Ye Jue smiled and grabbed the void with his big hand. The mythical power was brilliant and condensed into a layered world like a big funnel. It gradually shrank from top to bottom. The devil became more powerful as he went down, until the center of the world was spraying hell. The fire is densely packed with demons.

This is a scene he created with energy, simulating hell.

This is……

The African youth and the handsome boy came over.

This is hell, also called purgatory. There are countless small wormholes connected to the earth's underground. When entering the hell corridor, people pass through the wormholes without knowing it.

Ye Jue raised his claw in the air again.

Chi chi chi...

The demons on the first, second, and third floors all let out deep roars, tearing open a dark space and trying to devour everything here.

Of course, this is not true, it is just the extraordinary means he displayed.

Do you know why the fourth level of purgatory has not appeared for so long?

Ye Jue's golden pupils flickered a few times.


This purgatory world is rising and falling like a tide in an instant, and the scene is strange.

Immediately afterwards, a simulated blue earth appeared in front of Ye Jue. The outer atmosphere was full of bloody vortices, as if it was alive, breathing, and pulsing regularly.


The eyes of the God-Zanbing Sword and the Weapon Spirit Girl opened wide. Isn't this a demon?


Sure enough, at this moment, black tentacles reaching into the sky spurted out from those bloody vortexes, which was boundless in horror and was drowned by the stars in the sky.

This was really shocking. Could it be that the fourth level of hell did not appear underground, but in outer space?

Now I understand why you are so confident. You have opened the door to the gods many times without worrying at all. You are just doing your job.

The African young man transformed by the God-Decapitating Sword suddenly screamed strangely.

The mist of the fourth level of purgatory covered the starry sky, making all the stars in the sky dim and disappear.

Those alien races are all escaping from the solar system like crazy, which is really spectacular.

The earth is originally shrouded in a world of purgatory. The entire solar system, no, the entire banking system, is a hell world!

Ye Jue waved his hands and condensed again, and a new spectacular area appeared.

The so-called edge universe is actually in the shape of a giant tree, emitting a bright and gorgeous light curtain that reaches the sky, which is extremely dazzling.

Is this the future you see during this time?

The weapon spirit girl was extremely surprised.

This was the first time she had seen such a scene. The edge universe turned out to be in the shape of a big tree. It was so incredible.

Of course not, I saw it in the gold paper in the Gods' Sutra Pavilion.

Ye Jue waved his hand again, and energy overflowed, forming a new simulation scene.

The world outside this bright tree is actually full of hellfire, burning all the heavens, boundless. This is the world of hell. The image seen combined with the secret intention of the heart device is very consistent with reality.

Unexpectedly, the solar system... the banking system, no, the entire fringe universe, is surrounded by a hell world.

The Zhanshen Sword knows some truths about the fringe universe and is indeed in the shape of a big tree.

But it didn't expect that the world outside the big tree turned out to be a hell world.

The 1st to 3rd floors of hell are basically children's play house. It is a process that both humans and demons need to grow up. Now that the souls have recovered enough for the demons in the deeper levels, the demons and demons on the 4th to 6th floors will emerge from the wall. Outside, in all directions, giant trees are sweeping across, and the man in black... Yuan, I finally understand what he said.

Ye Jue spoke, shocking them.


The weapon spirit girl asked quickly.

The devil will appear the day after tomorrow. I have to arrange everything tomorrow to fight against the powerful tribes outside the territory and hold them back. Unfortunately, I don't have extra time. I originally wanted to come here.

Ye Jue took out a map. On it was a mysterious coordinate among the stars. There was a passage at the bottom that led to the Water Curtain Cave.

The East China Sea Divine Furnace, it's such a pity. If you really get the East China Sea Divine Furnace, you can use it as you like in the Kingdom of Gods.

The God-Zhanping Sword sighed.

Yes, I haven't even found the Great Desolation Scripture, otherwise you would have broken through long ago. I have been suppressed for too long, and I am worried about you.

Said the weapon spirit girl of Heaven's Spear.

I have 3,000 magical talismans in my hand. I can condense them into 4,000 magical talismans before tomorrow. Don't worry.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

It's just that every time the Samsara Fist is used, he needs to die once.


He will crush the simulated scene of the universe, re-dedicate a thousand great magical powers, and begin to merge them into the magical talismans.

This is a long process, and you can’t let your mind wander even for a single second.

Otherwise, this three thousand magical talisman will explode and flatten the entire Peak Mythical Base.

If the Myth Folding hadn't strengthened the earth's land structure, even more than half of the land would have exploded.

If it were the previous earth, it would have been completely wiped out.

That's it, the next day.

Ye Jue's great magical power talisman was finally added successfully and turned into four thousand great supernatural power talismans.

Just being fixed in the void will mean sinking into the alien space deep in the universe, because it is too 'heavy'.


Ye Jue took a deep breath and took the talisman into his body.


His body shook and his legs sank, causing the entire building to collapse.

And, with every step, my calves sank into the ground.

This is……

When the core members of the base saw this scene, they were stunned and stunned.

