Well, you actually want to take advantage of the chaos to escape?

In an instant, the two saints and the three approaching saints suddenly changed their direction, and their energy breath was extremely cold, and they charged forward.


There was a big explosion ahead, and Ye Jue was in extremely critical condition. He was entangled by them, locked in place, and unable to return to the earth.

At this moment, countless people across the starry sky were breathing rapidly, their chests were rising and falling violently, and they were all staring at all this in surprise.

Because in an instant, the entire starry sky seemed to fall down, and multiple forces intertwined.

High-level magic weapon, blast it for me, blast blast blast!

Faced with this scene, Ye Jue also began to fight with all his strength. More than a hundred high-level magic weapons flew out from the Gate of the Gods, each of which was beating with the light of hope and was extremely rare.

The time in an instant was so weird, it seemed like an eternity, it actually seemed a bit long!

Immediately afterwards, there were continuous shocking explosions, extremely bright.


The Gray Ape and the Silver Flame Monster couldn't withstand it at first, because these explosions were too strong, shaking the starry sky, bursting out with brilliant light, and exploding here, causing part of their bodies to turn into small pieces, and blood splattered everywhere. , dyeing the starry sky red.

This is a high-level magic weapon, am I right?!

The gray ape was also yelling. He couldn't hold on anymore. His body was shaking violently, and his gray hair was smoking. His majestic appearance was once so majestic, but now he was scorched.

This kid is starting to risk his life. He actually detonated a high-level magic weapon and used it as a bomb?!

The same is true for the Silver Flame Monster Bird. I can't believe this is true. After all, the high-level magic weapon is only one step away from being the top.

Now it is actually used as a bomb, and many light groups bloom in the dark universe, which is shocking.

I counted a hundred pieces in total. Oh my god, what a waste!

Some of the great powers were drooling.

That is a rare magic weapon. Once the path to mythology is cut off, there won’t be many left.

If they get a low-level magic weapon, they will treat it as a rare treasure. After perfect analysis, they will carefully store it.

Now, can you not be jealous when you see high-level magic weapons exploding in succession?

So what if a high-level magic weapon can stop me?

The Demon Saint's Dharma Appearance rises from a distance, and fire-tipped spears penetrate it. The blood and broken bones of many powerful battleships fly away, causing some meteorites to explode and stab Ye Jue.

Blow it up!

Ye Jue didn't look back at all. High-level magic weapons kept flying out from the Gate of the Gods, shocking the eyeballs and making the viewers' eyes fall to the ground, and their jaws did not close for a long time.

Boom boom boom! !

Continuously detonating, the high-level magic weapon exploded behind him. The resulting explosive force and impact really withstood the Demon Saint's blow.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the sacrifice is too great and not worth it.

Where did he get so many high-level magic weapons?

At this moment, the entire starry sky was temporarily silent, and all alien races and immortal souls were suppressed.

Because in their eyes, the holy level is unfathomable, and the body is like a demon body, standing in the universe and unattainable.

Especially Demon Saint and Jia Luo, every time they attack, they become more and more powerful and domineering.

As a hegemon-level existence for a long time, now it undoubtedly does not set off the heroic spirit of Ye Shen and has become a background wall, a foil.

Because no matter who it was, they were all shocked by Ye Jue's rich behavior.

The stronger the Saint level, the more arrogant Ye Shen appears, and the contrast is obvious.

In just one minute, more than a thousand high-level magic weapons exploded.

All eyes are dull, this battle will shock the whole universe!

I don't believe it. Is the kingdom of gods really so invincible, with inexhaustible high-level magic weapons?

The Demon Saint glared in Ye Jue's direction. His ferocious flames and anger could not change anything.

The explosion of the high-level magic weapon was so powerful that the cracks in the space were blown out millions of feet long.


Even Jialuo was like this, swaying under the impact and unable to move forward at all.

Everywhere was in a state of excitement, everyone was palpitating, their emotions agitated, and they were all shocked.

They all saw the same scene.

Ye Jue kept detonating high-level magic weapons behind him in the world in front of him. Those who were chasing him behind him were all in the impact of the explosion.

The high-level magic weapons detonated continuously, as if a thundercloud storm was brewing. Countless star thunders and void thunders exploded, reflecting a starry sky.

The Kingdom of the Gods is really the source of all evil. There are so many magic weapons and supernatural powers for him to use. This is a huge advantage for him.

The eight powers no longer dare to pursue them. If their command is wrong, the losses will be too heavy.

The only ones who can still be chased now are Demon Saint and Jialuo. The three Near Saints were too reluctant and were badly damaged by the bombing. Their heads were disgraced and their entire bodies were charred.

This is really torture, it will become more and more difficult to capture the opponent, and the high-level magic weapons will never be able to be exploded.

Holy Dao Ruler!

The Demon Saint soared into the sky, and circles of divine light appeared to protect his body. Ray after ray of light rushed out to block the explosion of the magic weapon.

Shura Netherworld Flag!

Jialuo had no choice but to use one of the Eight Treasures of Shura to protect himself, otherwise he would not be able to get close to Ye Jue's range.

At the same time, this old monster moved his body, and the blood-eyed sword rotated, forming a huge sword wheel, crushing forward, with the potential to be invincible.

It has been seen by all earlier that the Eight Treasures of Shura are obviously different in Jia Luo's hands and are infinitely more powerful.


