Sure enough, some of the powerful ethnic groups in the last era did not perish. I don't know what means they used to avoid it. Damn it, I can't remember what it was that was avoided...

The dragon girl frowned and was deeply lost in her thoughts. She was a little lost and her expression was very ferocious.

In short, you must not fight the dark hunters, at least not now. You are definitely no match for those dark angels.

She warned Ye Jue.

This is inevitable. The giant god soldier is so terrifying that even the Demon Saint wants to capture it. I'll be damned if I can fight with it.

Ye Jue, who turned into a cosmic meteorite, was trembling in his heart, but he was also excited.

This is so lively, the more lively the better, the countdown is about to begin, and he can't wait to see the ending.

How on earth do those demons fight against these groups?

He believed that by then it would definitely be a very exciting battle, broadcast live across the sea of ​​​​stars, and the devil would be used as a gun, all thanks to him being the bait.


This 'living' meteorite moved its position and hid in an asteroid belt in the solar system.

However, suddenly a dark beam of light shot towards him, the gorgeous Rugeng gold burned, reflected the starry sky, penetrated the so-called dimensional interlayer, and headed towards his head.

No, you were discovered by the giant god soldiers. Because you have a strong aura of the kingdom of the gods, it is impossible to deceive them.

The God-Slaying Sword monster screamed and quickly flew out to resist.


The weapon spirit girl also greeted him.

At the same time, the Three Treasures of Shura also flew out from Ye Jue's body.

Bang bang bang!!

This dark beam is actually the Order Divine Chain of the Dark Angel Clan. It can easily capture near-saint-level characters. How can they resist it?


The African young man and the weapon spirit girl screamed, then turned into two burning meteorites and fell towards the earth.

Qiang Qiang Qiang!

After three sounds, the Three Treasures of Shura also trembled continuously, and were blasted into the Gate of the Gods, inserted into the Pure Land, and almost hit the head of the square-inch goddess.

Hahaha, I feel it. You are encountering the most powerful disaster in history. Let me see how you escape!

The square inch goddess screamed.

She hated Ye Jue so much that she screamed when she saw Ye Jue in crisis.

It's so noisy, shut up!

The dragon girl raised her jade palm, slapped it, raised her head and said: The divine chain of order has the function of locking fate. It can never be escaped. You must use the power of time to avoid it and hide yourself in another time gap. I will give you the Sands of Time that I have worked so hard to cultivate, please cherish it and use it!

Swish, swish, swish!

As she spoke, a kind of colorful divine sand flew out of her body, left the Gate of the Gods, and landed on Ye Jue's head.

After doing all this, she was unable to maintain her body shape, and her entire body became transparent and disappeared under the Infinite Umbrella.

I'm going to fall asleep. It may take a long time. I'll lend you my Wuliang Umbrella.


This legendary magical weapon immediately flew out from the Gate of the Gods and appeared on the sea of ​​​​stars. With a dang sound, it suddenly blocked the attack of the Divine Chain of Order.

But this was only temporary. The Divine Chain of Order penetrated again, ignoring the rules and approaching Ye Jue's position.

Sands of Time!

Ye Jue's eyes widened and he hurriedly used it.


The void around him shook, and his body became blurred, disappearing in an instant.


The attack of the Divine Chain of Order failed, and it sank deeply into an asteroid. The Divine Chain rotated like a snake, but could no longer aim, and seemed to have lost its target.


The girl sitting in the Titan Soldier made a sound, obviously curious about Ye Jue's ability to use this power.

However, she thought it was nothing and guessed it the next moment.

Catch them, don't let any of them escape.

A voice that shocked the starry sky came from the giant god soldiers, and the implication was that they would not even let go of the Demon Saint and Jialuo.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Under countless shocked eyes under the starry sky, more than a dozen divine chains of order shot out from the giant divine soldiers, accompanying them like white lightning, and no one could escape.

Dark Hunters, don't think I'm afraid of you. Have you forgotten how you were defeated miserably in the Shura world? There is only one giant god soldier left. If there are any more arrogant ones, let me shoot them!

Jialuo roared, and his scarlet body completely transformed into the strongest reflection body of the Jialuo tribe. He was using an ancient secret technique, and it was an extremely powerful one.

In an instant, all kinds of dazzling mythological symbols were blazing and terrifying, jumping on his body.

These mythological symbols are definitely treasures for us. We really want to analyze them!

Not only the Eight Great Powers, but also the top high-entropy bodies of extraordinary organizations couldn't help making noises, but they could only watch because they were also being hunted by the Divine Chain of Order at this time, and a Divine Chain was trying to drag away their super carrier.

King Holy Infant, if you don't take action yet, if I am caught, do you think you can escape?

When Jialuo gathered the strongest clan power, he roared and called out the Demon Saint's name.

King Holy Infant?

The expressions of people on the earth froze instantly because they were so familiar with this name.

Legend has it that there is a Fire Cloud Cave in Dry Pine Stream, and a Holy Infant Niu once lived in the Fire Cloud Cave...

Some people chanted in shock.

