I am the master of the kingdom of the gods, why should I spy on it?


Ye Jue knew that he was about to reach the top, so the people at the top took action to stop him.

He punched out, his whole body glowed, and he used the Crow's divine power. However, he was helpless in the face of the earth-shattering energy. He was suddenly knocked away, and his body flew down the stairs.

You are so brazen, the master of the kingdom of gods? Is it just you?

The figure at the top of the ladder of the gods said calmly.


In the holy light, there are vaguely intertwined divine chains of order. This is a weapon of order used by the giant divine soldiers, and its power can be imagined.

This was to completely defeat Ye Jue so that he could no longer climb higher.

Boom boom boom! !

These divine chains of order come like heavenly snakes, they are particularly gorgeous and dazzling. They are the chains that kill the master, forcing Ye Jue to escape from the ladder of gods.

Mu Yong questioned, Ye Jue's body was moving like a light, and the divine particles intertwined into a sky-shattering divine rainbow like a turbulent wave, fighting against the divine chain of order.

In the Kingdom of the Gods, he can activate all the divine particles at will, and the mysterious man on the steps cannot stop him.

Because he is only responsible for guarding the throne of the gods, except for the divine chain of order of the gods, he cannot use any other power at all.

You are too young to obtain the chain of order from the gods.

The figure snorted coldly, his tone was very ruthless, and he obviously had no respect at all for this new master of the Kingdom of Gods.

Use all the spiritual stones in the East China Sea for me, use the God-killing Sword, and burn your fragments. Today I will seize the throne. It's just a dead soul. Can you stop me?

Ye Jue suddenly roared and his breath surged.

The wings behind him eject violent red particles, the properties of which have not been revealed until now.

There is only one discovery so far, and that is that the more you push it, the more terrifying it becomes. A little red particle is heavier than a mountain!

Ye Jue has never wanted to use it because he would discover it if he sensed a mysterious existence between heaven and earth.

But now, he no longer cares about whether he discovers something or not. He must win the Staircase of the Gods in one fell swoop.

With so many spiritual stones, it would be unreasonable if it still failed.


The God-Zhanping Sword also roared, and he threw himself directly under the East China Sea Divine Furnace and connected it to various super cables.

After all, he is a foreign artifact and has this function.

Buzz buzz...

The God-Slaying Sword continuously burns fierce flames, and activates the East China Sea Divine Furnace with all its strength, which is brilliant and dazzling!

The East China Sea Divine Furnace started to spin crazily once again, and I saw dense clouds of stars, just like the reappearance of a cosmic starry sky!

Hoo ho ho! !

The rich spiritual energy once again swept towards the Kingdom of the Gods, and the entire space was civilized again. The Pure Land of the Gods, the Battlefield of the Gods, and the Sutra-Tibetan Pavilion of the Gods were all shaken.

Because the more spiritual energy is injected, the more Ye Jue can feel that the power of the kingdom of gods is awakening. It will never stop now, and there is still some power that has not been discovered.

Moreover, it is absolutely shocking and must be completely controlled to become the king of the gods.

What a courage.

The figure at the top of the ladder of the gods has opened his fiery eyes, staring at the person rushing below.

He raised his hands, and a huge ring behind him rose up, shining with dense runes of the gods, and launched the God of Order Chain again.

Even the Saint level will run away when they see the Divine Chain of Order, because the power level is different. This is a weapon of Order, surpassing a top-notch magic weapon and a top-notch divine weapon.

But it's not the prehistoric level, it's just a special weapon. It may be born from the rune power of a civilization, or it may be that a certain god enlightens the universe, obtains some power of order, and condenses the divine chain.

All in all, Ye is no match.

However, he is now in the Kingdom of the Gods, and this is now his lair. If he is still kicked out, it would be fine if the King of the Gods doesn't do anything.

Enough aura, pure land of gods, show your power!

Ye Jue coughed up blood and still held on to the three divine chains of order. His whole body was covered with scars and he suffered the most severe impact.

In fact, he has suffered from hatred many times, but every time he wakes up, he still finds himself on the stairs of the gods.


The entire Pure Land of the Gods rolled up sand and gravel, forming a long river, directly lifting Ye Jue's body and flying towards the top of the Stairway of the Gods.

This is not a place for you to come now.

Chi Chi Chi!

Three more divine chains of order shot out from the apex, and there were now six, all wrapped around Ye Jue's body.

He was bleeding from all his orifices and was seriously injured. He was only supported by the red particles, and the long river transformed into the pure land of the gods was blocked again.

Battlefield of the Gods, I need your power!

Ye Jue shouted excitedly.


The entire battlefield of gods exploded in an instant, and countless weapons danced wildly, forming a huge ball of fire that rose up for his use.

boom! boom! boom……

In one breath, they all attack the controller of the ladder of the gods.

