The physique of the Jia Luo tribe is too special. If the Eight Asura Treasures are in their hands, even if they swing them with brute force, the power will be too great.

The God-Slaying Sword was shocked all over. What level was this Jia Luo?

Above the Tyrannosaurus level is the Tianlong level, above the Tianlong level is the legendary humanoid Tianhu level, and above that is the Emperor Wanggui, the Saint level, and the God level.

It can be inferred that it is the holy level.

The weapon spirit girl was extremely frightened.

This Jialuo attack was so powerful that Ye Jue had to use all the power of the Samsara Fist to counter it.

You guessed it right, this descendant of the Garo clan is a saint.

The dragon girl's voice floated out from the kingdom of gods, and she heard the conversation.

Two Saints are chasing me, so I can only use the Samsara Fist!

Because with the appearance of Jialuo and Demon Saint, the entire sky was in a large formation, which should have been arranged in advance to imprison Ye Jue.

For a time, he was unable to return to the earth. The Gang Qi formed by the energy in his body burst, and his vitality continued to be consumed, and he felt a bit like failure.

However, he was not so easy to defeat. Just as he was about to launch a counterattack, he activated four thousand magical talismans in one fell swoop and used the Samsara Fist to kill him.

Now is no longer the time to hide and tuck in. Facing the existence of two great saints, the only thing a small junior dragon can do is to do his best.

Moreover, Jialuo will definitely not let him go. In addition to the Three Treasures of Shura on his body, he also wants the boundary monument.

Therefore, Jia Luo has been aiming at the top of his head. He has a feeling that the boundary monument is inevitable and must be snatched.


Ye Jue used all his strength to display four thousand magical talismans. It was earth-shattering. It was too sudden. It was just one punch. It was full of energy, like a mountain torrent, like a volcano erupting. The fist was so bright that it cut through the dark universe and hit Jialuo's body.

At the same time, there was the short demon saint behind him.

It's really four thousand great magical power talismans. How did he condense it? I am a saint and only have more than one thousand two hundred great supernatural powers. How is it possible? Is it the credit of the kingdom of gods?

The Demon Saint was extremely cautious and activated his boundless demon power to freeze the space around him.

Is this your own reincarnation fist? Hahaha, good brother, your physique is really domineering. If you were a member of the Garo tribe, you would definitely be the most powerful one!

Jialuo laughed wildly, his whole face distorted, and hot blood spurted out.

It's a pity. The four thousand great magical talismans produced by the primary dragon-level energy can only hurt my skin, which is still too tender.

He was convulsed and bent by the reincarnation fist, and retreated crazily in the dark and cold universe.

However, as he said, he was not seriously injured at all.

Ye Jue's strongest killing move was cracked instantly.

This great magical talisman is genuine. It is definitely impossible for a small junior dragon level to condense it. It must have obtained the benefits of the kingdom of gods.

The Demon Saint's eyes were blood red and he was very jealous. He was also hit by the Samsara Fist, and blood surged from his mouth and nose.

But just like Gaara, he suffered minor injuries.

This is already very good. It can hurt the saint, which is enough to show how terrifying Ye Jue's strength has improved.

You know, before the change, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, but now he has been able to hurt two saint-level people, which is absolutely incredible.

Quick, take advantage of this opportunity and return to Earth!

The God-Slaying Sword and the Weapon Spirit Girl saw the saint being knocked back by the blast, and immediately roared out.

They took Ye Jue's silent body and turned into a stream of light and sank into the atmosphere.

This scene attracted worldwide attention!

At this time, countless people across the universe held their breath and watched nervously through major platforms.

They all want to know whether Ye Jue can return to Earth smoothly.

If he was intercepted in the universe, he would be dead, and the saint would definitely not let him go.

Want to leave?


The space was torn apart, and suddenly a big green hand came out and quickly fished it out.

This was the action of an existence comparable to Jia Luo and the Demon Saint level. It was also a Saint level. People saw that deep in the big hand, a pair of fiery golden eyes shone, penetrating into the essence, making everyone feel awe-inspiring.

Another terrifying existence came to intercept and kill Ye Jue.


However, something unexpected happened soon after.

The void trembled slightly, which was the movement of energy breaking through the air. A gray-haired giant ape jumped down from the crack in space, like an ancient ape, jumping on the meteorites suspended in the sky, jumping from one to another pellet, and quickly moved towards Ye Jue's direction.

That is……

At this moment, someone else discovered that divine wings appeared and a golden divine ring bloomed. This was a high-entropy body that broke through the consciousness lock and was a top-level fusion of technology, flying at extremely high speeds.

They have been lurking for a long time. They saw Demon Saint and Jialuo being repelled, and now they are coming to rob people!

People were shocked and had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. Ye Shen would probably be taken away by one of the parties. This was not okay and must be protected.

The super magic weapon attacks us, stop them, hurry, hurry, hurry!!!

