Why do I feel like I'm seeing an octopus?

The African youth was stunned.

He saw the East China Sea Divine Furnace being lifted up, and the connected super cables were completely pulled out from everywhere, hanging down like the tentacles of an octopus.

Boom boom boom! !

The East China Sea Divine Furnace was gradually sucked into the Gate of the Gods, accompanied by all kinds of lightning and thunder, and technological runes roaring, which was extremely terrifying, showing the power of a superb magic weapon.

It's a pity, it's a pity, the weapon spirit is not here, I can't feel it, it's probably dead.

However, the African young man shook his head.

Originally he was very jealous of the peerless magic weapon, but now he feels it is acceptable.

Because this top-quality magic weapon does not have a weapon spirit, just like the Infinite Umbrella, although it has a pseudo weapon spirit called Dragon Girl, it cannot exert its maximum power.

Only a true weapon spirit can fully master the original weapon spirit, whether it is an alien artifact or a mythical magic weapon.

At this time, the East China Sea Divine Furnace had already entered the Gate of the Gods.

Technological runes, order, etc., and the embodiment of the rules of lightning and storm also shimmered and disappeared.

In the realm of the gods, it calmed down.

The pure land of the gods, purify it with the sand of the gods!

Ye Jue drawled a long note——

The entire Kingdom of Gods instantly experienced thunderstorms like waterfalls and divine light like the sea. The East China Sea water that had just been sucked in was originally as thick as black mud, with various green, yellow, blue, and colorful substances, and it continued to emit a foul odor.

Now, the sea water has turned blue, and when it surges, all kinds of fish, crabs and other life forms are emerging.

Divine particles can give birth to life. There is no doubt that the East China Sea is being purified and the original ecological system is restored.

Fill it, Ocean of Gods!

He chanted another line.

There are too many spaces in the Kingdom of the Gods, including the Pure Land of the Gods, the Battlefield of the Gods, the Sutra Pavilion of the Gods, and the Staircase of the Gods.

There are still many vacant positions that can be utilized. Although the East China Sea Inland Sea is large, the area it occupies is too small.

Now the ocean is baptized by the power of the gods, and the strange substances are cut away. It is freed and regains its vitality.

Then it is the turn of the East China Sea Divine Furnace.

Particles of gods, particles of gods, repair, supplement, improve and deduce, find the most perfect way, let the East China Sea Divine Furnace reach nirvana!

As Ye Jue's voice fell, the holy light gathered towards the East China Sea Divine Furnace, causing it to roar continuously, shed all kinds of mottled rust and parasites, and restored its original shiny appearance.

This turned out to be a large furnace with a single lid. There were many elixirs, treasures, and various materials in the furnace.

They were all left by the Tai clan, waiting to be taken away next time, and now they all belong to him.

Especially for the Foundation Establishment Pills, there were almost hundreds of millions of them. Ye Jue grabbed them casually, put them into his mouth, and started chewing them.

He can extract it, but he just wants to taste how it tastes.

This is... the East China Sea Divine Furnace, and there are so many foundation-building pills??

After the goddess Fang Cun regained consciousness, her eyes nearly popped out when she saw such a scene.

She knew about the Divine Furnace of the East China Sea. When she saw this Divine Furnace appear in the Kingdom of the Gods, she was definitely frightened and extremely shocked.


Ye Jue was stunned for a moment, but then he remembered that there was such a number one person in the Kingdom of Gods.

The body of the square-inch goddess was inserted into the Pure Land of the Gods, with only her head exposed. She had been submerged in the sea for a long time, and she lost her breath. Now she is recovering.

It seems that you also know about the East China Sea Divine Furnace. Tell me what you know.

he asked.

Humph, the East China Sea Divine Furnace was once held by the noble Sea Dragon Clan. It has the power of ocean blessing. It can bless the ocean resources for endless life. It can also make elixirs, not only Foundation Establishment Pills, but also Spiritual Energy Pills and Giant Spirit Pills. Crazy magic pill and so on. If you get the East China Sea Divine Furnace, it means you have control over the oceans on the earth. The four seas must obey your orders. When you return to the earth, go and control the four seas. All the glory will be yours.

Although the Fang Cun goddess was reluctant to speak, she still compromised and said this.

All the oceans? Do those immortal guys from all over the world also want to obey my orders?

Ye Jue chuckled for a while, then suddenly clapped his palm out and slapped Fang Cun Goddess.

Do you think I am a fool? There is a real dragon palace left under the four seas of the earth, and there are also true spirits of the sea dragon clan in it. You have been hiding from me and pretending that I don't know?

His face turned cold.

You...how did you know? This shouldn't be the case.

Although the goddess Fang Cun was extremely humiliated, she was still shocked and didn't know how Ye Jue knew about it.

The Four Seas has never really been born. Dragons from the Four Seas once appeared, but they were just shrimps, soldiers and crab generals, which made the world mistakenly think that the ocean is weak.

Those sea dragon true spirits were all at the sub-holy level, many times more powerful than her.

The Dragon Palace has always existed, but no one dared to discover it because the intruders were all killed and it was hidden too deeply.

There are many such forces on the planet, all deliberately showing weakness and waiting for opportunities.

She deserved to be beaten as a first-timer, but this time she really wanted to trick Ye Jue.

After all, the East China Sea Divine Furnace is a treasure of the ocean. Once the true spirits of the Sea Dragon Clan discover it, they will definitely not give up and it will be another fierce battle.

