Come out, King Locust!

But that dazzling figure showed no fear at all. Even if the attack in front of him came and wiped out everything, he was completely fearless.

He even screamed, and the sound vibrations spread through the universe.

Such rich divine particles, so refreshing. The ancient secret techniques and chaotic punishment are fully activated by me!

A small temple suppressed by mysterious flowers suddenly flew away and suddenly grew larger. A terrifying insect figure appeared, crossing the sky, and was immediately greeted by the dazzling attack of the powerful powers.


There are black holes appearing and disappearing all around. It's so terrifying. This blow is so violent, huge and vast, like falling from the sky, and the energy is terrifying!

Ah... what is this, such a powerful force, my Chaos Heavenly Punishment has been suppressed?!

King Ming Locust howled miserably all his life. His armor was known as the Golden Sky Stone Armor. It was made from a different kind of divine stone from the Shura world in the last era. Its strength was close to that of the divine crystal, and it was one of the most precious materials in the world.

However, at this time, it was cracked, shattered, and then exploded into a large piece!

The attacks of these eight great powers were brilliant and dazzling. The energy was too complex and too sharp, which made his ancient secret technique useless and penetrated.


The Dark Locust King didn't know what happened, but he gradually melted in the blazing light of destruction and disappeared without a trace. His death was so miserable.

He was also an overlord once, calling himself the King of Insects and inheriting the lineage of the Ming Locust. He was suffixed with the word 王, which shows his ambition!

But now, he died without leaving even a piece of DNA. The immortal soul was directly hit hard and melted. He didn't even have time to escape. He died horribly.

What, my ancient secret technique didn't hit you...

At the end, he sent out extremely shocked thoughts.

Because he was sealed by the dragon girl, his consciousness stopped turning at that moment, and he thought it was Ye Jue on the other side.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue stood behind him and blocked the gun for him.

You don't still want to use her, do you?

The God-Zhanping Sword is simply unbearable to look at.

This Locust King died too neatly, and was destroyed in confusion. At least he lived for an era just like him.

The body that was finally preserved was destroyed and completely destroyed.

What the hell Ye Shen, you are simply cheating.

When the weapon spirit girl saw this scene, she couldn't help but complain.

Although it was an insect, it was still the King of Insects. Ye Jue treated it like a sandbag and threw it out, resisting a wave of damage.

What the hell, didn't you see me clasping my hands together and praying for it?

Ye Jue retorted that he was praying for the Locust King and wishing it a safe journey.

I sealed the Locust King... and gave you the secret technique so that you can use it to gain enlightenment in the future.

The dragon girl's face was also cramping. She entered the Gate of the Gods to repair her thoughts. She didn't want to see Ye Jue again for a short time.

What was that just now? It blocked the combined attack of the powerful powers. It was so brave. It even sacrificed itself. We were very touched.

Some human beings on the earth also followed the example of the gourd and put their hands together to pray for it.

No matter what it is, we should pay tribute to the one from the East who blocked the attack!

People in the West suddenly became quiet, hoping that this person would go to heaven after his death.


Obviously, the eight powers were also stunned.

They actually joined forces to kill a powerful being. This might be a mythical strongman from the last era. He used secret techniques to fight with super weapons, and the other party died together with this energy.

It's a pity. If we caught it and dissected it, we might be able to get the power we just had.

The Fan clan, the secret clan, and the great powers all shook their heads.

Launch the super weapon again, start the second charge, star position calibration, countdown to

Buzz! !

Once again, one-star civilization-level weapons began to be released again. This time it was the same cruel scene, sweeping half of the solar system and blasting towards Ye Jue's direction.

Fang Cun Goddess Fairy, I have decided to be you. I will give you divine particles to fight for me!

Ye Jue swung his big hand, and a ball of light flew out. It was in the right position and hit those one-star civilization-level super weapons.

Sure enough, he knew the God-Slaying Sword so well that even the Fang Cun Goddess would be tricked.

Dragon Girl, try my ancient secret technique, the Immortal Square Cun Taiyi Flying Immortal Talisman!

The square-inch goddess suddenly opened her eyes, expanded her body, opened the ball of light, and directly released the ancient secret technique. The energy filled the air, forming pieces of blazing square-inch flying fairy talismans.


Suddenly, she felt something was wrong, because there was a starry sky all around, and everything was bright and boundless, and it smelled like war.

But it was too late to realize it now, and we had to face the super weapons of the great powers.


Energy is surging and pouring, the space is collapsing, and many meteors are passing through here in an instant, which is the star being shaken down.

Those are battle aircraft and super carriers. I've seen them before!

The goddess Fang Cun roared in shock, and a strong ghost aura spurted out from her mouth and nose.

Secret arts collide with super weapons, various secret arts runes are intertwined and collide in one place, and various scientific and technological rules symbols bloom, shining in the universe!

For a moment, nothing could be seen. Their contest was submerged in divine glory. To the world, this was a divine battle!


Then, the divine glow spread in the starry sky, and various energy mushroom clouds formed waves, setting off a storm among the stars.

