Boom boom boom! !

The earth is drowned in a bright light, very beautiful under the stars.

The next moment, one hundred thousand fire dragons soared from the earth's defense line, and the bodies of countless flame pythons twisted crazily under the fire, as if they were a piece of liquid boiling under the sea of ​​fire.

These fire dragons shocked the outside world in an instant, it was so shocking!

Outside the earth, there are various interstellar explorers, space pirates, etc., they feel chills running down their spines!

What kind of paradise is the place that seizes creation? If you look at it this way, it is the most dangerous place.

What a rich mythical power. Is that a magic weapon? Those fire dragons are made of divine particles. What a big deal! Ouch!!

This is the most powerful giant weapon developed by mankind so far. Its combat power has surpassed various nuclear bombs and protects the earth.

Oh my god, how can we attack like this?

Some people's eyes almost popped out of their heads. They finally knew how dangerous the blue planet was.

Because they had already completed the investigation before coming to the galaxy.

That is to say, human weapons from the old era can be simply ignored!

In their eyes, the bases on the earth are simply a joke, and they have not even reached level 1 civilization.

It seems that the brains of pure-blood humans are too weak, just as weak as the core of their base.

Imagine what a Go board looks like. There are 19 vertical and horizontal straight lines on the board, dividing the board into 361 intersections. The chess pieces move on the intersections.

In such a large chessboard space, the best human moves require a lot of brain power and physical strength.

Even if the system's fast computing speed is used to optimize the search, it will take a while to determine which is the best choice.

But even that is just to increase the maximum winning rate.

Even now, there are news on Earth about humanity's victory over the system.

This is because they have not yet been liberated and are still entangled between mythology and extracorporeal technology.

Carbon-based civilization is a civilization formed by the most primitive organisms composed of carbon. After all, humans are creatures with carbon as their skeleton and do not completely rely on systems.

But they are different. Everything is handed over to the mother star system and their bodies are handed over to external technology. In theory, they will definitely reach the level of super intelligence one step ahead of humans.

This is the case now. The earth cannot even build a carrier aircraft, which shows that their brains are restricted to death.

That's why it is necessary to liberate the condensation core in the brain, open the lock of consciousness, sublimate life, and approach the path of mechanical ascension.

But now, this earth, this place that seizes creation, has gone against the will of heaven and created a mythical magic weapon that can protect the entire earth. Is the whole world so united? What do the saints and saints who come from the great powers eat? Are you trying to instigate rebellion? Why is it useless at all?

These aliens feel that their three views are about to be subverted.

The Oriental man is colliding with the alliance of powers by one man. The starry sky is bright. Now a super-large magic weapon has been born in the land of creation. One hundred thousand fire dragons are ferocious, and their bodies are waving towards outer space. No matter who they are, they are deeply frightened!

Mythology has really revived on the earth, and the path of mythology that was broken in the last era has really been successfully continued.

Right here, in this little solar system.

Even the kingdom of gods where the gods of the last era fell has been given to the people here. So, what exactly is this place, and why can it shock the outside world many times? !

Stone tools, firearms, bronze tools, gunpowder iron tools, steam, magnetism, electricity, textiles, watts, plastics, telephones, airplanes, radar, computers, nuclear power... Space!

This is the story of this generation of pure-blooded humans, and its final form, space travel.

If human beings want to travel in space, their lifespan is simply not enough. They must evolve to a higher level like them, integrating energy and computing into a high-entropy body. The spirit and energy furnace drive power, and silicon-based computing drives the evolution of the whole.

This is the road of in vitro technology. If you want to travel in the vast interstellar space, you must do this. However, it is impossible for flesh and blood and carbon-based organisms to sail that far.

It takes hundreds of millions of years for basic organisms to develop new skills. It only takes a few seconds for an individual to evolve to their level, because an extremely huge system has already calculated it and passed it down from generation to generation. As long as there is still a system, civilization will last forever. It will not disappear, and it only takes an instant for future generations to surpass their predecessors.

The power of myth is indeed strong, but it has always been strong individually. One person's achievements will last forever, and the inheritance will be difficult. Otherwise, it would not be broken. The Diamond Sutra and the Great Wilderness Sutra will be lost.

These aliens were forced to join the human camp, so give them fair comments.

That Easterner is the best example. He is so powerful that no one can catch up with him.

That's it, it fully proves that all previous theories are correct!

Even if he is invincible in this era, so what, he can become a god individually, but the gods will also fall. Even if he finally becomes an immortal soul, the immortal soul is still a ghost and cannot experience the joy of having a body of blood.

There's nothing different, it's just reincarnation repeating itself.

They shook their heads.

Mom, you foreigners are so gibberish, believe it or not, I'll slap you to death, and you're still here to scaremongering?