The leaders of the bases of various countries yelled, this is a very dangerous moment, if Ye Shen is really taken away, the earth will be in danger.

The Kingdom of the Gods is too powerful, and the divine particles are too perfect, and cannot be obtained by other ethnic groups.

Boom boom boom!!

In an instant, various series of explosions occurred in the atmosphere, and a hundred thousand huge fire dragons illuminated the starry sky, attacking the big cyan hand, the gray-haired giant ape, and the top high-entropy body.

Bang bang bang! !

It caused an uproar all over the universe.

The humans on Earth are so bold that they are actually fighting back. Those are existences comparable to saint-level strength, and any one of them can destroy them.

Are you really not afraid of death?

Protect Ye will be safe when you return to Earth!

In various bases on the earth, countless people are devoting all their energy to operate this super magic weapon. When one person uses up the energy, others will immediately replenish it, and the cycle continues, causing a hundred thousand fire dragons to roar into the starry sky, and their whole bodies are filled with energy. Mythical symbols in bloom.

Puff puff!!

For a moment, he actually blocked them.


Seizing the land of creation, roars resounded and the stars in the universe trembled.

At this moment, the scene was so beautiful that countless living planets and ethnic groups in various major galaxies stood up and looked at this scene in shock.

They all know that the earth has risen, and the planetary war has completely begun. The war of gods in the new era, they are eligible to participate in the land of creation.

how come?!

The person who used the big cyan hand, the gray-haired giant ape, and the top high-entropy body all had shocked faces.

They even felt the power of unity on this planet. At that time, there was a surge of heart, blood, and intense emotions.

It's just you!?

The being with the big blue hands gave a low shout and walked out of the crack in space. This turned out to be a strange bird covered in silver flames. It spread its wings and soared, driving the power of the stars. Every movement was extremely shocking. When the feet stepped out, the nearby people were shocked. The meteorites are shaking.

This is a modified super magic weapon, driven by divine particles. No wonder it is so powerful.

The gray-haired giant ape spoke human words, and punched them again, powerful and domineering, killing these fire dragons with an attitude of looking down on the world.

Our extraordinary organization must obtain this pure-blood race, and we must analyze the boundary monument. The corpses of all gods belong to us!

The body of the top high-entropy body made a clanging sound, and a layer of armor with external technology emerged. This was a power composed of special mythical power. It was fused with flesh and blood and could appear outside the body at all times.


They attacked at the same time, approaching Ye Jue's body to snatch him from the fire dragon.

Little monkey, you are not dead after all. It seems that you have been dismembered. However, you were no match for me in the last era. Now you dare to come out and steal people from me?

The demon saint let out a low roar, and used his magic power to wield a terrifying fire-tipped spear, which was ten thousand feet long. The infinite energy gathered crazily and penetrated towards the gray-haired giant ape.

This blow, a repeat of the world-destroying blow, is so terrifying!


The giant gray ape screamed, and the precious armor on his body suddenly shattered, and finally resisted, but the blood was dripping and flowing under the starry sky, exposing the bones everywhere.

How dare you just reap the benefits?

Jialuo came at great speed and swept forward. The beam of light shook the sky and the stars shook.

He used his body as a big bow, condensed the energy of the stars, and shot himself out, bursting into endless light, making the strange bird and the top high-entropy body tremble, gritting his teeth and persisting.

The myth has fallen, this era belongs to us!

The eight major powers also roared one after another, and the supercarriers roared continuously and drove directly over to kill these monkeys and monsters.

This is a big fight, they'd better die together!

At this moment, everyone is extremely nervous. The battle has reached a fever pitch, and life and death can easily be decided in an instant. Now it is the critical moment again.


Ye Jue suddenly came to life at this time, seeing his body being impacted like a small boat in the sea of ​​stars, drifting with the current.

Countless explosions exploded around them. Two saints and three near-sage Wangdi Hui were fighting fiercely. From time to time, super weapons blasted away a meteorite.

That top high-entropy body, at first glance, is the strongest master of the extraordinary organization. It is equipped with extremely gorgeous technology and has a terrifying power. It is very crazy. It seems that it has analyzed the power of many myths and can actually go head-to-head with the saint.

This should be the Hundred-Star Powerhouse who has advanced by leaps and bounds. He has unlocked the consciousness lock. Technology is so abnormal. It does not require hard work. All resources can be piled together in an instant. In such a short time, a transcendent Tyrannosaurus Rex can be created. , Tianlong, the existence of Tianju!

The weapon spirit girl said quickly.

This should be the battle ship that was in the time hole at that time. It got benefits and finally left successfully!

The God-Zhanbing Sword roared, and now he and Ye Jue were descending towards the earth at a speed of Mach 100.

Because Ye Jue woke up at this time, he could control his wings to fly. You must know how dangerous it is to bump into various energy impacts. Once affected by them, you will lose part of your body!

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