This is a construction pendant made of Jin Gang Diamond, and now it is broken?

You all go and prepare, notify Yundian Base, and Chen Ya is going to warn humans all over the world. The entire formation of the Myth Base is in operation. The Shen Gang Drills given to you before will immediately reinforce the entire base and gather the people outside. Everyone gather together, the devil... is coming!

Ye Jue's whole body was burning, suppressing the power of four thousand great magical talismans, and barely spoke.

The devil is coming?

Everyone was shocked and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

After experiencing the counterattack in the third level of purgatory, their fear of demons has been reduced a lot.

But seeing Ye Jue being so serious, they knew that things were definitely not as simple as they thought.

As you command!


Act now!

Xu Ziyue, Yang Wenchao, Dong Minmin, Fatty Qian and others shouted in unison.

Didi~ There is news from the Peak Mythical Base, please check it carefully!

Didi~ There is news from the Peak Mythical Base, please check it carefully!

Outside the base, Scarlet Hong, Ni Qiuyun, Wu Zhen, Wang Yanyan, and Xu Mohui also received the emergency recall message from the base.

They all dropped everything and returned because this was the most serious red alert.

When everyone is called together at this time, what is Ye Jue going to do?

The big wolf dog was gnawing on a strange fruit in a certain mythical relic, and asked the Crane Fairy next to him.

It's definitely not a good thing anyway.

Crane Fairy swallowed a blazing flame fruit, and all the feathers on her body began to spontaneously ignite. Strangely, she still enjoyed it.

More and more members are returning to the Mythical Base on this day, and they are all practitioners of the Mythical Path.

This scene is like thousands of scorching suns and thousands of bright moons coming from all directions.

Is something big happening? That Mythical Base is summoning all employees?

Soon someone discovered the strange phenomenon and asked the Peak Mythical Base.

Be prepared for any response, the devil is about to sweep in again.

Chen Ya gave a warning to all human bases, and all received the message regardless of friend or foe.

Is the news accurate?

Is the devil really coming?

Why do I feel unrealistic?

Many people still question it.

However, when they saw the formations of the Peak Mythical Base rising up and shining brightly, they all realized that it was most likely true.

After all, the Peak Mythical Base is a mysterious myth, and it might actually have the power to predict the actions of demons.

Confirmed, start everything!

At this time, Ye Jue's voice sounded.

Didi didi...certification completed...

Confirm activation, Cang Sheng Formation, filled with divine particles, power 100%, start operation!

Immediately, a huge platform rose up in the center of the Peak Myth Base, towering high above the base.

This platform is like a floating city, with dragons and phoenixes carved everywhere, and the shadows of many strange beasts are activated and wander around, forming the gods that protect the city!

It's indeed activated. The Ninety-nine Return Formation is filled with divine particles. The power is 100%. Start running!

Ninety-nine mysterious statues erupted from the ground of the myth base, forming an ever-lasting light curtain. Some of the mythological textures on them were extremely mysterious.

It is indeed activated. The New Era Thunder Cannon is filled with divine particles. The power is 100%. Start operating!


The ground on all sides of the Mythical Base began to crack, and terrifying gun barrels appeared spinning, and the light became stronger and stronger.

This is a large magic weapon composed of a thousand thunder cannons. The propulsion force uses divine particles, which can definitely show terrifying power.

Confirm startup...

Confirm startup...

The sound of starting up continued throughout the base, and everything began to deform, swallowing the power of myth, as if an ancient beast had awakened and was swallowing up mountains and rivers.

Confirm activation of the Divine Particle Super Energy Tower, President, it's time to start!

Director Wu and Dr. Xiao shouted loudly.

The door of the gods, open!

Ye Jue spread his arms.


Large swaths of divine particles tilted down from the void. This was terrifying. In just a moment, the entire mythical base built a bridge across the folded space.


These immortal soul powerhouses who joined the Mythical Base came out one after another, and they could use their power to their heart's content.

The demons are coming. They will attack again. The earth will be tortured by the boiling blood of the devil. Everything in front of us will wither again. However, victory must belong to us, to mankind, and the glory of the earth will continue forever...

Ye Jue took a deep breath, and the Mountain God Pearl landed below the Shinhwa Base. The shock began violently, completely changing the underground soil structure and guarding the underground.


He flew away directly and faced the powerful tribes outside the territory alone.

Even children can understand that for the current earth, those powerful alien races are as powerful enemies as demons.

The Gate of the Gods has reappeared, and the powerful races outside the territory are howling with excitement. It seems that to lead the earth to endless glory, we must first compete with the saints and saints of the powerful races. Ye Shen...he's gone!

Some people who paid attention to Ye Jue's figure were infected with their own emotions. That figure was going to subvert everything and fight against the powerful tribes alone.

It's so touching...

Some people even shed tears. Did Ye Shen not want to implicate them?

That's why I chose to fight alone, with no one behind me to help...

Hey, hey, you are too great, who would know, you are just trying to trick people...

The God-killing Sword lingered around Ye Jue. When he heard these touching words from the earth, the corners of his mouth were cramped and his forehead was covered with black lines.

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