One of the core members of the Peak Mythical Base, one of the super veterans, surnamed Yang, had a bad temper and was petty, so he immediately attacked him.

He silenced these aliens.

Why does one person's achievements last forever and his inheritance is difficult?

Do you really think that this era will repeat reincarnation like the last era, and there will be a great battle between mechanical myths, and both of them will fall in the end?


The aliens all shut up obediently.

But I am not convinced in my heart. Technology came up based on myths. The destruction of myths is the best evidence. In vitro technology is the most brilliant in this life.

Even if someone is very dazzling now, that is just an individual.

Boom boom boom! !

While the earth is still arguing, outer space has become dark.

There are spacecraft wreckage everywhere, and all kinds of blood mist blooms, one after another.

The Dragon Girl was exceptionally powerful, and the strength of this thought could compete with that of the Demon Saint. Wherever it went, with a bang, the spaceships of the great powers instantly turned into ashes.

Originally, in everyone's minds, this declining ancient planet was the weak side, while the powerful alliances were absolutely strong and dominated everything.

However, the contrast was so strong that it was far from what they expected.

Deploy, one-star civilization-level super weapon, thunder nanorobot!

One of the eight major alliances, an old man with a cold face, was ready to wash away the blood and strangle Ye Jue, the twin artifacts, and the Dragon Girl in front of him.

A one-star civilization-level super weapon, which is a power that can only be obtained after sublimating a level 5 base.

Thunder particle nanorobots are small flying flakes that are integrated with the colors of the universe and are impossible to distinguish because they have a very high-priority color-changing function.

Buzz buzz...

This kind of thunder grain will not explode, it will only produce strong acid and corrode everything.

Deploy, one-star civilization-level weapon, super flamethrower!

The Fan clan, the super carrier of the alliance of great powers, also used super weapons. The flames were blazing, extremely rich and exceeding the temperature.

Launch, a one-star civilization-level weapon, the modified body of the Holy Son, Judgment Day!

The Secret Tribe also used their killing move. A huge mechanical biological weapon flew out from the super carrier, equipped with hundreds of energy furnaces, and flew towards them.

Launch, a one-star civilization-level weapon, a life-wide band blocking interference gun!

One of the other great powers also used a precisely calculated weapon. The muzzle of the gun can emit strong super electromagnetic abnormal radiation, which can change the particle properties of the human body. After being hit, it will be completely unable to move.

Deploy, one-star civilization-level weapon, super electromagnetic gun!

Cast out gamma rays!

Deploy the super laser weapon!


The weapons of the eight major powers were all aimed at Ye Jue. This sight... simply made people's scalp numb and made them feel terrified!

I'm afraid this will have to be ground into powder.

People's faces were pale and they were all frightened.

Oh my God, every one-star civilization-level weapon surpasses the technological weapons on earth.

No matter who it was, they were trembling all over. A tragedy was about to happen under the starry sky. It would be terrible if the great powers joined forces.

Let's go!

I don’t know who shouted, calling Ye Jue to return to Earth quickly, it was too dangerous outside.

They are too worried. The strength of the great powers cannot be underestimated. The alliance of the great powers is definitely the top elite predator outside the region.

It's really a generous move.

The dragon girl saw it clearly. Her head suddenly became heavy, her brows were deeply furrowed, and there was a cold air on her body.

Because the divine particles consumed so much, she could no longer maintain the body of her mind, and had to return to the kingdom of the gods.

She had persisted for ten hours against the teams of the eight major powers, killing tens of millions of mechas and destroying many carrier aircraft.

However, it is impossible to get close to those super carriers, because they are very smart, half of the hull is in the wormhole, and they can escape at any time.

She really wanted to use the time crystal to destroy the wormhole, but she was powerless.

God-killing sword, spear of heaven, I give you the purest divine particles!

Ye Jue also felt that something was not good and fell into a passive crisis.

Those super weapons locked onto him in an instant and were obviously going to kill him. Even if he was immortal, he would never want to take such a risk and resist.


The eyes of the African young man and the weapon spirit girl widened for a moment, and they felt endless power pushing and operating behind them.

Nine-Nine Red Clouds Soul-dispelling Gourd, Shura Hell Scythe, Yuantu Abi's Two Swords!

Ye Jue used his innate spiritual treasure to its maximum strength, and its power was indeed quite good, defeating the opponent's fleet many times.

King of the Underworld Locust, it's up to you to give you the divine particles to fight for me!

At this time, the attack of the super weapons of the great powers has arrived.

All kinds of celestial eyes captured it, and the entire solar system seemed to be on fire!

The solar system is boiling and burning.

The super weapons of the great powers formed eight different powers. The intertwined light curtains were so terrifying. They just passed through the dark universe, coming at extremely fast speeds, rushing towards Ye Jue's direction, and even towards the earth behind him.

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