It was so gorgeous, countless magic weapons of various colors turned into the most brilliant fire, and the space seemed to be annihilated.

This was not a one-time attack, but a continuous, roaring, frantic attack on the controller.

Only by defeating him can we completely control the kingdom of the gods.

How could such an alien exist? It's impossible. You should have died many times. Under the attack of the Order God Chain, you had no soul. How did you do it? It's hard to believe that besides the kingdom of gods, you have other aliens. Treasure? These red particles, could they be Hongchentian? What is your connection with Hongchentian? Are you the messenger? How is this possible? How could the boundary monument choose the messenger of Hongchentian as its master? The two sides were once mortal enemies.

The controller was obviously shocked. Some things were forever engraved in his soul and would never be forgotten.

The red particles finally defeated his Divine Chain of Order!

The order was broken, and the person who should not have stepped onto the ladder of the gods at this time suddenly came to the top and looked at him.

You are the one in control? Why do you want to stop me?

Ye Jue was as high as the sky, and the apex of the ladder of gods was particularly majestic and majestic. There was a sense of oppression that made his breathing feel heavy.

Right in front of him, a human figure whose whole body was made of divine light was staring at him with bright golden eyes.

Because you are not strong enough and are not qualified to control the kingdom of the gods. At least you must surpass the Tianlong level, and your spirit body must also reach the Dharma phase level.

The controller uttered a divine word, causing the space between the two parties to vibrate. The huge ring behind him once again revealed the Divine Chain of Order, with a total of eight chains, two more than before.

Although I didn't meet the requirements, I came here. Isn't this more qualified than having the qualifications?

Ye Jue retorted.


The controller slowly lowered his arm, the huge ring stopped roaring, and the Divine Chain of Order was retracted inside.

That's true, but I can't give you the chain of order of the gods because I don't believe you can act under the glorious instructions of the gods.

The controller shook his head.

Instructions from the gods? What is that?

Ye Jue frowned and said.

He has always acted according to his personal ideas, not instructions from the gods.

The controller turned around, and the huge ring rose into the sky. After the holy light dissipated, an astonishingly large throne of the gods appeared.

Dong Dong Dong~

The throne is constantly fluctuating. The throne of the King of Gods can instantly resonate with people's emotions and make their hearts burn.

In front of the throne of the gods, there are ten huge scrolls suspended, the fluctuations are very strange, they are all flames, almost burning.

These are the instructions of the gods. Once you complete the tasks of the ten scrolls of the gods, I will trust you and open the treasure house of the gods to you. I will also hand over the most powerful weapon of order of the gods, the wheel of the gods. you.

The controller stared at Ye Jue, watching the latter's reaction.

Let me see first.

Ye Jue walked over and turned into a crow again. The air he sprayed out from his mouth and nose was full of flames, almost like a human-shaped bird breathing.

He came into contact with the first huge scroll of the gods so far away.

With a wow sound, the scroll of the gods unfolded, and a string of big characters were written on it, which he couldn't understand.

But the amazing thing is that these words quickly changed and turned into earth words.

One of the killing missions: Tai Mogu!

that's all?

Ye Jue looked over and over again, but it was still these few words, without any other information.

Who is Taimogu?

He turned around and asked.

I don't know, don't ask me anything. I'm just the guardian guarding the stairs of the gods. I don't know anything else.

The controller shook his head.

Then I want to sit on the throne of the gods. Do you have any objection?

Ye Jue asked.

As of now, it's up to you. Anyway, you can't get the Wheel of the Gods, and it won't make any difference if you do it. I'm going to continue to sleep and welcome the next Lord of the Gods.

The controller said slowly, sinking with the wheels of the gods and disappearing.

Welcoming the next one? Are you cursing me to death? Huh, didn't you know I have the curse rune in hand? Next time, don't be too surprised when you see me.

Ye Jue flipped the next scroll with all his strength, and large crow flames erupted from his body.

But it cannot be opened at all. It seems that only by completing the first task can the second scroll be opened.

The gods instructed me why there is a killing mission. It must be that Tai Mogu was once the enemy of the gods. Even the gods couldn't deal with him. That's why he tricked his successor. He also thinks too highly of me.

Ye Jue placed his palm on the throne of the gods and felt it carefully.

After a while, he flew up and landed directly on the throne.


The throne of the gods suddenly shrank infinitely and turned into an ancient stone chair. It was completely white, with wisps of flames coming out. The brilliance burned the surrounding space and created dense cracks, as if it collapsed into the void. It was extremely shocking. .


As Ye Jue sat on it, everything in the entire kingdom of the gods was completely controlled. He once thought that the space of the gods was a closed space, and he could not see the edge at a glance.

But now the truth has been discovered. This is actually a huge leaf. The pure land of the gods, the battlefield of the gods, etc. are all the veins of this huge leaf.

He guessed that the so-called Kingdom of Gods was most likely just a leaf of the World Tree.

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