The various meteorite rings in the universe and the meteorite zones where meteor beasts live are like a vast ocean surging, vigorous and gorgeous.

Bang bang bang!

After the continuous explosions, the large and small meteor beasts exploded one after another and turned into powder. The energy that burst out was too terrifying.


Soon a sharp scream was captured, and a female body was seen shaking violently and twitching continuously.

She was hit by too many super weapons, and her immortal soul was torn apart. She was obviously a ghost, but her chest was heaving, her breathing was rapid, and she looked like she was about to die.

Fang Cun Fairy, for the sake of Ye Shen, blocked the world-destroying blow. Although the ending was tragic, it fully proved that one is a human in life and a ghost in death. She never forgets the righteousness of her family and protects the earth.

The voice of African youths was captured by all the eyes and satellites in the sky, and there were even a few tears of emotion hanging from the corners of their eyes.

What, is it the goddess Fang Cun who is suffering from epilepsy? How can she be so righteous?

Oh my god, I was wrong. I thought she had an affair with a foreign race and was not in the human camp.

This is a heroine, let's pray for her!

People on the earth were so moved and shocked by Zhanshendou's words that they quickly prayed for him.

Thank you for your hard work, Fairy Fang Cun. Go and have a good rest in the kingdom of the gods.

Ye Jue reluctantly took the heroine into the kingdom of the gods and could not let her die like this.

I'm so touched. Although I was once an enemy of mankind, I have changed my past and become a good boy. From now on, I must obey Ye Shinhwa and not be naughty.

The scene was captured again, even more touching, and even preaching.

Ah... I curse you, Ye Jue, you will not die well...

The goddess Fang Cun is still conscious, but she has been suppressed into the pure land of the kingdom of gods.

Those who are not qualified in the Pure Land of the Gods will be suppressed into the earth and buried, with only their heads exposed.

At this time, she was screaming!

You collude with foreign races, plan the future with foreign races, and regard human beings as dispensable ants. However, you are now dedicating yourself to all mankind and are praised by the whole world. Why not just change your mentality and stand in the human camp? As long as you figure it out Now you will be a heroine from now on, and you can also get divine particles to reshape your body. I have paved the way for you, and your identity has been cleared.

Ye Jue shook his head and conveyed his thoughts to the pure land of the gods.

Damn it...I have already sworn an oath that I will never associate with humans. Human beings are so stupid, selfish, and cowardly. They only know how to indulge in comfort and ease. Human nature is evil!

The goddess Fang Cun roared again and again. It seemed that she had been hurt before, very deeply, and would not change her beliefs easily.

Humph, it's true that egoism is the essence of human beings, and it's true that evil is greater than good. However, the purpose of human beings in the world is to correct their own evil. If they achieve cultivation, they can be regarded as achievers!

The voice of the dragon girl appeared. She was very sober. Although she was from the Tianlong clan, she had her own views on human beings.

You're right. People who are moderately selfish are healthier. Stupid, selfish, and cowardly are actually caused by hard work, depression, and the inability to truly express themselves. You are too extreme. You were once a human being. Don't you understand that the Kinkou Sect is Is it royal?

Ye Jue shook his head regretfully.

The time has come and now you can finally use the Samsara Fist.

However, he has decided to fly back to Earth, and the plan is completed.

Ye Shen's return is a signal to the whole world that the devil is coming!

Someone saw that Ye Jue's entire body began to fall rapidly, and all the leaders of the country pressed the 'confirm' command. This was to prevent the world-class magic weapon composed of 100,000 huge fire dragons from attacking him, allowing him to successfully break into the atmosphere.

Do you want to leave now?

Suddenly, a gloomy sound suddenly sounded, and a flame began to roll deep in the universe, like a sun coming.

The picture quickly appeared. This was a short figure standing in the flames. His blond hair stood on end, his eyes were cold, and his murderous mood fluctuated violently.

No, that's the Demon Saint!

The God-Slaying Sword was shocked, and sure enough, he came to kill him, because this was the best time to take action.

Hahahaha, good brother, I've been watching the show for a long time.

Suddenly, a dark crack quickly opened over Ye Jue, and an arm covered with totem patterns grabbed him.

This is Jialuo's arm, extremely sharp, with runes blooming in the palm, surging fiercely, flooding the front.

All of a sudden, Ye Jue was about to be manipulated.


The Gate of the Gods appears to block his big hand!

Ye Jue's pores sprayed out special divine particles, which were dazzling and covered his body. However, his feathers were shaken off and moved in an inexplicable trajectory, like a divine bird wagging its tail, light and erratic, and quickly returned to Earth.

Brother, why are you running away and not reminiscing about the past?!

As Jialuo laughed, he spit out a scarlet sword light from his mouth. This was the blood-eyed sword. The sword light surged and struck Ye Jue's back.


Ye Jue's face was expressionless, and the two swords of Yuantu Abi flew out from the Kingdom of Gods to resist. The same sword, the same original power, instantly offset the scarlet sword light, and his body sank down again.

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