No wonder, this demon saint has the appearance of a demon boy, but his face is so ugly, completely inconsistent with the legendary face.


At this moment, the Holy Infant roared, and the Samadhi True Fire spread out from the center of his body, like ripples of a wave, reaching far and wide.

He was about to use ancient secret techniques. The secret techniques surpassed those of the Locust King and were countless times smaller than the size of a goddess. The void around his body seemed to be collapsing and clanking.


Finally, a cloud of fire suddenly exploded and swept away in all directions.

Upon closer inspection, a Dharmakaya with three heads and six arms appeared in the fire cloud. This was the Holy Infant's spiritual body. In the past era, it was also called Yuanshen, and it contained his own true original soul light.

The realm has surpassed the star-moon level. One thought is foolishness, one thought is wisdom, and one is life. This is the Dharma level. Only saints have the power. The Dharma God overlooks the three thousand worlds, and the real scene is clear and empty.

Bang bang bang!!

The Holy Infant Dharma Body roared, and red clouds burned the starry sky. Each hand held a top magic weapon, a demon-slaying sword, a demon-slashing knife, a demon-binding rope, a demon-subduing pestle, a hydrangea, and a fire wheel.

The power of these six top-notch magic weapons directly surpasses those of the best, and is comparable to the fourth-level weapons of the prehistoric times.

Those divine chains of order that flew towards them made a clanging sound and showed signs of bending.


The most powerful Shura reflection body of the Garo tribe also appeared. His body was pitch black, with holy light dancing in his heart. He attacked like crazy, completely unafraid of the entanglement of the Divine Chain of Order, and killed the Titan Soldier.


Almost everyone saw a shocking scene. A dull sound like thunder came from the space fault where the dark hunter was.

Under the starry sky of the entire solar system, all the alien races, immortal souls, etc. were turned to stone there, and their hair stood on end.

The two saints and the dark hunters are fighting fiercely, performing the glory of Zeng Jingyuan.

Just the aftermath of the earthquake feels like it can destroy everything!

The Holy Level is indeed strong, and the Dharma Appearance is so enviable. My spiritual body is only at the Xuan Tong level, and has not even reached the Star and Moon level. When will I be able to cross the two realms and achieve the Dharma Appearance?

Hiding in the cracks of time, Ye Jue actually felt horrified.

Especially the appearance of the Holy Infant, with three heads and six arms, is really dazzling.

However, no one could talk to him at this time. The God-Zhanbing Sword and the Weapon Spirit Girl fell into the earth, and the Dragon Girl also fell into a divine sleep.

Now he can only rely on himself.

The sands of time are limited and will be wiped out soon. When the giant god soldiers come to kill again, won't I be able to capture them without any help?

Ye Jue felt powerless.

This level of battle is too high-end for him to participate in.

When will I be able to break through to the Tyrannosaurus level? I haven’t even seen the secret of my heart.

Is it true that the Great Wilderness Scripture is gone and the road to mythology is completely cut off?

He has never wanted to believe it, but until now, he has not found any information.

The powerful men who once brokered the Yuan Dynasty have lived to this day, but their memories have been affected to some extent, and they cannot remember the contents of the Great Wilderness Sutra.

Ye Jue sighed.

Getting the Kingdom of the Gods is really nothing, it’s just a tool of diversity.

Boom boom boom!!

Under the starry sky in the universe, there is still a sound roaring again, where there is a loud noise caused by the collision of particles, and the saint-level and giant soldiers are fighting.

The eight major powers, as well as the high-entropy bodies of extraordinary organizations, are all escaping from the Divine Chain of Order and flying out of the solar system.

There's something else coming, and it's actually a planet?

Ye Jue was suddenly startled and looked in another direction in the gap of time.

Buzz buzz!!

It was a huge insect body, an insect-shaped planet, followed by many ugly warships, flying out of the wormhole and hovering in the original orbit of the moon.

Once because the divine seal was destroyed, the moon had exploded.

Long Shaoqin and the others have actually mastered such a powerful wormhole overlapping technology?

Ye Jue instantly knew who was coming. The super base that once transferred positions on the earth has now grown to such a scale that it is no less than one of the eight powers.

All Zerg biological battleships, Zerg core technologies and systems, have simultaneously developed technology and biology to the extreme.

Before, they had researched the Sea of ​​Perception, the Pioneer of Psychic Power, and opened the Psychic Technology Tree.

Now pure-blood human genes may have been cracked to 100%, giving birth to one of the newest powers in the world, psychic power.


As soon as they took action, seven-colored divine rings appeared on each battleship and struck towards the space fault.

This is a very magical force composed of blue and pink particles, which can actually fill up the gap in the sky and the starry sky in an instant.

The vision of the battle between the Saint and the Titan Soldier shook and completely disappeared, and the starry sky returned to calm.

What, what is that, did I see it wrong?!

Suddenly, the bottomless pit on the earth exploded, and the lid made of special metal was blown open. A powerful mechanical angel flew out instantly, hovering in the air, its eyes wide open.

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