Facing these two ruthless men, Ye Jue's expression changed.

He wants to detonate all the stored high-level magic weapons, more than 10,000 of them. At that time, the sky will collapse, ghosts will cry, gods will howl, and the starry sky will explode.

Samsara Fist can't be used yet. The situation is critical and I have no choice but to do this.

Boom boom boom!

Like all the ghosts in hell crying, the scale of the divine war has escalated dramatically.

Ten thousand high-level magic weapons flew out of the gates of the gods and directly exploded the galaxy, causing the sky to crack. Thousands of feet, tens of thousands of feet...infinitely long space cracks spread under the stars, with lines like spider webs, covering everything.

Moreover, it continued to destroy the dead, wuwu... the howling sound sounded in the stars and stars in the universe, like the cry of gods and demons.

For a moment, people thought that the devil had arrived early, which was different from the agreed time!

Isn't this okay?

Ye Jue avoided the sharp edge of the explosion and saw an explosion in the distance, the starry sky was annihilated, and the dim universe was illuminated. There were two 'black holes' indestructible flying towards him, it was Demon Saint and Jia Luo.

For a moment, he had an overwhelming feeling and was in a terrible mood.

You're done!

Haha, brother, bring it to you!

Demon Saint and Jialuo let out low roars and were forced to use time crystals to avoid this terrifying explosion.

They approached Ye Jue and each activated their trump card. They were bound to take down Ye Jue in one fell swoop and stop letting him become a monster.

Ye Shen is in danger!

This scene made everyone scream.

Run away!

Both the God-Slaying Sword and the Weapon Spirit Girl screamed strangely, and even one of Dragon Girl's beautiful legs stepped out of the Kingdom of the Gods. There was not enough time to repair it, so she had no choice but to help him.


Unexpectedly, a stream of colorful light fell from the sky, illuminating the vast starry sky.

Countless people were horrified. Even Demon Saint and Jialuo were retreating. This collision was so shocking. The space in this area was annihilated inch by inch, but it was very accurate and did not hit the earth. Maybe those who came were also afraid of the existence of the black screen that shrouded the earth.

This aura... belongs to the Dark Angel Clan. Aren't they in the farthest star field? The divine seals here have been destroyed. How did they get here?

The top high-entropy body was gasping for air, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he had a look of horror on his face.

No one knows better than him how terrifying the Dark Angels are. This is a super race that resonates with the rules of the starry sky and is intertwined with the order of the universe.

Two-star civilization, a race with the title of dark hunter. They do whatever it takes to kill the enemy. How could an old monster race that has lived for a long time come here?!

The gray-haired giant ape and the silver-flame strange bird looked at each other and flew away without hesitation. The situation had escalated and they had no intention of participating.

Can you leave?


A cold and stern voice sounded, and a blazing black light source bloomed in the uppermost starry sky, like a pitch-black magma boiling, shattering the space!

Two black beams of light directly enveloped the gray-haired giant ape and the silver flame strange bird.


They were unable to resist, their bodies shrank infinitely, and they were sucked into the shattered space.

That is……

At this time, someone discovered that it turned out to be an unimaginably huge statue. In another space of the universe fault, the sea of ​​stars was shaking when walking. He was holding the chain of order in his hand, which was firmly tied to the gray-haired giant ape and the silver-haired giant ape. Fire monster bird.

What's this?

The earth, the stars, and all the nearby starry skies outside the territory were boiling. They had never seen what that huge statue was. It came from crushing the space fault. The method was so amazing.

Giant magic?!

The demon saint's pupils shrank and he instantly told the truth.


The eyes of this huge dark angel statue flashed, and another black beam of light shot out. Through the space fault, the target captured this time turned out to be the Demon Saint.


The next moment, the Demon Saint's holy ruler made a crisp sound, and the cracks were all expanding. Finally, like porcelain that had been hit hard, pieces fell off in pieces.

Damn it!

He roared, this was a top magic weapon, and his heart ached unbearably.

In an instant, the demon saint sacrificed the law to heaven and earth, and the fire-tip spear was invincible, crossing the starry sky and stabbing at the huge dark angel statue.

This was an attack from a space fault. The fire-tip spear passed through two faults and twisted into two pieces.


I saw that the statue clamped the weapon with its hands together. There were six pairs of arms in the statue, each holding a divine chain of order, and they shot out one after another, trapping the demon saint.


An old monster of the Demon Saint's level was actually terrified. He was afraid of those Divine Chains of Order and once again used time crystals to avoid them and moved to a very far distance, but his heart was bleeding.

Unexpectedly, the dark hunter would appear here. Now something is going wrong.

The dragon girl's voice sounded in the kingdom of gods.

What kind of existence is it?

Ye Jue turned into a crow, stopped all movements under the starry sky, curled up his limbs, and turned into an inconspicuous meteorite. At this time, he no longer dared to move back to the earth because he was afraid that the Divine Chain of Order would fly to trap him.

The hunters of the last era, a special ethnic group, are born with the original power that is no less than that of the mythical path and the technological path. They have mastered the super weapon of the two-star civilization, the Titan Soldier, and have captured many mythical powers. Haven't you always Do you want to know how the Eight Wastelands, Three Mountains and Four Seas fell? Those leaders and powerful figures have all disappeared. Only the goddess Fairy is still alive. In fact, they were all kidnapped by this ethnic group.

Dragon Girl's eyes were empty and she remembered something.

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