inside of the boundary monument and control the kingdom of the gods to explore its secrets.

But it's obvious that it's still too weak now.

Whirring whirring……

He could see that the kingdom of the gods consumed a lot of money and turned into the sword of the God King, squandering all the divine power and waiting for it to be replenished.

The next time you can turn into a sword, it's not too late to explore again.

What were those just now?

African youths are still terrified.

He felt dead just now, but unexpectedly he survived with a slight shake.

New enemy.

Ye never wanted to say more.

Damn it, you almost ruined the final glory of the gods. If you dare to do this next time, I will kill you!

The controller said angrily.

I am the master here, I can do whatever I want, and next time I will activate the main body of the kingdom of gods.

If you don't want to be destroyed, then hand over the Creation of the Gods scripture. I have already felt it. It is in the treasure house of the gods. With the Creation of the Gods scripture, I can change only the great wilderness. Only by doing so can one break through the cosmic rules of physical constitution and violate the principles of the Great Dao.”

Ye Jue said directly.


The one in control refuses.

Then you just wait until the kingdom of the gods is destroyed.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

You're threatening me!

The one in control, Jin Moo, shines brightly, touching people's hearts.

Threat? This is wrong, because this is the fact. No one can predict that the Kingdom of the Gods has now exposed its whereabouts, and it may be found by such a terrifying existence again. After all, the Kingdom of the Gods cannot do without the boundary monument space.

Ye Jue shook his head.


The controller was silent for a while and said: The Creation of Gods is indeed in the treasure house, but I don't have the authority to open it, but as the controller, I can use the Gods Wheel to change some rules. Every time you complete a Gods Guide, you can extract one piece from the treasure house to enhance your strength, how about this?

Not bad, I'm very satisfied.

Ye Jue nodded. In this way, promotion to the Tyrannosaurus level is very close. All he needs to do is kill Tai Mogu.

He had expected that this name would definitely have something to do with the Tai clan.

During this trip to the East China Sea, he destroyed the Tai clan's factory. The other party will definitely not give up. A war will soon come.

Let's go back to Earth!

He teleported directly to the stars, and a breath of cave power rose into the sky from his body, condensing into many magical shadows.

There was no response in the kingdom of gods, but when he came to this world, he finally showed the power of the last level of the star-moon level spirit body.

This is the virtual cave formed by the energy of your spirit body. Oh, by the way, the path you cultivate is called the human cave. You also need to cultivate a top-level magical power. If you practice it as your natal magical power, your combat power will be greatly increased.

African youths sound alienated as soon as they open their mouths.

The top magical powers are all in the corpses of gods. I can feel that the highest magical powers in the Gods' Sutra Pavilion are only high-level.

Ye Jue moves through the cave.

A mixed hole appeared above his head. When the world of this mixed hole rotated a little, matter within a radius of 100,000 miles almost teleported into his body.

The cave has the power to devour everything, and can eat all elements, but it still mainly uses spiritual energy to cultivate top magical powers.

Your body can only cultivate one top-level magical power at most, and can only have one cave. Now I have retrieved my memory. In my memory, I saw some high-entropy bodies, which are all based on ten caves. At least I have analyzed them. Ten top magical powers.

A smile appeared on the African young man's face. After gathering the five fragments and recovering some memories, he found that Ye Jue was really weak.

He has just cultivated the cave sky, and has not even started to practice the top magical powers. The real cave sky is definitely like the Holy Infant, and it appears like a little sun.

Not like this, the size of a fist.

Looking for a fight, right? I wonder if the road to mythology has been interrupted in this world. I have to feel my way forward along the way.

Ye Jue was not ashamed of his words and said like a magic stick:

There is a saying. Some terms in cultivation suddenly popped out of my mind. It is commonly known as a flash of inspiration. I am the namer of the myth and the successor of the night.

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