Maybe he would have a chance to go out and no longer be controlled by the demon Ye Jue.

I am more powerful than you think.

The eye patterns in Ye Jue's eyes formed a special symbol, and he was observing the future scene.

In the picture, he really went to the four seas on the earth. Except for the East China Sea, which has been destroyed, and is folded with the space here, he has penetrated all the other three seas.

The true spirits of the Sea Dragon Clan in the Three Seas also communicated with the dragon world and used the eight true dragon energies to deal with him.

He saw all of this, but it was only a process, not a result.

Hmph... If you want to kill me, just kill me!

The face of the square-cun goddess changed slightly.

I would have killed you if I wanted to. Why wait until now? Since I didn't kill you, I won't kill you again. Otherwise, what's the point?

There are destined to be three more 'earthworms' in Ye Jue's ocean of gods. After all, the sea dragons are an important part of the ocean. The life body resurrected by the divine particles will be out of balance and will need some shrimp soldiers and crabs to manage it in the future.

Turn it, Donghai Divine Furnace, let me see your power!

Ye Jue started to activate, and in an instant, the East China Sea Divine Furnace began to rotate rapidly. Those super cable equipments were frantically extracting the divine particles.


He suddenly transformed into a crow, spitting out a mouthful of scorching flames that gathered together and burned under the furnace.

Do you think spiritual energy is generated out of thin air? You need spiritual stones. Use those spiritual stones!

The African youth roared out.

The Kingdom of the Gods, I sacrifice all the spiritual stones here, open it for me, the Stairway of the Gods!

At this time, Ye Jue had already taken action and let out a long roar.


All the spiritual stones in the inner sea and the outer sea were shattered into powder at this moment. The spiritual energy was so dense that it turned into countless long rivers, and the spiritual light became a sea. There were too many.

Although the Kingdom of Gods can directly swallow spiritual stones, it cannot improve their quality.

The spiritual energy refined by the East China Sea Divine Furnace is different. No matter what it is, it is forcibly upgraded to a higher level.

How obvious is this power?

It was enough for Ye Jue to directly open the ladder of gods and step on the first ladder in an instant.

Is this the Stairway of the Gods?

Ye Jue looked at the sky above the stairs of the gods. The holy light there was hazy and seemed unimaginably far away.

However, the effect of the spiritual energy refined from the East China Sea Divine Furnace was so overbearing that he was worried about playing with fire and burning himself.

The second ladder...the third ladder...the fourth ladder...

With every step he took, Ye Jue felt that his body was different, as if an external force was entering his crystal cells from all directions.


When he reached the eighty-three thousand two hundred steps, his whole body was glowing, astonishingly.

Xingyue level, one thought wisdom?

When Fairy Fang Cun saw such a scene, her eyes turned red with jealousy.

She has been practicing for so long and is only at the first level of the Star-Moon level. She has been stuck for an unknown amount of time, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, a whole era!

Now seeing Ye Jue continuously 'ascending' and increasing his soul power, he was so envious that he almost bit his lips off.

She saw it too.

Every time Ye Jue ascends a step on the ladder of gods, his soul becomes stronger.

It's the 100,000th step, how come it's so high?

Ye Jue was dumbfounded. The ladder of the gods was too high. The road ahead was still filled with holy light and there was no end in sight.

Boom boom boom!!!

The East China Sea Divine Furnace is still rotating, spewing out high-quality spiritual energy.

This is a super large oven, and the 'roasted' spirit stones inside melt very slowly, which is much better than swallowing it directly.

Level 150,000!

Ye Jue screamed, quite shocked.

He had come so far, and his heart trembled. Then, when he saw the second half, the light was also overwhelming, and his face turned slightly dark.

How should this go down?

Keep walking, I won't believe in evil anymore.

Ye Jue could only bite the bullet and rush forward. As long as the East China Sea Divine Furnace was still spewing spiritual energy to civilize the kingdom of gods, he could keep climbing.

The last level of Xingyue level, Yi Ruosheng!

At the 300,000th step, whirlpools surged out of Ye Jue's whole body, and these whirlpools gradually combined into one, forming the cave sky.

It turns out that the last layer of the Xingyue level can give birth to a cave...

But Ye Jue had no time to study it, because after arriving here, his orifices were filled with smoke, and his pores were spraying out the radiance of the gods.

Pressure, super pressure!

It's like squeezing him into a meat pie!

It turns out that every time you log in to the first level of these ladders of gods, there will be pressure, but you can't feel it in the first 300,000 steps. Although his physical realm is low, his body purity is high.

Now the higher he logs in, the stronger the pressure becomes, so much so that all his orifices and pores are emitting light.

If you don't die anyway, so what if you end up wandering?

Ye Jue gritted his teeth and kept moving forward.

As long as he ascends the throne of the King of Gods, he can completely control this place and open the final treasure land, which is called the Treasure House of the Gods.

not good!

Under the stairs of the gods, the African young man suddenly screamed.

Because the flame burning under the East China Sea Divine Furnace suddenly went out, the change came too suddenly, as if it was forcibly blown out.


This loud noise exploded in the sky, and a destructive force erupted on the top platform of the ladder of gods.

A mere mortal dares to peek into the throne of the gods.

The divine words that were enough to make one's heart tremble came, instantly forming a whirlwind of destruction that rolled downwards in an instant.

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